16 research outputs found

    Wuak Piuak Organoleptic Study of Traditional Food Modified Using Cassava (Manihot Utilissima)

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    Wuak piuak is a kind of traditional food comes from Kapur IX, Limapuluh Kota Regency. It is usually presented in local traditional events. The Existence of this food unfortunately started to be disappeared and slowly not recognized by young generations.. It is expected by modifying this kind of food using cassava will make it known back. Complete Randomly Design (CRD) was used in this case by five treatments and three replications for organoleptic test. The test be assessed by asking which kind of most preferred product from some treatments of texture, colour, aroma, taste, appearance. The high value stated the most preferred product whereas the lowest value was most un-preferred one.   Advanced test from data was done by using Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) at 5 % significance level.  The result showed that the treatment by adding 100% of cassava was the most preferred and had high value of texture, aroma, colour and taste

    Processing Coconut Fiber and Shell to Biodiesel

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    Based on research conducted, liquid smoke coming from the husk and coconut shell containing 58-70% Methyl Ester as biodiesel-forming compounds. Then conducted research for the manufacture of methyl esters of liquid smoke based on differences in their boiling points. The purpose of this research is the development of tools producing liquid smoke, liquid smoke processing into biodiesel, biodiesel testing with the diesel engine and the determination of the proper blending between biodiesel. The method used in this study is a phase of making tools, raw material preparation, testing tools  for liquid smoke production, purification, separation of methyl esters and methyl esters testing by blending in diesel engines. Obtained from research conducted work capacity device of liquid smoke 1:22 kg / hour with a yield of 32.17%. Performance test  by blending biodiesel B10, B20, B30, B40, B50 and B100 with a 6.5 HP engine capable of running a diesel engine with performance that is not much different, more smoke clear, odorless and lighter engine speed

    Studi Proses Pembuatan Biodiesel dari Minyak Kelapa (Coconut Oil) dengan Bantuan Gelombang Ultrasonik

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    Biodisel dapat dibuat melalui proses metanolisis berbagai minyak nabati seperti minyak kelapa, minyak kelapa sawit, minyak kedelai dan lain-lain. Minyak kelapa memiliki potensi besar untuk digunakan sebagai bahan baku dalam pembuatan biodisel karena ketersediaannya yang berlimpah. Gelombang ultrasonik dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan konversi reaksi dan mempercepat laju reaksi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari pengaruh penggunaan gelombang ultrasonik dalam proses transesterifikasi minyak kelapa, perbandingan pereaksi, konsentrasi katalisator dan aktivasi metanol terhadap konversi reaksi. Katalisator natrium hidroksida dengan berat tertentu dilarutkan di dalam metanol dalam volum tertentu. Setelah terlarut sempurna bersamaan dengan minyak kelapa dimasukkan ke dalam reaktor dan reaksi dijalankan. Sampel diambil setiap interval 10 menit untuk dianalisis kandungan asam lemaknya. Reaksi dihentikan setelah mencapai waktu 60 menit. Setelah itu, biodisel yang terbentuk dipisahkan dari gliserol dan dimurnikan. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa transesterifikasi minyak kelapa dapat dipacu dengan bantuan gelombang ultrasonik. Konversi reaksi yang dicapai empat kali lebih besar (85,66%) dibandingkan dengan konversi pada proses konvensional (20,15%). Proses dilakukan pada kondisi operasi yang sama; perbandingan pereaksi 5 mgek metanol/mgek minyak, 1% berat katalisator, dan suhu awal reaksi 60°C. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan semakin tinggi perbandingan ekivalen metanol-minyak, semakin tinggi konversi reaksi yang dicapai. Kata kunci: biodisel, minyak kelapa, transesterifikasi, gelombang ultrasonik, tetapan laju reaksi Biodiesel is produced by methanolysis of various vegetable oils such as coconut oil, palm oil, seed oil, soybean oil, etc. Coconut oil has the potential as a raw material for making biodiesel due its abundant availability. The use of the ultrasonic waves can increase conversion and reaction rate. The objective of this study was to study the effect of the use of ultrasonic waves on the transesterification of coconut oil, the ratio of reactants, catalyst concentration, and activation of methanol on the reaction conversion. Sodium hydroxide catalyst with a specific weight was dissolved in methanol with a certain volume. After dissolvtion was completed, the reactants including coconut oil with a certain volume were put into the reactor, and reaction was then started. Samples were taken every 10 minute intervals for analysis of fatty acids. The reaction was stopped after 60 minutes. Furthermore, biodiesel was separated from glycerol and purified. Experimental results showed that transesterification of coconut oil could be improved with the help of ultrasonic waves. The obtained conversion was 4 times higher (85,66%) than the conversions generated in the conventional process (20,15%) The process was done in the same condition which was the ratio of reactants of 5 mgek methanol / mgek oil, catalyst 1% by weight oil and the initial reaction temperature of 60C. The greater the ratio of methanol-oil equivalent, the higher reaction conversion is. Keywords: biodiesel, coconut oil, transesterification, ultrasonic wave, reaction rate constan


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    Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui penerimaan panelis terhadap 3 formula minuman kahwa daun mix. Formula minuman kahwa daun mix terdiri dari bubuk kahwa daun, susu skim, krimer, dan gula pasir. Formula dibuat dengan memvariasikan berat bubuk kahwa dan susu skim sedangkan berat gula dan krimer dibuat tetap dengan berat total setiap formula 28 gram. Terhadap 3 formula (kode 135, 234, 345) dilakukan uji hedonik meliputi warna, rasa, dan aroma oleh 25 orang panelis agak terlatih dengan 6 skala hedonik. Minuman kahwa daun mix dengan skor rata-rata penilaian tertinggi dari segi warna, rasa, dan aroma adalah formula 345. Hasil analisis dengan One Way ANOVA menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan yang nyata antar formula minuman dari segi warna (nilai sig (P)0.05)


