746 research outputs found

    The characterization and role of aeolian deposition on water quality, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica

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    The connection of ecosystems by wind-driven transport of material has become a topic of increasing interest and importance. Less than 1% of dust transported worldwide is exported to the Southern Ocean and Antarctic cryosphere; however, aeolian transport on the Antarctic continent is predominantly locally derived from the abrasion of bedrock. The deposition of the aeolian material is integral to nutrient and solute dispersal in the Antarctic ecosystem. This is particularly true in the ice-free areas of Antarctica, such as the McMurdo Dry Valleys (MDV), where aeolian material deposited in the aquatic system is solubilized during the melt season. The material is predominantly locally-derived from the abrasion of bedrock. In this study, a two-step leaching experiment simulates the melt season and we quantify the flux of solutes and nutrients to the aquatic ecosystem. Soluble salts were removed from the aeolian material first during cold water leaching followed by an increase in carbonate and silicate dissolution during freeze–thaw. Major ion fluxes on glaciers and lakes are at least two orders of magnitude greater than nutrient fluxes. However, the fluxes derived from these experiments are less than the estimated flux from streams to lakes and probably represent minima. Aeolian redistribution of local soils is important because they are the only source of new solutes and nutrients to the aquatic ecosystem of the MDV

    Antarctic streams as a potential source of iron for the Southern Ocean

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    Due to iron’s role in oceanic primary production, there has been great interest in quantifying the importance of Fe in regions where concentrations are very low and macronutrients, nitrate and phosphate, are available. Measurements of filterable (i.e., \u3c0.4 ÎŒm) Fe concentrations in streams from Taylor Valley, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, suggest that coastal-zone stream Fe input to the Southern Ocean could potentially play an important role in primary production in nearshore regions. Filterable Fe (fFe) data from streams in the McMurdo Dry Valleys were used to represent glacier meltwater that flows through ice-free landscape with the potential of transporting Fe to the Antarctic coastal zone. Estimates of potential fFe flux to the Antarctic Peninsula region using our mean fFe concentration of 10.6 ”g L–1 combined with an estimate of ice-free area for the Antarctic Peninsula result in an fFe flux of 1.2 × 107 g yr–1. Although small compared to iceberg and aeolian Fe fluxes, future stream input to the Southern Ocean could increase due to glacier retreat and melting, thus increasing the fFe flux from glacier meltwater streams


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    The McMurdo Dry Valleys (MDV), the largest ice-free expanse in Antarctica, are considered a polar desert with an average annual temperature of -20oC and annual precipitation of \u3c10cm. Despite the extremely arid climate, a hydrologic continuum exists during the austral summer when ephemeral streams formed from glacial meltwater flow into endorheic lakes. Dust is deposited by strong seasonal winds onto the glacier and lake surfaces, as well as in widespread aeolian landforms throughout the MDV. Katabatic winds from the west, probably responsible for the majority of lithogenic dust deposition, dominate during the winter months. Easterly winds from the coast, prominent during the summer, contribute to the dust budget through the addition of salts and marine aerosols. When considered in the context of the unique hydrologic continuum and the climate-sensitivity of the environment, the dissolution of deposited dust may have an impact on salt and nutrient transfer and thus the ecosystem of the MDV. We have simulated this dissolution by conducting a two-step H2O leaching experiment on aeolian sediments collected from select glaciers, lakes, aeolian landforms, and elevated sediment traps. Resulting leachates representing the interaction of 50mL H2O with 25 g of dust sample were analyzed for major ions. NO3- concentrations (leach 1: \u3c1.0-240 ”M; leach 2: \u3c1.0-94 ”M) generally increase to the west and imply that aeolian deposition is potentially important to the nitrogen cycle in the MDV. Total dissolved solid concentrations (leach 1: 9-544 mg/L; leach 2: 6-150 mg/L), however, do not show any geographic/spatial correlation which is not consistent with previous work and suggests the significance of dust dissolution to the environment. Aliquots of the total dust were also analyzed for total C and N values. All but two samples, Lake Fryxell (0.12% N) and the eastern side of the Commonwealth Glacier (0.09% N), were below detection limit with respect to N (\u3c0.08% N). Both samples are from the Fryxell basin, the youngest of the basins, that is nitrogen limited. C values ranged from below detection (\u3c0.04% C) to 1.27% C. These results attest to the importance of dust as an addition to the ecosystem of the MDV. Further investigation of the dust is planned to constrain its chemical and mineralogical composition

