44 research outputs found

    Szőlőmaradványok egy avar fegyveres férfi sírjából Dunaszentgyörgy-Kaszás-tanya lelőhelyről

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    Az M6-os autópálya építése során Dunaszentgyörgy-Kaszás-tanya lelőhelyen egy avar kori temető került feltárására, melyek nagy része a közép és késő avar korra keltezhető temetkezés. Az egyik férfi gazdag mellékletű sírjából, a medence tájékáról szőlőmagok kerültek napvilágra. Az avarok növénytermesztéséről nagyon keveset tudunk, éppen ezért az elmélyültebb, magasabb termesztéstechnológiai fejlettséget igénylő szőlő maradványainak előkerülése nagy jelentőséggel bír a hazai archaeobotanikai kutatás számára. A feltárt magokat részletes és precíz archeometriai (morfometriai) vizsgálatoknak vetettük alá a növénytani maradványok minél pontosabb meghatározása végett. A szőlőmaradványok szerencsés előkerülése számos információt közvetít az egykori temetkezési- és kulturális szokásokkal kapcsolatban

    The Archaeobotanical Assessment of Grave Samples from the Avar Age Cemetery of Nuštar (Eastern Croatia)

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    Mikro- i makroarheobotaničke analize odabranih kasnoavarodobnih grobova s arheološkog nalazišta Nuštar provedene su kako bi se otkrila interakcija između pogrebnih običaja i biljaka kasnoavarodobnog (710.–810.) stanovništva u istočnoj Hrvatskoj (hrvatskom Podunavlju). Tijekom istraživanja iz grobova je prikupljeno 108 uzoraka tla i sedimenta; zbog velike količine zemlje uzorci su prikupljani s različitih dubina i položaja unutar zapuna. Osim toga, prikupljeno je i nešto malo manje od 100 cijelih posuda sa sadržajem. Dvadeset uzoraka iz zapuna grobova za makroarheobotaničke analize, kao i deset uzoraka zemlje iz posuda za mikroarheobotaničke analize izabrano je prema “razlikovnom ključu” (uzorci iz svih spolnih i dobnih skupina, te različitih tipova ukopa). Nijedan od uzoraka nije sadržavao velike količine sjemena ili ostataka plodova; općenito ih se sve može obilježiti kao loše arheobotaničke cjeline. Identificirani biljni makroostaci odnose se na šest različitih žitarica i tri različite vrste korova. Žitarice čine 67,31% ukupnog uzorka, korov čini 12,50%, a preostalih 15,38% hranu. Fitolitske analize pokazale su prisutnost fitolita povezanih sa žitaricama, ali većina uzoraka smatra se sterilnim. Na osnovi mikro- i makroarheobotaničkih istraživanja odabranih grobova kasnoavarodobnog groblja možemo pretpostaviti da upotreba biljaka u pogrebnim običajima na arheološkom nalazištu Nuštar nije igrala značajnu ulogu. U svjetlu prethodno proučavanih kasnoavarodobnih naselja i groblja u zemljopisnom okruženju (Karpatska kotlina i srednje Podunavlje) čini nam se da su u slučaju obrednog i grobnog konteksta proizvodi životinjskog podrijetla možda imali važniju ulogu.Micro- and macro-archaeobotanical investigations were carried out on a selection of Late Avar graves from the archaeological site of Nuštar with the aim to reveal interactions between burial customs and plants of the Late Avar (710–810) population in Eastern Croatia (Croatian Danube region). During the excavation 108 soil and sediment samples were collected from the graves; due to the fact that there was a great amount of material, samples were collected from different depths and places in graves. Moreover, a little less than 100 whole vessel contents were recovered. Twenty sediment samples from grave-fill for macro-archaeobotanical study, as well as ten samples from vessels for micro-archaeobotanical study were chosen according to a “difference key” (samples from all gender and age and different burials). Overall the archaeobotanical assemblages were poor with none of the samples yielding high amounts of seed or fruit remains. Thus, only six different cereals and three different weed species were identified. Cereals form 67.31% of the entire assemblage, whilst weeds form 12.50% and food remains 15.38%. Phytolith analyses also show the presence of cereal related phytoliths, but most of the samples were considered sterile. Based on the micro- and macro-archaeobotanical investigations of selected graves from the Late Avar cemetery we may consider that the use of plants in burial customs at Nuštar did not play a significant role. In light of previous studies at Late Avar settlements and cemeteries in the surrounding geographical environment (Carpathian Basin, and Middle Danube valley) animal-derived products might have therefore had a more prominent role in ritual and burial contexts

