27 research outputs found

    Anti-RBD IgG antibodies from endemic coronaviruses do not protect against the acquisition of SARS-CoV-2 infection among exposed uninfected individuals

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    BackgroundThe Coronaviridae family comprises seven viruses known to infect humans, classified into alphacoronaviruses (HCoV-229E and HCoV-NL63) and betacoronaviruses (HCoV-OC43 and HCoV-HKU1), which are considered endemic. Additionally, it includes SARS-CoV (severe acute respiratory syndrome), MERS-CoV (Middle East respiratory syndrome), and the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, responsible for COVID-19. SARS-CoV-2 induces severe respiratory complications, particularly in the elderly, immunocompromised individuals and those with underlying diseases. An essential question since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has been to determine whether prior exposure to seasonal coronaviruses influences immunity or protection against SARS-CoV-2.MethodsIn this study, we investigated a cohort of 47 couples (N=94), where one partner tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection via real-time PCR while the other remained negative. Plasma samples, collected at least 30 days post-PCR reaction, were assessed using indirect ELISA and competition assays to measure specific antibodies against the receptor-binding domain (RBD) portion of the Spike (S) protein from SARS-CoV-2, HCoV-229E, HCoV-NL63, HCoV-OC43, and HCoV-HKU1.ResultsIgG antibody levels against the four endemic coronavirus RBD proteins were similar between the PCR-positive and PCR-negative individuals, suggesting that IgG against endemic coronavirus RBD regions was not associated with protection from infection. Moreover, we found no significant IgG antibody cross-reactivity between endemic coronaviruses and SARS-CoV-2 RBDs.ConclusionsTaken together, results suggest that anti-RBD antibodies induced by a previous infection with endemic HCoVs do not protect against acquisition of COVID-19 among exposed uninfected individuals

