768 research outputs found

    Ypk1/Ypk2 kinases maintain Rho1 at the plasma membrane by flippase-dependent lipid remodelling after membrane stresses

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    The plasma membrane (PM) is frequently challenged by mechanical stresses. In budding yeast, TORC2-Ypk1/Ypk2 kinase cascade plays a critical role in PM stress responses by reorganizing the actin cytoskeleton via Rho1 GTPase. However, the molecular mechanism by which TORC2-Ypk1/Ypk2 regulates Rho1 is not well defined. Here, we found that Ypk1/Ypk2 maintain PM localization of Rho1 under PM stress via spatial reorganization of the lipids including phosphatidylserine (PS). Genetic evidence suggests that this process is mediated by the Lem3-containing lipid flippase. We propose that TORC2-Ypk1/Ypk2-Lem3 axis-mediated lipid remodelling is a backup mechanism for PM anchoring of Rho1 after PM stress-induced acute degradation of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P2), which is responsible for Rho1 localization in a normal condition. Since all the signaling molecules studied here are conserved in higher eukaryotes, our findings may represent a general mechanism to cope with PM stress

    The sweet taste receptor, glucose transporters, and the ATP-sensitive K+ (KATP) channel: sugar sensing for the regulation of energy homeostasis

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    Sugar detection in the oral cavity does not solely depend on the TAS1R2 + TAS1R3 sweet receptor. Similar to gut, pancreas, and hypothalamic neurons, in the tongue glucose transporters and ATP-sensitive K+ (KATP) channels are also involved in sugar detection. Among them, the KATP channel is the target for the antiobesity hormone leptin, which inhibits sugar-sensitive cells such as sweet taste cells, pancreatic β-cells, and hypothalamic orexigenic neurons. Sugar signals from the taste organ elicit cephalic-phase insulin release, and those from the gut contribute to sweet preference for caloric sugars. All of these systems are indispensable for maintaining energy homeostasis. Thus, an exquisite system for sugar detection/signaling to regulate energy homeostasis exists in our body

    The strategic advantages of "maritime tourism" in Japan : On the perspective of local development policies and marketing of university

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    2000000406本稿の目的は2つある。1つは、近年、わが国の国家戦略の1つともいえる「観光立国論」における「海洋観光」の重要性を明らかにすることある。もう1つは、わが国の高等教育・研究機関における観光学テーマとしての「海洋観光」の必要性を議論し、その発展的可能性を考察することにある。わが国の「観光立国」という戦略課題に対応して、観光分野での高度な専門知識を有する人材育成は急務であり、そのための大学教育の充実は、北海等大学大学院における「観光創造専攻」の設置を筆頭に、観光学関連の学部や学科の設立という形で、顕著に見られるようになってきている。しかしながら、大学院レベルは別として、新しい学部や学科では、カリキュラム上も、わが国の地理的、文化的、あるいは経済的背景からしても極めて重要な「海」という要素が観光との関連性において取り扱われる形跡はない。近年、一般的になりつつある大学マーケティングの視点からも、議論する必要があると考えられる。また、わが国は海運、海上交通においても、その歴史的発展過程から明らかなように、技術的水準でも世界のトップに位置している。このような恵まれた海洋資源の活用は、観光経済学の視点からも、これを抜きにしての「観光立国論」は存在しない。departmental bulletin pape

    Is X-linked Recessive Ichthyosis a High Risk for Basal Cell Carcinoma?

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    We report a case of X-linked recessive ichthyosis with basal cell carcinoma. An 86-year-old man was referred to our department for evaluation of a 1-year history of an ulcer on his left leg. He had suffered from dry skin with scales on his entire body since childhood. Histopathological examination of the lower leg revealed intradermal proliferation of a solid nest of basaloid cells showing unclear palisading in the periphery. Marked hyperkeratosis and hypergranulosis were also seen in the adjacent dermis. Loss of the steroid sulfatase gene was found on chromosome X. Based on these finding, we made a diagnosis of X-linked recessive ichthyosis with basal cell carcinoma. To our knowledge, there has been no report of X-linked recessive ichthyosis with cutaneous malignancy. We discuss the risk of skin cancer in relation to ichthyosis

    A long-term eutrophication process observed from the changes in the horizontal distribution of profundal oligochaete fauna in mesotrophic-eutrophic Lake Kawaguchi, Japan

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    The purpose of this study was to record the oligochaete fauna in Lake Kawaguchi and clarify their horizontal distribution. In addition, annual changes in the lake were recorded. Samples were collected between 5 March 1993 and 7 March 2006 by using a standard Ekman-Birge sampler at 22 stations, and multipoint sampling surveys were carried out. As a result of the study, a total of 8 species belonging to 6 genera and 3 subfamilies were identified. The average density of oligochaetes for the entire lake was 5247 +/- 3873 ind m(-2) and the average wet weight of oligochaetes was 25.5 +/- 23.4 g m(-2) in 1993, compared to 1075 +/- 676 ind m(-2) and 2.7 +/- 1.7 g m(-2), respectively, in 2006. Tubifex tubifex had inhabited the entire lake bottom in 1993, but Limnodrilus spp. inhabited only the center of the lake in 2006. In recent years, the total number of oligochaetes has shown a tendency to increase, compared with the past record from the 1970s, suggesting that eutrophication is an ongoing process.ArticleTURKISH JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY. 36(1):39-46 (2012)journal articl

    Follow-up nationwide survey on predictive genetic testing for late-onset hereditary neurological diseases in Japan

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    A follow-up nationwide survey on predictive genetic testing for late-onset neurological diseases in Japan was conducted. A questionnaire was sent to 89 institutional members of the Japan's National Liaison Council for Clinical Sections of Medical Genetics, and was returned by 60 (67.4%). A total of 301 clients with an interest in predictive testing were accumulated from April 2006 to March 2011. The greatest interest was shown for spinocerebellar degeneration (SCD, n = 110), followed by myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1, n = 69), Huntington's disease (HD, n = 52) and familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP, n = 35). The ratios of clients who actually underwent predictive testing were: SCD, 21.8%; DM1, 39.1%; HD, 26.9%; and FAP, 74.3%, indicating that predictive testing was conducted very cautiously for untreatable neurological diseases in Japan. Clinical geneticists were predominantly involved in genetic counseling, whereas the participation of non-medical doctor (non-MD) staff, including nurses, clinical psychologists and genetic counselors, was not common. Lack of non-MD counseling staff was one of the most serious issues in conducting predictive testing, which has not been improved since the previous survey performed in 2006. Institutional arrangements, such as revision of medical insurance system regarding genetic testing and counseling, might be necessary to resolve this issue.ArticleJOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS. 58(8):560-563 (2013)journal articl

    英語発音授業における大学生の学習ニーズと指導法への反応 ―リズム指導ストラテジー―

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    In order to provide appropriate instruction for students taking university English pronunciation classes, this study first conducted a needs analysis. It investigated how students analyzed their own pronunciation and which pronunciation features they thought they needed to practice the most in class. The pronunciation feature that received the lowest average self-assessment score and that the students wanted to learn the most was rhythm. Next, the teaching strategies for rhythm proposed in the fields of English pronunciation instruction and teacher training were investigated and practiced. Finally, the author surveyed what students thought about those strategies they experienced in class, with the aim of improving pronunciation instruction in future classes