    The Archaeobotanical Assessment of Grave Samples from the Avar Age Cemetery of Nuštar (Eastern Croatia)

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    Mikro- i makroarheobotaničke analize odabranih kasnoavarodobnih grobova s arheološkog nalazišta Nuštar provedene su kako bi se otkrila interakcija između pogrebnih običaja i biljaka kasnoavarodobnog (710.–810.) stanovništva u istočnoj Hrvatskoj (hrvatskom Podunavlju). Tijekom istraživanja iz grobova je prikupljeno 108 uzoraka tla i sedimenta; zbog velike količine zemlje uzorci su prikupljani s različitih dubina i položaja unutar zapuna. Osim toga, prikupljeno je i nešto malo manje od 100 cijelih posuda sa sadržajem. Dvadeset uzoraka iz zapuna grobova za makroarheobotaničke analize, kao i deset uzoraka zemlje iz posuda za mikroarheobotaničke analize izabrano je prema “razlikovnom ključu” (uzorci iz svih spolnih i dobnih skupina, te različitih tipova ukopa). Nijedan od uzoraka nije sadržavao velike količine sjemena ili ostataka plodova; općenito ih se sve može obilježiti kao loše arheobotaničke cjeline. Identificirani biljni makroostaci odnose se na šest različitih žitarica i tri različite vrste korova. Žitarice čine 67,31% ukupnog uzorka, korov čini 12,50%, a preostalih 15,38% hranu. Fitolitske analize pokazale su prisutnost fitolita povezanih sa žitaricama, ali većina uzoraka smatra se sterilnim. Na osnovi mikro- i makroarheobotaničkih istraživanja odabranih grobova kasnoavarodobnog groblja možemo pretpostaviti da upotreba biljaka u pogrebnim običajima na arheološkom nalazištu Nuštar nije igrala značajnu ulogu. U svjetlu prethodno proučavanih kasnoavarodobnih naselja i groblja u zemljopisnom okruženju (Karpatska kotlina i srednje Podunavlje) čini nam se da su u slučaju obrednog i grobnog konteksta proizvodi životinjskog podrijetla možda imali važniju ulogu.Micro- and macro-archaeobotanical investigations were carried out on a selection of Late Avar graves from the archaeological site of Nuštar with the aim to reveal interactions between burial customs and plants of the Late Avar (710–810) population in Eastern Croatia (Croatian Danube region). During the excavation 108 soil and sediment samples were collected from the graves; due to the fact that there was a great amount of material, samples were collected from different depths and places in graves. Moreover, a little less than 100 whole vessel contents were recovered. Twenty sediment samples from grave-fill for macro-archaeobotanical study, as well as ten samples from vessels for micro-archaeobotanical study were chosen according to a “difference key” (samples from all gender and age and different burials). Overall the archaeobotanical assemblages were poor with none of the samples yielding high amounts of seed or fruit remains. Thus, only six different cereals and three different weed species were identified. Cereals form 67.31% of the entire assemblage, whilst weeds form 12.50% and food remains 15.38%. Phytolith analyses also show the presence of cereal related phytoliths, but most of the samples were considered sterile. Based on the micro- and macro-archaeobotanical investigations of selected graves from the Late Avar cemetery we may consider that the use of plants in burial customs at Nuštar did not play a significant role. In light of previous studies at Late Avar settlements and cemeteries in the surrounding geographical environment (Carpathian Basin, and Middle Danube valley) animal-derived products might have therefore had a more prominent role in ritual and burial contexts

    Facts to the landscape history of the Öreg-Bakony Mountains

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    Insulin Signaling in Liver and Adipose Tissues in Periparturient Dairy Cows Supplemented with Dietary Nicotinic Acid

