10 research outputs found

    PM<sub>10</sub> emission from crop production and agricultural soils

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    The emission of particulate matter from agricultural sources is a worldwide environmental issue due to health concerns. The main factors influencing PM10 emission from crop production are the origin of particles, the physical and chemical properties of soils, meteorological conditions, and the mechanical impacts of farm operations. Several studies have been made to determine PM10 emission factors for tillage operations, but these emission factors varied depending on soil properties, especially soil texture and water content, and environmental conditions (e.g. relative humidity, and variability in wind speed and direction). This is why the use of a single emission factor for a given tillage operation is inadequate. To estimate the yearly amount of PM10 emitted from agricultural soils and crop production, emissions originating from different sources at different temporal division must be summarized. Because 56 % of the total territory of Hungary is cropland, relatively high PM10 emission occurs from crop production and agricultural soils. If this is to be reduced, research should focus on the identification of soil and environmental properties related to PM10 emission on characteristic Hungarian soils

    Different land-use intensities and their susceptibility to soil erosion

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    Summary Adaptation is the most important strategy to reduce the effect of climate change and soil erosion. During this process adequate, rational land use is necessary to ensure climate resilience. Therefore, the main objective in this study was to evaluate the susceptibility of different land use intensities (arable land and grassland) to soil erosion. The rainfall simulation method is a good tool to measure and estimate soil erosion in situ. The comparative measurements were carried out in the field with a Shower Power-02 simulator on 6 m2 plots in Gerézdpuszta, where the slope angles were ~8% and the simulated rainfall events had high intensities (~70-96 mm h−1). The runoff and soil loss were significantly higher from arable land. The runoff-infiltration ratio and runoff coefficient showed lower infiltration capacity in the case of arable land. On average, the suspended sediment loads were tenfold higher under intensive land use. In the case of grassland a moderate increase in infiltration was observed due to higher rainfall intensity, as also reported in the literature. The rainfall simulation method provides good data for soil loss estimations

    The Use of Various Rainfall Simulators in the Determination of the Driving Forces of Changes in Sediment Concentration and Clay Enrichment

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    Soil erosion is a complex, destructive process that endangers food security in many parts of the world; thus, its investigation is a key issue. While the measurement of interrill erosion is a necessity, the methods used to carry it out vary greatly, and the comparison of the results is often difficult. The present study aimed to examine the results of two rainfall simulators, testing their sensitivity to different environmental conditions. Plot-scale nozzle type rainfall simulation experiments were conducted on the same regosol under both field and laboratory conditions to compare the dominant driving factors of runoff and soil loss. In the course of the experiments, high-intensity rainfall, various slope gradients, and different soil surface states (moisture content, roughness, and crust state) were chosen as the response parameters, and their driving factors were sought. In terms of the overall erosion process, the runoff, and soil loss properties, we found an agreement between the simulators. However, in the field (a 6 m2 plot), the sediment concentration was related to the soil conditions and therefore its hydrological properties, whereas in the laboratory (a 0.5 m2 plot), slope steepness and rainfall intensity were the main driving factors. This, in turn, indicates that the design of a rainfall simulator may affect the results of the research it is intended for, even if the differences occasioned by various designs may be of a low order

    Snapshot Hyperspectral Imaging for Field Data Acquisition in Agriculture (in Raspberry Plantation)

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    A snapshot spectral camera with more than 100 spectral channels was used and tested. A native snapshot imaging spectrometer captures all spectra and the entire image at the same time without any time delay. It enables this imaging system to capture motion pictures and producing hyperspectral videos. In our horticulture study a snapshot camera was applied to spectrally document, map and characterize a raspberry plantation under differently coloured shade nets to analyse usability, flexibility and to record spectro-phenological parameters. Leading raspberry producers are located in Eastern Europe and contribute at least 80% of the world's raspberry production (FAOSTAT, 2016). Due to agricultural climate change scenarios raspberry plantations are at risk because evapotranspiration will be challenged by solar radiation and temperature changes. We concluded that spectral field data acquisition and length of data evaluation could be significantly reduced by snapshot spectral imaging

    A siket emberek sajátos világa, munkaerő-piaci helyzetük és foglalkoztatási lehetőségeik a szociális gazdaság keretein belül