    NEUROTRAUMA PROJECT: Educate to prevent – the best treatment

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    Introdução: As lesões neurológicas são as principais causas de deficiência. Os neurotraumas: trauma raquimedular (TRM) e traumatismo cranioencefálico (TCE) além de frequentes, causam, muitas vezes, danos neurológicos permanentes e acometem comumente os jovens que têm a sua vida inteiramente modificada. Os neurotraumas impactam a vida não só do indivíduo que sofre o trauma, mas de toda a sua família, além do sistema de saúde e previdenciário, tornando-se um problema de saúde pública. Objetivos: Promover ações educativas relacionadas aos neurotraumas a alunos do ensino médio das escolas públicas de Diamantina – Minas Gerais e conscientizar sobre a seriedade do TRM e TCE estimulando a prevenção. Métodos: Alunos do ensino médio das escolas públicas da cidade de Diamantina – Minas Gerais formaram o público alvo da intervenção deste projeto de extensão. A atividade extensionista iniciou após autorização da equipe escolar. Um questionário sobre o conhecimento e fatores de risco do TRM e TCE foi entregue para os alunos antes da aula expositiva e ilustrativa sobre os neurotraumas. A aula continha assuntos relacionados à anatomia neurológica, etiologia, incidência, fatores de risco, prognóstico, complicações e prevenção dos neurotraumas. Houve um período para debate e dúvidas, e um folder explicativo sobre o assunto foi entregue aos alunos no final da abordagem. Os dados relacionados ao questionário aplicado foram analisados e relatos dos alunos extensionistas e da equipe escolar foram registrados. Resultados: O número total de estudantes abordados nesta intervenção foi de 451, distribuídos entre os três anos do ensino médio, 32% do primeiro ano, 40% e 28% do segundo e terceiro, respectivamente. A média de idade dos estudantes foi de 16 anos e a maioria do gênero feminino (55%). Um número expressivo de alunos não tinha conhecimento sobre o TRM (41%) e TCE (52%) e vários deles apresentavam atitudes de risco para um possível neurotrauma. Conclusão: A melhor conduta para evitar o número crescente e as consequências dos neurotraumas é a prevenção, pois além da autoproteção, evita acidentes a terceiros e trazem benefícios econômicos para toda a sociedade e menos sofrimento para os indivíduos. Houve interação entre a universidade e as escolas o que proporcionou o aumento do aprendizado.Introducción: Las lesiones neurológicas son las principales causas de discapacidad. Los neurotraumas, trauma raquimedular (TRM) y traumatismo craneoencefálico (TCE), además de frecuentes, muchas veces causan daños neurológicos permanentes y se presentan con frecuencia en los jóvenes que tienen sus vidas completamente modificadas. Los neurotraumas no solo afectan la vida del individuo que lo sufre, sino también su vida familiar, el sistema de salud pública y de seguridad que se convierte en uno problema de salud pública. Objetivos: Promover acciones educativas relacionadas con neurotraumas a los alumnos de bachillerato de las escuelas públicas de Diamantina, Minas Gerais, y concientizar acerca de la seriedad del TRM y TCE estimulando la prevención. Métodos: Alumnos del bachillerato de las escuelas públicas de la ciudad de Diamantina, Minas Gerais, han formado el público objetivo de la intervención de este proyecto de extensión. La actividad extensionista empezó después de la autorización del equipo escolar. Un cuestionario acerca del conocimiento y los factores de riesgo del TRM y TCE fue entregado para los alumnos antes de la clase expositiva y ilustrativa sobre los neurotraumas. La clase contenía temas relacionados con la anatomía neurológica, etiología, incidencia, factores de riesgo, pronóstico, complicaciones y prevención de los neurotraumas. Hubo un período de debate para aclarar las dudas y se entregó un folleto explicativo sobre los contenidos, a los alumnos al final de la actividad. Los datos relacionados al cuestionario aplicado fueron analizados y se registraron informes de los alumnos extensionistas y del equipo escolar. Resultados: El número total de los estudiantes abordados en esta intervención fue de 451 distribuidos entre los tres años del bachillerato, 32% del primer año, 40% y 28% del segundo y tercero, respectivamente. El promedio de las edades de los estudiantes fueron de 16 años y la mayoría fue del género femenino (55%). Un número significativo de alumnos no tenían conocimiento sobre el TRM (41%) y TCE (52%) y varios de ellos presentaban actitudes de riesgo para un posible neurotrauma. Conclusiones: La prevalencia del desconocimiento sobre el TCE y el TRM y sus consecuencias fue alta entre los estudiantes de secundaria y los hábitos de riesgo para un neurotrauma fueron identificados y ampliamente discutidos. La mejor conducta para evitar el número creciente y las consecuencias de los neurotraumas es la prevención, además de la autoprotección, evita accidentes a terceros y traen beneficios económicos para toda la sociedad y menos sufrimiento para las personas. Hubo interacción entre la universidad y las escuelas proporcionando intercambio de saberes, agregando, posiblemente, nuevos conocimientos para todos los involucrados.Introduction: Neurological injuries are the main causes of disability. Neurotraumas, spinal cord injuries (SCI) and traumatic brain injury (TBI), besides being frequent, often cause permanent neurological damage and commonly affect young people whose lives are completely modified. Neurotraumas impact not only the life of the individual who suffers the trauma, but of the whole family, as well as the health and social security system, becoming a public health problem. Objectives: To promote educational actions related to neurotraumas for high school students in the public schools of Diamantina, Minas Gerais, and to raise awareness about the seriousness of SCI and TBI by stimulating prevention. Methods: High school students from the public schools of the city of Diamantina, Minas Gerais, formed the target audience for the intervention of this extension project. The extension activity started after authorization of the school team. A questionnaire about the knowledge and risk factors of SCI and TBI was delivered to students prior to the expository and illustrative class on neurotraumas. The class contained subjects related to the neurological anatomy; etiology, incidence, risk factors, prognosis, complications and prevention of neurotraumas. There was a period for debate and doubts and an explanatory folder on the subject was delivered to the students at the end of the approach. The data related to the applied questionnaire were analyzed and reports of extension students and school staff were recorded. Results: The total number of students broached in this intervention was 451 distributed between the three years of high school, 32% of the first year, 40% and 28% of the second and third respectively. The average age of the students was 16 years and the majority was female (55%). An expressive number of students were not aware of SCI (41%) and TBI (52%) and several of them presented attitudes of risk for a possible neurotrauma. Conclusion: The prevalence of unfamiliarity about SCI and TBI and its consequences was high among high school students and risk habits for neurotrauma were identified and widely discussed. The best conduct to avoid the increasing number and consequences of neurotraumas is prevention, beyond self-protection prevents accidents to third parties and brings economic benefits to the whole society and less suffering for individuals. There was interaction between a university and schools providing knowledge exchange, possibly adding new knowledge to all involved

