15 research outputs found

    Synergic and hypolipidemic effects of flavonoids, natural and pharmaceutical dyes

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    As propriedades biologicas dos flavonoides estao sendo muito exploradas, por possulrem aplicaooes em diversas areas, tais como: Bioqulmica, Quimica, lndflstria de Alimentos, Ecologia, Entomologia, Fitopatologia, Fisiologia Vegetal e Microbiologia. Alguns cientistas tém concentrado suas pesquisas na area médica, visando a uma infinidade de acées nos diversos sistemas, sejam eles cardiovasculares, imunolégioo, reprodutor, hormonal ou muscular. Desenvolveram-se quatro experimentos, tendo sido as substancias administradas por via intraperitoneal ou via oral a ratos machos Wistar hiperlipidémicos (induzida por triton), usando-se os flavonoides (morina, quercetina, naringenina, rutina); e 05 medicamentos (acido nicotinico, colestiramina) e os oorantes naturais (antocianina, Monascus) na dose 5,0 mg/kg de peso corporal. No experimento 5, as substancias foram administradas por via oral, na raoao, nas seguintes doses: colestiramina, 10 mg; flavonoides, 30 mg; hiperlipidemia, induzida por colesterol, 1%; e acido célico, 0,1%. Foram determinados colesterol, colesterol-HDL e triacilglicerois em todos os experimentos. Nos experimentos em que se administraram duas doses das substancias, por via intraperitoneal, encontraram-se melhores efeitos, quando comparados aos experimentos em que foi administrada uma dose das substéncias pela mesma via. Quando os flavonéides foram administrados isoladamente ou associados a corantes naturais, foram observados efeitos hipolipidémico e sinérgico. No experimento em que a, hiperlipidemia foi induzida por dieta, contendo colesterol e acido célico, os flavonéides, a colestiramina e as suas associagées foram administrados por via oral (misturados a ragao), constatando-se efeito hipolipidémico e sinérgico em todos os tratamentos. Por fim, nas analises de figado dos mesmos animais, onde foi determinado o colesterol, constatou-se um decréscimo acentuado Para os experimentos realizados. Concluiu-se, dessa forma, que as substéncias testadas (flavonéides, medicamentos e corantes) possuem efeito hipolipidémico e sinérgico, quando administradas por via intraperitoneal e oral em ratos machos Wistar.The biological properties of flavonoids have been largely explored for they can be applied on several areas such as: Biochemistry, Chemistry, Food Industry, Ecology, Entomology, Phytopathology, Vegetal Physiology and Microbiology. Some scientists’ researches have been focused on medical area involving an infinity of actions upon several systems (cardiovascular, immune, reproducer, hormone or muscular). Four experiments were carried out with substances administered by either intraperitoneal or oral via to male hyperlipidemic Wistar mice (triton-induced), and the flavonoids (morin, Cluercetin, naringenin, rutin), medicines (nicotinic acid, cholestyramine) and natural dyes (anthocyanin, Monascus) being added at 5.0 mg/kg of body weight. In experiment 5, the substances were orally administered through ration at the following doses: 10 mg of cholestyramine; 30 mg of flavonoids; hyperlipidemy induced by 1% cholesterol; and 0.1% cholic acid. Cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and triacylglycerols were determined for all experiments. The experiments in which two doses of each substance were administered through intraperitoneal via showed better effects when compared to those in which just one dose of each substance was added through the same via. Synergic and hypolipidemic effects were observed when administering the flavonoids isolated or associated to natural dyes. In the experiment where hyperlipidemy was induced by diet containing both cholesterol and cholic acid, the flavonoids, cholestyramine and their associations were administered through oral via (mixed with ration), with synergic and hypolipidemic effects being observed for all treatments. The results from animals’ liver analyses showed a pronounced decrease in cholesterol for all experiments. So, it was concluded that the tested substances (flavonoids, medicines and dyes) have both synergic and hypolipidemic effects when administered by intraperitoneal and oral via to male Wistar mice.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas GeraisDissertação antig

    Characterization Of The Hypotensive Effect Of S-nitroso-n-acetylcysteine In Normotensive And Hypertensive Conscious Rats.

