663 research outputs found

    Procedural content generation of virtual terrain for games

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    Abstract. Game developers use Procedural Content Generation (PCG) in aid of game development to reduce costs, reach better memory consumption, increase creativity, and augment our limited human imagination by generating content algorithmically. Virtual terrain is one of the main topics of PCG; how well do these techniques support the special needs of game level design? To answer this question, a literature review was conducted to analyse correlation between the capabilities of various PCG-techniques and the needs of level design patterns. We observed that techniques permitting higher degree of local control increased their applicability for virtual terrain in games and that traditional fractal techniques, such as the midpoint displacement method and noise-functions, performed poorly despite their popularity. Our foremost contributions to this field of study were new insights towards more suitable PCG-techniques for use in game development

    Se oli kesä ja kuutamoilta, lavatanssit ja haitari soi:harmonikansoittajan kasvupolku tanssimusiikkiin

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää harmonikansoittajien kehitystä tanssimuusikoiksi. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan, millaiset seikat ovat johtaneet ja tukeneet tanssimuusikon uralle hakeutumista. Tutkielman aihe on tärkeä, koska aikaisempaa tutkimusmateriaalia ei juurikaan löydy Suomesta, ja koska harmonikkamusiikki suomalaisen tanssimusiikin erityisosa-alueena on musiikkikulttuurillisesti ainutlaatuinen. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen tausta muodostuu muusikon identiteetin käsitteen ja identiteetin kehittymisen ympärille. Musiikin oppimista on tarkasteltu formaalin, musiikkioppilaitoksessa tapahtuvan oppimisen lisäksi informaalina oppimisena, joka on tyypillistä populaarimusiikin piirissä. Tutkimus toteutettiin joulukuussa 2020. Tutkimukseen osallistuneet harmonikansoittajat ovat tanssimuusikkoja, joiden ura tanssimusiikin ammattilaisina vaihteli 10–40 vuoden välillä. Tutkimus on laadullinen ja haastattelumetodina on käytetty kerronnallista haastattelumenetelmää. Aineisto on analysoitu temaattista analyysia apuna käyttäen ja aineistosta nousi lopulta esille neljä pääteemaa. Tutkimustuloksista selvisi, että haastateltavien kasvupoluissa oli yhteneväisyyksiä. Tanssimusiikkiin on ikään kuin kasvettu, sillä sitä on kuultu lapsesta saakka. Lisäksi harmonikan osalta monella oli ollut kyseiseen soittimeen kosketuspintaa aivan lapsuudesta saakka, sillä soitin on löytynyt jo kotoa. Harmonikkaa oltiin lisäksi kuultu radiosta tai nähty televisiosta, mikä oli vaikuttanut soittimen valintaan. Keikkailu oli aloitettu nuorena ja suurimmalla osalla ammatillinen siirtyminen tanssimuusikoksi oli tapahtunut armeijan jälkeen. Tanssimusiikin soittaminen koettiin luonnollisena jatkumona harmonikansoittajana ja tanssimusiikki oli juuri mieleistä soitettavaa. Jokainen näki uransa jatkuvan tanssimuusikkona tulevaisuudessa

    Increasing the Inflammatory Competence of Macrophages with IL-6 or with Combination of IL-4 and LPS Restrains the Invasiveness of Pancreatic Cancer Cells

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    Recent studies suggest that pro-inflammatory type M1 macrophages inhibit tumor progression and that anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages enhance it. The aim of this study was to examine the interaction of type M1 and M2 macrophages with pancreatic cancer cells. We studied the migration rate of fluorescein stained pancreatic cancer cells on Matrigel cultured alone or with Granulocyte- Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (GM-CSF) differentiated macrophages or with Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (M-CSF) differentiated macrophages, skewing the phenotype towards pro- and anti-inflammatory direction, respectively. Macrophage differentiation was assessed with flow cytometry and the cytokine secretion in cell cultures with cytokine array. Both GM-CSF and M-CSF differentiated macrophages increased the migration rate of primary pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell line (MiaPaCa-2) and metastatic cell line (HPAF-II). Stimulation with IL6 or IL4+ LPS reversed the macrophages' increasing effect on the migration rate of Mi-aPaCa-2 completely and partly of HPAF-II. Co-culture with MiaPaCa-2 reduced the inflammatory cytokine secretion of GM-CSF differentiated macrophages. Co-culture of macrophages with pancreatic cancer cells seem to change the inflammatory cytokine profile of GM-CSF differentiated macrophages and this might explain why also GM-CSF differentiated macrophages promoted the invasion. Adding IL6 or IL4+ LPS to the cell culture with MiaPaCa-2 and GM-CSF or M-CSF differentiated macrophages increased the secretion of inflammatory cytokines and this could contribute to the reversion of the macrophage induced increase of cancer cell migration rate.Peer reviewe

    Alternative oxidase confers nutritional limitation on Drosophila development

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    The mitochondrial alternative oxidase, AOX, present in most eukaryotes apart from vertebrates and insects, catalyzes the direct oxidation of ubiquinol by oxygen, by‐passing the terminal proton‐motive steps of the respiratory chain. Its physiological role is not fully understood, but it is proposed to buffer stresses in the respiratory chain similar to those encountered in mitochondrial diseases in humans. Previously, we found that the ubiquitous expression of AOX from Ciona intestinalis in Drosophila perturbs the development of flies cultured under low‐nutrient conditions (media containing only glucose and yeast). Here we tested the effects of a wide range of nutritional supplements on Drosophila development, to gain insight into the physiological mechanism underlying this developmental failure. On low‐nutrient medium, larvae contained decreased amounts of triglycerides, lactate, and pyruvate, irrespective of AOX expression. Complex food supplements, including treacle (molasses), restored normal development to AOX‐expressing flies, but many individual additives did not. Inhibition of AOX by treacle extract was excluded as a mechanism, since the supplement did not alter the enzymatic activity of AOX in vitro. Furthermore, antibiotics did not influence the organismal phenotype, indicating that commensal microbes were not involved. Fractionation of treacle identified a water‐soluble fraction with low solubility in ethanol, rich in lactate and tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates, which contained the critical activity. We propose that the partial activation of AOX during metamorphosis impairs the efficient use of stored metabolites, resulting in developmental failure.</p

