25 research outputs found

    Účinky psilocybinu na konsolidaci paměti u potkana

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    Psychedelika jsou v současné době intenzivně zkoumána pro svůj dlouho trvající antidepresivní účinek, pozitivní vliv na úzkosti, náladu a neuroplasticitu. Mechanismus, kterým však tyto účinky způsobují je i nadále málo vysvětlen. V této práci jsme se zaměřili na aspekt jejich působení, který byl doposud téměř neprozkoumán. Je jím potenciální provázanost působení psilocybinu a vlivu spánku na konsolidaci paměti. Tvorba paměti je u zvířat i lidí velmi zásadně ovlivněna kvalitou spánku, což nás vedlo k tomu zhodnotit tyto účinky pomocí prostorových paměťových úloh. Naší hypotézou bylo, že dávka psilocybinu aplikovaná po učení by mohla mít pozitivní vliv na konsolidaci takto vzniklé paměti u potkana. Abychom určili, zda-li existuje nějaká interakce se spánkem, podrobili jsme potkany různým kombinacím aplikace psilocybinu a kontrolního vehiklu se spánkem a spánkovou deprivací. Výsledky behaviourálních úloh nepotvrdily, že by k takové interakci docházelo. Dále jsem se zabývali také vlivem psilocybinu a manipulace se spánkem na neuroplasticitu. Sledovali jsme expresi časného raného genu, Arc proteinu, a markeru nevyspělých neuronů doublecortinu v hippokampu. Exprese doublecortinu nebyla ovlivněna žádným z faktorů, nicméně exprese Arc proteinu měla v případě zvířat, která obdržela psilocybin a mohla v...Psychedelics are currently being researched due to their long-lasting antidepressant, anxiolytic and neuroplasticity inducing actions. The mechanism by which they induce these effects remains poorly understood. Here, we decided to investigate a relatively unexplored possibility. A potential interaction of psilocybin administration and sleep and their combined effects on memory consolidation. Memory formation in animals and humans is greatly influenced by sleep manipulation which led us to assess the possibility with spatial memory tasks. We hypothesized that acute psilocybin administration after learning may have a beneficial influence on memory consolidation in rats. To determine whether an interaction with sleep exists we also subjected the rats to combinations of psilocybin and control vehicle with normal sleep and sleep deprivation. Our data did not suggest such an interaction exists. Secondly, we tried to find out if psilocybin and sleep manipulation leads to changes in neuroplasticity-related events. A process that could very likely be the basis of such a proposed beneficial effect. For this purpose, we analysed the expression of the immediate-early gene Arc and the immature neuron marker doublecortin in the rat hippocampus. Doublecortin's expression was not influenced by any of the factors....Department of PhysiologyKatedra fyziologieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Sink or swim: Virtual life challenges among African American families during COVID-19 lockdown

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    This study explores African American parents’ experiences with using technology toengage their children in meaningful activities (e.g., e-learning) during COVID-19 and its impact on family health. Eleven African American families were recruited through a local health department program from a rural Midwestern community to participate in semi-structured interviews. The majority of participants reported stresses from feelings of “sink or swim” in a digital world, without supports from schools to effectively provide for their children’s technology needs. The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the importance of family-school collaborative engagement and empowerment. Digital technology needs to become part of our school education system so that technology use among African Americans is elevated and families protected against future outbreaks. Further research with a more diverse African American sample is needed

    Insulin resistance and associated factors among HIV-infected patients in sub-Saharan Africa: a cross sectional study from Cameroon

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    BACKGROUND: Little is known on the magnitude and correlates of insulin resistance in HIV-infected people in Africa. We determined the prevalence of insulin resistance and investigated associated factors in HIV-infected adult Cameroonians. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional study at the Yaoundé Central Hospital, Cameroon; during which we enrolled HIV-infected people aged 30 to 74 years with no previous history of cardiovascular disease. An homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) like index served to assess insulin sensitivity with insulin resistance defined by values of 2.1 or higher. RESULTS: We included 452 patients (20% men). Their mean age was 44.4 ± 9.8 years and 88.5% of them were on antiretroviral therapy (93.3% on first line regimen including Zidovudine, lamivudine and Efavirenz/Nevirapine). Of all participants, 28.5% were overweight, 19.5% had obesity and 2.0% had diabetes. The prevalence of insulin resistance was 47.3% without any difference between patients on ART and those ART-naïve (48.5% vs. 38.5%; p = 0.480). Obesity was the only factor independently associated with insulin resistance (adjusted odds ratio: 2.28; 95% confidence interval: 1.10-4.72). CONCLUSION: Insulin resistance is present in nearly half of HIV-infected patients in Cameroon despite a low prevalence rate of diabetes, and is associated with obesity

    Statistical Analysis of Deviance among Children in Makurdi Metropolis

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    This study sampled a total of four hundred and three individuals from designated households in Makurdi metropolis, Benue State. The study respondents responded to a self-report survey which gathered information on three deviant acts: alcoholism, smoking and dropping out of school. Criteria for deviant acts were defined, and each of the three acts was analyzed against the criteria of the type of family. Propensities toward deviance were identified against three normative dimensions – single parent (mother), single parent (father), both parents. The most prevalent deviance among children from single parents is children dropping out of school while that of children from two parents is alcoholism. It is the conclusion of this study that home background and family type has a correlation with deviant behavior. Based on this, there is need for youth employment, government intervention and awareness education on parental responsibility. Keywords: Households, deviance, drooping out of school, smoking and alcoholis

