61 research outputs found

    A Stream Calculus of Bottomed Sequences for Real Number Computation

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    AbstractA calculus XPCF of 1⊥-sequences, which are infinite sequences of {0,1,⊥} with at most one copy of bottom, is proposed and investigated. It has applications in real number computation in that the unit interval I is topologically embedded in the set Σ⊥,1ω of 1⊥-sequences and a real function on I can be written as a program which inputs and outputs 1⊥-sequences. In XPCF, one defines a function on Σ⊥,1ω only by specifying its behaviors for the cases that the first digit is 0 and 1. Then, its value for a sequence starting with a bottom is calculated by taking the meet of the values for the sequences obtained by filling the bottom with 0 and 1. The validity of the reduction rule of this calculus is justified by the adequacy theorem to a domain-theoretic semantics. Some example programs including addition and multiplication are shown. Expressive powers of XPCF and related languages are also investigated

    ChemTS: An Efficient Python Library for de novo Molecular Generation

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    Automatic design of organic materials requires black-box optimization in a vast chemical space. In conventional molecular design algorithms, a molecule is built as a combination of predetermined fragments. Recently, deep neural network models such as variational auto encoders (VAEs) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are shown to be effective in de novo design of molecules without any predetermined fragments. This paper presents a novel python library ChemTS that explores the chemical space by combining Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) and an RNN. In a benchmarking problem of optimizing the octanol-water partition coefficient and synthesizability, our algorithm showed superior efficiency in finding high-scoring molecules. ChemTS is available at https://github.com/tsudalab/ChemTS

    Single-Image Super-Resolution Improvement of X-ray Single-Particle Diffraction Images Using a Convolutional Neural Network

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    Femtosecond X-ray pulse lasers are promising probes for the elucidation of the multiconformational states of biomolecules because they enable snapshots of single biomolecules to be observed as coherent diffraction images. Multi-image processing using an X-ray free-electron laser has proven to be a successful structural analysis method for viruses. However, the performance of single-particle analysis (SPA) for flexible biomolecules with sizes ≤100 nm remains difficult. Owing to the multiconformational states of biomolecules and noisy character of diffraction images, diffraction image improvement by multi-image processing is often ineffective for such molecules. Herein, a single-image super-resolution (SR) model was constructed using an SR convolutional neural network (SRCNN). Data preparation was performed in silico to consider the actual observation situation with unknown molecular orientations and the fluctuation of molecular structure and incident X-ray intensity. It was demonstrated that the trained SRCNN model improved the single-particle diffraction image quality, corresponding to an observed image with an incident X-ray intensity (approximately three to seven times higher than the original X-ray intensity), while retaining the individuality of the diffraction images. The feasibility of SPA for flexible biomolecules with sizes ≤100 nm was dramatically increased by introducing the SRCNN improvement at the beginning of the various structural analysis schemes

    Classification of scanning electron microscope images of pharmaceutical excipients using deep convolutional neural networks with transfer learning

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    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are image analysis techniques that have been applied to image classification in various fields. In this study, we applied a CNN to classify scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of pharmaceutical raw material powders to determine if a CNN can evaluate particle morphology. We tested 10 pharmaceutical excipients with widely different particle morphologies. SEM images for each excipient were acquired and divided into training, validation, and test sets. Classification models were constructed by applying transfer learning to pretrained CNN models such as VGG16 and ResNet50. The results of a 5-fold cross-validation showed that the classification accuracy of the CNN model was sufficiently high using either pretrained model and that the type of excipient could be classified with high accuracy. The results suggest that the CNN model can detect differences in particle morphology, such as particle size, shape, and surface condition. By applying Grad-CAM to the constructed CNN model, we succeeded in finding particularly important regions in the particle image of the excipients. CNNs have been found to have the potential to be applied to the identification and characterization of raw material powders for pharmaceutical development

    Efficient Search for Energetically Favorable Molecular Conformations against Metastable States via Gray-Box Optimization

