358 research outputs found

    Käyttäytymistieteet ja yliopiston kolmas tehtävä

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    Temperamentti - mitä se on ja mihin se vaikuttaa?

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    Vertaisarvioitu.Temperamentti on vanhin käsitejärjestelmistä, joilla ihmisten käyttäytymistä on pyritty kuvaamaan, vaikka ympäristön vaikutusta äärimmilleen korostava ihmiskäsitys välillä näkikin temperamentin biologiset kytkökset psykologian antiteesinä. Temperamentilla tarkoitetaan joukkoa automatisoituneita, pitkälti perinnöllisiä reaktioita, joiden pohja on keskushermoston reaktiivisuudessa ja aivojen aineenvaihdunnassa. Temperamentti selittää ihmisen säilymisen yksilönä huolimatta kasvuolosuhteiden samanlaisuudesta, koska temperamentti varmistaa sen, että ihmiset kokevat saman ympäristön eri tavoin. Ollakseen vain joukko biologiaan pohjaavia automatisoituneita reaktioita temperamentin merkitys ihmisen toiminnan selittäjänä on suuri.Peer reviewe

    Ethnicity, minority status, and inter-group bias : A systematic meta-analysis on fMRI studies

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    Introduction This meta-analysis investigated (1) whether ethnic minority and majority members have a neural inter-group bias toward each other, and (2) whether various ethnic groups (i.e., White, Black, and Asian) are processed in the brain differently by the other respective ethnicities.Methods A systematic coordinate-based meta-analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies was conducted using Web of Science, PubMed, and PsycINFO (altogether 50 datasets, n = 1211, 50.1% female).Results We found that ethnic minority members did not show any signs of neural inter-group bias (e.g., no majority-group derogation). Ethnic majority members, in turn, expressed biased responses toward minority (vs. majority) members in frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital regions that are known to be involved in e.g., facial processing, attention, and perspective-taking. We also found differences in neural response patterns toward different ethnic groups (White, Black, and Asian); broadest biases in neural response patterns were evident toward Black individuals (in non-Black individuals). Heterogeneity was mostly minor or low.Discussion: Overall, the findings increase understanding of neural processes involved in ethnicity perception and cognition as well as ethnic prejudices and discrimination. This meta-analysis provides explanations for previous behavioral reports on ethnic discrimination toward minority groups.Peer reviewe

    Onko luonto oikeudenmukainen? Synnynnäinen temperamentti ja stressinsietokyky

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    Temperamentilla tarkoitetaan ihmiselle tyypillistä yksilöllistä käyttäytymis- tai reagoimistyyliä, joka erottaa hänet muista. Temperamentti kertoo, kuinka ihminen tekee sen, mitä hän tekee, ei sitä, mitä ihminen tekee, eikä sitä, miksi hän tekee. Kun kuvailemme ihmistä, puhumme usein temperamenttipiirteistä, koska temperamentti on paitsi yksilöllinen, "erottaa ihmisen muista", niin ulospäin näkyvä ja helposti havainnoitavissa oleva. Emme tiedä, miksi ihminen on huonolla tuulella, mutta voimme helposti havaita, millä tavalla hän sen osoittaa

    The complex genetics and biology of human temperament : a review of traditional concepts in relation to new molecular findings

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    Recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have shown that temperament is strongly influenced by more than 700 genes that modulate associative conditioning by molecular processes for synaptic plasticity and long-term learning and memory. The results were replicated in three independent samples despite variable cultures and environments. The identified genes were enriched in pathways activated by behavioral conditioning in animals, including the two major molecular pathways for response to extracellular stimuli, the Ras-MEK-ERK and the PI3K-AKT-mTOR cascades. These pathways are activated by a wide variety of physiological and psychosocial stimuli that vary in positive and negative valence and in consequences for health and survival. Changes in these pathways are orchestrated to maintain cellular homeostasis despite changing conditions by modulating temperament and its circadian and seasonal rhythms. In this review we first consider traditional concepts of temperament in relation to the new genetic findings by examining the partial overlap of alternative measures of temperament. Then we propose a definition of temperament as the disposition of a person to learn how to behave, react emotionally, and form attachments automatically by associative conditioning. This definition provides necessary and sufficient criteria to distinguish temperament from other aspects of personality that become integrated with it across the life span. We describe the effects of specific stimuli on the molecular processes underlying temperament from functional, developmental, and evolutionary perspectives. Our new knowledge can improve communication among investigators, increase the power and efficacy of clinical trials, and improve the effectiveness of treatment of personality and its disorders.Peer reviewe