    The effect of psilocybin on memory consolidation in rats

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    Psychedelics are currently being researched due to their long-lasting antidepressant, anxiolytic and neuroplasticity inducing actions. The mechanism by which they induce these effects remains poorly understood. Here, we decided to investigate a relatively unexplored possibility. A potential interaction of psilocybin administration and sleep and their combined effects on memory consolidation. Memory formation in animals and humans is greatly influenced by sleep manipulation which led us to assess the possibility with spatial memory tasks. We hypothesized that acute psilocybin administration after learning may have a beneficial influence on memory consolidation in rats. To determine whether an interaction with sleep exists we also subjected the rats to combinations of psilocybin and control vehicle with normal sleep and sleep deprivation. Our data did not suggest such an interaction exists. Secondly, we tried to find out if psilocybin and sleep manipulation leads to changes in neuroplasticity-related events. A process that could very likely be the basis of such a proposed beneficial effect. For this purpose, we analysed the expression of the immediate-early gene Arc and the immature neuron marker doublecortin in the rat hippocampus. Doublecortin's expression was not influenced by any of the factors...

    Methadone and its usage in treatment of opioid drug addiction

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    Methadone, a synthetic opioid created in the 1940s is a potent mu opioid receptor agonist. Opioid receptors form a sub-group of the GPCR super-family. Their most significant role is the inhibition of neural pathways by regulating the activity of ionic channels and effector proteins. µ-opioid receptors are the site of action of heroin, methadone and other classical opioid agonists. Due to the opioid receptors distribution in both the central nervous system and peripheral tissues, methadone affects a wide variety of functions in the organism. Methadone induces many of the effects of classical opioids including analgesia, respiratory suppression, sedation, euphoria. While originally being developed as an analgesic it had soon shown potential for other therapeutic methods. Methadone maintenance therapy was introduced in 1963, by professor Vincent P. Dole and his team. It quickly became clear that methadone substitution therapy is indeed very effective and shows the highest ability to retain patients. Thanks to its high oral bioavailability, higher intrinsic efficacy and long terminal half-life methadone is the first choice drug for opioid substitution therapy. Methadone, used in appropriate doses produces only mild adverse effects and has the ability to normalize physiological homeostasis disrupted by..

    Methadon a jeho využití při léčbě pacientů závislých na opioidech

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    Metadon, syntetický opioid vytvořený ve 40. Letech, je silným agonistou mu opioidních receptorů. Opioidní receptory jsou podskupinou super-rodiny GPCR. Jejich nejdůležitější funkcí je inhibice nervových přenosů pomocí regulace activity iontových kanálů a efektorových proteinů. µ-opioidní receptory jsou hlavním místem působení heroinu, metadonu a jiných klasických opioidních agonistů. Díky distribuci opioidních receptorů v centrální nervové soustavě a periferních tkáních je metadon schopen působit na širokou škálu funkcí v organismu. Metadon vyvolává mnoho s běžných účinků opioidů jako jsou analgeze, seadace, deprese dýchacího centra, euforie aj. I přes původní záměr syntézy metadonu jakožto analgetika byly velmi brzy objeveny jeho vlastnosti použitelné pro jiné účely. Výzkum metadonové substituční terapie byl započat v roce 1963 profesorem Vincentem P. Dolem a jeho týmem. Velice rychle se prokázalo, že substituční terapie poskytuje z dlouhodobého hlediska zdaleka největší úspěchy rehabilitace pacientů závislých na opiátech. Díky vysoké biodostupnosti, relativní účinnosti a dlouhému poločasu rozpadu je metadon nejvíce využívanou látkou pro substituční terapii. Metadon podávaný v přiměřených dávkách vyvolává pouze slabé nežádoucí účinky, a zároveň je schopen znovu nastolit fyziologickou rovnováhu...Methadone, a synthetic opioid created in the 1940s is a potent mu opioid receptor agonist. Opioid receptors form a sub-group of the GPCR super-family. Their most significant role is the inhibition of neural pathways by regulating the activity of ionic channels and effector proteins. µ-opioid receptors are the site of action of heroin, methadone and other classical opioid agonists. Due to the opioid receptors distribution in both the central nervous system and peripheral tissues, methadone affects a wide variety of functions in the organism. Methadone induces many of the effects of classical opioids including analgesia, respiratory suppression, sedation, euphoria. While originally being developed as an analgesic it had soon shown potential for other therapeutic methods. Methadone maintenance therapy was introduced in 1963, by professor Vincent P. Dole and his team. It quickly became clear that methadone substitution therapy is indeed very effective and shows the highest ability to retain patients. Thanks to its high oral bioavailability, higher intrinsic efficacy and long terminal half-life methadone is the first choice drug for opioid substitution therapy. Methadone, used in appropriate doses produces only mild adverse effects and has the ability to normalize physiological homeostasis disrupted by...Department of Cell BiologyKatedra buněčné biologiePřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc