14 research outputs found

    Neutral density profiles in argon helicon plasmas

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    A diode laser-based laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) diagnostic has been developed that can measure three species; argon neutrals, argon ions, and helium neutrals. This diagnostic has been combined with passive emission spectroscopy and a neutral argon collisional-radiative (CR) model to measure ground state radial density profiles of argon atoms in a helicon source. We have found the ground state neutral argon atoms to have a 60% on-axis depletion for a typical helicon mode case, yielding a 28% ionization fraction. The depletion decreases to 20% with a 9.8% ionization fraction for a second helicon mode case, indicating that slight changes in plasma parameters can lead to a significant difference in RF power coupling and gas ionization. In a series of experiments in a low density helicon source, measurements of argon ion flow through a double layer with the LIF diagnostic confirmed predictions of a Monte-Carlo particle-in-cell model of double layer formation in expanding helicon plasmas. Additionally, the LIF diagnostic has been used to measure argon neutral flow velocities, argon ion flow velocities, and argon neutral density and temperature evolution during a plasma pulse

    Database of ion temperature maps during geomagnetic storms

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    Ion temperatures as a function of the x and y axes in the geocentric solar magnetospheric (GSM) coordinate system and time are available for 76 geomagnetic storms that occurred during the period July 2008 to December 2013 on CDAWeb. The method for mapping energetic neutral atom data from the Two Wide‐angle Imaging Spectrometers (TWINS) mission to the GSM equatorial plane and subsequent ion temperature calculation are described here. The ion temperatures are a measure of the average thermal energy of the bulk ion population in the 1–40 keV energy range. These temperatures are useful for studies of ion dynamics, for placing in situ measurements in a global context, and for establishing boundary conditions for models of the inner magnetosphere and the plasma sheet

    A Low-Voltage, Ultra-Compact Plasma Spectrometer for Small Spacecraft

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    Taking advantage of technological developments in wafer-scale processing over the past two decades, such as deep etching, 3-D chip stacking, and double-sided lithography, we have designed, fabricated, and tested the key elements of an ultracompact (1.7cm-x 1.4cm x 1.4cm) plasma spectrometer that requires only low-voltage power supplies, has no microchannel plates, and has a high aperture area to instrument volume ratio. The energy analyzer and collimator components of the instrument are integrated into a single lithographically fabricated layer to optimize alignment of the collimator and eliminate flux reduction penalties typically associated with collimators. We will present tests of the instrument that demonstrate energy analysis of 5 keV electrons with only 5.3 volts of bias and collimator defined angular resolutions that match the design goals of the instrument

    Enhanced Energetic Neutral Atom Imaging

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    Over the past two decades, instruments designed to image plasmas in energetic neutral atom (ENA) emission have flown in space. In contrast to typical satellite-based in situ instruments, ENA imagers provide a global view of the magnetosphere because they remotely measure ion distributions via neutrals that are not tied to the magnetic field. An intrinsic challenge that arises during analysis of magnetospheric ENA images is that the ENA fluxes are integrated along the line-of-sight of the instrument. We propose a method of enhancing ENA emission from a localized region in space, thereby enabling spatially resolved measurements of ENA emission in a remotely obtained ENA image. Here we show that releases of modest volumes (~1.4 m3) of liquid hydrogen in space are sufficient to accomplish the ENA localization

    The ion velocity distribution function in a current-free double layer

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    A portable, low-power, diode laser-based laser-induced fluorescence(LIF)diagnostic incorporating a heated iodine cell for absolute wavelength reference was installed on the Chi-Kung helicon source [K. K. Chi, T. E. Sheridan, and R. W. Boswell, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol.8, 421 (1999)] to measure the ion velocity distribution function of argon ions as they transited a current-free double layer (DL) created where the solenoidal magnetic field diverges at the junction of the plasma source and the diffusion chamber. Based on LIFmeasurements of the transiting ion beam energy, the strength of the potential drop across the DL increases with decreasing neutral pressure and increasing magnetic field strength in the source. The location of the double layer also moves further downstream of the helicon source with increasing pressure. LIFmeasurements of the ion beam energy were found to be in good agreement with measurements obtained with a retarding field energy analyzer and also with numerical predictions.This work was supported by NSF Grant PHY-0315356, and the NSF EAPSI program in cooperation with Australian Academy of Science. A.M.K. was also supported by the DOE Fusion Energy Science Fellowship program

    The CuSPED Mission: CubeSat for GNSS Sounding of the Ionosphere-Plasmasphere Electron Density