    Factors influencing fatigue in UK nurses working in respiratory clinical areas during the second wave of the Covid‐19 pandemic: An online survey

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    AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: This study explores UK nurses' experiences of working in a respiratory clinical area during the COVID‐19 pandemic over winter 2020. BACKGROUND: During the first wave of the pandemic, nurses working in respiratory clinical areas experienced significant levels of anxiety and depression. As the pandemic has progressed, levels of fatigue in nurses have not been assessed. METHODS: A cross‐sectional e‐survey was distributed via professional respiratory societies and social media. The survey included Generalised Anxiety Disorder Assessment (GAD7), Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ9, depression), a resilience scale (RS‐14) and Chalder mental and physical fatigue tools. The STROBE checklist was followed as guidance to write the manuscript. RESULTS: Despite reporting anxiety and depression, few nurses reported having time off work with stress, most were maintaining training and felt prepared for COVID challenges in their current role. Nurses reported concerns over safety and patient feedback was both positive and negative. A quarter of respondents reported wanting to leave nursing. Nurses experiencing greater physical fatigue reported higher levels of anxiety and depression. CONCLUSIONS: Nurses working in respiratory clinical areas were closely involved in caring for COVID‐19 patients. Nurses continued to experience similar levels of anxiety and depression to those found in the first wave and reported symptoms of fatigue (physical and mental). A significant proportion of respondents reported considering leaving nursing. Retention of nurses is vital to ensure the safe functioning of already overstretched health services. Nurses would benefit from regular mental health check‐ups to ensure they are fit to practice and receive the support they need to work effectively. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: A high proportion of nurses working in respiratory clinical areas have been identified as experiencing fatigue in addition to continued levels of anxiety, depression over winter 2020. Interventions need to be implemented to help provide mental health support and improve workplace conditions to minimise PTSD and burnout

    Dynamic regulation of the endocannabinoid system: implications for analgesia

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    The analgesic effects of cannabinoids are well documented, but these are often limited by psychoactive side-effects. Recent studies indicate that the endocannabinoid system is dynamic and altered under different pathological conditions, including pain states. Changes in this receptor system include altered expression of receptors, differential synthetic pathways for endocannabinoids are expressed by various cell types, multiple pathways of catabolism and the generation of biologically active metabolites, which may be engaged under different conditions. This review discusses the evidence that pain states alter the endocannabinoid receptor system at key sites involved in pain processing and how these changes may inform the development of cannabinoid-based analgesics

    Athletic Directors’ Perceptions Regarding the Value of Employing Athletic Trainers in the Secondary School Setting

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    There is currently a limited understanding of the value of athletic trainers (ATs) working in the secondary school setting. Therefore, our objective was to explore high school athletic directors’ perceptions of an AT’s roles and services and the means in which those perceptions are established, specifically as they relate to the value of ATs. A qualitative methodology was utilized for this investigation. High school athletic directors were interviewed regarding their experiences with the use of athletic training services. Data was analyzed using the consensual qualitative research approach. Athletic directors demonstrated an overall understanding of the roles and responsibilities fulfilled by ATs. The value of ATs was associated with factors such as enhanced athlete safety, reduction of costs for parents, and increased productivity of coaches. Overall, athletic directors display a favorable view of ATs, however support for these positions predominantly relies on anecdotal evidence rather than data to validate the use of athletic training services

    Microscopic Structure of the Calcium Isotopes

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY 87-1440

    Experiences of nurses caring for respiratory patients during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: an online survey study

