9 research outputs found

    Effekt av antibiotika i spÀdningsvÀtska för spermier pÄ mikrofloran i cervikala delen av suggans vagina

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    Artificiell insemination med fÀrsk sperma Àr den vanligaste reproduktionstekniken inom grisuppfödningen i mÄnga delar av vÀrlden. Vid framstÀllning av semindoser spÀds ejakulatet med sÀrskilda spÀdningsvÀtskor innehÄllande antibiotika som tillsÀtts för att undvika att de bakterier som kontaminerat ejakulatet under samling och framstÀllning vÀxer till under lagringen och skadar spermierna och orsakar infektion eller nedsatt fertilitet hos suggan. Studiens syfte var att undersöka vilka bakterier som normalt finns i vagina hos gyltor och suggor och om det förekommer nÄgon minskad sensitivitet för antibiotika hos den bakteriella normalfloran till följd av exponeringen av antibiotika. För att undersöka huruvida antibiotika som tillsÀtts till spÀdningsvÀtskan inom artificiell insemination pÄverkar den mikrobiella normalfloran hos hongrisar provtogs 30 suggor och 30 gyltor frÄn tre gÄrdar i Mellansverige under hösten 2018. Vaginalproven togs med hjÀlp av sterila skyddade provtagningspinnar. Proven analyserades genom direktodling pÄ nötblodagar, blÄagar, mannitolsaltagar, COBA och MRS-agar. PÄvisade bakterier renodlades pÄ blodagar och artbestÀmdes sedan med hjÀlp av Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time Of Flight Mass Spectrometry, MALDI-TOF MS. Totalt artbestÀmdes 280 isolat, 72,9 % av isolaten tillhörde tre genera: Staphylococcus, Streptococcus och Corynebacterium. Resistensundersökning av utvalda bakterier visade ingen tydlig skillnad mellan de tvÄ grupperna av djur. För samtliga resistensundersökta bakterier kunde en mer eller mindre stor spridning av kÀnslighet för nÄgon eller nÄgra antibiotika ses hos bÄde suggor och gyltor. Hos samtliga Staphylococcus spp. sÄgs en svag tendens till minskad kÀnslighet för penicillin hos suggor i jÀmförelse med gyltor men djurantalet i grupperna var litet sÄ skillnaderna var inte signifikanta.Use of artificial insemination with fresh semen is the most common reproduction method for breeding pigs in many parts of the world. During semen processing the ejaculate is extended and antibiotics are added to control bacterial contamination that otherwise damages the spermatozoa and could result in an infection or reduced fertility in the sow. The purpose of this study was to investigate the normal bacterial flora of the vagina in gilts and sows and to see if there is an increased resistance to antibiotics among the bacteria due to the exposure to antibiotics in semen extenders. Samples were taken from 30 sows and 30 gilts on three farms in the middle of Sweden during the autumn of 2018. The vaginal samples were taken with guarded swabs. The samples were analyzed by culturing on bovine blood agar, blue agar, mannitol salt agar, COBA and MRS agar. Detected bacteria were identified by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time Of Flight Mass Spectrometry, MALDI-TOF MS. A total number of 280 isolates was identified: 72,9 % of those belonged to three genera: Staphylococcus, Streptococcus and Corynebacterium. There was no significant difference in the resistance of the bacteria in the two groups although there was a tendency for decreased sensitivity to penicillin among all of the tested Staphylococcus spp. of the sows compared to the gilts. However, due to the small number of animals, it was not possible to draw a conclusion from these results. All of the tested bacteria showed a varying degree of sensitivity to different antibiotics regardless of which group of sows they came from

    Den obesa fettvÀvnadens roll vid inflammation med ekvint metabolt syndrom som modellsjukdom