    NEUROTRAUMA PROJECT: Educate to prevent – the best treatment

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    Introdução: As lesões neurológicas são as principais causas de deficiência. Os neurotraumas: trauma raquimedular (TRM) e traumatismo cranioencefálico (TCE) além de frequentes, causam, muitas vezes, danos neurológicos permanentes e acometem comumente os jovens que têm a sua vida inteiramente modificada. Os neurotraumas impactam a vida não só do indivíduo que sofre o trauma, mas de toda a sua família, além do sistema de saúde e previdenciário, tornando-se um problema de saúde pública. Objetivos: Promover ações educativas relacionadas aos neurotraumas a alunos do ensino médio das escolas públicas de Diamantina – Minas Gerais e conscientizar sobre a seriedade do TRM e TCE estimulando a prevenção. Métodos: Alunos do ensino médio das escolas públicas da cidade de Diamantina – Minas Gerais formaram o público alvo da intervenção deste projeto de extensão. A atividade extensionista iniciou após autorização da equipe escolar. Um questionário sobre o conhecimento e fatores de risco do TRM e TCE foi entregue para os alunos antes da aula expositiva e ilustrativa sobre os neurotraumas. A aula continha assuntos relacionados à anatomia neurológica, etiologia, incidência, fatores de risco, prognóstico, complicações e prevenção dos neurotraumas. Houve um período para debate e dúvidas, e um folder explicativo sobre o assunto foi entregue aos alunos no final da abordagem. Os dados relacionados ao questionário aplicado foram analisados e relatos dos alunos extensionistas e da equipe escolar foram registrados. Resultados: O número total de estudantes abordados nesta intervenção foi de 451, distribuídos entre os três anos do ensino médio, 32% do primeiro ano, 40% e 28% do segundo e terceiro, respectivamente. A média de idade dos estudantes foi de 16 anos e a maioria do gênero feminino (55%). Um número expressivo de alunos não tinha conhecimento sobre o TRM (41%) e TCE (52%) e vários deles apresentavam atitudes de risco para um possível neurotrauma. Conclusão: A melhor conduta para evitar o número crescente e as consequências dos neurotraumas é a prevenção, pois além da autoproteção, evita acidentes a terceiros e trazem benefícios econômicos para toda a sociedade e menos sofrimento para os indivíduos. Houve interação entre a universidade e as escolas o que proporcionou o aumento do aprendizado.Introducción: Las lesiones neurológicas son las principales causas de discapacidad. Los neurotraumas, trauma raquimedular (TRM) y traumatismo craneoencefálico (TCE), además de frecuentes, muchas veces causan daños neurológicos permanentes y se presentan con frecuencia en los jóvenes que tienen sus vidas completamente modificadas. Los neurotraumas no solo afectan la vida del individuo que lo sufre, sino también su vida familiar, el sistema de salud pública y de seguridad que se convierte en uno problema de salud pública. Objetivos: Promover acciones educativas relacionadas con neurotraumas a los alumnos de bachillerato de las escuelas públicas de Diamantina, Minas Gerais, y concientizar acerca de la seriedad del TRM y TCE estimulando la prevención. Métodos: Alumnos del bachillerato de las escuelas públicas de la ciudad de Diamantina, Minas Gerais, han formado el público objetivo de la intervención de este proyecto de extensión. La actividad extensionista empezó después de la autorización del equipo escolar. Un cuestionario acerca del conocimiento y los factores de riesgo del TRM y TCE fue entregado para los alumnos antes de la clase expositiva y ilustrativa sobre los neurotraumas. La clase contenía temas relacionados con la anatomía neurológica, etiología, incidencia, factores de riesgo, pronóstico, complicaciones y prevención de los neurotraumas. Hubo un período de debate para aclarar las dudas y se entregó un folleto explicativo sobre los contenidos, a los alumnos al final de la actividad. Los datos relacionados al cuestionario aplicado fueron analizados y se registraron informes de los alumnos extensionistas y del equipo escolar. Resultados: El número total de los estudiantes abordados en esta intervención fue de 451 distribuidos entre los tres años del bachillerato, 32% del primer año, 40% y 28% del segundo y tercero, respectivamente. El promedio de las edades de los estudiantes fueron de 16 años y la mayoría fue del género femenino (55%). Un número significativo de alumnos no tenían conocimiento sobre el TRM (41%) y TCE (52%) y varios de ellos presentaban actitudes de riesgo para un posible neurotrauma. Conclusiones: La prevalencia del desconocimiento sobre el TCE y el TRM y sus consecuencias fue alta entre los estudiantes de secundaria y los hábitos de riesgo para un neurotrauma fueron identificados y ampliamente discutidos. La mejor conducta para evitar el número creciente y las consecuencias de los neurotraumas es la prevención, además de la autoprotección, evita accidentes a terceros y traen beneficios económicos para toda la sociedad y menos sufrimiento para las personas. Hubo interacción entre la universidad y las escuelas proporcionando intercambio de saberes, agregando, posiblemente, nuevos conocimientos para todos los involucrados.Introduction: Neurological injuries are the main causes of disability. Neurotraumas, spinal cord injuries (SCI) and traumatic brain injury (TBI), besides being frequent, often cause permanent neurological damage and commonly affect young people whose lives are completely modified. Neurotraumas impact not only the life of the individual who suffers the trauma, but of the whole family, as well as the health and social security system, becoming a public health problem. Objectives: To promote educational actions related to neurotraumas for high school students in the public schools of Diamantina, Minas Gerais, and to raise awareness about the seriousness of SCI and TBI by stimulating prevention. Methods: High school students from the public schools of the city of Diamantina, Minas Gerais, formed the target audience for the intervention of this extension project. The extension activity started after authorization of the school team. A questionnaire about the knowledge and risk factors of SCI and TBI was delivered to students prior to the expository and illustrative class on neurotraumas. The class contained subjects related to the neurological anatomy; etiology, incidence, risk factors, prognosis, complications and prevention of neurotraumas. There was a period for debate and doubts and an explanatory folder on the subject was delivered to the students at the end of the approach. The data related to the applied questionnaire were analyzed and reports of extension students and school staff were recorded. Results: The total number of students broached in this intervention was 451 distributed between the three years of high school, 32% of the first year, 40% and 28% of the second and third respectively. The average age of the students was 16 years and the majority was female (55%). An expressive number of students were not aware of SCI (41%) and TBI (52%) and several of them presented attitudes of risk for a possible neurotrauma. Conclusion: The prevalence of unfamiliarity about SCI and TBI and its consequences was high among high school students and risk habits for neurotrauma were identified and widely discussed. The best conduct to avoid the increasing number and consequences of neurotraumas is prevention, beyond self-protection prevents accidents to third parties and brings economic benefits to the whole society and less suffering for individuals. There was interaction between a university and schools providing knowledge exchange, possibly adding new knowledge to all involved

