1,252 research outputs found

    A search for spectral alteration effects in chondritic gas-rich breccias

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    Several samples of gas-rich breccias were selected, including slabs of the Kapoeta howardite, the ordinary chondrites Dubrovnik, Cangas de Onis, and Dimmit. Numerous 0.8 to 2.5 micron reflection spectra of selected areas on sawed or broken surfaces were measured with the Planetary Geosciences Division spectrogoniometer. While these spectra are not directly comparable to those of powered samples, comparisons within the data set should reveal any spectral differences due to weathering. These results indicate that unknown regolith processes do not confer the ordinary-chondrite parent bodies with an altered layer exhibiting S-class spectral properties. This is consistent with recent interpretations of the new Q-class of asteroids as the ordinary-chondrite parent bodies. However, significant spectral effects do occur in asteroid regoliths: darkening and suppression of absorption bands in highly shocked material, as seen previously in the so-called black chondrites; and segregation of metal in large impact melt pools on chondritic asteroids, which may have achondritic spectra. Neither of these effects is likely to be significant in interpreting current integral-disk spectra, but should be searched for in spectral maps returned by future spacecraft

    The Success of Motion Pictures

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    THE SUCCESS OF MOTION PICTURES – AN ECONOMIC GAMBLE: SELECTED MOVIE EXPLOITATION PHENOMENA More than 5,000 marketable movies are produced worldwide every year - a risky economic gamble running into billions. Despite the potential risk of commercial failure, film producers still try to achieve outstanding box-office results. There are also special movies that are able to preserve or even increase their intrinsic value due to the longevity of their commercial success. This article focuses on distinctive movie exploitation phenomena, which can be observed worldwide. These phenomena show the unpredictability of film success due to the fact that the cycles, the duration, and the progress of film exploitation are unforeseeable. MythSuccess is the big myth of the international film industry: on the one hand enormous profits, glamour, film stars, red carpet shows at Cannes, Berlin, and Venice - the big film festivals. And as climax - the Oscars in..

    Origin of unusual impact melt rocks, Yamato-790964 and 790143 (LL-chondrites)

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    We have studied Yamato (Y)-790964 and-790143,which are unusual paired impact-melted LL chondrites. Some petrologic aspects of these impact melt rocks are similar to those of the impact melted L-chondrite, Ramsdorf; these meteorites experienced nearly total melting, yet partly preserve chondritic textures. Olivine and chromite grains in Y-790964 and olivine in Y-790143 are the only relicts of the precursor materials; they were solid clasts during impact melting. All other portions (i.e., chondrules and matrices) were totally melted. It appears that the chondrule ghosts, which are mainly composed of very fine-grained igneous-textured pyroxene, minor olivine and other phases, were melted and crystallized in situ, without significant mixing with less viscous melts. Partial resorption of olivines and chromites suggests that the post-shock temperature could be >∿1600℃. The minor local differences in mineralogy appear to be consistent with small spatial variations in thermal history. Evidence of complex injection of troilite, Fe, Ni-metal and feldspathic glass into the relict minerals suggests that the precursor rock was shocked in situ. The shock pressure might have been >75 or 90GPa for a non-porous precursor rock or >20-40GPa for a porous rock

    Trace element constraints on the origins of highly metamorphosed Antarctic eucrites

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    We have compared the trace element distributions of four highly metamorphosed Antarctic eucrites with those of previously studied noncumulate eucrites. All eucrites studied here exhibit some evidence for reequilibration of the REE and/or other trace elements. LREE-enrichments are observed in the silicate phases, and are attributed to remobilization of the REE from Ca-phosphates. Similarly, elevated Zr and Ti abundances in some pigeonites may be the result of redistribution from oxide phases such as ilmenite. Thus, trace element distributions cannot provide petrogenetic information about the origin of these eucrites. However, combined with petrographic information, the data do provide information about the nature and degree of heating and metamorphism experienced by these rocks. For example, Y-86763 appears to have experienced a rapid secondary reheating, in addition to an extended period of thermal metamorphism. Two granulitic eucrites appear to have been less extensively affected by metamorphism, despite the fact that they are strongly recrystallized. Although plagioclase REE compositions are LREE-enriched compared to those of noncumulate eucrites, pigeonites have LREE/HREE ratios that fall close to the non-cumulate line. Furthermore, they seem to have retained their original Ti, Zr and Y abundances. Finally, some trace elements, such as Na, K, Sr and Ba in plagioclase, do not appear to have been redistributed between mineral phases in these eucrites, and provide links to less equilibrated non-cumulate eucrites