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    Övervikt och fetma pĂ„verkar livskvaliteten negativt. Förutom det uppenbara att en tyngre kropp utsĂ€tter skelett och leder för större pĂ„frestningar och gör det svĂ„rare att röra pĂ„ sig sĂ„ Ă€r forskarvĂ€rlden sedan nĂ„gra decennier tillbaka eniga om att fettvĂ€vnaden fungerar som ett endokrint organ som pĂ„verkar hela kroppen. I denna litteraturstudie redogörs för hur fett-vĂ€vnaden fungerar normalt och vad som hĂ€nder med fettvĂ€vnaden hos en individ som lider av fetma. Uppsatsen Ă€r inriktad pĂ„ fetma hos hĂ€st och konsekvenser av det. FettvĂ€vnad utsöndrar hormoner, sĂ„ kallade adipokiner. Leptin Ă€r ett exempel pĂ„ ett sĂ„dant hormon. Det reglerar vikten genom att pĂ„verka aptiten. NĂ€r det finns gott om energireserver i form av vit fettvĂ€vnad signalerar ökade nivĂ„er av leptin till aptitcentrum i hypotalamus att minska aptiten och pĂ„ sĂ„ vis reglera mĂ€ngden fettvĂ€vnad i kroppen. Resistens mot leptin skulle dĂ€rför kunna vara en av orsakerna till att fetma utvecklas. Vid fetmatillstĂ„nd induceras produktion och utsöndring av adipocytokiner frĂ„n fettvĂ€vna-den. Adipocytokiner Ă€r proinflammatoriska Ă€mnen som sĂ€tter igĂ„ng en lĂ„ggradig men kro-nisk inflammation. Det finns mĂ„nga teorier till varför inflammation uppstĂ„r i fettvĂ€vnaden. De som behandlas i denna uppsats Ă€r syrebrist i expanderande fettvĂ€vnad, en mer proinflam-matorisk makrofagprofil i fettvĂ€vnaden, rubbad tarmflora som konsekvens av fettrik föda under lĂ€ngre tid och som leder till att lipopolysackarider (LPS) frĂ„n bakterierna kan binda in till toll-like-receptor (TLR)4 och trigga ett immunsvar. Vid fetma innehĂ„ller fettvĂ€vnaden ett ökat antal makrofager som i sin tur driver pĂ„ in-flammationen genom att utsöndra proinflammatoriska cytokiner. TvĂ„ av dessa cytokiner Ă€r tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) och interleukin (IL)-6 som bĂ„da i studier har visat sig kunna orsaka insulinresistens. Insulinresistens Ă€r en av de ingĂ„ende komponenterna i metabola syndromet hos hĂ€st och mĂ€nniska. Metabola syndromet hos mĂ€nniska och ekvint metabolt syndrom hos hĂ€st Ă€r till-stĂ„nd som kĂ€nnetecknas av bl.a. övervikt eller fetma, insulinresistens och förhöjd risk att drabbas av vissa sjukdomar sĂ„som hjĂ€rt- och kĂ€rlsjukdomar och diabetes mellitus typ 2 hos mĂ€nniska och fĂ„ng hos hĂ€st. Insulinresistens leder till hyperinsulinemi och det i sin tur har visat sig kunna orsaka fĂ„ng hos hĂ€star. Av uppsatsen framgĂ„r risker med fetma, varför det Ă€r farligt för, i detta fall, hĂ€star att vara feta men ocksĂ„ att tillstĂ„ndet kan förbĂ€ttras genom viktreducering vilket förhoppningsvis motiverar hĂ€stĂ€gare att sköta sina hĂ€star pĂ„ ett sĂ€tt som förhindrar hĂ€starna att bli feta och ser till att de hĂ€star som redan lider av fetma genomgĂ„r en viktminskning.Obesity leads to reduced quality of life. Besides the fact that increased bodyweight makes exercise harder and leads to increased load on the skeleton and joints, the scientists are since a few decades convinced that adipose tissue is an endocrine organ that affects the whole body. This literature study explains the function of normal adipose tissue compared to obese adipose tissue. It focuses on obesity among horses and its consequences. Adipose tissue releases hormones called adipokines. One example is leptin. Leptin regu-lates bodyweight by moderating the appetite. When there is an excess of white adipose tissue increased levels of leptin signals to the hypothalamus to decrease appetite and in this way regulate the mass of adipose tissue in the body. Leptin resistance could therefore be a caus-ative factor to the development of obesity. Obese adipose tissue also secretes adipocytokines that are proinflammatory molecules which create a state of chronic low-grade inflammation. There are various theories to explain why this inflammation occurs. The theories explained in this literature study are ischemia in expanding adipose tissue, a macrophage profile that lean towards a more proinflammatory state in obese adipose tissue and metabolic endotoxemia due to modified intestinal microbi-ota caused by high-fat diet. The microbiota now contains a higher proportion of gram nega-tive bacteria that release lipopolysaccharides (LPS) from their outer membrane when they die. LPS from the intestinal microbiota binds to toll-like-receptor (TLR)4 and trigger an immune response. Obese adipose tissue consists of an increased number of macrophages which in turn drives the inflammation forward by secreting proinflammatory cytokines. Two of these cytokines are tumor necrocis factor alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin (IL)-6 that both have been proven to cause insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is one of the symptoms seen in the metabolic syndrome among horses and humans. The metabolic syndrome in humans and the equine metabolic syndrome in horses are states that are characterized by overweight or obesity, insulin resistance and in-creased risk to develop certain diseases like cardio-vascular disease and diabetes mellitus type 2 among humans and laminitis in horses. Insulin resistance leads to hyperinsulinemia and that in turn has been proven to be able to cause laminitis in horses. The study brings up the risks with obesity, why itÂŽs dangerous for, in this case, horses to be obese but also that the condition improves by reducing weight which should motivate horse owners to avoid their horses to gain too much weight and to reduce weight on already obese horses

