430 research outputs found

    Awareness Of Oral Hygiene Among Policemen in Mayiladuthurai

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    Oral health is inevitably important as that of general health. Besides, The Oral cavity is regarded as ‘The mirror’ of general health as the oral manifestations acts as a delegate of the body’s maladies. Oral hygiene is the habit of maintaining the mouth and teeth clean to get rid of dental problems such as dental caries, gingivitis, and Halitosis. Military (Armed forces, Air forces, Navy forces) and Policing are few of the most challenging occupations. As continual work pressure and stress exists among the police personnel in regulating the law and order, they tend to neglect their General health and also oral health. The aim of the survey based study has been carried out to analyse the oral hygiene practices followed by police personnel in Mayiladuthurai during their stressful lifestyle. This survey consists of 100 policemen. 15 self-administered questionnaires were prepared in google forms and distributed via online means. Descriptive statistics was carried out. Chi square analysis along with correlation was done. The results were expressed in the form of pie charts and bar graphs. This study concluded that there exists a moderate level of awareness regarding oral hygiene practices among the policemen in Mayiladuthurai. Moreover, public healthcare programmes and demonstrations can be held to establish furthermore knowledge about oral hygiene practices

    occupational stress among employees in shri amman steel and alied industries (pvt) limited, trichy

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    Human Resource is the major asset to any kind of organization. Such Human Resources should get themselves to be involved in their work to develop the organization. In the Human resources, Stress has become a part and parcel of human life affecting the health of both, the employee and the organization. In very simple words, Stress refers to an individual’s reaction to a disturbing factor in the environment. Stress is strain, force, tension, emphasis, difficulty, break down, anxiety, depression. A man’s life today faces all sorts of challenges and obstacles that hamper his normal functioning, and most of the times, the pressure is too hard to handle. When we are expected to meet the changing demands, we undergo stress

    A study on stress among the executives of tata consultancy services – bb&t floor, ambattur

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    In this study on Stress Management with reference to TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES a study has been conducted on the levels, causes and consequences of stress in relation to age, experience, perception, and environment. Both internal and external factors causing stress is studied upon and their relationship with work are established with the use of statistical tool such as Weighted Average Method besides Graphical and Percentage Analysis. It is found from the study that the employees are prone to low stress and this serve as eye opener for management to make timely discussion to prevent its transformation to higher levels of stress. Further this study was keen in gathering information expected by the employees to cope with stress, as this project will serve as a source of information to management in taking decision related to stress

    occupational stress among employees in shri amman steel and alied industries (pvt) limited, trichy

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    Human Resource is the major asset to any kind of organization. Such Human Resources should get themselves to be involved in their work to develop the organization. In the Human resources, Stress has become a part and parcel of human life affecting the health of both, the employee and the organization. In very simple words, Stress refers to an individual’s reaction to a disturbing factor in the environment. Stress is strain, force, tension, emphasis, difficulty, break down, anxiety, depression. A man’s life today faces all sorts of challenges and obstacles that hamper his normal functioning, and most of the times, the pressure is too hard to handle. When we are expected to meet the changing demands, we undergo stress

    Role of multipoint contact photoplethysmography in assessing changes in blood flow in the plantar aspect of the contralateral foot following amputation in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    BACKGROUND: Accurate and reliable assessment of blood flow over the foot in diabetics is imperative in identifying areas of the foot at risk for ulceration. Hence there is a need to explore methods that are direct indicators of microvascular changes and local blood flow over the foot. OBJECTIVES: 1. The primary objective of this study was to determine peak amplitudes and peak times using photoplethysmography waveforms as a measure of change in blood flow in the plantar aspect of the contralateral foot in diabetic patients following amputation. 2. The secondary objectives included: • Comparison of changes in blood flow over the plantar aspect of the foot in diabetic patients with age and gender matched normal subjects. • Mapping of variations in blood flow over the plantar aspect of the foot and identify areas of early microvascular changes in the foot. METHODS: The study included patients with diabetes mellitus who had undergone any form of amputation of one limb as the cases and normal healthy individuals without diabetes as controls. Reflectance type photoplethysmograph sensors were used over six regions of the foot namely hallux, medial forefoot, middle forefoot, lateral forefoot, lateral midfoot and heel to assess the photoplethysmograph waveform pattern in three different positions i.e., supine, sitting and standing. Data was acquired through an indigenous data acquisition system and routed to a laptop for recording and further analysis. Toe pressures were also measured for both groups to serve as a baseline indicator of blood flow to the lower limb. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The peak amplitudes were higher in diabetics when compared to non-diabetics. All three regions of the forefoot showed statistically significant increase in the peak amplitude when compared to controls. The hallux was found to have the maximum peak amplitude in both groups indicating maximum local blood flow. There was also a significant change in the peak amplitude on assuming a sitting position from supine position. Even when toe pressures were unable to detect changes in blood flow between the two groups, photoplethysmograph waveforms showed significant difference between the two groups. Therefore, the results of this study laid the foundations for exploring the use of photoplethysmography in the clinical setting for detecting early, subclinical changes in the foot of diabetics

    Sentiment Analysis on IMDb Movie Reviews Using Hybrid Feature Extraction Method

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    Social Networking sites have become popular and common places for sharing wide range of emotions through short texts. These emotions include happiness, sadness, anxiety, fear, etc. Analyzing short texts helps in identifying the sentiment expressed by the crowd. Sentiment Analysis on IMDb movie reviews identifies the overall sentiment or opinion expressed by a reviewer towards a movie. Many researchers are working on pruning the sentiment analysis model that clearly identifies and distinguishes between a positive review and a negative review. In the proposed work, we show that the use of Hybrid features obtained by concatenating Machine Learning features (TF, TF-IDF) with Lexicon features (Positive-Negative word count, Connotation) gives better results both in terms of accuracy and complexity when tested against classifiers like SVM, Naïve Bayes, KNN and Maximum Entropy. The proposed model clearly differentiates between a positive review and negative review. Since understanding the context of the reviews plays an important role in classification, using hybrid features helps in capturing the context of the movie reviews and hence increases the accuracy of classification

