142 research outputs found

    A one-stop perineal clinic: our eleven-year experience.

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    INTRODUCTION AND HYPOTHESIS: The perineal clinic is a dedicated setting offering assessment for various childbirth-related presentations including obstetric anal sphincter injuries (OASIs), perineal wound complications, pelvic floor dysfunction and other conditions such as female genital mutilation(FGM). We describe the clinical presentation and outcomes of women from a tertiary perineal clinic based on data collected over an 11-year period. METHODS: This is a retrospective observational study. A one-stop outpatient service was offered to all women who sustained OASIs (postnatally and antenatally in a subsequent pregnancy), perineal complications (within 16 weeks postpartum), FGM and/or peripartum symptoms of urinary/anal incontinence or prolapse. Assessment included history with validated questionnaires, examination and anal manometry and endoanal ultrasound when appropriate. Outcomes were compared among different grades of OASIs. Management of each type of presentation was reported with outcomes. RESULTS: There were 3254 first attendance episodes between 2006 and 2016. The majority (58.1%) were for OASIs, followed by perineal wound complications. Compared to the lower grades, the higher grades of OASI were associated with poorer outcomes in terms of symptoms, investigations and complications. Women with OASIs had unrelated symptoms such as urinary incontinence, perineal pain and wound infections that needed further intervention. A high proportion(42%) of wound complications required further specialist management. CONCLUSION: We describe a dedicated, one-stop perineal clinic model for antenatal and postnatal women for management of perineal and pelvic floor disorders. This comprehensive and novel data will enable clinicians to better counsel women regarding of outcomes after OASI and focus training to minimize risks of morbidities

    Successful Surgical Treatment of a Spontaneous Rupture of the Esophagus Diagnosed Two Days after Onset

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    Esophageal perforation is a relatively uncommon disease with a high rate of mortality and morbidity. Delay in the diagnosis and treatment occurs in more than 50% of cases, leading to a mortality rate of 40–60%. Primary repair is generally considered the gold standard for patients who present within the first 24 h following perforation of the esophagus. In this paper, we present a case of successful surgical treatment of spontaneous rupture of the esophagus that was diagnosed 2 days after onset. The patient was a 42-year-old man admitted to internal medicine with a diagnosis of pleuritis and complaining of chest and back pain. The next day, computed tomography revealed left-sided pleural effusion and mediastinal emphysema. An esophagogram revealed extravasation of the contrast medium from the lower left esophagus to the mediastinal cavity. These results confirmed a rupture of the esophagus, and an emergency left thoracotomy was performed. The perforation was repaired with a single-layered closure and was covered with elevated great omentum obtained by laparotomy. The patient was discharged 23 days after the first surgery. In conclusion, primary repair surgery must be selected as the best treatment beyond 24 h if the patient's general state was stable and there was no evidence of clinical sepsis

    Management of obstetric anal sphincter injury: a systematic review & national practice survey

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    BACKGROUND: We aim to establish the evidence base for the recognition and management of obstetric anal sphincter injury (OASI) and to compare this with current practice amongst UK obstetricians and coloproctologists. METHODS: A systematic review of the literature and a postal questionnaire survey of consultant obstetricians, trainee obstetricians and consultant coloproctologists was carried out. RESULTS: We found a wide variation in experience of repairing acute anal sphincter injury. The group with largest experience were consultant obstetricians (46.5% undertaking ≥ 5 repairs/year), whilst only 10% of responding colorectal surgeons had similar levels of experience (p < 0.001). There was extensive misunderstanding in terms of the definition of obstetric anal sphincter injuries. Overall, trainees had a greater knowledge of the correct classification (p < 0.01). Observational studies suggest that a new 'overlap' repair using PDS sutures with antibiotic cover gives better functional results. However, our literature search found only one randomised controlled trial (RCT) on the technique of repair of OASI, which showed no difference in incidence of anal incontinence at three months. Despite this, there was a wide variation in practice, with 337(50%) consultants, 82 (55%) trainees and 80 (89%) coloproctologists already using the 'overlap' method for repair of a torn EAS (p < 0.001). Although over 50% of colorectal surgeons would undertake long-term follow-up of their patients, this was the practice of less than 10% of obstetricians (p < 0.001). Whilst over 70% of coloproctologists would recommend an elective caesarean section in a subsequent pregnancy, only 22% of obstetric consultants and 14% of trainees (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: An agreed classification of OASI, development of national guidelines, formalised training, multidisciplinary management and further definitive research is strongly recommended

