4,213 research outputs found

    Comparison of 3D scanned human models for off-body communications using motion capture

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    Body area networks are complex to analyze as there are several channel mechanisms occurring simultaneously, i.e. environmental multipath together with body motion and close coupling between worn antennas and human tissue. Electromagnetic (EM) simulation is an important tool since not all studies can be done on a real human. In order to gain insight into off-body communication involving a worn antenna, this paper uses a 3D animated model obtained from a 3D surface scanner and a motion capture system for full wave simulation of channels at 2.45 and 5.5GHz. To evaluate if the model can represent body area radio channels in general, a comparison of S21 of the simulated model with measurements from 5 other models of similar height to the main test subject is presented

    Perceptual bias, more than age, impacts on eye movements during face processing

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    Consistent with the right hemispheric dominance for face processing, a left perceptual bias (LPB) is typically demonstrated by younger adults viewing faces and a left eye movement bias has also been revealed. Hemispheric asymmetry is predicted to reduce with age and older adults have demonstrated a weaker LPB, particularly when viewing time is restricted. What is currently unclear is whether age also weakens the left eye movement bias. Additionally, a right perceptual bias (RPB) for facial judgments has less frequently been demonstrated, but whether this is accompanied by a right eye movement bias has not been investigated. To address these issues older and younger adults’ eye movements and gender judgments of chimeric faces were recorded in two time conditions. Age did not significantly weaken the LPB or eye movement bias; both groups looked initially to the left side of the face and made more fixations when the gender judgment was based on the left side. A positive association was found between LPB and initial saccades in the freeview condition and with all eye movements (initial saccades, number and duration of fixations) when time was restricted. The accompanying eye movement bias revealed by LPB participants contrasted with RPB participants who demonstrated no eye movement bias in either time condition. Consequently, increased age is not clearly associated with weakened perceptual and eye movement biases. Instead an eye movement bias accompanies an LPB (particularly under restricted viewing time conditions) but not an RPB

    Learning Communities: A Business School Perspective

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    This paper discusses the organization and operation of a university learning community program at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG). After several years, the program administrator and certain of the faculty and staff reflected on the achievements of the program. The learning community concept is discussed as well as the nature of the learning activities both general and those specific to the business school. The program reported higher levels of student retention and students reported higher involvement in leadership skill development and the UNCG community than students who were not in the learning community program

    Vector-valued weakly analytic measures

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    The final version of this paper appears in "Hokkaido Mathematical Journal" 27 (1998): 457-473. Print.This paper studies properties of weakly analytic vector-valued measures, an area of study which is relatively unexplored, especially in comparison with scalar-valued measures

    IMPACT: The Journal of the Center for Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning. Volume 9, Issue 1, Winter 2020

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    Explicitly established to foreground interdisciplinary teaching and learning, Impact also welcomes evidence and discussion of experiential learning. Often the two – interdisciplinary teaching and experiential learning – co-exist. Yet even when they do not, both practices model how to think in myriad ways and to notice how knowledge is constructed. As our winter 2019 issue makes clear, interdisciplinary teaching and learning and experiential learning often begin with questions. Why does it matter that students grapple directly with archival material? What happens when undergraduates practice psychology by training dogs? Do students understand financial literacy? This issue also asks questions about students’ reading habits and faculty expectations of them as readers

    A Loading Device for Fracture Testing of Compact Tension Specimens in the Scanning Electron Microscope

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    A loading device for performing fracture experiments on compact tension specimens in the SEM has been designed. Its key elements are a piezoelectric translator for applying controlled displacements to the loading points on the specimen and a load cell to measure applied loads. The effective transmission of displacement from the piezoelectric driver to the specimen was found to be the major mechanical design problem. The peripheral equipment includes a function generator and a high voltage amplifier that drives the piezoelectric translator as well as a video overlay and standard video equipment to record the image continuously during the course of the experiment. A case study on alumina describes qualitative observations on the toughening mechanism, crack-interface bridging, operating in this material. Quantitative information pertaining to the closure stresses associated with this toughening mode can be obtained by measuring the crack profile

    Trapped imbalanced fermionic superfluids in one dimension: A variational approach

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    We propose and analyze a variational wave function for a population-imbalanced one-dimensional Fermi gas that allows for Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) type pairing correlations among the two fermion species, while also accounting for the harmonic confining potential. In the strongly interacting regime, we find large spatial oscillations of the order parameter, indicative of an FFLO state. The obtained density profiles versus imbalance are consistent with recent experimental results as well as with theoretical calculations based on combining Bethe ansatz with the local density approximation. Our variational wave function displays no signature of the FFLO state in the densities of the two fermion species. Nonetheless, the oscillations of the order parameter appear in density-density correlations, both in situ and after free expansion. Furthermore, above a critical polarization, the value of which depends on the interaction, we find the unpaired Fermi-gas state to be energetically more favorable

    Whole genome sequencing-based mapping and candidate identification of mutations from fixed zebrafish tissue

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    As forward genetic screens in zebrafish become more common, the number of mutants that cannot be identified by gross morphology or through transgenic approaches, such as many nervous system defects, has also increased. Screening for these difficult-to-visualize phenotypes demands techniques such as whole-mount in situ hybridization (WISH) or antibody staining, which require tissue fixation. To date, fixed tissue has not been amenable for generating libraries for whole genome sequencing (WGS). Here, we describe a method for using genomic DNA from fixed tissue and a bioinformatics suite for WGS-based mapping of zebrafish mutants. We tested our protocol using two known zebrafish mutant alleles, gpr126st49 and egr2bfh227, both of which cause myelin defects. As further proof of concept we mapped a novel mutation, stl64, identified in a zebrafish WISH screen for myelination defects. We linked stl64 to chromosome 1 and identified a candidate nonsense mutation in the F-box and WD repeat domain containing 7 (fbxw7) gene. Importantly, stl64 mutants phenocopy previously described fbxw7vu56 mutants, and knockdown of fbxw7 in wild-type animals produced similar defects, demonstrating that stl64 disrupts fbxw7. Together, these data show that our mapping protocol can map and identify causative lesions in mutant screens that require tissue fixation for phenotypic analysis
