137 research outputs found

    Bioactivity-driven fungal metabologenomics identifies antiproliferative stemphone analogs and their biosynthetic gene cluster

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    Fungi biosynthesize chemically diverse secondary metabolites with a wide range of biological activities. Natural product scientists have increasingly turned towards bioinformatics approaches, combining metabolomics and genomics to target secondary metabolites and their biosynthetic machinery. We recently applied an integrated metabologenomics workflow to 110 fungi and identified more than 230 high-confidence linkages between metabolites and their biosynthetic pathways. To prioritize the discovery of bioactive natural products and their biosynthetic pathways from these hundreds of high-confidence linkages, we developed a bioactivity-driven metabologenomics workflow combining quantitative chemical information, antiproliferative bioactivity data, and genome sequences. The 110 fungi from our metabologenomics study were tested against multiple cancer cell lines to identify which strains produced antiproliferative natural products. Three strains were selected for further study, fractionated using flash chromatography, and subjected to an additional round of bioactivity testing and mass spectral analysis. Data were overlaid using biochemometrics analysis to predict active constituents early in the fractionation process following which their biosynthetic pathways were identified using metabologenomics. We isolated three new-to-nature stemphone analogs, 19-acetylstemphones G (1), B (2) and E (3), that demonstrated antiproliferative activity ranging from 3 to 5 \ub5M against human melanoma (MDA-MB-435) and ovarian cancer (OVACR3) cells. We proposed a rational biosynthetic pathway for these compounds, highlighting the potential of using bioactivity as a filter for the analysis of integrated—Omics datasets. This work demonstrates how the incorporation of biochemometrics as a third dimension into the metabologenomics workflow can identify bioactive metabolites and link them to their biosynthetic machinery

    Rapid Global Expansion of Invertebrate Fisheries: Trends, Drivers, and Ecosystem Effects

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    BACKGROUND: Worldwide, finfish fisheries are receiving increasing assessment and regulation, slowly leading to more sustainable exploitation and rebuilding. In their wake, invertebrate fisheries are rapidly expanding with little scientific scrutiny despite increasing socio-economic importance. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We provide the first global evaluation of the trends, drivers, and population and ecosystem consequences of invertebrate fisheries based on a global catch database in combination with taxa-specific reviews. We also develop new methodologies to quantify temporal and spatial trends in resource status and fishery development. Since 1950, global invertebrate catches have increased 6-fold with 1.5 times more countries fishing and double the taxa reported. By 2004, 34% of invertebrate fisheries were over-exploited, collapsed, or closed. New fisheries have developed increasingly rapidly, with a decrease of 6 years (3 years) in time to peak from the 1950s to 1990s. Moreover, some fisheries have expanded further and further away from their driving market, encompassing a global fishery by the 1990s. 71% of taxa (53% of catches) are harvested with habitat-destructive gear, and many provide important ecosystem functions including habitat, filtration, and grazing. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that invertebrate species, which form an important component of the basis of marine food webs, are increasingly exploited with limited stock and ecosystem-impact assessments, and enhanced management attention is needed to avoid negative consequences for ocean ecosystems and human well-being

    Identification of ejaculated proteins in the house mouse (Mus domesticus) via isotopic labeling

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Seminal fluid plays an important role in successful fertilization, but knowledge of the full suite of proteins transferred from males to females during copulation is incomplete. The list of ejaculated proteins remains particularly scant in one of the best-studied mammalian systems, the house mouse (<it>Mus domesticus</it>), where artificial ejaculation techniques have proven inadequate. Here we investigate an alternative method for identifying ejaculated proteins, by isotopically labeling females with <sup>15</sup>N and then mating them to unlabeled, vasectomized males. Proteins were then isolated from mated females and identified using mass spectrometry. In addition to gaining insights into possible functions and fates of ejaculated proteins, our study serves as proof of concept that isotopic labeling is a powerful means to study reproductive proteins.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identified 69 male-derived proteins from the female reproductive tract following copulation. More than a third of all spectra detected mapped to just seven genes known to be structurally important in the formation of the copulatory plug, a hard coagulum that forms shortly after mating. Seminal fluid is significantly enriched for proteins that function in protection from oxidative stress and endopeptidase inhibition. Females, on the other hand, produce endopeptidases in response to mating. The 69 ejaculated proteins evolve significantly more rapidly than other proteins that we previously identified directly from dissection of the male reproductive tract.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our study attempts to comprehensively identify the proteins transferred from males to females during mating, expanding the application of isotopic labeling to mammalian reproductive genomics. This technique opens the way to the targeted monitoring of the fate of ejaculated proteins as they incubate in the female reproductive tract.</p