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    The glucose homeostasis in dairy cattle is very well controlled, in line with the metabolic adaptation during the periparturient period. Former studies showed that nicotinic acid (NA) lowered plasma non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) concentrations and increased insulin sensitivity in dairy cows. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate whether the expression of proteins involved in hepatic and adipose insulin signaling and protein expression of hepatic glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2) were affected by dietary NA and dietary concentrate intake in periparturient dairy cows. Twenty pluriparous German Holstein cows were fed with the same diet from about 21 days before the expected calving date (d-21) to calving. After calving, cows were randomly assigned in 4 groups and fed with diets different in concentrate proportion ("HC" with 60:40% or "LC" with 30:70% concentrate-to-roughage ratio) and supplemented with NA (24 g/day) (NA) or without (CON) until d21. Biopsy samples were taken from the liver, subcutaneous (SCAT) and retroperitoneal (RPAT) adipose tissues at d-21 and d21. Protein expression of insulin signaling molecules (insulin receptor (INSR), phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K), protein kinase C zeta (PKC zeta)) and hepatic GLUT2 was measured by Western Blotting. The ratio of protein expression at d21/at d-21 was calculated and statistically evaluated for the effects of time and diet. Cows in HC had significantly higher dietary energy intake than cows in LC. In RPAT a decrease in PI3K and PKC zeta expression was found in all groups, irrespectively of diet. In the liver, the GLUT2 expression was significantly lower in cows in NA compared with cows in CON. In conclusion, insulin signaling might be decreased in RPAT over time without any effect of diet. NA was able to modulate hepatic GLUT2 expression, but its physiological role is unclear


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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 Szent István University, Institute of Nature Conservation and Landscape Management. All rights reserved.Burial mounds, known as kurgans, are characteristic landscape monuments of the Central and Eastern European plains, including the Great Hungarian Plain. These formations are not only highly important from the archaeological and cultural heritage protection perspective. Their nature conservation value is also outstanding, as in many cases they are home to valuable flora and fauna elements. They are time capsules that hide invaluable information about the burial practice and the human remains placed in the grave. They are also unique in respect of environmental history. In the case of the kurgan, excavated at Zagolya-dulo near Hajdúnánás, the phenomenon of cultural recycling could be identified. The original Yamnaya burial mound was re-used many times by later cultures. Imprints of the Baden inhabitation, and footprints of much later cultures of the Migration Period and the Árpád Ages were also detected. In this paper we summarize the results of the systematic stratigraphic and the related archaeological features' soil analyses. In addition to the observations of the on-site soil examination (soil morphology), we also present the soil physical and chemical data obtained by high-resolution sampling and laboratory analyses. Data of the field survey and laboratory tests are supplemented by macroarchaeobotanical and phytolith analyses as well. By this interdisciplinary approach, we not only provide a detailed soil and sediment description of the kurgan, but also highlight the advantages of conjoint methodologies.Peer reviewe

    Mikroalga takarmánykiegészítés hatása brojlercsirkéknél

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    Ma már biotechnológiai módszerekkel jóval költséghatékonyabban lehetséges iparszerű méretekben előállítani a mikroalgákat, így olcsóbbá váltak a takarmányipar számára is. A vizsgálatunkban Cobb 500 kakasokat tanulmányoztunk: kontroll (K) (n=40) és alga-kiegészítésben részesült (A) csoportra osztva (n=40). A kísérleti csoport takarmányadagjába 5%-os arányban került bekeverésre a Schizochytrium limacinum mikroalga. Az állatok testtömege a nevelési időszak alatt szignifikánsan csak a 10. napon tért el (p<0,05) (K: 257,33g; A: 285,33g). A takarmányfogyasztásban is ebben az időszakban volt megfigyelhető különbség (K: 283,7g; A: 321,4g). A takarmányértékesítése az első mérési időpont kivételével az algás (A) csoport volt jobb. Habár egyik fenti mérésből adódó különbség esetén sem volt statisztikailag igazolt eltérés. A húsminőség vizsgálatoknál (CIELAB L*a*b*) a csoportok húsmintái szignifikánsan nem tértek el egymástól, azonban az alga-kiegészítésben részesült csoportban pirosabb hússzín volt megfigyelhető, nagyrészt ennek köszönhetően a színinger különbség ’észrevehető’ (E*KA: 1,67). A kiolvadási veszteség tekintetében sem mutatható ki szignifikáns különbség (p= 0,1045) (K: 7,59%; A: 5,27%), csakúgy, mint a sütési veszteségnél (p= 0,646) (K: 10,24%; A: 10,77%) a hűlési veszteség esetén (p= 0,341) (K: 8,154%; A: 8,85%). A porhanyóssági vizsgálat tekintetében sem volt statisztikailag igazolható különbség (p=0,2839) (K: 3,57 kg, A 3,74 kg)