    Immunodominant antibody responses directed to SARS-CoV-2 hotspot mutation sites and risk of immune escape

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    IntroductionConsidering the likely need for the development of novel effective vaccines adapted to emerging relevant CoV-2 variants, the increasing knowledge of epitope recognition profile among convalescents and afterwards vaccinated with identification of immunodominant regions may provide important information.MethodsWe used an RBD peptide microarray to identify IgG and IgA binding regions in serum of 71 COVID-19 convalescents and 18 vaccinated individuals. ResultsWe found a set of immunodominant RBD antibody epitopes, each recognized by more than 30% of the tested cohort, that differ among the two different groups and are within conserved regions among betacoronavirus. Of those, only one peptide, P44 (S415-429), recognized by 68% of convalescents, presented IgG and IgA antibody reactivity that positively correlated with nAb titers, suggesting that this is a relevant RBD region and a potential target of IgG/IgA neutralizing activity.DiscussionThis peptide is localized within the area of contact with ACE-2 and harbors the mutation hotspot site K417 present in gamma (K417T), beta (K417N), and omicron (K417N) variants of concern. The epitope profile of vaccinated individuals differed from convalescents, with a more diverse repertoire of immunodominant peptides, recognized by more than 30% of the cohort. Noteworthy, immunodominant regions of recognition by vaccinated coincide with mutation sites at Omicron BA.1, an important variant emerging after massive vaccination. Together, our data show that immune pressure induced by dominant antibody responses may favor hotspot mutation sites and the selection of variants capable of evading humoral response

    Sensitization Prevalence, Antibody Cross-Reactivity and Immunogenic Peptide Profile of Api g 2, the Non-Specific Lipid Transfer Protein 1 of Celery