    Simultaneous Quantitation of Amino Acid Mixtures using Clustering Agents

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    A method that uses the abundances of large clusters formed in electrospray ionization to determine the solution-phase molar fractions of amino acids in multi-component mixtures is demonstrated. For solutions containing either four or 10 amino acids, the relative abundances of protonated molecules differed from their solution-phase molar fractions by up to 30-fold and 100-fold, respectively. For the four-component mixtures, the molar fractions determined from the abundances of larger clusters consisting of 19 or more molecules were within 25% of the solution-phase molar fractions, indicating that the abundances and compositions of these clusters reflect the relative concentrations of these amino acids in solution, and that ionization and detection biases are significantly reduced. Lower accuracy was obtained for the 10-component mixtures where values determined from the cluster abundances were typically within a factor of three of their solution molar fractions. The lower accuracy of this method with the more complex mixtures may be due to specific clustering effects owing to the heterogeneity as a result of significantly different physical properties of the components, or it may be the result of lower S/N for the more heterogeneous clusters and not including the low-abundance more highly heterogeneous clusters in this analysis. Although not as accurate as using traditional standards, this clustering method may find applications when suitable standards are not readily available

    Progressive Activation of CD127+132− Recent Thymic Emigrants into Terminally Differentiated CD127−132+ T-Cells in HIV-1 Infection

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    AIM: HIV infection is associated with distortion of T-cell homeostasis and the IL-7/IL7R axis. Progressive infection results in loss of CD127+132- and gains in CD127-132+ CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells. We investigated the correlates of loss of CD127 from the T-cell surface to understand mechanisms underlying this homeostatic dysregulation. METHODS: Peripheral and cord blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs; CBMC) from healthy volunteers and PBMC from patients with HIV infection were studied. CD127+132-, CD127+132+ and CD127-132+ T-cells were phenotyped by activation, differentiation, proliferation and survival markers. Cellular HIV-DNA content and signal-joint T-cell receptor excision circles (sjTRECs) were measured. RESULTS: CD127+132- T-cells were enriched for naïve cells while CD127-132+ T-cells were enriched for activated/terminally differentiated T-cells in CD4+ and CD8+ subsets in health and HIV infection. HIV was associated with increased proportions of activated/terminally differentiated CD127-132+ T-cells. In contrast to CD127+132- T-cells, CD127-132+ T-cells were Ki-67+Bcl-2(low) and contained increased levels of HIV-DNA. Naïve CD127+132- T-cells contained a higher proportion of sjTRECs. CONCLUSION: The loss of CD127 from the T-cell surface in HIV infection is driven by activation of CD127+132- recent thymic emigrants into CD127-132+ activated/terminally differentiated cells. This process likely results in an irreversible loss of CD127 and permanent distortion of T-cell homeostasis

    “We wouldn’t of made friends if we didn’t come to Football United”: the impacts of a football program on young people’s peer, prosocial and cross-cultural relationships

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    Background Sport as a mechanism to build relationships across cultural boundaries and to build positive interactions among young people has often been promoted in the literature. However, robust evaluation of sport-for-development program impacts is limited. This study reports on an impact evaluation of a sport-for-development program in Australia, Football United®. Methods A quasi-experimental mixed methods design was employed using treatment partitioning (different groups compared had different levels of exposure to Football United). A survey was undertaken with 142 young people (average age of 14.7 years with 22.5% of the sample comprising girls) in four Australian schools. These schools included two Football United and two Comparison schools where Football United was not operating. The survey instrument was composed of previously validated measures, including emotional symptoms, peer problems and relationships, prosocial behaviour, other-group orientation, feelings of social inclusion and belonging and resilience. Face to face interviews were undertaken with a purposeful sample (n = 79) of those who completed the survey. The participants in the interviews were selected to provide a diversity of age, gender and cultural backgrounds. Results Young people who participated in Football United showed significantly higher levels of other-group orientation than a Comparison Group (who did not participate in the program). The Football United boys had significantly lower scores on the peer problem scale and significantly higher scores on the prosocial scale than boys in the Comparison Group. Treatment partitioning analyses showed positive, linear associations between other-group orientation and total participation in the Football United program. A lower score on peer problems and higher scores on prosocial behaviour in the survey were associated with regularity of attendance at Football United. These quantitative results are supported by qualitative data analysed from interviews. Conclusions The study provides evidence of the effects of Football United on key domains of peer and prosocial relationships for boys and other-group orientation for young people in the program sites studied. The effects on girls, and the impacts of the program on the broader school environment and at the community level, require further investigation

    Molecular evolution of a gene cluster of serine proteases expressed in the Anopheles gambiae female reproductive tract