    Extended abdominoperineal resection in women: the barbadian experience

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: We report our results of a selective approach to primary direct appositional vaginal repair versus transverse rectus abdominis flap repair (TRAM) in patients with extensive rectal/anal cancer or in cases with primary cancer of cervix, vagina or vulva involving the anal canal and anal sphincters. METHODS: Eighteen female patients (mean age: 62.9 years; range: 44–81 years) with a median follow-up of 14 months (range: 2–36 months) undergoing extended abdominoperineal reconstruction with total mesorectal excision between May 2002 and September 2005, were studied. RESULTS: Twelve patients underwent an extended abdominoperineal resection with hysterectomy and vaginectomy, with 6 patients undergoing primary TRAM flap reconstruction following pelvic exenteration. Exenterative procedures were performed in 2 cases of primary vaginal cancer, following Wertheim hysterectomy for carcinoma of the cervix with recurrence after radiation and in 2 further cases of anal cancer with extensive pelvic recurrence after primary chemoradiation. Fifteen cases are alive on follow-up with no evidence of disease; 2 patients who had recurrent carcinoma of the cervix and who underwent TRAM flap reconstruction, have recurrent disease after 5 and 6 months of follow-up, respectively. DISCUSSION: Our experience shows that careful primary closure of an extended abdominoperineal resection wound is effective and safe. Our one case of wound breakdown after primary repair underwent external beam and intracavitary irradiation primarily with wound breakdown of a primary repair followed by a delayed pedicled graciloplasty. TRAM flap reconstruction has been reserved in our unit for patients undergoing total pelvic extenteration. In general, we would recommend the use of TRAM flap reconstruction in younger sexually active patients where there has been external irradiation combined with brachytherapy

    Induction cisplatin–irinotecan followed by concurrent cisplatin–irinotecan and radiotherapy without surgery in oesophageal cancer: multicenter phase II FFCD trial

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    A recent phase I study showed that weekly cisplatin, irinotecan and concurrent radiotherapy can be administered with moderate toxicity in patients with oesophageal cancer. Patients with no prior treatment and oesophageal cancer stage I to III, performance status <3, caloric intake >1500 kcal day−1 were included. Chemotherapy, with cisplatin 30 mg m−2 and irinotecan 60 mg m−2, was administered at days 1, 8, 22, 29, and concurrently with radiotherapy at days 43, 50, 64 and 71. Radiotherapy was delivered with 50 or 50.4 Gy in 25 fractions/5 weeks. Forty-three patients were included, 10 stage I, 19 stage II and 14 stage III. Mean age was 59.2 years (range 44–79). A total of 30 out of 43 (69.8%) patients underwent all planned treatment. During induction chemotherapy, 14 severe toxicities of grade 3 or 4 in 10 patients (23.3%) were reported with 57.1% due to haematoxicity. During chemoradiotherapy, 31 severe toxicities of grade 3 or 4 with 64.5% due to haematotoxicity were reported in 18 patients. One toxic death occurred (diarrhoea grade 4). The complete clinical response rate was 58.1% (95% CI: 43.4–72.8%). Overall survival rate at 1 and 2 years was 62.8%, (95% CI, 58.3–77.3%) and 27.9% (95% CI, 13.4–41.3%), respectively. In conclusion, cisplatin–irinotecan–radiotherapy is an active and well-tolerated regimen feasible in out-patients

