1,481 research outputs found

    Assessing the Implementation of Campus Safety Policies in Virginia Community Colleges: An Analysis of the Forces at Play in Higher Education Institutional-Level Policymaking

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the extent to which community colleges have implemented major post-Virginia Tech campus safety recommendations. In addition to gaining a comprehensive overview of the safety policies and practices in place, this study assessed if campus safety policy implementation levels at the community colleges correlated with institutional characteristics, and the internal and external forces that helped drive the implementation of these policies. Focusing specifically upon the Virginia Community College System, data on the policies and practices in place at each of the 23 Virginia community colleges were collected from institutional websites and through follow-up telephone calls. Interviews were then conducted with a small group of administrators from various Virginia community colleges. Analysis of the data indicated that large variance exists across the community colleges, as some have implemented most of the major campus safety recommendations that currently exist, while other have only implemented far less. The results also revealed potential support for larger community colleges with more resources and more campuses implementing more campus safety recommendations. Interview data detailed that external mandates and internal college leadership are the most important forces driving campus safety policy change among the community colleges. A number of policy implications arose regarding where community colleges need to improve their campus safety and how to best drive campus safety policy changes in the future

    Pressure distributions and oil-flow patterns for a swept circulation-control wing

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    Pressure distributions and photographs of oil flow patterns are presented for a circulation control wing. The model was an aspect ratio four semispan wing mounted on the side wall of the NASA Ames Transonic Wind Tunnel. The airfoil was a 20 percent thick ellipse, modified with circular leading and trailing edges of 4 percent radius, and had a 25.4 cm constant chord. This configuration does not represent a specific wing design, but is generic. A full span, tangetial, rearward blowing, circulation control slot was incorporated ahead of the trailing edge on the upper surface. The wing was tested at Mach numbers from 0.3 to 0.75 at sweep angle of 0 to 45 deg with internal to external pressure ratios of 1.0 to 3.0. Lift and pitching momemt coefficients were obtained from measured pressure distributions at five span stations. When the conventional corrections resulting from sweep angle are applied to the lift and moment of circulation control sections, no additional corrections are necessary to account for changes in blowing efficiency. This is demonstrated for an aft sweep angle of 45 deg. An empirical technique for estimating the downwash distribution of a swept wing was validated

    A normal form for excitable media

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    We present a normal form for travelling waves in one-dimensional excitable media in form of a differential delay equation. The normal form is built around the well-known saddle-node bifurcation generically present in excitable media. Finite wavelength effects are captured by a delay. The normal form describes the behaviour of single pulses in a periodic domain and also the richer behaviour of wave trains. The normal form exhibits a symmetry preserving Hopf bifurcation which may coalesce with the saddle-node in a Bogdanov-Takens point, and a symmetry breaking spatially inhomogeneous pitchfork bifurcation. We verify the existence of these bifurcations in numerical simulations. The parameters of the normal form are determined and its predictions are tested against numerical simulations of partial differential equation models of excitable media with good agreement.Comment: 22 pages, accepted for publication in Chao

    Direction Detector on an Excitable Field: Field Computation with Coincidence Detection

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    Living organisms process information without any central control unit and without any ruling clock. We have been studying a novel computational strategy that uses a geometrically arranged excitable field, i.e., "field computation." As an extension of this research, in the present article we report the construction of a "direction detector" on an excitable field. Using a numerical simulation, we show that the direction of a input source signal can be detected by applying the characteristic as a "coincidence detector" embedded on an excitable field. In addition, we show that this direction detection actually works in an experiment using an excitable chemical system. These results are discussed in relation to the future development of "field computation."Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Photo-excited semiconductor superlattices as constrained excitable media: Motion of dipole domains and current self-oscillations

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    A model for charge transport in undoped, photo-excited semiconductor superlattices, which includes the dependence of the electron-hole recombination on the electric field and on the photo-excitation intensity through the field-dependent recombination coefficient, is proposed and analyzed. Under dc voltage bias and high photo-excitation intensities, there appear self-sustained oscillations of the current due to a repeated homogeneous nucleation of a number of charge dipole waves inside the superlattice. In contrast to the case of a constant recombination coefficient, nucleated dipole waves can split for a field-dependent recombination coefficient in two oppositely moving dipoles. The key for understanding these unusual properties is that these superlattices have a unique static electric-field domain. At the same time, their dynamical behavior is akin to the one of an extended excitable system: an appropriate finite disturbance of the unique stable fixed point may cause a large excursion in phase space before returning to the stable state and trigger pulses and wave trains. The voltage bias constraint causes new waves to be nucleated when old ones reach the contact.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Preliminary PCR-based screening indicates a higher incidence of Porcine Endogenous Retrovirus subtype C (PERV-C) in feral versus domestic swine