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    Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui penerimaan panelis terhadap 3 formula minuman kahwa daun mix. Formula minuman kahwa daun mix terdiri dari bubuk kahwa daun, susu skim, krimer, dan gula pasir. Formula dibuat dengan memvariasikan berat bubuk kahwa dan susu skim sedangkan berat gula dan krimer dibuat tetap dengan berat total setiap formula 28 gram. Terhadap 3 formula (kode 135, 234, 345) dilakukan uji hedonik meliputi warna, rasa, dan aroma oleh 25 orang panelis agak terlatih dengan 6 skala hedonik. Minuman kahwa daun mix dengan skor rata-rata penilaian tertinggi dari segi warna, rasa, dan aroma adalah formula 345. Hasil analisis dengan One Way ANOVA menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan yang nyata antar formula minuman dari segi warna (nilai sig (P)0.05)

    Proximate and Organoleptic Test of Strawberries Wet Noodle

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    Strawberies much contain of phytochemicals, included polyphenols which are reported to reduce cancer risk   a coronary heart desease and others degeneratives diseases. These effects are considered as most important to be related to the capacity of polyphenol antioxidant found in strawberries. In connection of this case,then a research to be done to know strawberries potential in its utilization on the making of wet noodle.The purposes of this research are to grade physical quality (include color.aroma,texture and taste) and nutrient quality of strawberries wet nodle. Research type of to be used is "experimental Design" with way of treating different increment strawberries quantity to the each three treatments 50 grams,100 grams and 150 grams also using wet noodle control without strawberries increment. Datas gathering of physical strawberries wet noodleto to do through organoleptic by 20 trained semi panelists. Than, nutrient quality datas to be gotten with proximate wet noodle content analyzing with HPLC methode and also "Nutry Survey" program on computer software.  Data analyzing for physical quality t do with ANOVA at significant level 5 percent to be trhough with Duncan's difference test at significant level 5 percent. Than nutrient quality datas descriptively analyzed after to be compared with noodle's nutrient quality without strawberries (control) also wet noodle's nutrient quality that contained in Food Stuff Composition List. Result of this research to show that strawberries wet noodle has good physical quality (at preferred level).treatment to be preferred is wet noodle with the increment of 100gram strawberries.The quality of strawberries wet noodle is also better because contains antioxidant especially polyphenols than to be compared with wet noodle without strawberries (control) and wet noodle in Food Stuff Composition List

    Analisis Pendapatan Petani Padi Pengguna Pupuk Organik dan Anorganik di Kecamatan Harau

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    Penelitian ini didasarkan pada: ketergantungan petani yang menggunakan pupuk anorganik dan meningkatkan harga pupuk anorganik yang berakibat pada peningkatan biaya produksi dan berkurangnya keuntungan usahatani padi, sehingga mempengaruhi kesejahteraan petani keluarga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1) Untuk mengetahui pendapatan petani padi, 2) Untuk mengetahui perbedaan pendapatan antara petani pupuk organik padi dan pupuk petani padi anorganik. Metode pencapaian tujuan dilakukan dengan: analisis usahatani menggunakan rumus pendapatan usahatani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Pendapatan petani padi pupuk organik adalah Rp.657.838 menjadi 14.633.798; pendapatan rata-rata sebesar Rp. 5.464.104,03. Sedangkan pendapatan petani padi pupuk anorganik adalah Rp. 500.983 hingga Rp 14.189.743; pendapatan rata-rata sebesar Rp 5.901.806,24; 2) Pendapatan petani padi pupuk organik tidak berbeda nyata dengan pendapatan petani padi anorganik

    Phenolics Total and Antioxidant Activity of Strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis)

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    The purpose of this research is to know the total of phenolics and antioxidant activity of Strawberry  that grows in the area Alahan Panjang Solok Regency and  Padang Panjang city. This research was carried out at the Chemical Laboratory of  Agricultural Polytechinc State of Payakumbuh with a long six months time needed.To determine the levels of  phenols total used Folin-Ciocalteu methode, and as a standard also to be used galat acid, while on antioxidant activity testing used DPPH free radical absorption methode.The results of research that methanol extract of Strawberries  originally from Alahan Panjang have phenol total 180 mg/100 g of fresh sample and higher than Strawberries originally from Padang Panjang with phenol total 139.2 mg/100 g of fresh sample

    Analisis Pendapatan Usaha Agroindustri Kue Talam Jagung Manis di Nagari Sungai Antuan Kecamatan Mungka

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    This research is based on the application of innovation, creativity, and differentiation of kue talam by utilising the ample availability of sweet corn by  the wants and needs of consumers and producers. This study is based on the application of innovation, creativity, and differentiation of sweet corn talam cakes by utilising the ample availability of sweet corn by the wants and needs of consumers and producers, so that the cakes are attractive and tasty to increase the income of entrepreneurs and corn farmers. This study aims to analyse the business income of sweet corn talam cake agro-industry. To analyse the income of the sweet corn talam cake agro-industry business, it was carried out using quantitative descriptive methods using the income formula. The results showed that: The total cost required in the agro-industrial business of sweet corn talam cake is Rp 1,995,168; The total revenue obtained from the agro-industrial business of sweet corn talam cake is Rp 2,880,000, the amount of income  earned is Rp 884,832