    Verbesserung der strategischen umweltpolitischen Beratung im Kontext des Leitbilds Nachhaltiger Entwicklung

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    Das in diesem Bericht vorgestellte Vorhaben untersuchte die Frage, wie die Relevanz der Nach-haltigkeitsforschung für die Politikgestaltung in Deutschland erhöht werden kann? Ziel war es, Handlungsempfehlungen zu erarbeiten, die die Akteure der Nachhaltigkeitsforschung in die Lage versetzen, die Qualität von Forschungsprozessen und Forschungsergebnissen zu erhöhen und sichern. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, wurde zunächst ein Überblick über die Akteure der Nachhaltigkeitsforschung in Deutschland erstellt. Dieser Überblick diente zur Auswahl von Fall-studien in Form von abgeschlossenen Forschungsvorhaben aus zwei Themenfeldern der Nach-haltigkeitsforschung. Die ausgewählten Vorhaben wurden daraufhin untersucht, was fördernde oder hemmende Bedingungen für einen gelingenden Wissenstransfer zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik sind. Die Ergebnisse dieser empirischen Untersuchung wurden in so genannte An-forderungsprofile für eine politikrelevante Nachhaltigkeitsforschung übersetzt. Die Profile wur-den jeweils für Forschungsförderer oder Auftraggeber, Forschende und Akteure aus der Politik formuliert. Anhand konkreter Anforderungen zeigen die Profile den drei Akteursgruppen, was sie gezielt tun können, damit politisch anschlussfähige Forschungsergebnisse entstehen. Ergän-zend wurde untersucht, wie die Profile bei der ressortübergreifenden Aufstellung von For-schungsprogrammen verwendet werden können. Dabei zeigte sich, dass die einzelnen Anfor-derungen Kriterien für die Programmentwicklung sowie für die Bewertung von Förderanträ-gen, Angeboten, Verwertungsplänen und Forschungsprogrammen liefern.The R&D; project presented in this report addressed the question “How can the relevance of sustainability research for policy making in Germany be increased?” The project aimed at de-veloping guidance for the actors of sustainability research that would help them increase and ensure the quality of research processes and research outcomes. In order to achieve this goal first an overview of the actors of sustainability research in Germany was compiled. Using this overview, case studies in terms of completed research projects in two thematic areas of sustai-nability research were selected. The selected projects were then analyzed by asking ‘What are supporting or inhibiting conditions for a successful knowledge transfer between science and policy?’ The results of this empirical study were translated into so called requirements profiles for a policy relevant sustainability research. The profiles were formulated separately for three different groups of actors: research funding agencies, researchers, and policy makers. Contain-ing concrete requirements, these profiles show actors what they can do specifically to achieve policy-relevant research results. In a complementary line of investigation options for using the profiles in the interdepartmental preparation of research programs were identified. It turned out that the specific requirements provide a basis for establishing criteria for program devel-opment as well as for preparing evaluations of grant applications, proposals, implementation plans and research programs

    Synthesis and reactions of arylcarbonic fluorosulfonic anhydrides

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    In dichloromethane at 0°C, the acyl fluorides 3 insert sulfur trioxide to form the thermolabile arylcarbonic fluorosulfonic anhydrides 4 in good yield. Acylation of non-activated arenes with the anhydrides 4 is impossible since they decompose upon warming into the constituent compounds; with the SO3 thus liberated, diarylsulfones 6 are formed

