8 research outputs found

    Source process of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake (Mj7.3) inferred from kinematic inversion of strong-motion records

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    Abstract In this study, we estimated source process of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake from strong-motion data by using the multiple-time window linear kinematic waveform inversion method to discuss generation of strong motions and to explain crustal deformation pattern with a seismic source inversion model. A four-segment fault model was assumed based on the aftershock distribution, active fault traces, and interferometric synthetic aperture radar data. Three western segments were set to be northwest-dipping planes, and the most eastern segment under the Aso caldera was examined to be a southeast-dipping plane. The velocity structure models used in this study were estimated by using waveform modeling of moderate earthquakes that occurred in the source region. We applied a two-step approach of the inversions of 20 strong-motion datasets observed by K-NET and KiK-net by using band-pass-filtered strong-motion data at 0.05–0.5 Hz and then at 0.05–1.0 Hz. The rupture area of the fault plane was determined by applying the criterion of Somerville et al. (Seismol Res Lett 70:59–80, 1999) to the inverted slip distribution. From the first-step inversion, the fault length was trimmed from 52 to 44 km, whereas the fault width was kept at 18 km. The trimmed rupture area was not changed in the second-step inversion. The source model obtained from the two-step approach indicated 4.7 × 1019 Nm of the total moment release and 1.8 m average slip of the entire fault with a rupture area of 792 km2. Large slip areas were estimated in the seismogenic zone and in the shallow part corresponding to the surface rupture that occurred during the Mj7.3 mainshock. The areas of the high peak moment rate correlated roughly with those of large slip; however, the moment rate functions near the Earth surface have low peak, bell shape, and long duration. These subfaults with long-duration moment release are expected to cause weak short-period ground motions. We confirmed that the southeast dipping of the most eastern segment is more plausible rather than northwest-dipping from the observed subsidence around the central cones of the Aso volcano. Graphical Abstract

    Microtremor array surveys and development of the velocity model in the Hakodate Plain, Hokkaido, Japan

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    The Hakodate Plain in the southern part of the Oshima Peninsula, Hokkaido, Japan, is a sedimentary basin surrounded by mountains. The vertical displacements caused by active faults along the western margin of the Hakodate Plain increased the basin depth in the western part of the Hakodate Plain. Small-to-large-sized microtremor array surveys were conducted at five sites in the Hakodate Plain to estimate the S-wave velocity structure down to the seismic bedrock for each site to develop a detailed velocity structure model. A new three-dimensional velocity structure model of the Hakodate Plain was developed by integrating the results of microtremor array surveys and other existing geophysical explorations data. This three-dimensional velocity model was modeled as a stack of homogeneous isotropic layers to facilitate its incorporation into the present nation-wide three-dimensional velocity model for ground motion prediction. The bottom depth of the Quaternary sediments is deep along the western margin of the Hakodate Plain. The total thickness of the Quaternary and Neogene sedimentary layers reaches 2.9 km in the western Hakodate Plain. The proposed velocity model was validated by gravity anomaly modeling and ground motion simulation of a moderate-sized inland earthquake. The location of the low-gravity anomaly around the coastline of the Hakodate Bay was improved using the new model. The numerical ground motion simulation using FDM also demonstrated that the amplification and long duration observed in the western part of the Hakodate Plain were reproduced effectively using this velocity model. The spatial variation in long-period ground motion amplifications (period > 1 s) is discussed based on numerical simulations utilizing our three-dimensional velocity model. The highest amplifications at periods of 4 and 5 s were expected in the southwestern Hakodate Plain. The amplification at a period of 3 s was relatively high near the western margin of the plain. Conversely, the spatial characteristics below 2 s were quite complex due to interference of the seismic wavefield inside the basin structure. Variation due to the source location was also relatively high in the shorter period range

    Applicability of source scaling relations for crustal earthquakes to estimation of the ground motions of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake