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    Xenotransplantation is considered a potential alternative to allotransplantation to relieve the current shortage of human organs. Due to their similar size and physiology, the organs of pigs are of particular interest for this purpose. Endogenous retroviruses are a result of integration of retroviral genomes into the genome of infected germ cells as DNA proviruses, which are then carried in all cells of the offspring of the organism. Porcine endogenous retroviruses (PERVs) are of special concern because they are found in pig organs and tissues that might otherwise be used for xenotransplantation. PERV proviruses can be induced to replicate and recombine in pigs, and have been shown to infect human cells in vitro. There are three subtypes of PERVs based on differences in the receptor binding domain of the env protein; PERV-A, PERV-B, and PERV-C. PERVs A and B can infect human cells in vitro and can recombine with PERV-C, resulting in a recombinant virus with a higher rate of replication in pig and human cell lines. In this study, we used a PCR-based analysis of 50 domestic and 35 feral pigs to study the distribution of PERVs A, B, and C in swine raised under domestic conditions, versus feral swine from rural areas. PERV-A and PERV-B were universal in both domestic and feral swine. Feral swine had a higher incidence of PERV-C (85.7%) compared to domestic swine (42.0%). Further studies in other feral swine herds are ongoing to verify this observation

    Universal behavior in populations composed of excitable and self-oscillatory elements

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    We study the robustness of self-sustained oscillatory activity in a globally coupled ensemble of excitable and oscillatory units. The critical balance to achieve collective self-sustained oscillations is analytically established. We also report a universal scaling function for the ensemble's mean frequency. Our results extend the framework of the `Aging Transition' [Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 104101 (2004)] including a broad class of dynamical systems potentially relevant in biology.Comment: 4 pages; Changed titl

    Avalanche of Bifurcations and Hysteresis in a Model of Cellular Differentiation

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    Cellular differentiation in a developping organism is studied via a discrete bistable reaction-diffusion model. A system of undifferentiated cells is allowed to receive an inductive signal emenating from its environment. Depending on the form of the nonlinear reaction kinetics, this signal can trigger a series of bifurcations in the system. Differentiation starts at the surface where the signal is received, and cells change type up to a given distance, or under other conditions, the differentiation process propagates through the whole domain. When the signal diminishes hysteresis is observed

    Self-organized transition to coherent activity in disordered media

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    Synchronized oscillations are of critical functional importance in many biological systems. We show that such oscillations can arise without centralized coordination in a disordered system of electrically coupled excitable and passive cells. Increasing the coupling strength results in waves that lead to coherent periodic activity, exhibiting cluster, local and global synchronization under different conditions. Our results may explain the self-organized transition in a pregnant uterus from transient, localized activity initially to system-wide coherent excitations just before delivery.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Side forces on forebodies at high angles of attack and Mach numbers from 0.1 to 0.7: two tangent ogives, paraboloid and cone

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    An experimental investigation was conducted in the Ames 12-Foot Wind Tunnel to determine the subsonic aerodynamic characteristics of four forebodies at high angles of attack. The forebodies tested were a tangent ogive with fineness ratio of 5, a paraboloid with fineness ratio of 3.5, a 20 deg cone, and a tangent ogive with an elliptic cross section. The investigation included the effects of nose bluntness and boundary-layer trips. The tangent-ogive forebody was also tested in the presence of a short afterbody and with the afterbody attached. Static longitudinal and lateral/directional stability data were obtained. The investigation was conducted to investigate the existence of large side forces and yawing moments at high angles of attack and zero sideslip. It was found that all of the forebodies experience steady side forces that start at angles of attack of from 20 deg to 35 deg and exist to as high as 80 deg, depending on forebody shape. The side is as large as 1.6 times the normal force and is generally repeatable with increasing and decreasing angle of attack and, also, from test to test. The side force is very sensitive to the nature of the boundary layer, as indicated by large changes with boundary trips. The maximum side force caries considerably with Reynolds number and tends to decrease with increasing Mach number. The direction of the side force is sensitive to the body geometry near the nose. The angle of attack of onset of side force is not strongly influenced by Reynolds number or Mach number but varies with forebody shape. Maximum normal force often occurs at angles of attack near 60 deg. The effect of the elliptic cross section is to reduce the angle of onset by about 10 deg compared to that of an equivalent circular forebody with the same fineness ratio. The short afterbody reduces the angle of onset by about 5 deg