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    Background: Celery (Apium graveolens) represents a relevant allergen source that can elicit severe reactions in the adult population. To investigate the sensitization prevalence and cross-reactivity of Api g 2 from celery stalks in a Mediterranean population and in a mouse model. Methodology: 786 non-randomized subjects from Italy were screened for IgE reactivity to rApi g 2, rArt v 3 (mugwort pollen LTP) and nPru p 3 (peach LTP) using an allergen microarray. Clinical data of 32 selected patients with reactivity to LTP under investigation were evaluated. Specific IgE titers and cross-inhibitions were performed in ELISA and allergen microarray. Balb/c mice were immunized with purified LTPs; IgG titers were determined in ELISA and mediator release was examined using RBL-2H3 cells. Simulated endolysosomal digestion was performed using microsomes obtained from human DCs. Results: IgE testing showed a sensitization prevalence of 25.6% to Api g 2, 18.6% to Art v 3, and 28.6% to Pru p 3 and frequent co-sensitization and correlating IgE-reactivity was observed. 10/32 patients suffering from LTP-related allergy reported symptoms upon consumption of celery stalks which mainly presented as OAS. Considerable IgE cross-reactivity was observed between Api g 2, Art v 3, and Pru p 3 with varying inhibition degrees of individual patients' sera. Simulating LTP mono-sensitization in a mouse model showed development of more congruent antibody specificities between Api g 2 and Art v 3. Notably, biologically relevant murine IgE cross-reactivity was restricted to the latter and diverse from Pru p 3 epitopes. Endolysosomal processing of LTP showed generation of similar clusters, which presumably represent T-cell peptides. Conclusions: Api g 2 represents a relevant celery stalk allergen in the LTP-sensitized population. The molecule displays common B cell epitopes and endolysosomal peptides that encompass T cell epitopes with pollen and plant-food derived LTP.Christian-Doppler Research Association, Biomay AG, Vienna, AustriaItalian Ministry of Healt

    Identification of proteins from honeybee venom (Apis mellifera L.) immunoreactives to antivenom serum through a proteomic approach

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    O estudo de venenos de artrópodes é de grande interesse para melhorar os tratamentos contra envenenamentos e oferece uma ótima ferramenta para melhor compreensão dos sistemas nervoso e imunológico, coagulação sanguínea e respostas inflamatórias. As abelhas são um dos animais venenosos mais estudados e a elucidação do seu proteoma é de interesse na elucidação de reações tóxicas e alérgicas a ferroadas. O número de acidentes envolvendo estes insetos é crescente, tendo ultrapassado 20.000 notificações entre 2001 e 2006 em todo o país e, apesar disso, não há um tratamento específico para estas vítimas, nem mesmo uma identificação completa dos antígenos presentes nesse veneno. O perfil protéico descrito até então apresenta cerca de 40 proteínas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar o perfil protéico do veneno de abelhas utilizando a união da abordagem proteômica e da cromatografia de afinidade. Identificar também as proteínas alergênicas deste veneno e algumas modificações pós-traducionais como fosforilação e glicosilação. Além disso, um soro antiveneno específico foi produzido e sua ação neutralizadora testada. O veneno de abelhas foi separado por cromatografia de afinidade utilizando o soro antiveneno imobilizado em coluna de Sepharose 4B. Para identificação das proteínas foram utilizadas técnicas de 2D-SDS-PAGE, MALDI TOF/TOF e nanoESI-LC/MS-MS. Ensaios de Western Blotting foram realizados para identificar as proteínas alergênicas e fosforiladas. A utilização da cromatografia de afinidade permitiu a identificação 2 de proteínas pouco abundantes. Foram identificadas 54 proteínas, dentre as quais 9 nunca haviam sido descritas neste veneno, como MRJP-2, alfaglicosidase, transferinas, proteases, quinases e um inibidor de protease. Após a identificação destas proteínas foi possível propor um provável mecanismo de ação deste veneno. Dentre as proteínas identificadas como alergênicas, a MRJP-8 foi identificada pela primeira vez, juntamente com fatores relacionados ao PDGF e VEGF. Os resultados dos ensaios de neutralização de atividades citotóxicas, hemolíticas e miotóxicas mostraram a eficiência do soro antiveneno produzido. Chegou-se a um volume de 5,7 mL de soro antiveneno necessários para neutralizar a ação tóxica provocada por 100 ferroadas de abelhas. Este valor está na mesma faixa de eficiência dos melhores antivenenos (ofídicos, aracnídicos e escorpionídicos) produzidos no Brasil e no mundo. O lote de soro antiveneno produzido mostrou resultados satisfatórios para ser utilizado nos testes clínicosThe aim of this work was to identify the protein profile of honeybee venom, and detect allergenic proteins and post-translational modifications. Furthermore specific antivenom was produced and potency tests were performed in order to check its power of neutralization of toxic activities of venom. They were identified 54 proteins, 9 that have never been reported before in this venom. After identification of these proteins it was possible to outline a feasible mechanism of action of venom. For the first time MRJP-8, transferrin, PDGF and VEGF factors were identified as allergenic. Results of neutralization of citotoxic, hemolytic and myotoxic activities showed the efficacy of antivenom that had satisfactory results to be tested in clinical assa