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    The CubeSat for GNSS Sounding of Ionosphere-Plasmasphere Electron Density (CuSPED) is a 3U CubeSat mission concept that has been developed in response to the NASA Heliophysics program's decadal science goal of the determining of the dynamics and coupling of the Earth's magnetosphere, ionosphere, and atmosphere and their response to solar and terrestrial inputs. The mission was formulated through a collaboration between West Virginia University, Georgia Tech, NASA GSFC and NASA JPL, and features a 3U CubeSat that hosts both a miniaturized space capable Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver for topside atmospheric sounding, along with a Thermal Electron Capped Hemispherical Spectrometer (TECHS) for the purpose of in situ electron precipitation measurements. These two complimentary measurement techniques will provide data for the purpose of constraining ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling models and will also enable studies of the local plasma environment and spacecraft charging; a phenomenon which is known to lead to significant errors in the measurement of low-energy, charged species from instruments aboard spacecraft traversing the ionosphere. This paper will provide an overview of the concept including its science motivation and implementation

    Mesoscale features in the global geospace response to the March 12, 2012 storm

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    The geospace response to coronal mass ejections includes phenomena across many regions, from reconnection at the dayside and magnetotail, through the inner magnetosphere, to the ionosphere, and even to the ground. Phenomena occurring in each region are often connected to each other through the magnetic field, but that field undergoes dynamic changes during storms and substorms. Improving our understanding of the geospace response to storms requires a global picture that enables us to observe all the regions simultaneously with both spatial and temporal resolution. Using the Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) imager on the Two Wide-Angle Imaging Neutral-Atom Spectrometers (TWINS) mission, a temperature map can be calculated to provide a global view of the magnetotail. These maps are combined with in situ measurements at geosynchronous orbit from GOES 13 and 15, auroral images from all sky imagers (ASIs), and ground magnetometer measurements to examine the global geospace response of a coronal mass ejection (CME) driven event on March 12th, 2012. Mesoscale features in the magnetotail are observed throughout the interval, including prior to the storm commencement and during the main phase, which has implications for the dominant processes that lead to pressure buildup in the inner magnetosphere. Auroral enhancements that can be associated with these magnetotail features through magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling are observed to appear only after global reconfigurations of the magnetic field

    Enhanced Energetic Neutral Atom Imaging

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    Over the past two decades, instruments designed to image plasmas in energetic neutral atom (ENA) emission have flown in space. In contrast to typical satellite-based in situ instruments, ENA imagers provide a global view of the magnetosphere because they remotely measure ion distributions via neutrals that are not tied to the magnetic field. An intrinsic challenge that arises during analysis of magnetospheric ENA images is that the ENA fluxes are integrated along the line-of-sight of the instrument. We propose a method of enhancing ENA emission from a localized region in space, thereby enabling spatially resolved measurements of ENA emission in a remotely obtained ENA image. Here we show that releases of modest volumes (~1.4 m3) of liquid hydrogen in space are sufficient to accomplish the ENA localization

    The effect of storm driver and intensity on magnetospheric ion temperatures

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    Energy deposited in the magnetosphere during geomagnetic storms drives ion heating and convection. Ions are also heated and transported via internal processes throughout the magnetosphere. Injection of the plasma sheet ions to the inner magnetosphere drives the ring current and, thus, the storm intensity. Understanding the ion dynamics is important to improving our ability to predict storm evolution. In this study, we perform superposed epoch analyses of ion temperatures during storms, comparing ion temperature evolution by storm driver and storm intensity. The ion temperatures are calculated using energetic neutral atom measurements from the Two Wide-Angle Imaging Neutral-Atom Spectrometers (TWINS) mission. The global view of these measurements provide both spatial and temporal information. We find that storms driven by coronal mass ejections (CMEs) tend to have higher ion temperatures throughout the main phase than storms driven by corotating interaction regions (CIRs) but that the temperatures increase during the recovery phase of CIR-driven storms. Ion temperatures during intense CME-driven storms have brief intervals of higher ion temperatures than those during moderate CME-driven storms but have otherwise comparable ion temperatures. The highest temperatures during CIR-driven storms are centered at 18 magnetic local time and occur on the dayside for moderate CME-driven storms. During the second half of the main phase, ion temperatures tend to decrease in the postmidnight to dawn sector for CIR storms, but an increase is observed for CME storms. This increase begins with a sharp peak in ion temperatures for intense CME storms, likely a signature of substorm activity that drives the increased ring current