    Androgen receptor phosphorylation, turnover, nuclear transport, and transcriptional activation : specificity for steroids and antihormones

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    Nuclear transport, phosphorylation, ligand binding, and degradation rate of the recombinant androgen receptor (AR) were analyzed in transfected COS cells in the presence of various steroids and antiandrogens. Transcriptional activation was assessed in CV1 cells by cotransfection with an androgen-responsive chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) reporter vector. Hormone binding specificity of recombinant AR was essentially identical to endogenous AR. AR localized in the nucleus in the presence of methyltrienolone (R1881, a synthetic androgen), dihydrotestosterone, testosterone, hydroxyflutamide, cyproterone acetate, estradiol, progesterone, and RU486. In the absence of hormone or with the antiandrogen, flutamide, AR remained largely in the cytoplasm with a perinuclear distribution. AR was degraded rapidly (t1/2 = 1 h) except in the presence of androgen (t1/2 = 6 h) which accounted for an apparent 2-4-fold androgen-induced increase in AR phosphorylation, indicating that AR phosphorylation was not enhanced by androgen. CAT activity was stimulated by R1881, dihydrotestosterone, testosterone, cyproterone acetate, estradiol, progesterone, and RU486 in a dose-dependent manner. The antiandrogens, flutamide and hydroxyflutamide, lacked agonist activity and inhibited R1881-induced activation of CAT and androgen stabilization of AR. Steroids and antiandrogens with moderate to low affinity for AR promoted both nuclear transport and transcriptional activation but only at high hormone concentrations. Hydroxyflutamide acted as a true antiandrogen since it lacked agonist activity and was an inhibitor of androgen-induced transcriptional activation

    Relationship of faecal calprotectin and long-term outcomes in Finnish patients with Crohn's disease : retrospective multi-centre chart review study

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    Background and Aims: A retrospective non-interventional, multi-centre patient chart review study was conducted to investigate the association of faecal calprotectin (FC) 1 year (+/- 2 months) after biological therapy initiation with composite event-free survival (CEFS) consisting of surgical procedures, corticosteroid initiation, treatment failure or dose increase in patients with Crohn's disease (CD). In addition, the correlations of FC and other tests of disease activity were assessed. Materials and methods: Data on Finnish CD patients initiating a biological therapy between 2010 and 2016, were collected. The association of FC and CEFS was analysed with Kaplan-Meier and Cox proportional hazard modelling. The correlations were tested with Pearson's test. Results: Biological therapy was initiated in 186 patients, of which 87 (46.8%) had FC results available at 1 year and 80 had follow-up exceeding 14 months. The characteristics of patients with and without FC results were similar. Patients with elevated FC (>250 mu g/g) had a significantly increased risk of experiencing composite event (HR 3.4, 95% CI: 1.3-8.9; p = .013) when compared to patients with normal FC (FCPeer reviewe

    Prospective study on the effect of short-term androgen deprivation therapy on PSMA uptake evaluated with 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET/MRI in men with treatment-naïve prostate cancer

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    PURPOSE: Based on in vitro studies, it is known that androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) increases prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) expression. Therefore, we hypothesised that ADT improves the performance of PSMA-PET imaging in primary staging of prostate cancer. The purpose of the study was to demonstrate the time course effect of ADT on PSMA uptake in different types of metastatic lesions evaluated with 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET/MRI.METHODS: Nine men with treatment-naïve prostate cancer were enrolled to a prospective, registered (NCT03313726) clinical trial. A 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET/MRI was performed once before and 3 times post-ADT (degarelix, Firmagon). Change of maximum standardised uptake values (SUVmax) in prostate, lymph nodes, bone metastases, and physiologically PSMA-avid organs were evaluated in a time frame of 1-8 weeks.RESULTS: All patients reached castration levels within 10 days, and 50% decrease in prostate-specific antigen (PSA) concentration was observed 14 days post-ADT. A heterogeneous increase in PSMA uptake was observed 3 to 4 weeks post-ADT. This phenomenon was definitively more evident in bone metastases: 13 (57%) of the metastasis, with a mean (range) SUVmax increase of 77% (8-238%). In one patient, already having bone metastases at baseline, three new bone metastases were observed post-ADT. Of lesions with reduced SUVmax, none disappeared.CONCLUSIONS: Both in patient and region level, increase in PSMA uptake post-ADT is heterogenous and is seen most evidently in bone metastases. Preliminary results on a small cohort of patients suggest the clinical impact of ADT on improving the performance of 68Ga-PSMA PET in staging seems to be minor. However, the optimal imaging time point might be 3 to 4 weeks post-ADT. Since none of the metastases with decreasing SUVmax disappeared, it seems that short-term usage of ADT does not interfere with the interpretation of 68Ga-PSMA PET.TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT03313726, registered 18 October 2017; EUDRA-CT, 2017-002345-29.</p