4,333 research outputs found

    Using Big Bang Nucleosynthesis to Extend CMB Probes of Neutrino Physics

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    We present calculations showing that upcoming Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) experiments will have the power to improve on current constraints on neutrino masses and provide new limits on neutrino degeneracy parameters. The latter could surpass those derived from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) and the observationally-inferred primordial helium abundance. These conclusions derive from our Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) simulations which incorporate a full BBN nuclear reaction network. This provides a self-consistent treatment of the helium abundance, the baryon number, the three individual neutrino degeneracy parameters and other cosmological parameters. Our analysis focuses on the effects of gravitational lensing on CMB constraints on neutrino rest mass and degeneracy parameter. We find for the PLANCK experiment that total (summed) neutrino mass Mν>0.29M_{\nu} > 0.29 eV could be ruled out at 2σ2\sigma or better. Likewise neutrino degeneracy parameters ξνe>0.11\xi_{\nu_{e}} > 0.11 and ξνμ/τ>0.49| \xi_{\nu_{\mu/\tau}} | > 0.49 could be detected or ruled out at 2σ2\sigma confidence, or better. For POLARBEAR we find that the corresponding detectable values are Mν>0.75eVM_\nu > 0.75 {\rm eV}, ξνe>0.62\xi_{\nu_{e}} > 0.62, and ξνμ/τ>1.1| \xi_{\nu_{\mu/\tau}}| > 1.1, while for EPIC we obtain Mν>0.20eVM_\nu > 0.20 {\rm eV}, ξνe>0.045\xi_{\nu_{e}} > 0.045, and ξνμ/τ>0.29|\xi_{\nu_{\mu/\tau}}| > 0.29. Our forcast for EPIC demonstrates that CMB observations have the potential to set constraints on neutrino degeneracy parameters which are better than BBN-derived limits and an order of magnitude better than current WMAP-derived limits.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures, matches published version in JCA

    Autocorrelation of Random Matrix Polynomials

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    We calculate the autocorrelation functions (or shifted moments) of the characteristic polynomials of matrices drawn uniformly with respect to Haar measure from the groups U(N), O(2N) and USp(2N). In each case the result can be expressed in three equivalent forms: as a determinant sum (and hence in terms of symmetric polynomials), as a combinatorial sum, and as a multiple contour integral. These formulae are analogous to those previously obtained for the Gaussian ensembles of Random Matrix Theory, but in this case are identities for any size of matrix, rather than large-matrix asymptotic approximations. They also mirror exactly autocorrelation formulae conjectured to hold for L-functions in a companion paper. This then provides further evidence in support of the connection between Random Matrix Theory and the theory of L-functions

    Spectral Statistics of "Cellular" Billiards

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    For a bounded planar domain Ω0\Omega^0 whose boundary contains a number of flat pieces Γi\Gamma_i we consider a family of non-symmetric billiards Ω\Omega constructed by patching several copies of Ω0\Omega^0 along Γi\Gamma_i's. It is demonstrated that the length spectrum of the periodic orbits in Ω\Omega is degenerate with the multiplicities determined by a matrix group GG. We study the energy spectrum of the corresponding quantum billiard problem in Ω\Omega and show that it can be split in a number of uncorrelated subspectra corresponding to a set of irreducible representations α\alpha of GG. Assuming that the classical dynamics in Ω0\Omega^0 are chaotic, we derive a semiclassical trace formula for each spectral component and show that their energy level statistics are the same as in standard Random Matrix ensembles. Depending on whether α{\alpha} is real, pseudo-real or complex, the spectrum has either Gaussian Orthogonal, Gaussian Symplectic or Gaussian Unitary types of statistics, respectively.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    The absent-present researcher: data analysis of pre-recorded parent-driven campaign videos

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    In recent years, there has been a proliferation of sophisticated, user-friendly and accessible instruments of video data collection (e.g. mobile/cell phones and tablets) which facilitate video-based research and analysis. This paper reports on the opportunities and challenges of undertaking video analysis by reporting on the qualitative video analysis of a subset of 30 purposively selected videos from #notanurse_but, a parent-driven video campaign initiated by WellChild, a UK charity. This paper provides insight into one way of conducting video analysis, appreciating that a variety of approaches exist and that methodological reflections on analytical work with video recordings are limited. The authors critically consider researcher subjectivity; the everydayness of video data; making assumptions; and the incomplete picture provided by video data. Despite notable limitations to the approach of video analysis as a standalone method, the authors conclude that video analysis is capable of eliciting data that may not otherwise be obtained

    Random matrix theory, the exceptional Lie groups, and L-functions

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    There has recently been interest in relating properties of matrices drawn at random from the classical compact groups to statistical characteristics of number-theoretical L-functions. One example is the relationship conjectured to hold between the value distributions of the characteristic polynomials of such matrices and value distributions within families of L-functions. These connections are here extended to non-classical groups. We focus on an explicit example: the exceptional Lie group G_2. The value distributions for characteristic polynomials associated with the 7- and 14-dimensional representations of G_2, defined with respect to the uniform invariant (Haar) measure, are calculated using two of the Macdonald constant term identities. A one parameter family of L-functions over a finite field is described whose value distribution in the limit as the size of the finite field grows is related to that of the characteristic polynomials associated with the 7-dimensional representation of G_2. The random matrix calculations extend to all exceptional Lie groupsComment: 14 page

    Complex System Governance as a Framework for Asset Management

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    Complex system governance (CSG) is an emerging field encompassing a framework for system performance improvement through the purposeful design, execution, and evolution of essential metasystem functions. The goal of this study was to understand how the domain of asset management (AsM) can leverage the capabilities of CSG. AsM emerged from engineering as a structured approach to organizing complex organizations to realize the value of assets while balancing performance, risks, costs, and other opportunities. However, there remains a scarcity of literature discussing the potential relationship between AsM and CSG. To initiate the closure of this gap, this research reviews the basics of AsM and the methods associated with realizing the value of assets. Then, the basics of CSG are provided along with how CSG might be leveraged to support AsM. We conclude the research with the implications for AsM and suggested future research

    Rate of convergence of linear functions on the unitary group

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    We study the rate of convergence to a normal random variable of the real and imaginary parts of Tr(AU), where U is an N x N random unitary matrix and A is a deterministic complex matrix. We show that the rate of convergence is O(N^{-2 + b}), with 0 <= b < 1, depending only on the asymptotic behaviour of the singular values of A; for example, if the singular values are non-degenerate, different from zero and O(1) as N -> infinity, then b=0. The proof uses a Berry-Esse'en inequality for linear combinations of eigenvalues of random unitary, matrices, and so appropriate for strongly dependent random variables.Comment: 34 pages, 1 figure; corrected typos, added remark 3.3, added 3 reference

    Applications and generalizations of Fisher-Hartwig asymptotics

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    Fisher-Hartwig asymptotics refers to the large nn form of a class of Toeplitz determinants with singular generating functions. This class of Toeplitz determinants occurs in the study of the spin-spin correlations for the two-dimensional Ising model, and the ground state density matrix of the impenetrable Bose gas, amongst other problems in mathematical physics. We give a new application of the original Fisher-Hartwig formula to the asymptotic decay of the Ising correlations above TcT_c, while the study of the Bose gas density matrix leads us to generalize the Fisher-Hartwig formula to the asymptotic form of random matrix averages over the classical groups and the Gaussian and Laguerre unitary matrix ensembles. Another viewpoint of our generalizations is that they extend to Hankel determinants the Fisher-Hartwig asymptotic form known for Toeplitz determinants.Comment: 25 page