9,175 research outputs found

    The Final Merger of Black-Hole Binaries

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    Recent breakthroughs in the field of numerical relativity have led to dramatic progress in understanding the predictions of General Relativity for the dynamical interactions of two black holes in the regime of very strong gravitational fields. Such black-hole binaries are important astrophysical systems and are a key target of current and developing gravitational-wave detectors. The waveform signature of strong gravitational radiation emitted as the black holes fall together and merge provides a clear observable record of the process. After decades of slow progress, these mergers and the gravitational-wave signals they generate can now be routinely calculated using the methods of numerical relativity. We review recent advances in understanding the predicted physics of events and the consequent radiation, and discuss some of the impacts this new knowledge is having in various areas of astrophysics.Comment: 57 pages; 9 figures. Updated references & fixed typos. Published version is at http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev.nucl.010909.08324

    Black-hole binaries, gravitational waves, and numerical relativity

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    Understanding the predictions of general relativity for the dynamical interactions of two black holes has been a long-standing unsolved problem in theoretical physics. Black-hole mergers are monumental astrophysical events, releasing tremendous amounts of energy in the form of gravitational radiation, and are key sources for both ground- and space-based gravitational-wave detectors. The black-hole merger dynamics and the resulting gravitational waveforms can only be calculated through numerical simulations of Einstein's equations of general relativity. For many years, numerical relativists attempting to model these mergers encountered a host of problems, causing their codes to crash after just a fraction of a binary orbit could be simulated. Recently, however, a series of dramatic advances in numerical relativity has allowed stable, robust black-hole merger simulations. This remarkable progress in the rapidly maturing field of numerical relativity, and the new understanding of black-hole binary dynamics that is emerging is chronicled. Important applications of these fundamental physics results to astrophysics, to gravitational-wave astronomy, and in other areas are also discussed.Comment: 54 pages, 42 figures. Some typos corrected & references updated. Essentially final published versio


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    This report presents results from an initial evaluation that the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) has undertaken of the effectiveness of the most recent set of activation reforms that have been made to Irelandā€™s public employment services (PES). The modifications, which are known as the Intreo activation process reforms, were first introduced in 2012 for all newly unemployed Jobseekerā€™s Allowance (JA) and Jobseekerā€™s Benefit (JB) recipients only. The reforms have focused on making changes to how benefit and employment services are delivered to jobseekers as opposed to what types of employment services are delivered (i.e., job search assistance, training, education courses, etc.)

    Comparison of 3D scanned human models for off-body communications using motion capture

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    Body area networks are complex to analyze as there are several channel mechanisms occurring simultaneously, i.e. environmental multipath together with body motion and close coupling between worn antennas and human tissue. Electromagnetic (EM) simulation is an important tool since not all studies can be done on a real human. In order to gain insight into off-body communication involving a worn antenna, this paper uses a 3D animated model obtained from a 3D surface scanner and a motion capture system for full wave simulation of channels at 2.45 and 5.5GHz. To evaluate if the model can represent body area radio channels in general, a comparison of S21 of the simulated model with measurements from 5 other models of similar height to the main test subject is presented

    Multi-walled microchannels: free-standing porous silicon membranes for use in ĀµTAS

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    Electrochemically formed porous silicon (PS) can be released from the bulk silicon substrate by underetching at increased current density. Using this technique, two types of channels containing free-standing layers of PS were constructed, which were failed multi-walled microchannels (MW ĀµCs). They can be used in devices like microsieves, microbatteries, and porous electrodes. Two types of MWĀµC were made: the 'conventional' version, consisting of two or more coaxially constructed microchannels separated by a suspended PS membrane, and the buried variety, where a PS membrane is suspended halfway in an etched cavity surrounded by silicon nitride walls. The latter is more robust. The pore size of the PS was measured using transmission electron microscopy and field emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEGSEM) and found to be of the order of 7 n

    A colimit decomposition for homotopy algebras in Cat

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    Badzioch showed that in the category of simplicial sets each homotopy algebra of a Lawvere theory is weakly equivalent to a strict algebra. In seeking to extend this result to other contexts Rosicky observed a key point to be that each homotopy colimit in simplicial sets admits a decomposition into a homotopy sifted colimit of finite coproducts, and asked the author whether a similar decomposition holds in the 2-category of categories Cat. Our purpose in the present paper is to show that this is the case.Comment: Some notation changed; small amount of exposition added in intr

    Consistency of post-Newtonian waveforms with numerical relativity

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    General relativity predicts the gravitational wave signatures of coalescing binary black holes. Explicit waveform predictions for such systems, required for optimal analysis of observational data, have so far been achieved using the post-Newtonian (PN) approximation. The quality of this treatment is unclear, however, for the important late-inspiral portion. We derive late-inspiral waveforms via a complementary approach, direct numerical simulation of Einstein's equations. We compare waveform phasing from simulations of the last āˆ¼14\sim 14 cycles of gravitational radiation from equal-mass, nonspinning black holes with the corresponding 2.5PN, 3PN, and 3.5PN orbital phasing. We find phasing agreement consistent with internal error estimates based on either approach, suggesting that PN waveforms for this system are effective until the last orbit prior to final merger.Comment: Replaced with published version -- one figure removed, text and other figures updated for clarity of discussio
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