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    In order to accurately understand and estimate molecular properties, finding energetically favorable molecular conformations is the most fundamental task for atomistic computational research on molecules and materials. Geometry optimization based on quantum chemical calculations has enabled the conformation prediction of arbitrary molecules, including de novo ones. However, it is computationally expensive to perform geometry optimizations for enormous conformers. In this study, we introduce the gray-box optimization (GBO) framework, which enables optimal control over the entire geometry optimization process, among multiple conformers. Algorithms designed for GBO roughly estimate energetically preferable conformers during their geometry optimization iterations. They then preferentially compute promising conformers. To evaluate the performance of the GBO framework, we applied it to a test set consisting of seven dipeptides and mycophenolic acid to determine their stable conformations at the density functional theory level. We thus preferentially obtained energetically favorable conformations. Furthermore, the computational costs required to find the most stable conformation were significantly reduced (approximately 1% on average, compared to the naive approach for the dipeptides)

    AI-Driven Synthetic Route Design Incorporated with Retrosynthesis Knowledge

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    Computer-aided synthesis planning (CASP) aims to assist chemists in performing retrosynthetic analysis for which they utilize their experiments, intuition, and knowledge. Recent breakthroughs in machine learning (ML) techniques, including deep neural networks, have significantly improved data-driven synthetic route designs without human intervention. However, learning chemical knowledge by ML for practical synthesis planning has not yet been adequately achieved and remains a challenging problem. In this study, we developed a data-driven CASP application integrated with various portions of retrosynthesis knowledge called “ReTReK” that introduces the knowledge as adjustable parameters into the evaluation of promising search directions. The experimental results showed that ReTReK successfully searched synthetic routes based on the specified retrosynthesis knowledge, indicating that the synthetic routes searched with the knowledge were preferred to those without the knowledge. The concept of integrating retrosynthesis knowledge as adjustable parameters into a data-driven CASP application is expected to enhance the performance of both existing data-driven CASP applications and those under development

    Looking represents choosing in toddlers: Exploring the equivalence between multimodal measures in forced‐choice tasks

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    In the two-alternative forced-choice (2AFC) paradigm, manual responses such as pointing have been widely used as measures to estimate cognitive abilities. While pointing measurements can be easily collected, coded, analyzed, and interpreted, absent responses are often observed particularly when adopting these measures for toddler studies, which leads to an increase of missing data. Although looking responses such as preferential looking can be available as alternative measures in such cases, it is unknown how well looking measurements can be interpreted as equivalent to manual ones. This study aimed to answer this question by investigating how accurately pointing responses (i.e., left or right) could be predicted from concurrent preferential looking. Using pre-existing videos of toddlers aged 18-23 months engaged in an intermodal word comprehension task, we developed models predicting manual from looking responses. Results showed substantial prediction accuracy for both the Simple Majority Vote and Machine Learning-Based classifiers, which indicates that looking responses would be reasonable alternative measures of manual ones. However, the further exploratory analysis revealed that when applying the created models for data of toddlers who did not produce clear pointing responses, the estimation agreement of missing pointing between the models and the human coders slightly dropped. This indicates that looking responses without pointing were qualitatively different from those with pointing. Bridging two measurements in forced-choice tasks would help researchers avoid wasting collected data due to the absence of manual responses and interpret results from different modalities comprehensively

    Semi-automation of gesture annotation by machine learning and human collaboration

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    none6siGesture and multimodal communication researchers typically annotate video data manually, even though this can be a very time-consuming task. In the present work, a method to detect gestures is proposed as a fundamental step towards a semi-automatic gesture annotation tool. The proposed method can be applied to RGB videos and requires annotations of part of a video as input. The technique deploys a pose estimation method and active learning. In the experiment, it is shown that if about 27% of the video is annotated, the remaining parts of the video can be annotated automatically with an F-score of at least 0.85. Users can run this tool with a small number of annotations first. If the predicted annotations for the remainder of the video are not satisfactory, users can add further annotations and run the tool again. The code has been released so that other researchers and practitioners can use the results of this research. This tool has been confirmed to work in conjunction with ELAN.openIenaga, Naoto; Cravotta, Alice; Terayama, Kei; Scotney, Bryan W.; Saito, Hideo; Busà, M. GraziaIenaga, Naoto; Cravotta, Alice; Terayama, Kei; Scotney, Bryan W.; Saito, Hideo; Busà, M. Grazi