    Evaluation of Anti-Arthritic Activity of The Ethanolic Extract of Mimosa Pudica Linn. in Complete Freund’s Adjuvant Induced Arthritis in Wistar Rats

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    Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory, autoimmune disorder which destroys it‟s own immune system. The immunologically mediated Complete Freund‟s adjuvant induced arthritic model of chronic inflammation is considered as the best available experimental model of rheumatoid arthritis[70].Complete Freund‟s adjuvant-induced arthritis is a model of chronic polyarthritis with features that resemble rheumatoid arthritis. In Complete freund‟s adjuvant-induced arthritis model, rats developed a chronic swelling in multiple joints with influence of inflammatory cells, erosion of joint cartilage and bone destruction and remodeling which have close similarities to human rheumatoid disease. These inflammatory changes ultimately result in the complete destruction of joint integrity and functions in the affected animal. Also, the Complete Freund‟s adjuvant administered rats showed soft tissue swelling around the ankle joints during the development of arthritis, which was considered as edema of the particular tissues. Paw swelling is an index of measuring the anti-arthritic activity of Mimosa pudica Linn.at the dose level 200&400 mg/kg, p.o. Mimosa pudica administered groups showed marked reduction in paw volume when compared with the Negative control group (Group II). It was also found that there was significant weight loss when compared to standard[71]. The result of the present study also indicates that there is a close relationship between the extent of inflammation, loss of body weight and arthritic index. The arthritic scoring was done on the basis of visual observation where it can be seen that there is a marked reduction in the swelling and joint damage of the drug treated groups[72]. It was also noted that the high dose Mimosa pudica Linn. Extract proved its efficacy to reduce the inflammation of the paws. The locomotor activity of the animals were improved in Group 5 animals(HDMP) when compared to the standard animals. Assessment of the levels of serum parameters provides an excellent and simple tool to measure the anti-arthritic activity of the target drug. The total protein such as albumin and globulin was comparatively equal in all the three groups such as control, plant extract and standard[73]. TheC-Reactive protein levels of the plant extract and standard was marginally equal but higher than the control values. Rheumatoid factors are proteins produced by our immune system that can attack our own healthy cells of the body. When the levels rise, it might relate to some form of auto immune diseases. The Rf value of the high dose plant extract was excellent when compared to that standard. Histopathology provides a noticeable morphological distinctiveness as a practical and unambiguous pathognomonic sign of Rheumatoid arthritis. The histopathological analysis identified the ability of the bones to re-form upon treatment with Mimosa pudica Linn. Bone structures re-calcified upon treatment with the Mimosa pudica Linn.dose dependently. The high dose of the plant extract exhibited good therapeutic potential from the study results and is therefore consistent with earlier findings that the ability of a drug to suppress inflammation, synovitis and protect a joint is desired in rheumatoid arthritis therapy. Radiographic changes in Rheumatoid arthritis conditions are useful diagnostic measures which indicate the severity of the disease. Soft tissue swelling is the earlier radiographic sign, whereas prominent radiographic changes like bony erosions and narrowing of joint spaces can be observed only in the developed stages (final stages) of arthritis[74]. The radiographic features of the rat joints in adjuvant induced arthritic model are shown in Picture 3. In Freund‟s adjuvant induced arthritic rat (group II), soft tissue swelling along with narrowing of the joint spaces was severe which implies the bony destruction in arthritic condition. The standard drug Methotrexate (0.75 mg/kg) treated groups have prevented this bony destruction and also there is moderate swelling of the joint. Similarly, according to histopathological studies, extracts of Mimosa pudica Linn.have shown significant prevention against bony destruction by showing less soft tissue swelling and narrowing of joint spaces in the 40 days of treatment when compared with Complete Freund‟s adjuvant (Negative control group).SUMMARY: Indian sub-continent is a rich source of plant & animal wealth which is due to its varied geographical and agro climate regions. It is a well known fact that traditional system of medicines always played important role in meeting the global health care needs. Arthritis is one of the most common auto-immune inflammatory disorders, foremost cause of disability in western and developing countries. The presently available synthetic drugs in the market are not only economical exploitation but also associated with adverse effects. The synthetic drugs includes NSAIDS and DMARDS like Cyclophosphamide, intramuscular gold, sulfasalazine had the side effects of stomach ulcers, GIT bleeding, kidney, liver damage and hypertension. The given plant Mimosa pudica Linn.provides essential compounds with active principles, having no or minimum side effects holds prospect in future rheumatoid arthritis treatment. From the above review it should be manifest that there are many medicinal plants which exert anti-arthritic activity at a particular dose. The preliminary phytochemical studies discovered the presence of various phytoconstituents. Invivo study was performed with parameters such as paw edema volume, physical and behavioural changes and arthritic index and the extract possessed a significant effect on the inflammation and joint destruction. The biochemical analysis were assessed by estimating the serum values which provided favourable effects. Invitro study showed the effect of the plant extract on the percentage inhibition of protein denaturation and protease enzymes which gave marked responses. Other methods such as histopathology and the radiographic X-ray analysis of the groups showed good results. CONCLUSION:In conclusion, this study has verified that constituents of the plant suppressed the joint inflammation and destruction in adjuvant arthritic rats. We are confident that our data provide mechanistic evidence for anti-arthritic appliance of the plant as a promising candidate for novel therapeutic agent of Rheumatoid arthritis

    समुद्रकृषि में फिश सेल लाइन

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