151 research outputs found

    In Memoriam: Val Nolan, Jr., 1920-2008

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    Medicinal and Edible Plants as Cancer Preventive Agents

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    In Memoriam: Val Nolan, Jr., 1920-2008

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    Inhibitory Effects of the Flower of Canadian Goldenrod (Solidago altissima L.) on Tumour Promotion Induced by 12-Otetradecanoylphorbol- 13-actete

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    Cancer prevention is an important issue in various healthcare fields; thus, we continue searching for potential useful compounds. This study focuses on the utilization of Canadian goldenrod, which is commonly seen growing on vacant land. Methanol extracts of the flower of Canadian goldenrod inhibited inflammation by 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) and inhibited promotion in the mouse skin two-stage carcinogenesis model. Five inhibitory compounds were isolated from the active fraction, and these compounds were identified as flavonoids; kaempferol (1), quercetin (2), kaempferol-3-O-rutinoside (3), querectin-3-O-rutinoside (4), and isorhamnetin-3-O-rutinoside (5). These compounds inhibited the inflammation induced by TPA, and the inhibitory effects were similar to indomethacin

    Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms as Promising Agents in Cancer

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    Antipredator vigilance in cooperatively breeding superb fairy-wrens ( Malurus cyaneus )

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    We studied 19 color-banded groups of the cooperatively breeding Superb Fairy-wren (Malurus cyaneus) to determine (1) the contributions of breeding and helper males to antipredator vigilance, (2) whether such vigilance reduces predation risk, and (3) the mechanisms by which it might do so. Time spent as a sentinel (perching and scanning from conspicuous locations within sight of the nest) increased with group size, but successful and depredated nests did not differ significantly in sentinel time, and sentinels did not appear to coordinate their vigilance. Both breeder and helper males acted as sentinels, and both were more vigilant when nests contained nestlings than when they contained eggs. Breeders with helpers spent more time as sentinels than those without helpers. Presence of a sentinel reduced the time feeding adults spent pausing to scan when approaching and leaving the nest. Thus, vigilance could enable a male to detect a predator and decoy it away from the nest site or prevent it from locating the nest by deferring feeding visits of other provisioners, but we could not demonstrate that it reduced nest predation by the major nest predator, the Pied Currawong (Strepera graculina)

    Avian visual ecologists should consider UV absorbance and all sensory modalities: A response to Wisenden et al. (2020)

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    In a recent publication, Wisenden et al. (2020) examined responses of territorial male Red-winged Blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) to models constructed with ultraviolet (UV)-reflective red epaulets for the purpose of determining if the addition of UV reflectance to epaulets ( UV+ ) changed the effectiveness of signals to receivers relative to control epaulets under field conditions. The authors hypothesized that UV+epaulet coloration represents a visual signal with increased efficacy in territorial interactions. They presented behavioral data but no visual modeling data. Our aims in this commentary are to suggest alternative terms to those used by the authors, to express concern about the use of sunscreen to manipulate the UV condition of surfaces, and to make a plea for additional data collection in future studies of avian visual ecology. The terms UV+ and UV- should be reserved for studies that create environments free from UV radiation for comparison with environments that include UV radiation. We believe that commercial sunscreens are not an appropriate choice for altering the UV conditions of surfaces presented during behavioral trials because they potentially introduce confounding influences from other sensory inputs or irritation of peripheral nerves. Wisenden et al. altered the UV absorbance of their sunscreen-treated models but did not present absorbance spectra and may not have collected those data. We acknowledge that the lack of absorbance spectra is not unusual. We implore any such future studies to collect absorbance spectra of treated and control surfaces so that those data may be used to improve visual models for UV-sensitive animals. Los ecĀ“ologos visuales de aves deben considerer la absorbencia UV y todas las modalidades sensoriales: respuesta a Wisenden et al. (2020) RESUMEN (Spanish)ā€”En una publicaciĀ“on reciente, Wisenden et al. (2020) examinaron las respuestas de machos territoriales del tordo Agelaius phoeniceus a modelos construidos con charreteras rojas reflejantes ultravioletas (UV) con el propĀ“osito de determinar si la adiciĀ“on de reflectancia a las charreteras (ā€˜ā€˜UVĆ¾ā€™ā€™) cambiaba la efectividad de las seĖœnales dirigidas a receptores en relaciĀ“on con charreteras ā€˜ā€˜controlā€™ā€™ bajo condiciones de campo. Los autores tenĀ“ıan la hipĀ“otesis de que ā€˜ā€˜la coloraciĀ“on UVĆ¾de las charreteras representa una seĖœnal visual con eficacia aumentada en interacciones territorialesā€™ā€™. Los autores presentaron datos conductuales pero no datos de modelado visual. Nuestra meta en este comentario es sugerir tĀ“erminos alternativos a aquellos empleados por los autores, expresar preocupaciĀ“on por el uso de bloqueador solar para manipular la condiciĀ“on UV de superficies y hacer un llamado para la colecta de datos adicionales en futuros estudios de ecologĀ“ıa visual aviar. Los tĀ“erminos UVĆ¾y UVā€“ deben estar reservados para comparaciones con ambientes que incluyan radiaciĀ“on UV. Pensamos que el uso de bloqueadores solares comerciales no es una elecciĀ“on adecuada para la alteraciĀ“on de las condiciones UV de superficies durante pruebas de comportamiento porque podrĀ“ıan introducir influencias confusas provenientes de otras seĖœnales sensoriales o irritar nervios perifĀ“ericos. Wisenden et al. alteraron la absorbencia UV de sus modelos tratados con bloqueador solar pero no presentaron espectros de absorbencia y podrĀ“ıan no haber colectado esos datos. Reconocemos que la carencia de espectros de absorbencia no es inusual. Pedimos que cualquier estudio futuro colecte espectros de absorbencia en superficies tratadas y controles para que esos datos puedan ser usados para mejorar los modelos visuales de animales sensibles a UV

