1,063 research outputs found

    Attribute Relationship Analysis in Outlier Mining and Stream Processing

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    The main theme of this thesis is to unite two important fields of data analysis, outlier mining and attribute relationship analysis. In this work we establish the connection between these two fields. We present techniques which exploit this connection, allowing to improve outlier detection in high dimensional data. In the second part of the thesis we extend our work to the emerging topic of data streams

    On the lifetime of bioinformatics web services

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    Web services are used through all disciplines in life sciences and the online landscape is growing by hundreds of novel servers annually. However, availability varies, and maintenance practices are largely inconsistent. We screened the availability of 2396 web tools published during the past 10 years. All servers were accessed over 133 days and 318 668 index files were stored in a local database. The number of accessible tools almost linearly increases in time with highest availability for 2019 and 2020 (∼90%) and lowest for tools published in 2010 (∼50%). In a 133-day test frame, 31% of tools were always working, 48.4% occasionally and 20.6% never. Consecutive downtimes were typically below 5 days with a median of 1 day, and unevenly distributed over the weekdays. A rescue experiment on 47 tools that were published from 2019 onwards but never accessible showed that 51.1% of the tools could be restored in due time. We found a positive association between the number of citations and the probability of a web server being reachable. We then determined common challenges and formulated categorical recommendations for researchers planning to develop web-based resources. As implication of our study, we propose to develop a repository for automatic API testing and sustainability indexing

    Revisiting ocean carbon sequestration by direct injection: A global carbon budget perspective

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    In this study we look beyond the previously studied effects of oceanic CO2 injections on atmospheric and oceanic reservoirs and also account for carbon cycle and climate feedbacks between the atmosphere and the terrestrial biosphere. Considering these additional feedbacks is important since backfluxes from the terrestrial biosphere to the atmosphere in response to reducing atmospheric CO2 can further offset the targeted reduction. To quantify these dynamics we use an Earth system model of intermediate complexity to simulate direct injection of CO2 into the deep ocean as a means of emissions mitigation during a high CO2 emission scenario. In three sets of experiments with different injection depths, we simulate a 100-year injection period of a total of 70 GtC and follow global carbon cycle dynamics over another 900 years. In additional parameter perturbation runs, we varied the default terrestrial photosynthesis CO2 fertilization parameterization by ±50 % in order to test the sensitivity of this uncertain carbon cycle feedback to the targeted atmospheric carbon reduction through direct CO2 injections. Simulated seawater chemistry changes and marine carbon storage effectiveness are similar to previous studies. As expected, by the end of the injection period avoided emissions fall short of the targeted 70 GtC by 16–30 % as a result of carbon cycle feedbacks and backfluxes in both land and ocean reservoirs. The target emissions reduction in the parameter perturbation simulations is about 0.2 and 2 % more at the end of the injection period and about 9 % less to 1 % more at the end of the simulations when compared to the unperturbed injection runs. An unexpected feature is the effect of the model's internal variability of deep-water formation in the Southern Ocean, which, in some model runs, causes additional oceanic carbon uptake after injection termination relative to a control run without injection and therefore with slightly different atmospheric CO2 and climate. These results of a model that has very low internal climate variability illustrate that the attribution of carbon fluxes and accounting for injected CO2 may be very challenging in the real climate system with its much larger internal variability

    The Spirit of Global Health

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    Since the beginning of the World Health Organization, many of its staff members, regional offices, Member States, and directors-general have grappled with the question of what a ‘spiritual dimension’ of health looks like, and how it might enrich the health policies advocated by their organization. Contrary to the widespread perception that ‘spirituality’ is primarily related to palliative care and has emerged relatively recently within the WHO, this book shows that its history is considerably longer and more complex, and has been closely connected to the organization’s ethical aspirations, its quest for more holistic and equitable healthcare, and its struggle with the colonial legacy of international health organizations. Such ideals and struggles silently motivated many of its key actors and policies—such as the provision of universal primary healthcare—which for decades have embodied the organization’s loftiest aspirations. The WHO’s official relationship with ‘spirituality’ advanced in fits, leaps, and setbacks. At times creative and interdisciplinary, at others deeply political, this process was marked by cycles of institutional forgetting and remembering. Rather than a triumph of religious lobbyists, this book argues, the ‘spiritual dimension’ of health may be better understood as a ‘ghost’ that has haunted—and continues to haunt—the WHO as it comes to terms with its mandate of advancing health as a state of ‘complete well-being’ available to all

