1,317 research outputs found

    Positronium in intense laser fields

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    The dynamics and radiation of positronium is investigated in intense laser fields.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Semi-classical limitations for photon emission in strong external fields

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    The semi-classical heuristic emission formula of Baier-Katkov [Sov. Phys. JETP \textbf{26}, 854 (1968)] is well-known to describe radiation of an ultrarelativistic electron in strong external fields employing the electron's classical trajectory. To find the limitations of the Baier-Katkov approach, we investigate electron radiation in a strong rotating electric field quantum mechanically using the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approximation. Except for an ultrarelativistic velocity, it is shown that an additional condition is required in order to recover the widely used semi-classical result. A violation of this condition leads to two consequences. First, it gives rise to qualitative discrepancy in harmonic spectra between the two approaches. Second, the quantum harmonic spectra are determined not only by the classical trajectory but also by the dispersion relation of the effective photons of the external field

    QED calculation of the nuclear magnetic shielding for hydrogen-like ions

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    We report an ab initio calculation of the shielding of the nuclear magnetic moment by the bound electron in hydrogen-like ions. This investigation takes into account several effects that have not been calculated before (electron self-energy, vacuum polarization, nuclear magnetization distribution), thus bringing the theory to the point where further progress is impeded by the uncertainty due to nuclear-structure effects. The QED corrections are calculated to all orders in the nuclear binding strength parameter and, independently, to the leading order in the expansion in this parameter. The results obtained lay the ground for the high-precision determination of nuclear magnetic dipole moments from measurements of the g-factor of hydrogen-like ions

    Microscopic laser-driven high-energy colliders

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    The concept of a laser-guided e+e−e^+e^- collider in the high-energy regime is presented and its feasibility discussed. Ultra-intense laser pulses and strong static magnetic fields are employed to unite in one stage the electron and positron acceleration and their head-on-head collision. We show that the resulting coherent collisions in the GeV regime yield an enormous enhancement of the luminosity with regard to conventional incoherent colliders

    Electron-correlation effects in the gg-factor of light Li-like ions

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    We investigate electron-correlation effects in the gg-factor of the ground state of Li-like ions. Our calculations are performed within the nonrelativistic quantum electrodynamics (NRQED) expansion up to two leading orders in the fine-structure constant α\alpha, α2\alpha^2 and α3\alpha^3. The dependence of the NRQED results on the nuclear charge number ZZ is studied and the individual 1/Z1/Z-expansion contributions are identified. Combining the obtained data with the results of the all-order (in ZαZ\alpha) calculations performed within the 1/Z1/Z expansion, we derive the unified theoretical predictions for the gg-factor of light Li-like ions.Comment: 9 pages, 4 table

    QED theory of the nuclear magnetic shielding in hydrogen-like ions

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    The shielding of the nuclear magnetic moment by the bound electron in hydrogen-like ions is calculated ab initio with inclusion of relativistic, nuclear, and quantum electrodynamics (QED) effects. The QED correction is evaluated to all orders in the nuclear binding strength parameter and, independently, to the first order in the expansion in this parameter. The results obtained lay the basis for the high-precision determination of nuclear magnetic dipole moments from measurements of the g-factor of hydrogen-like ions.Comment: 4 pages, 2 tables, 2 figure

    Polarization operator approach to electron-positron pair production in combined laser and Coulomb fields

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    The optical theorem is applied to the process of electron-positron pair creation in the superposition of a nuclear Coulomb and a strong laser field. We derive new representations for the total production rate as two-fold integrals, both for circular laser polarization and for the general case of elliptic polarization, which has not been treated before. Our approach allows us to obtain by analytical means the asymptotic behaviour of the pair creation rate for various limits of interest. In particular, we consider pair production by two-photon absorption and show that, close to the energetic threshold of this process, the rate obeys a power law in the laser frequency with different exponents for linear and circular laser polarization. With the help of the upcoming x-ray laser sources our results could be tested experimentally.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Subcycle time-resolved nondipole dynamics in tunneling ionization

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    The electron nondipole dynamics in tunneling ionization in an elliptically polarized laser field is investigated theoretically using a relativistic Coulomb-corrected strong-field approximation (SFA) based on the eikonal approximation of the Klein-Gordon equation. We calculate attoclock angle-resolved light-front momentum distributions at different ellipticities of the laser field in quasistatic and nonadiabatic regimes and analyze them with an improved Simpleman model. The nondipole correlations between longitudinal and transverse momentum components are examined. Deviations of the photoelectron momentum distribution calculated via SFA with respect to the available experimental results as well as with the improved Simpleman model are discussed and interpreted in terms of nonadiabatic as well as Coulomb effects in the continuum and under-the-barrier. The favorable prospects of an experimental observation are discussed
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