    Antibiotic resistance patterns in cervical microbes of gilts and sows

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    Extenders for boar semen contain antibiotics, which may induce antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in inseminated females. The objective was to investigate AMR of bacteria isolated from the cervix of sows and gilts in standing heat, representing females previously exposed to antibiotics in the semen extender and non-exposed females, respectively. Cervical swabs were taken from 30 multiparous sows and 30 gilts prior to their first insemination. After culturing on agar plates, bacterial isolates were identified by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry and antimicrobial minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were determined. Differences in antibiotic resistance between sows and gilts were analyzed by Chi-squared or Fisher’s exact test. Bacteria isolated were mostly Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp. and Corynebacterium spp. Higher MICs were observed for isolates from sows than from gilts. Most (>80%) Corynebacterium spp. were resistant to clindamycin; small numbers (<20%) were resistant to gentamicin, penicillin, vancomycin, ciprofloxacin and rifampicin, with no differences between gilts and sows. Corynebacterium from gilts were more often resistant to tetracycline than those from sows (25% vs. 4.17%; p = 0.04). In conclusion, bacteria from the porcine cervix showed low resistance to most antibiotics except for clindamycin, but antibacterial resistance may increase with increasing parity

    Photosensitivity in South Africa. II. The experimental production of the ovine hepatogenous photosensitivity disease geeldikkop (Tribulosis ovis) by the simultaneous ingestion of Tribulus terrestris plants and cultures of Pithomyces chartarum containing the mycotoxin sporidesmin

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    The mycoflora of toxic pastures were surveyed during a number of outbreaks of ovine hepatogenous photosensitivity in South Africa. Pure cultures of several isolates were dosed to sheep, but only those of Pithomyces chartarum and Myrothecium verrucaria proved to be toxic. Photosensitization was induced in sheep by dosing them with cultures of a P. chartarum isolate (GAIO) obtained from Tribulus terrestris plants collected during an outbreak of geeldikkop in the Karoo. Thus for the first time a mechanism whereby T. terrestris plants can contribute to the causation of ovine hepatogenous photosensitivity was demonstrated. When cultures of GA10 equivalent to approximately 0, 75-4,0 mg/kg sporidesmin were dosed at Onderstepoort Veterinary Research Institute to Highveld and Karoo sheep on a diet of lucerne, facial eczema was produced. Dosing the same cultures at levels equivalent to c. 1,0 mg/kg of sporidesmin in the Karoo resulted in lesions characteristic of both facial eczema and geeldikkop. Typical hepatic lesions of geeldikkop could be elicited by dosing GAIO at levels equivalent to c. 0,25- 0,7 mg/kg of sporidesmin to Karoo sheep grazing on predominantly T. terrestris pastures in the Karoo. In the latter experiment geeldikkop was induced in the sheep on T. terrestris pastures, while those receiving identical doses on veld with little T. terrestris developed facial aczema. Geeldikkop, therefore, can be brought about by the ingestion of T. terrestris plants together with toxic cultures of P. chartarum. The plant appears not only to act as a vehicle for ingestion of spores, but also to interact with sporidesmin to induce lesions typical of geeldikkop, whereas sporidesmin alone results in facial eczema. Indications are that it can enhance the ability of sporidesmin to cause photosensitivity or, possibly, vice versa. The histopathological findings of these experiments are described in detail.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 300dpi. Adobe Acrobat XI Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format

    HIV Prevalence and Impact on Renutrition in Children Hospitalised for Severe Malnutrition in Niger: An Argument for More Systematic Screening

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    Background: In developing countries, malnutrition is a contributing factor in over 50 % of child deaths. Mortality rates are higher in underweight children, and HIV-infection is known to increase underweight. Our goals were to evaluate the prevalence of HIV among children hospitalised for severe malnutrition (SM) at the Niamey national hospital (Niger), and to compare renutrition and mortality by HIV-status. Methods: Retrospective study based on all children,5 years hospitalised for SM between January 1 st 2008 and July 1 st 2009. HIV-prevalence was the ratio of HIV+ children on the number of children tested. Duration of renutrition and mortality were described using survival curves. Results: During the study period, 477 children were hospitalised for SM. HIV testing was accepted in 470 (98.5%), of which 40 were HIV+ (HIV prevalence (95 % confidence interval) of 8.6 % (6.2–11.5)). Duration of renutrition was longer in HIV+ than HIV2 children (mean: 22 vs. 15 days; p = 0.003). During renutrition, 8 (20%) and 61 (14%) HIV+ and HIV2 children died, respectively (p = 0.81). Conclusion: Around 9 % of children hospitalised for severe malnutrition were HIV infected, while in Niger HIV prevalence i

