68 research outputs found

    “They had clothes on their back and they had food in their stomach, but they didn\u27t have me”: The contribution of parental mental health problems, substance use, and domestic violence and abuse on young people and parents

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    \ua9 2024 The AuthorsBackground: The parental risk factors of mental health problems, substance use, and domestic violence and abuse each individually negatively impacts children\u27s health and developmental outcomes. Few studies have considered the lived experience and support needs of parents and children in the real-world situation where these common risks cluster. Objective: This study explores parents\u27 and young people\u27s lived experiences of the clustering of parental mental health problems, parental substance use, and domestic violence and abuse. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 18 mothers, 6 fathers, and 7 young people with experiences of these parental risk factors. Transcribed interviews were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis. Results: Four themes were developed, 1) cumulative adversity, 2) the impact of syndemic risk, 3) families navigating risk, and 4) family support. Parents and young people described family situations of stress wherein they experienced cumulative impact of multiple parental risk factors. Parents sought to navigate stressors and parent in positive ways under challenging conditions, often impeded by their own childhood trauma and diminished confidence. Parents and young people spoke of the need for, and benefits of having, support; both as a family and as individuals, to successfully address this trio of parental risks and the related impact. Conclusions: This study highlights the high level of stress families experience and the efforts they go to mitigate risk. Services and interventions need to reflect the complexity of multiple needs and consider both the whole family and individuals when providing support

    "They had clothes on their back and they had food in their stomach, but they didn't have me": The contribution of parental mental health problems, substance use, and domestic violence and abuse on young people and parents.

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    This is the final version. Available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record. Data availability: The data that has been used is confidential.BACKGROUND: The parental risk factors of mental health problems, substance use, and domestic violence and abuse each individually negatively impacts children's health and developmental outcomes. Few studies have considered the lived experience and support needs of parents and children in the real-world situation where these common risks cluster. OBJECTIVE: This study explores parents' and young people's lived experiences of the clustering of parental mental health problems, parental substance use, and domestic violence and abuse. METHODS: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 18 mothers, 6 fathers, and 7 young people with experiences of these parental risk factors. Transcribed interviews were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis. RESULTS: Four themes were developed, 1) cumulative adversity, 2) the impact of syndemic risk, 3) families navigating risk, and 4) family support. Parents and young people described family situations of stress wherein they experienced cumulative impact of multiple parental risk factors. Parents sought to navigate stressors and parent in positive ways under challenging conditions, often impeded by their own childhood trauma and diminished confidence. Parents and young people spoke of the need for, and benefits of having, support; both as a family and as individuals, to successfully address this trio of parental risks and the related impact. CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights the high level of stress families experience and the efforts they go to mitigate risk. Services and interventions need to reflect the complexity of multiple needs and consider both the whole family and individuals when providing support.National Institute for Health Research (NIHR

    Natural environment valorization of the landscape reserve Dolina Raclawki for tourism and recreation purposes

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    Changes of ground beetle assemblages structure on mountain stream alluvial areas

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    Testowano zmiany struktury biegaczowatych w zależności od przepływu brzegowego w potokach górskich. Badania prowadzono w jednym z potoków Karpat Polskich w rejonie Gorców: potoku Ochotnica. Jako indeks określający wartości przepływu brzegowego zastosowano wielkość ciała występujących w przekroju koryta bezkręgowców lądowych, odzwierciedlających przystosowanie do zmiennych warunków przepływu. Analiza redundancji wskazuje na ścisłą zależność pomiędzy biomasą zgrupowań biegaczowatych a frekwencją zmian poziomu wody w potoku. Rozkład średnich lieczebności biegaczowatych w klasach wielkości dla zgrupowań wyższych teras jest zgodny z rozkładem normalnym, podczas gdy na pierwszej terasie zalewowej liczebność maleje liniowo wraz ze wzrostem wielkości ciała owada. Parametr ten może być używany jako dobry wskaźnik przepływu brzegowego potoków górskich. W dyskuji przedstawiono rolę naturalnych procesów fluwialnych dla zachowania zagrożonych zespołów bezkręgowców nadrzecznych.Changes in ground beetles assemblage structure in relation to bankfull discharge in mountain stream have been tested. The research was performed in one of the Polish Carpathian streams in the Gorce Mountains region: the Ochotnica Stream. As the index of determination of bankfull volume the size of terrestrial invertebrates (carabids) was advocated which were present in the investigated research cross-section and were resistant to specific water discharge conditions. Redundancy analysis shoved that only variation of community biomass depended on frequency of changing water discharge. Distribution of mean abundance in body length classes is unimodal for upper benches meanwhile on the lowest bench abundance decreased linearly. This parameter can be used in practice as a good indicator of bankfull discharge on mountain streams. The need of fluvial processes in conservation approach for riverine communities is discussed

    Contamination of Nowa Huta Lake bottom sediments with heavy metals

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    Celem badań była ocena stanu zanieczyszczenia Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr i Ni osadów dennych Zalewu Nowohuckiego. Zbiornik ten wybudowano jako rekreacyjny w Krakowie, w zlewni rzeki Dłubnia, od ponad 60 lat poddanej emisji metali ciężkich z Kombinatu Metalurgicznego Nowa Huta. Na zbiorniku wyznaczono osiem obszarów badawczych, z których w sposób losowy w oparciu o siatkę kwadratów pobierano próbki pierwotne osadów. Stwierdzono, że zawartości wszystkich badanych metali przekraczają wartości tła geochemicznego dla osadów wód powierzchniowych Polski. Natomiast jedynym z analizowanych pierwiastków, którego średnie stężenie nie przekracza wartości tła geochemicznego dla osadów dennych wód powierzchniowych rejonu śląsko- krakowskiego, jest kadm. Zgodnie z klasyfikacją przyjętą przez Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny (PIG) badane osady należy uznać za średnio zanieczyszczone cynkiem oraz miernie zanieczyszczone kadmem i cynkiem a także niklem. Na podstawie potencjalnie wnoszonych ładunków cynku i chromu należy odrzucić możliwość wykorzystania tych osadów w rolnictwie do poprawy właściwości gleb. Można rozważyć utylizację tych osadów w rekultywacji składowisk odpadów, kształtowaniu obszarów zieleni miejskiej oraz w zalesieniach, w tym ostatnim przypadku w przygotowaniu gleb, które miałyby być zalesione.The aim of the study was to assess the pollution of Nowa Huta Lake bottom sediments with Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr and Ni. The lake is located close to a large steelworks and has been influenced by heavy metals emission for over sixty years. Eight research areas were selected on the lake. A self-created square grid was applied to create the base for sampling, then samples of bottom sediments were taken. The content of all metals tested exceeded the Polish surface water geochemical sediment background. In contrast, among the analysed elements, only the average concentration of cadmium did not exceed the value of the surface water geochemical sediment of the Silesia- Krakow region According to the classification of the Polish Geological Institute examined sediments should be regarded as medium contaminated with zinc and moderately polluted with cadmium and zinc and nickel. On the basis of potential loads of zinc and chromium, the idea of agricultural use of the sediment for soil amendment must be rejected. The utilisation of the sediments in reconstructing city green areas, in reclamation of landfills and also in forestry should be considered