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    Szakdolgozatom célja, hogy a siket és nagyothalló emberek világát közelebb hozza a halló társadalomhoz, bemutassa munkaerő-piaci helyzetüket. Dolgozatomban szeretném meg-vizsgálni, hogyan valósulnak meg a törvényi keretek a gyakorlatban a hallássérültek foglalkoztatása során, milyen akadályok merülnek fel a munkáltatói, munkavállalói oldalon és mik azok a lehetőségek, amik megoldásul szolgálhatnak a felmerült problémákra, javítva ezáltal a sikeres együttműködést a hallássérült munkavállaló és a halló munkatársak között és a hallássérült személyek munkavállalási esélyeit. Azt feltételezem, hogy merőben más igényeket fogalmaznak meg a munkavállalók és másakat a munkáltatók, erre a kérdésre is szeretnék választ kapni. Ezen kívül szeretnék kitérni a szociális gazdaságban rejlő foglalkoztatási lehetőségre. Munkám során a rendelkezésre álló szakirodalmi elemzések szintetizálásán túl empirikus vizsgálatot is végeztem interjúk formájában, melyeket szeretnék részletesen bemutatni a dolgozatban.MSc/MAszociális munka és szociális gazdaságmagyarlevelezőV

    Comparison of the Applicability of Different Soil Erosion Models to Predict Soil Erodibility Factor and Event Soil Losses on Loess Slopes in Hungary

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    Climate change induces more extreme precipitation events, which increase the amount of soil loss. There are continuous requests from the decision-makers in the European Union to provide data on soil loss; the question is, which ones should we use? The paper presents the results of USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation), RUSLE (Revised USLE), USLE-M (USLE-Modified) and EPIC (Erosion-Productivity Impact Calculator) modelling, based on rainfall simulations performed in the Koppány Valley, Hungary. Soil losses were measured during low-, moderate- and high-intensity rainfalls on cultivated soils formed on loess. The soil erodibility values were calculated by the equations of the applied soil erosion models and ranged from 0.0028 to 0.0087 t ha h ha−1 MJ−1 mm−1 for the USLE-related models. EPIC produced larger values. The coefficient of determination resulted in an acceptable correlation between the measured and calculated values only in the case of USLE-M. Based on other statistical indicators (e.g., NSEI, RMSE, PBIAS and relative error), RUSLE, USLE and USLE-M resulted in the best performance. Overall, regardless of being non-physically based models, USLE-type models seem to produce accurate soil erodibility values, thus modelling outputs

    Intracortical Mechanisms of Single Pulse Electrical Stimulation (SPES) Evoked Excitations and Inhibitions in Human

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    Cortico-cortical evoked potentials (CCEPs) elicited by single-pulse electric stimulation (SPES) are widely used to assess effective connectivity between cortical areas and are also implemented in the presurgical evaluation of epileptic patients. Nevertheless, the cortical generators underlying the various components of CCEPs in humans have not yet been elucidated. Our aim was to describe the laminar pattern arising under SPES evoked CCEP components (P1, N1, P2, N2, P3) and to evaluate the similarities between N2 and the downstate of sleep slow waves. We used intra-cortical laminar microelectrodes (LMEs) to record CCEPs evoked by 10 mA bipolar 0.5 Hz electric pulses in seven patients with medically intractable epilepsy implanted with subdural grids. Based on the laminar profile of CCEPs, the latency of components is not layer-dependent, however their rate of appearance varies across cortical depth and stimulation distance, while the seizure onset zone does not seem to affect the emergence of components. Early neural excitation primarily engages middle and deep layers, propagating to the superficial layers, followed by mainly superficial inhibition, concluding in a sleep slow wave-like inhibition and excitation sequence

    PsyCorona: A world of reactions to COVID-19:How an online data visualization tool reports data from an international psychological survey

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    The purpose of this data visualization tool is twofold. First, it serves as a resource for researchers, analysts, and practitioners to understand people’s thoughts, feelings, and responses to the coronavirus as well as the extraordinary societal measures taken against it. Such knowledge could provide pilot data for researchers, inform current policies to contain the pandemic, or help society prepare for similar events in the future. Second, it serves as a test case for how psychological scientists can use data visualization to engage the public and share results with respondents. Tens of thou-sands of respondents invested time and effort to share their experiences, and the app affords them access and agency over the data as well as an interactive experience of how data can be used

    PsyCorona: A World of Reactions to COVID-19:How an online data visualization tool reports data from an international psychological survey

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