    The Semantic Web MIDI Tape: An Interface for Interlinking MIDI and Context Metadata

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    The Linked Data paradigm has been used to publish a large number of musical datasets and ontologies on the Semantic Web, such as MusicBrainz, AcousticBrainz, and the Music Ontology. Recently, the MIDI Linked Data Cloud has been added to these datasets, representing more than 300,000 pieces in MIDI format as Linked Data, opening up the possibility for linking fine-grained symbolic music representations to existing music metadata databases. Despite the dataset making MIDI resources available in Web data standard formats such as RDF and SPARQL, the important issue of finding meaningful links between these MIDI resources and relevant contextual metadata in other datasets remains. A fundamental barrier for the provision and generation of such links is the difficulty that users have at adding new MIDI performance data and metadata to the platform. In this paper, we propose the Semantic Web MIDI Tape, a set of tools and associated interface for interacting with the MIDI Linked Data Cloud by enabling users to record, enrich, and retrieve MIDI performance data and related metadata in native Web data standards. The goal of such interactions is to find meaningful links between published MIDI resources and their relevant contextual metadata. We evaluate the Semantic Web MIDI Tape in various use cases involving user-contributed content, MIDI similarity querying, and entity recognition methods, and discuss their potential for finding links between MIDI resources and metadata

    Immunosuppressive Glycodelin A is an independent marker for poor prognosis in endometrial cancer

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    Background: Knowledge on immunosuppressive factors in the pathogenesis of endometrial cancer is scarce. The aim of this study was to assess Glycodelin (Gd) and its immunosuppressive isoform Glycodelin A (GdA) in endometrial cancer tissue and to analyze its impact on clinical and pathological features and patient outcome. Methods: 292 patients diagnosed and treated for endometrial cancer were included. Patient characteristics, histology and follow-up data were available. Gd and GdA was determined by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization was performed for Gd mRNA. Results: Endometrial cancer shows intermediate (52.2%) or high (20.6%) expression for Gd in 72.8%, and GdA in 71.6% (intermediate 62.6%, high 9.\%) of all cases. The glycosylation dependent staining of GdA is tumour specific and correlates with the peptide-specific Gd staining though neither of the two is associated with estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor or clinic-pathological features. Also Gd protein positively correlates with Gd mRNA as quantified by in situ hybridization. Gd positive cases have a favourable prognosis (p = 0.039), while GdA positive patients have a poor outcome (p = 0.003). Cox-regression analysis proofed GdA to be an independent prognostic marker for patient survival (p = 0.002), besides tumour stage, grade and the concomitant diagnosis of hypertension. Conclusion: Gd and GdA are commonly expressed in endometrial cancer tissue and seem to be of relevance in tumourigenesis. They differ not only in glycosylation but also in their biological activity, since only GdA holds prognostic significance for a poor overall survival in endometrial cancer patients. This finding might be explained by GdAs immunosuppressive capacity

    A fossil winonaite-like meteorite in Ordovician limestone: A piece of the impactor that broke up the L-chondrite parent body?

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    AbstractAbout a quarter of all meteorites falling on Earth today originate from the breakup of the L-chondrite parent body ∼470 Ma ago, the largest documented breakup in the asteroid belt in the past ∼3 Ga. A window into the flux of meteorites to Earth shortly after this event comes from the recovery of about 100 fossil L chondrites (1–21 cm in diameter) in a quarry of mid-Ordovician limestone in southern Sweden. Here we report on the first non-L-chondritic meteorite from the quarry, an 8 cm large winonaite-related meteorite of a type not known among present-day meteorite falls and finds. The noble gas data for relict spinels recovered from the meteorite show that it may be a remnant of the body that hit and broke up the L-chondrite parent body, creating one of the major asteroid families in the asteroid belt. After two decades of systematic recovery of fossil meteorites and relict extraterrestrial spinel grains from marine limestone, it appears that the meteorite flux to Earth in the mid-Ordovician was very different from that of today