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genes involved in post-mating processes of multiple mating organisms are known to evolve rapidly due to coevolution driven by sexual conflict among male-female interacting proteins. In the malaria mosquito <it>Anopheles gambiae </it>- a monandrous species in which sexual conflict is expected to be absent or minimal - recent data strongly suggest that proteolytic enzymes specifically expressed in the female lower reproductive tissues are involved in the processing of male products transferred to females during mating. In order to better understand the role of selective forces underlying the evolution of proteins involved in post-mating responses, we analysed a cluster of genes encoding for three serine proteases that are down-regulated after mating, two of which specifically expressed in the atrium and one in the spermatheca of <it>A. gambiae </it>females.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The analysis of polymorphisms and divergence of these female-expressed proteases in closely related species of the <it>A. gambiae </it>complex revealed a high level of replacement polymorphisms consistent with relaxed evolutionary constraints of duplicated genes, allowing to rapidly fix novel replacements to perform new or more specific functions. Adaptive evolution was detected in several codons of the 3 genes and hints of episodic selection were also found. In addition, the structural modelling of these proteases highlighted some important differences in their substrate specificity, and provided evidence that a number of sites evolving under selective pressures lie relatively close to the catalytic triad and/or on the edge of the specificity pocket, known to be involved in substrate recognition or binding. The observed patterns suggest that these proteases may interact with factors transferred by males during mating (e.g. substrates, inhibitors or pathogens) and that they may have differently evolved in independent <it>A. gambiae </it>lineages.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results - also examined in light of constraints in the application of selection-inference methods to the closely related species of the <it>A. gambiae </it>complex - reveal an unexpectedly intricate evolutionary scenario. Further experimental analyses are needed to investigate the biological functions of these genes in order to better interpret their molecular evolution and to assess whether they represent possible targets for limiting the fertility of <it>Anopheles </it>mosquitoes in malaria vector control strategies.</p

    Loss of NK Stimulatory Capacity by Plasmacytoid and Monocyte-Derived DC but Not Myeloid DC in HIV-1 Infected Patients

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    Dendritic cells (DC) are potent inducers of natural killer (NK) cells. There are two distinct populations in blood, myeloid (mDC) and plasmacytoid (pDC) but they can also be generated In vitro from monocytes (mdDC). Although it is established that blood DC are lost in HIV-1 infection, the full impact of HIV-1 infection on DC-NK cell interactions remains elusive. We thus investigated the ability of pDC, mDC, and mdDC from viremic and anti-retroviral therapy-treated aviremic HIV-1+ patients to stimulate various NK cell functions. Stimulated pDC and mdDC from HIV-1+ patients showed reduced secretion of IFN-α and IL-12p70 respectively and their capacity to stimulate expression of CD25 and CD69, and IFN-γ secretion in NK cells was also reduced. pDC activation of NK cell degranulation in response to a tumour cell line was severely reduced in HIV-1+ patients but the ability of mDC to activate NK cells was not affected by HIV-1 infection, with the exception of HLA-DR induction. No differences were observed between viremic and aviremic patients indicating that anti-retroviral therapy had minimal effect on restoration on pDC and mdDC-mediated activation of NK cells. Results from this study provide further insight into HIV-1 mediated suppression of innate immune functions

    The Drosophila melanogaster Seminal Fluid Protease “Seminase” Regulates Proteolytic and Post-Mating Reproductive Processes

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    Proteases and protease inhibitors have been identified in the ejaculates of animal taxa ranging from invertebrates to mammals and form a major protein class among Drosophila melanogaster seminal fluid proteins (SFPs). Other than a single protease cascade in mammals that regulates seminal clot liquefaction, no proteolytic cascades (i.e. pathways with at least two proteases acting in sequence) have been identified in seminal fluids. In Drosophila, SFPs are transferred to females during mating and, together with sperm, are necessary for the many post-mating responses elicited in females. Though several SFPs are proteolytically cleaved either during or after mating, virtually nothing is known about the proteases involved in these cleavage events or the physiological consequences of proteolytic activity in the seminal fluid on the female. Here, we present evidence that a protease cascade acts in the seminal fluid of Drosophila during and after mating. Using RNAi to knock down expression of the SFP CG10586, a predicted serine protease, we show that it acts upstream of the SFP CG11864, a predicted astacin protease, to process SFPs involved in ovulation and sperm entry into storage. We also show that knockdown of CG10586 leads to lower levels of egg laying, higher rates of sexual receptivity to subsequent males, and abnormal sperm usage patterns, processes that are independent of CG11864. The long-term phenotypes of females mated to CG10586 knockdown males are similar to those of females that fail to store sex peptide, an important elicitor of long-term post-mating responses, and indicate a role for CG10586 in regulating sex peptide. These results point to an important role for proteolysis among insect SFPs and suggest that protease cascades may be a mechanism for precise temporal regulation of multiple post-mating responses in females