    Modular approach to the development of a two-way radio receiver system

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    Thesis (MScIng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The preliminary development of a FM radio receiver module is discussed. An existing narrowband system operating between 48MHz and 50MHz will be replaced. Digital components were investigated, compared and used with analogue techniques to build a more flexible two-way radio receiver system. A direct digital synthesizer was considered as a replacement for the current synthesized phased lock loop local oscillator and much attention was given to the local oscillator and mixer design, characteristics and measurement procedures. A detailed study of receiver systems was undertaken to determine the specifications needed for every receiver component to achieve satisfactory receiver performance in the end. Receiver characteristics as well as receiver measurement procedures are defined. A software tool was developed to aid the design process, establishing computationally whether the receiver specifications are met prior to the final design. The complete design process, from fundamental specifications through to the developed final receiver module is discussed. A modular design approach was used to guarantee easy manufacturing, substitution and testing. This approach comprises the break-down of the receiver into well defined components that are each matched to 50O. The separate components of the system were designed, measured and characterized to make it possible to replace only a single component instead of the entire system when a part becomes redundant.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die grondslag vir die ontwikkeling van ‘n FM radio ontvanger module word in hierdie dokument gelĂȘ. ‘n Bestaande noubandstelsel wat tussen 48MHz and 50MHz ontvang word vervang deur hierdie nuwe stelsel wat aangewend sal kan word in die bestaande tweerigtingradio se omhulsel. Digitale komponente is ondersoek, vergelyk en gebruik saam met analoogtegnieke om ‘n meer buigsame radiostelsel te bewerkstellig. ‘n Direkte digitale sintitiseerder is oorweeg as ‘n vervanging vir die huidige fasesluitlus ossillator met heelwat klem op die oscillator-en mengerontwerp, komponent spesifikasies en metingsprosedures. ‘n Diepgaande studie van ontvangerstelsels is gedoen om te bepaal wat die tipiese spesifikasies vir elke ontvangerstadium is, sodat die finale ontvanger se spesifikasies behaal kan word. Ontvanger eienskappe en meetprosedures word volledig gedefinieer. ‘n Sagtewareprogram is ontwikkel om die ontvanger-ontwerpsproses te vergemaklik deur vooraf te kan vasstel watter ontvangerspesifikasies bereik sal kan word al dan nie. Die volledige ontwerpsproses, vanaf fundamentele spesifikasies tot by die finale ontvanger word omskryf. ‘n Modulere-ontwerp prosedure is gebruik ter versekering van die maklike vervaardiging, vervanging en toetsing van elke komponent. Die radio is tydens ontwerp opgebreek in boublokkies wat elkeen aangepas word na 50O. Elke aparte boublokkie van die ontvangerstelsel is afsonderlik ontwerp, gemeet en volledig gespesifiseer om dit moontlik te maak om slegs een komponent te vervang in plaas van die hele stelsel wanneer ‘n enkele komponent nie meer beskikbaar is nie

    Antibiotic Resistance Patterns in Cervical Microbes of Gilts and Sows

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    Extenders for boar semen contain antibiotics, which may induce antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in inseminated females. The objective was to investigate AMR of bacteria isolated from the cervix of sows and gilts in standing heat, representing females previously exposed to antibiotics in the semen extender and non-exposed females, respectively. Cervical swabs were taken from 30 multiparous sows and 30 gilts prior to their first insemination. After culturing on agar plates, bacterial isolates were identified by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry and antimicrobial minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were determined. Differences in antibiotic resistance between sows and gilts were analyzed by Chi-squared or Fisher&rsquo;s exact test. Bacteria isolated were mostly Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp. and Corynebacterium spp. Higher MICs were observed for isolates from sows than from gilts. Most (&gt;80%) Corynebacterium spp. were resistant to clindamycin; small numbers (&lt;20%) were resistant to gentamicin, penicillin, vancomycin, ciprofloxacin and rifampicin, with no differences between gilts and sows. Corynebacterium from gilts were more often resistant to tetracycline than those from sows (25% vs. 4.17%; p = 0.04). In conclusion, bacteria from the porcine cervix showed low resistance to most antibiotics except for clindamycin, but antibacterial resistance may increase with increasing parity