570 research outputs found

    La Justice Libanaise Au Service Des Entreprises

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    Inevitable consequence of the fierce competition between the actors of globalization, domestic judicial systems and legal frameworks become a competitive weapon in the same way as a technical business management or financial tactics. In such circumstances, this paper endeavors to emphasize the degree of competitiveness of the Lebanese judicial system through the analysis of the strategic use of certain instruments, seemingly trivial, of our substantive and procedural rules


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    The reform of the WTO Dispute Settlement System is an integral part of the Doha Development Agenda launched at the WTO’s Fourth Ministerial Conference in 2001.While the World Trade Organization is marking its 20th anniversary, the modernization process tends to reinforce the WTO legitimacy and to bring developing countries into the world economy in a fairer and more efficient way. On January 30th, 2015, the Special Session of the Dispute Settlement Body, chaired by H.E. Ronald S. Soto, issued its latest report providing a state-of-play of the negotiations in this area. In light of the above, this paper brings to light both developing country interests in the current talks and the remaining challenges for their better integration into the Dispute Settlement System

    Risk bounds for unimodal distributions under partial information

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    Mestrado em Actuarial ScienceNeste documento, começamos por estudar os limites superiores para Value-at-Risk, Tail-Value-at-Risk e Range-Value-at-Risk de distribuições unimodais quando apenas os limites superiores da média e da variância são conhecidos. Num primeiro passo, usamos o processo do ordenamento simples convexo para reduzir o problema de otimização a um problema de otimização paramétrico. Num segundo passo, resolvemos este problema de otimização paramétrico e obtemos soluções explícitas para todos os níveis de probabilidade. As nossas soluções são consistentes com as de Li et al. (2018), mas a sua análise é longa e as suas soluções limitadas ao caso em que as probabilidades se encontram no intervalo [5/6; 1[. Em segundo lugar, dado que a hipótese da não negatividade é comum nos estudos atuariais, estudamos como esta hipótese pode melhorar os limites superiores do Value-at-risk. Além disso, aplicamos a análise de dois passos para encontrar o limite superior do Value-at-Risk num cenário em que a função quantil é totalmente conhecida num intervalo específico de níveis de probabilidades. Por fim, avaliamos o risco do modelo que o modelo Beta gera numa carteira específica de créditos. Os resultados mostram que a adição da hipótese da unimodalidade e o conhecimento completo de uma parte da função quantil melhoram os limites superiores do risco. Por outro lado, a hipótese da não negatividade pode não trazer qualquer melhoria no caso de se verificar uma variância pequena ou na avaliação do Value-at-Risk a um nível de probabilidade baixo.In this paper, we first start off by studying the upper-bounds for the Value-at-Risk, Tail-Value-at-Risk, and Range-Value-at-Risk of unimodal distributions when only their mean and their variance upper-bound are known. In a first step, we use a simple convex ordering argument to reduce the optimization problem to a parametric optimization problem. In a second step, we solve this parametric optimization problem and obtain explicit solutions for all probability levels. Our solutions conform well with those of Li et al. (2018), but their analysis is lengthy and their solutions are limited to the case in which probabilities are in the range [5/6;1[. Secondly, since the non-negativity assumption is common in actuarial studies, we study how this assumption can improve the upper bounds of the Value-at-Risk. Moreover, we utilize our two-step analysis to find the upper-bound of the Value-at-Risk in a scenario where the quantile function is fully trusted over a specific range of probability levels. Finally, we assess the model risk that a Beta model carries in a particular credit portfolio. Results show that the addition of unimodality assumption and the full knowledge of a part of the quantile function do offer an improvement on the risk upper bounds. On the other hand, the non-negativity assumption can lead to a non-improvement in the case of a small variance or an evaluation of the Value-at-Risk on a low probability level.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Electronic arbitration (E-arbitration) is usually defined as a method to settle disputes through online platforms providing arbitration services. It constitutes a recent process dispute resolution mechanism between economic agents through the use of information and communication technology. Earbitration is inseparable from the growth of e-commerce and cross-border trade transactions. Contracting parties in such transactions expect a swift, cost-effective and efficient dispute resolution mechanism. It is no coincidence therefore that an increasing number of domestic legislations and international regulations adhere to the rules governing E-arbitration. The fact remains that, surprisingly, the Lebanese regulatory framework puts several obstacles to the successful implementation of E-arbitration in Lebanon. In this respect, this contribution endeavors to identify the scope of such obstacles, and discusses the solutions adopted in other legal frameworks


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    Electronic arbitration (E-arbitration) is usually defined as a method to settle disputes through online platforms providing arbitration services. It constitutes a recent process dispute resolution mechanism between economic agents through the use of information and communication technology. Earbitration is inseparable from the growth of e-commerce and cross-border trade transactions. Contracting parties in such transactions expect a swift, cost-effective and efficient dispute resolution mechanism. It is no coincidence therefore that an increasing number of domestic legislations and international regulations adhere to the rules governing E-arbitration. The fact remains that, surprisingly, the Lebanese regulatory framework puts several obstacles to the successful implementation of E-arbitration in Lebanon. In this respect, this contribution endeavors to identify the scope of such obstacles, and discusses the solutions adopted in other legal frameworks

    Why a U.S.-China Trade Deal will not Ensure an Effective Global Trade Governance

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    This contribution makes the case for the building of a constructive partnership between China and global players, including the United States, the only way to tackle China’s trade policy challenges and ensure effective global trade governance. After months-long negotiations, the United States and China may put the finishing touches on a trade deal to end their trade war. Despite advances secured by the U.S., it should be admitted that once again, when it comes to negotiations with China, it is a matter of much ado about nothing. China will remain a unique and pressing challenge for the WTO and its trading partners. It appears that China’s trade distortions are the outcome of a singular China’s political and legal system promoting a socialist market economy with a state-led and mercantilist trade regime. The trade deal, through its enforcement offices, will not be able to prevent the U.S. from imposing unilateral sanctions against China, nor will it be able to minimise strategic competition between the two States. In this context, pursuing unilateral measures and sanctions to obtain structural reforms protecting U.S. workers, farmers and businesses is largely a futile exercise. Rather, modernizing the China’s economic and legal architecture than reforming it should be the cornerstone of a realistic, multifaceted and long-term approach based on a constructive diplomacy, including the creation of new institutions such as a bilateral investment treaty with China and the accession to the Trans- Pacific Partnership, as well as a joint working group on WTO reform with like-minded States capable of exerting upward pressure on China so as to revitalize WTO rules and functions

    The Mediterranean Journal of Emergency Medicine & Acute Care: Why

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    Certainly, we cannot launch a new open access journal such as MedJEM without justifying why we aredoing so and what will be different about it.First, we believe the specialty of emergency medicine (EM) as well as emergency, urgent and acutecare around the Mediterranean basin have reached over the last three decades a level of development,complexity and needs that require the establishment of a regional internationally-driven medical journal.The publication of such a journal constitutes a major milestone in the development of any specialty ingeneral - and of EM and emergency medical services in particular