    Genetic Alterations in Gorlin Syndrome

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    Gorlin syndrome (GS) is an autosomal dominant disorder that predisposes affected individuals to developmental defects and tumorigenesis, and caused mainly by heterozygous germline PTCH1 mutations. Despite exhaustive analysis, PTCH1 mutations are often unidentifiable in some patients; the failure to detect mutations is presumably because of mutations occurred in other causative genes or outside of analyzed regions of PTCH1, or copy number alterations (CNAs). In this study, we subjected a cohort of GS-affected individuals from six unrelated families to next-generation sequencing (NGS) analysis for the combined screening of causative alterations in Hedgehog signaling pathway-related genes. Specific single nucleotide variations (SNVs) of PTCH1 causing inferred amino acid changes were identified in four families (seven affected individuals), whereas CNAs within or around PTCH1 were found in two families in whom possible causative SNVs were not detected. Through a targeted resequencing of all coding exons, as well as simultaneous evaluation of copy number status using the alignment map files obtained via NGS, we found that GS phenotypes could be explained by PTCH1 mutations or deletions in all affected patients. Because it is advisable to evaluate CNAs of candidate causative genes in point mutation-negative cases, NGS methodology appears to be useful for improving molecular diagnosis through the simultaneous detection of both SNVs and CNAs in the targeted genes/regions

    Efficacy of Brazilian Propolis against Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Infection in Mice and Their Modes of Antiherpetic Efficacies

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    Ethanol extracts (AF-06, 07, and 08, 10ā€‰mg/kg) of Brazilian propolis were administered orally to cutaneously herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1)-infected mice three times daily on days 0 to 6 after infection to evaluate their efficacies against HSV-1 infection and significantly limited development of herpetic skin lesions. AF-07 and 08 significantly reduced virus titers in brain and/or skin on day 4 without toxicity, but AF-08 had no anti-HSV-1 activity in vitro. AF-06 and 08 significantly enhanced delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) to inactivated HSV-1 antigen in infected mice. Oral AF-08-administration significantly augmented interferon (IFN)-Ī³ production by HSV-1 antigen from splenocytes of HSV-1-infected mice, while direct exposure of splenocytes of infected mice to AF-06 significantly elevated IFN-Ī³ production in vitro. Thus, AF-08 might have components that are active in vivo even after oral administration and those of AF-06 might be active only in vitro. Because DTH is a major host defense for intradermal HSV-1 infection, augmentation of DTH response by AF-06 or 08, directly or indirectly, respectively, may contribute to their efficacies against HSV-1 infection. In addition, AF-06 and 07 possibly contain anti-HSV-1 components contributing to their efficacies. Such biological activities of Brazilian propolis may be useful to analyze its pharmacological actions

    Subtypes of Familial Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis in Japan Based on Genetic and Functional Analyses of Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes

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    BACKGROUND: Familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (FHL) is a rare disease of infancy or early childhood. To clarify the incidence and subtypes of FHL in Japan, we performed genetic and functional analyses of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) in Japanese patients with FHL. DESIGN AND METHODS: Among the Japanese children with hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) registered at our laboratory, those with more than one of the following findings were eligible for study entry under a diagnosis of FHL: positive for known genetic mutations, a family history of HLH, and impaired CTL-mediated cytotoxicity. Mutations of the newly identified causative gene for FHL5, STXBP2, and the cytotoxicity and degranulation activity of CTLs in FHL patients, were analyzed. RESULTS: Among 31 FHL patients who satisfied the above criteria, PRF1 mutation was detected in 17 (FHL2) and UNC13D mutation was in 10 (FHL3). In 2 other patients, 3 novel mutations of STXBP2 gene were confirmed (FHL5). Finally, the remaining 2 were classified as having FHL with unknown genetic mutations. In all FHL patients, CTL-mediated cytotoxicity was low or deficient, and degranulation activity was also low or absent except FHL2 patients. In 2 patients with unknown genetic mutations, the cytotoxicity and degranulation activity of CTLs appeared to be deficient in one patient and moderately impaired in the other. CONCLUSIONS: FHL can be diagnosed and classified on the basis of CTL-mediated cytotoxicity, degranulation activity, and genetic analysis. Based on the data obtained from functional analysis of CTLs, other unknown gene(s) responsible for FHL remain to be identified
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