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    A two-stage scaling relationship of the source parameters for crustal earthquakes in Japan has previously been constructed, in which source parameters obtained from the results of waveform inversion of strong motion data are combined with parameters estimated based on geological and geomorphological surveys. A three-stage scaling relationship was subsequently developed to extend scaling to crustal earthquakes with magnitudes greater than M w 7.4. The effectiveness of these scaling relationships was then examined based on the results of waveform inversion of 18 recent crustal earthquakes (M w 5.4–6.9) that occurred in Japan since the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake. The 2016 Kumamoto earthquake, with M w 7.0, was one of the largest earthquakes to occur since dense and accurate strong motion observation networks, such as K-NET and KiK-net, were deployed after the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake. We examined the applicability of the scaling relationships of the source parameters of crustal earthquakes in Japan to the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake. The rupture area and asperity area were determined based on slip distributions obtained from waveform inversion of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake observations. We found that the relationship between the rupture area and the seismic moment for the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake follows the second-stage scaling within one standard deviation (σ = 0.14). The ratio of the asperity area to the rupture area for the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake is nearly the same as ratios previously obtained for crustal earthquakes. Furthermore, we simulated the ground motions of this earthquake using a characterized source model consisting of strong motion generation areas (SMGAs) based on the empirical Green’s function (EGF) method. The locations and areas of the SMGAs were determined through comparison between the synthetic ground motions and observed motions. The sizes of the SMGAs were nearly coincident with the asperities with large slip. The synthetic ground motions obtained using the EGF method agree well with the observed motions in terms of acceleration, velocity, and displacement within the frequency range of 0.3–10 Hz. These findings indicate that the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake is a standard event that follows the scaling relationship of crustal earthquakes in Japan

    Rutile-TiO2/PtO2 Glass Coatings Disinfects Aquatic Legionella pneumophila via Morphology Change and Endotoxin Degradation under LED Irradiation

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    Legionella pneumophila (L. pneumophila) is the causative agent of Legionnaires’ disease and Pontiac fever, collectively known as legionellosis. L. pneumophila infection occurs through inhalation of contaminated aerosols from water systems in workplaces and institutions. The development of disinfectants that can eliminate L. pneumophila in such water systems without evacuating people is needed to prevent the spread of L. pneumophila. Photocatalysts are attractive disinfectants that do not harm human health. In particular, the TiO2 photocatalyst kills L. pneumophila under various conditions, but its mode of action is unknown. Here, we confirmed the high performance of TiO2 photocatalyst containing PtO2 via the degradation of methylene blue (half-value period: 19.2 min) and bactericidal activity against Escherichia coli (half-value period: 15.1 min) in water. Using transmission electron microscopy, we demonstrate that the disinfection of L. pneumophila (half-value period: 6.7 min) by TiO2 photocatalyst in water is accompanied by remarkable cellular membrane and internal damage to L. pneumophila. Assays with limulus amebocyte lysate and silver staining showed the release of endotoxin from L. pneumophila due to membrane damage and photocatalytic degradation of this endotoxin. This is the first study to demonstrate the disinfection mechanisms of TiO2 photocatalyst, namely, via morphological changes and membrane damage of L. pneumophila. Our results suggest that TiO2 photocatalyst might be effective in controlling the spread of L. pneumophila

    TiO<sub>2</sub>-Photocatalyst-Induced Degradation of Dog and Cat Allergens under Wet and Dry Conditions Causes a Loss in Their Allergenicity

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    Allergies to dogs and cats can cause enormous damage to human health and the economy. Dog and cat allergens are mainly found in dog and cat dander and are present in small particles in the air and in carpets in homes with dogs and cats. Cleaning houses and washing pets are the main methods for reducing allergens in homes; however, it is difficult to eliminate them completely. Therefore, we aimed to investigate whether a TiO2 photocatalyst could degrade dog and cat allergens. Under wet conditions, exposure to the TiO2 photocatalyst for 24 h degraded Can f1, which is a major dog allergen extracted from dog dander, by 98.3%, and Fel d1, which is a major cat allergen extracted from cat dander, by 93.6–94.4%. Furthermore, under dry conditions, the TiO2 photocatalyst degraded Can f1 and Fel d1 by 92.8% and 59.2–68.4%, respectively. The TiO2 photocatalyst abolished the binding of dog and cat allergens to human IgE by 104.6% and 108.6%, respectively. The results indicated that the TiO2 photocatalyst degraded dog and cat allergens, causing a loss in their allergenicity. Our results suggest that TiO2 photocatalysis can be useful for removing indoor pet allergens and improving the partnership between humans and pets


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