    Introducing performance awareness in an integrated specification environment

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    With an increase in software complexity and modularization to create large software systems and software product lines it is increasingly difficult to ensure all requirements are met by the built system. Performance requirements are an important concern to software systems and research has developed approaches being capable of predicting software performance from annotated software architecture descriptions, such as the Palladio tool suite. However, the tooling when moving between specification, implementation and verification phase has a gap as the tools are commonly not linked, leading to inconsistencies and ambiguities in the produced artifacts. This thesis introduces performance awareness into the Integrated Specification Environment for the Specification of Technical Software Systems (IETS3), which is a specification environment aiming to close the tooling gap between the different lifecycle phases. Performance awareness is introduced by integrating existing approaches for software performance prediction from the Palladio tool suite and extending them to cope with variability-aware system models for software product lines. The thesis includes an experimental evaluation showing that the developed approach is able to provide performance predictions to users of the specification environment within 2000 ms for systems of up to 20 components and within 8000 ms for systems of up to 30 components.Mit zunehmender Software-Komplexität und Modularisierung zur Entwicklung großer Softwaresysteme und Software-Produktlinien ist es zunehmend schwierig, alle Anforderungen des eingebauten Systems zu erfüllen. Performanz ist eine wichtige Anforderung für Software-Systeme und aktuelle Forschungsarbeiten haben Ansätze entwickelt, die in der Lage sind, Software-Performanz von annotierten Software-Architekturen vorherzusagen, wie beispielswiese die Palladio Tool Suite. Jedoch hat beim Wechseln zwischen Spezifikations-, Implementierungs- und Verifikationsphase die bestehende Toolchain eine Lücke, da die eingesetzten Werkzeuge häufig nicht miteinander verknüpft sind. Dies führt zu Inkonsistenzen und Unklarheiten in den erzeugten Artefakten. Diese Arbeit führt Performanz-Bewusstsein in die Integrated Specification Environment for the Specification of Technical Software Systems (IETS3) ein - eine Spezifikationsumgebung, die die Werkzeuglücke zwischen den verschiedenen Phasen des Software-Lebenszyklus zu schließen versucht. Das Bewusstsein wird durch die Integration bestehender Ansätze zur Performanz-Vorhersage aus der Palladio Tool Suite hergestellt und um die Analyse von Produktlinien erweitert. Die experimentelle Evaluierung der Arbeit zeigt, dass der entwickelte Ansatz in der Lage ist, innerhalb von 2000 ms Systeme bestehend aus bis zu 20 Komponenten, und innerhalb von 8000 ms Systeme bestehend aus bis zu 30 Komponenten, zu analysieren

    Waste Reduction by Product-Quality Based Scheduling in Food Processing

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    AbstractRelated to resource efficiency waste reduction is the crucial point in the processing of food. As shown in different Food Waste Studies the amount of waste in food processing is enormous. Up to 400.000 metric tons of edible food is disposed every year caused by wrong treatment, handling and processing. Processing is the major point to deal with. In the case of manual processing in a cantina kitchen waste can be classified into waste associated with overproduction, product damages or technical interruptions. To reduce the amount of loss by using technical solutions it is possible to reduce up to 60 % of loss during the processing. Related to the product itself the automation and especially the scheduling of the processes in a commercial kitchen is more complex than the scheduling of standard products e.g. in the automotive sector. This article shows a solution to extend the criteria of production planning within an automated food processing environment. The paper introduces a product model that prescribes the progress of product quality while processing


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    The purpose of this study was to find objective factors in athleticism training which influence the performance of ski jumpers on the hill. Therefore, barbell squats, drop jumps and imitation jumps were measured in a laboratory environment for ten ski jumpers. Force and motion capture data was gathered and forces, velocities as well as an index for the knee valgus were calculated. The results show that especially for the imitation jumps there is a good correlation of the take-off velocity with the performance on the hill. What surprised more is that the more the athletes tended to a knee valgus during all measured movements, the worse the performance. Therefore, athleticism training should concentrate more on improving the knee stability
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