    Participants’ perspectives on mindfulnessbased cognitive therapy for inflammatory bowel disease: a qualitative study nested within a pilot randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Mindfulness-based interventions have shown to improve depression and anxiety symptoms as well as quality of life in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However, little is known about the experiences of this group of patients participating in mindfulness interventions. This paper sets out to explore the perspectives of patients with IBD recruited to a pilot randomised controlled trial (RCT) of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) about the intervention. Methods: In a qualitative study nested within a parallel two-arm pilot RCT of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for patients with IBD, two focus group interviews (using the same schedule) and a free text postal survey were conducted. Data from both were analysed using thematic analysis. Data and investigator triangulation was performed to enhance confidence in the ensuing findings. Forty-four patients with IBD were recruited to the pilot RCT from gastroenterology outpatient clinics from two Scottish NHS boards. Eighteen of these patients (ten from mindfulness intervention and eight from control group) also completed a postal survey and participated in two focus groups after completing post intervention assessments. Results: The major themes that emerged from the data were the following: perceived benefits of MBCT for IBD, barriers to attending MBCT and expectations about MBCT. Participants identified MBCT as a therapeutic, educational and an inclusive process as key benefits of the intervention. Key barriers included time and travel constraints. Conclusions: This qualitative study has demonstrated the acceptability of MBCT in a group of patients with IBD. Participants saw MBCT as a therapeutic and educational initiative that transformed their relationship with the illness. The inclusive process and shared experience of MBCT alleviated the sense of social isolation commonly associated with IBD. However, time commitment and travel were recognised as a barrier to MBCT which could potentially influence the degree of therapeutic gain from MBCT for some participants. Keywords: Inflammatory bowel disease, Mindfulness, MBCT, Focus groups, Qualitative stud

    Fluorescence in situ hybridisation analysis of chromosomal aberrations in gastric tissue: the potential involvement of Helicobacter pylori

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    In this series of experiments, a novel protocol was developed whereby gastric cells were collected using endoscopic cytology brush techniques, and prepared, such that interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) could be performed. In total, 80 distinct histological samples from 37 patients were studied using four chromosome probes (over 32 000 cells analysed). Studies have previously identified abnormalities of these four chromosomes in upper GI tumours. Using premalignant tissues, we aimed to determine how early in Correa's pathway to gastric cancer these chromosome abnormalities occurred. Aneuploidy of chromosomes 4, 8, 20 and 17(p53) was detected in histologically normal gastric mucosa, as well as in gastritis, intestinal metaplasia, dysplasia and cancer samples. The levels of aneuploidy increased as disease severity increased. Amplification of chromosome 4 and chromosome 20, and deletion of chromosome 17(p53) were the more common findings. Hence, a role for these abnormalities may exist in the initiation of, and the progression to, gastric cancer. Helicobactor pylori infection was determined in premalignant tissue using histological analysis and PCR technology. Detection rates were comparable. PCR was used to subtype H. pylori for CagA status. The amplification of chromosome 4 in gastric tissue was significantly more prevalent in H. pylori-positive patients (n=7) compared to H. pylori-negative patients (n=11), possibly reflecting a role for chromosome 4 amplification in H. pylori-induced gastric cancer. The more virulent CagA strain of H. pylori was associated with increased disease pathology and chromosomal abnormalities, although numbers were small (CagA+ n=3, CagA− n=4). Finally, in vitro work demonstrated that the aneuploidy induced in a human cell line after exposure to the reactive oxygen species (ROS) hydrogen peroxide was similar to that already shown in the gastric cancer pathway, and may further strengthen the hypothesis that H. pylori causes gastric cancer progression via an ROS-mediated mechanism

    Molecular analysis of the gut microbiota of identical twins with Crohn's disease

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    Increasing evidence suggests that a combination of host genetics and the composition of the gut microbiota are important for development of Crohn's disease (CD). Our aim was to study identical twins with CD to determine microbial factors independently of host genetics. Fecal samples were studied from 10 monozygotic twin pairs with CD (discordant n=6, concordant n=4) and 8 healthy twin pairs. DNA was extracted, 16S rRNA genes were PCR amplified and T-RFLP fingerprints generated using general bacterial and Bacteroides group specific primers. The microbial communities were also profiled based on their % G+C contents. Bacteroides 16S rRNA genes were cloned and sequenced from a subset of the samples. The bacterial diversity in each sample and similarity indices between samples were estimated based on the T-RFLP data using a combination of statistical approaches. Healthy individuals had a significantly higher bacterial diversity compared to individuals with CD. The fecal microbial communities were more similar between healthy twins than between twins with CD, especially when these were discordant for the disease. The microbial community profiles of individuals with ileal CD were significantly different from healthy individuals and those with colonic CD. Also, CD individuals had a lower relative abundance of B. uniformis and higher relative abundances of B. ovatus and B. vulgatus. Our results suggest that genetics and/or environmental exposure during childhood in part determine the gut microbial composition. However, CD is associated with dramatic changes in the gut microbiota and this was particularly evident for individuals with ileal CD
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