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    S-Nitrosothiols (RSNOs) are potent vasodilators found naturally in vivo. A variety of synthetic RSNOs have been considered as potential nitric oxide (NO) donors for biomedical applications. We have characterized the hypotensive effect of the RSNO S-nitroso-N-acetylcysteine (SNAC) in normotensive and hypertensive conscious rats. SNAC reduced the medium arterial pressure in a dose-response manner in both normotensive and hypertensive animals. At the same doses (EC(50) of SNAC), SNAC showed a vasodilator effect in normotensive rats more potent and more prolonged than that of sodium nitroprusside (SNP). The hypotensive effect of SNAC was also more potent in methylene blue-treated rats, where the cGMP-dependent pathway had been blockaded. These data indicate that SNAC acts by both cGMP-dependent and cGMP-independent pathways. It was also shown that the thiol N-acetylcysteine (NAC) potentiates the action of SNP in hypertensive rats, pointing to the mediation of thiols in the vasodilator action of SNP in this condition. Such mediation may involve the formation of a more potent thiol complex with the nitroprusside anion or the transfer of NO to NAC, generating SNAC as a primary vasoactive species. The kinetic monitoring of the decomposition reactions of SNAC and SNP showed that both compounds are quite stable under the infusion conditions used. Therefore, their vasodilator action cannot be assigned to their breakdown with release of free NO in solution. As the two compounds are unlikely to cross the plasmalemma of smooth muscle cells, their actions are probably associated with the mediation of endogenous thiols in transnitrosation reactions.757-6

    Humanisation of work

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    Pre-print,Overtime, some jobs become routine and less challenging, resulting in the demotivation of the job-holders. Effort should be made to make work more rewarding or satisfying by adding more meaningful tasks to a worker’s job. Such an act aims to spur employee self-esteem and feeling of self fulfillment, and hence long-term satisfaction and performance are upheld. This calls for the constant reviewing of seven factors of the humanization of work

    Associations of flavonoids and natural dyes in the control of lipidic metabolism.

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    The present work evaluates the effects of rutin and naringenin, isolated and in association with anthocyanin and monascus, on lipidic metabolism of rats. These compounds were dissolved in propylene glycol and administered by intraperitoneal route in two doses of 5mg/kg of body weight. The first dose was administered together witli the Triton, compouiid responsible for induction of hyperlipidaemia, and the second, twenty hours later. After fourty three hours of the first dose aiid Triton administration, the blood was retreat and cliolesterol, HDL-cholesterol, and triacylglycerols were dosed. Results evidence the largest percentual reduction of cholesterol for naringenin + monascus, naringenin + anthocyanin, rutin + monascus and rutin + anthocyanin . On the other hand, for HDL-cholesterol, the best results were obtained with naringenin alone. Finally, the best reduction of triacylglycerols levels was showed for naringenin, naringenin + monascus and rutin + anthocyanin associations

    Hypolipidaemic effects of naringenin, rutin, nicotinic acid and their associations.

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    Atherosclerosis can be defined as being a disease of coronary circulation. The present workevaluates the action of the naringenin, rutin, nicotinic acid, isolated and in association, on the metabolism of lipids. Cholesterol, cholesterol HDL, and triacylglycerols have been dosed after retreat of blood, following the administration of the compounds dissolved in propylene glycol by intraperitoneal route in doses of 5 mg kgy1 body wt. Results evidence that naringenin and nicotinic acid, isolated as well as their association with naringenin and nicotinic acid ] rutin, present the largest percentual reduction of cholesterol. On the other hand, the best results for cholesterol-HDL have been obtained with naringenin, while rutin has shown the best triacylglycerols levels

    S-nitroso-N-acetylcysteine (SNAC) prevents myocardial alterations in hypercholesterolemic LDL receptor knockout mice by antiinflammatory action