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    Background: Nurses have been at the forefront of the pandemic response, involved in extensive coordination of services, screening, vaccination and front-line work in respiratory, emergency and intensive care environments. The nature of this work is often intense and stress-provoking with an inevitable psychological impact on nurses and all healthcare workers. This study focused on nurses working in respiratory areas with the aim of identifying and characterising the self-reported issues that exacerbated or alleviated their concerns during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.Methods: An online survey was developed consisting of 90 questions using a mixture of open-ended and closed questions. Participant demographic data were also collected (age, gender, ethnicity, number of years qualified, details of long-term health conditions, geographical location, nursing background/role and home life). The online survey was disseminated via social media and professional respiratory societies (British Thoracic Society, Primary Care Respiratory Society, Association of Respiratory Nurse Specialists) over a 3-week period in May 2020 and the survey closed on 1 June 2020.Results: The study highlights the experiences of nurses caring for respiratory patients during the first wave of the pandemic in early 2020. Concerns were expressed over the working environment, the supply and availability of adequate protective personal equipment, the quality of care individuals were able to deliver, and the impact on mental health to nurses and their families. A high number provided free-text comments around their worries and concerns about the impact on their household; these included bringing the virus home, the effect on family members worrying about them, mental health and the impact of changing working patterns, and managing with children. Although both formal and informal support were available, there were inconsistencies in provision, highlighting the importance of nursing leadership and management in ensuring equity of access to services.Conclusions: Support for staff is essential both throughout the pandemic and afterwards, and it is important that preparation of individuals regarding building resilience is recognised. It is also clear that psychological support and services for nurses and the wider healthcare team need to be available and quickly convened in the event of similar major incidents, either global or local

    Impact of anthropogenic disturbance on the chemistry of a small urban pond

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    Mirror Lake, one of the scenic locations on The Ohio State University\u27s campus, experiences an intense bioturbation event as part of an annual tradition revolving around the rivalry football game against the University of Michigan. This tradition involves thousands of students jumping into the lake over one night in the week leading up to the football game. Water samples were collected from several locations in the lake before, during, and after the Mirror Lake Jump to determine the impact of this event on lake water chemistry. There were significant and systematic increases in the concentrations of Na+, K+, Cl−, total nitrogen, ammonia, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) associated with the jump, especially in the eastern side of the lake where most of the students entered. Over the 3-h period from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. on the eastern side of the lake, Na+, K+, and Cl− concentrations increased by about 2–4 ppm, 1.5–3 ppm, and 4–6 ppm, respectively. The total nitrogen concentration increased about five to six fold, from 450–500 ppb to 2300–2800 ppb over the height of the event on the eastern side of the lake. Similar increases were observed for DOC, increasing from 3.6 to 18 ppm. This DOC increase was coincident with a 5‰ shift in ή13C, from a mean of around −28‰ in the early hours of the evening to a maximum of −23‰, implying a large influx of isotopically heavy carbon into the lake. Ammonia concentrations varied substantially from year to year, but always showed a systematic increase in concentration during the event. Smaller changes in major ion and nutrient concentrations were observed in the middle and western side of the lake, where fewer students entered the lake. The changes in concentration and the timing and spatial distribution of these changes are primarily attributed to anthropogenic input from jumpers in the form of bodily fluids (e.g., evaporated sweat, sebum and urine). Over a single night, these anthropogenic event inputs represent roughly 10% of the annual nitrogen budget of the lake, emphasizing the direct impact humans can have on urban water bodies on short time scales

    Identifying Prevalent Mathematical Pathways to Engineering in South Carolina

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    National data indicate that initial mathematics course placement in college is a strong predictor of persistence to degree in engineering, with students placed in calculus persisting at nearly twice the rate of those placed below calculus. Within the state of South Carolina, approximately 95% of engineering-intending students who initially place below calculus are from in-state. In order to make systemic change, we are first analyzing system-wide data to identify prevalent educational pathways within the state, and the mathematical milestones along those pathways taken by students in engineering and engineering-related fields. This paper reports preliminary analysis of that data to understand trends in major selection and mathematics preparation within the state