    Proteome and phosphoproteome of Africanized and European honeybee venoms

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    Honey bee venom toxins trigger immunological, physiological, and neurological responses within victims. The high occurrence of bee attacks involving potentially fatal toxic and allergic reactions in humans and the prospect of developing novel pharmaceuticals make honey bee venom an attractive target for proteomic studies. Using label-free quantification, we compared the proteome and phosphoproteome of the venom of Africanized honeybees with that of two European subspecies, namely Apis mellifera ligustica and A. m. carnica. From the total of 51 proteins, 42 were common to all three subspecies. Remarkably, the toxins melittin and icarapin were phosphorylated. In all venoms, icarapin was phosphorylated at the 205Ser residue, which is located in close proximity to its known antigenic site. Melittin, the major toxin of honeybee venoms, was phosphorylated in all venoms at the 10Thr and 18Ser residues. 18Ser phosphorylated melittin-the major of its two phosphorylated forms-was less toxic compared to the native peptide. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

    Proteomic characterization of the multiple forms of the PLAs from the venom of the social wasp Polybia paulista

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    The phospholipases A(1) (PLA(1)s) from the venom of the social wasp Polybia paulista occur as a mixture of different molecular forms. To characterize the molecular origin of these structural differences, an experimental strategy was planned combining the isolation of the pool of PLAs from the wasp venom with proteomic approaches by using 2-D, MALDI-TOF-TOF MS and classical protocols of protein chemistry, which included N- and C-terminal sequencing. The existence of an intact form of PLA(1) and seven truncated forms was identified, apparently originating from controlled proteolysis of the intact protein; in addition to this, four of these truncated forms also presented carbohydrates attached to their molecules. Some of these forms are immunoreactive to specific-IgE, while others are not. These observations permit to raise the hypothesis that naturally occurring proteolysis of PLA(1), combined with protein glycosylation may create a series of different molecular forms of these proteins, with different levels of allergenicity. Two forms of PLA(2)s, apparently related to each other, were also identified; however, it was not possible to determine the molecular origin of the differences between both forms, except that one of them was glycosylated. None of these forms were immunoreactive to human specific IgE.FAPESP[05/00982-1]BIOprospecTA/FAPESP[06/57122-7]CNPqCAPE

    IgE and IgG4 Epitopes of Dermatophagoides and Blomia Allergens before and after Sublingual Immunotherapy

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    Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) is used worldwide to treat house dust mites (HDM) allergy. Epitope specific immunotherapy with peptide vaccines is used far less, but it is of great interest in the treatment of allergic reactions, as it precludes the drawbacks of allergen extracts. The ideal peptide candidates would bind to IgG, blocking IgE-binding. To better elucidate IgE and IgG4 epitope profiles during SLIT, sequences of main allergens, Der p 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 23 and Blo t 5, 6, 12, 13, were included in a 15-mer peptide microarray and tested against pooled sera from 10 patients pre- and post-1-year SLIT. All allergens were recognized to some extent by at least one antibody isotype and peptide diversity was higher post-1-year SLIT for both antibodies. IgE recognition diversity varied among allergens and timepoints without a clear tendency. Der p 10, a minor allergen in temperate regions, was the molecule with more IgE-peptides and might be a major allergen in populations highly exposed to helminths and cockroaches, such as Brazil. SLIT-induced IgG4 epitopes were directed against several, but not all, IgE-binding regions. We selected a set of peptides that recognized only IgG4 or were able to induce increased ratios of IgG4:IgE after one year of treatment and might be potential targets for vaccines