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    We investigated the ability of S-nitroso-N-acetylcyseine (SNAC) to prevent structural and functional myocardial alterations in hypercholesterolemic mice. C57BL6 wild-type (WT) and LDL-R-/male mice (S) were fed a standard diet for 15 days. LDL-R-/- mice (S) showed an 11% increase in blood pressure, 62% decrease in left atrial contractility and lower CD40L and eNOS expression relative to WT. LDL-R-/- mice fed an atherogenic diet for 15 days (Chol) showed significant increased left ventricular mass compared to S, which was characterized by: (1) 1.25-fold increase in the LV weight/body weight ratio and cardiomyocyte diameter; (2) enhanced expression of the NOS isoforms, CD40L, and collagen amount; and (3) no alteration in the atrial contractile performance. Administration of SNAC to Chol mice (Choi + SNAC) (0.51 mu mol/kg/day for 15 day, IP) prevented increased left ventricular mass, collagen deposit, NOS isoforms, and CD40L overexpression, but it had no effect on the increased blood pressure or atrial basal hypocontractility. Deletion of the LDL receptor gene in mice resulted in hypertension and a marked left atrial contractile deficit, which may be related to eNOS under-expression. Our data show that SNAC treatment has an antiinflammatory action that might contribute to prevention of structural and functional myocardial alterations in atherosclerotic mice independently of changes in blood pressure.5117885sem informaçã

    S-nitroso-n-acetylcysteine (snac) Prevents Myocardial Alterations In Hypercholesterolemic Ldl Receptor Knockout Mice By Antiinflammatory Action.

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    We investigated the ability of S-nitroso-N-acetylcyseine (SNAC) to prevent structural and functional myocardial alterations in hypercholesterolemic mice. C57BL6 wild-type (WT) and LDL-R-/- male mice (S) were fed a standard diet for 15 days. LDL-R-/- mice (S) showed an 11% increase in blood pressure, 62% decrease in left atrial contractility, and lower CD40L and eNOS expression relative to WT. LDL-R-/- mice fed an atherogenic diet for 15 days (Chol) showed significant increased left ventricular mass compared to S, which was characterized by: (1) 1.25-fold increase in the LV weight/body weight ratio and cardiomyocyte diameter; (2) enhanced expression of the NOS isoforms, CD40L, and collagen amount; and (3) no alteration in the atrial contractile performance. Administration of SNAC to Chol mice (Chol + SNAC) (0.51 micromol/kg/day for 15 day, IP) prevented increased left ventricular mass, collagen deposit, NOS isoforms, and CD40L overexpression, but it had no effect on the increased blood pressure or atrial basal hypocontractility. Deletion of the LDL receptor gene in mice resulted in hypertension and a marked left atrial contractile deficit, which may be related to eNOS underexpression. Our data show that SNAC treatment has an antiinflammatory action that might contribute to prevention of structural and functional myocardial alterations in atherosclerotic mice independently of changes in blood pressure.5178-8

    S-nitroso-N-acetylcysteine (SNAC) prevents myocardial alterations in hypercholesterolemic LDL receptor knockout mice by antiinflammatory action

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    We investigated the ability of S-nitroso-N-acetylcyseine (SNAC) to prevent structural and functional myocardial alterations in hypercholesterolemic mice. C57BL6 wild-type (WT) and LDL-R-/male mice (S) were fed a standard diet for 15 days. LDL-R-/- mice (S) showed an 11% increase in blood pressure, 62% decrease in left atrial contractility and lower CD40L and eNOS expression relative to WT. LDL-R-/- mice fed an atherogenic diet for 15 days (Chol) showed significant increased left ventricular mass compared to S, which was characterized by: (1) 1.25-fold increase in the LV weight/body weight ratio and cardiomyocyte diameter; (2) enhanced expression of the NOS isoforms, CD40L, and collagen amount; and (3) no alteration in the atrial contractile performance. Administration of SNAC to Chol mice (Choi + SNAC) (0.51 mu mol/kg/day for 15 day, IP) prevented increased left ventricular mass, collagen deposit, NOS isoforms, and CD40L overexpression, but it had no effect on the increased blood pressure or atrial basal hypocontractility. Deletion of the LDL receptor gene in mice resulted in hypertension and a marked left atrial contractile deficit, which may be related to eNOS under-expression. Our data show that SNAC treatment has an antiinflammatory action that might contribute to prevention of structural and functional myocardial alterations in atherosclerotic mice independently of changes in blood pressure