171 research outputs found

    Secular Instabilities of Keplerian Stellar Discs

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    We present idealized models of a razor-thin, axisymmetric, Keplerian stellar disc around a massive black hole, and study non-axisymmetric secular instabilities in the absence of either counter-rotation or loss cones. These discs are prograde mono-energetic waterbags, whose phase space distribution functions are constant for orbits within a range of eccentricities (e) and zero outside this range. The linear normal modes of waterbags are composed of sinusoidal disturbances of the edges of distribution function in phase space. Waterbags which include circular orbits (polarcaps) have one stable linear normal mode for each azimuthal wavenumber m. The m = 1 mode always has positive pattern speed and, for polarcaps consisting of orbits with e < 0.9428, only the m = 1 mode has positive pattern speed. Waterbags excluding circular orbits (bands) have two linear normal modes for each m, which can be stable or unstable. We derive analytical expressions for the instability condition, pattern speeds, growth rates and normal mode structure. Narrow bands are unstable to modes with a wide range in m. Numerical simulations confirm linear theory and follow the non-linear evolution of instabilities. Long-time integration suggests that instabilities of different m grow, interact non-linearly and relax collisionlessly to a coarse-grained equilibrium with a wide range of eccentricities.Comment: Manuscript accepted for publication in MNRA

    Long Lasting Egocentric Disorientation Induced by Normal Sensori-Motor Spatial Interaction

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    Perception of the cardinal directions of the body, right-left, up-down, ahead-behind, which appears so absolute and fundamental to the organisation of behaviour can in fact, be modified. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it has been shown that prolonged distorted perception of the orientation of body axes can be a consequence of disordered sensori-motor signals, including long-term prismatic adaptation and lesions of the central nervous system. We report the novel and surprising finding that a long-lasting distortion of perception of personal space can also be induced by an ecological pointing task without the artifice of distorting normal sensori-motor relationships.Twelve right-handed healthy adults performed the task of pointing with their arms, without vision, to indicate their subjective 'straight ahead', a task often used to assess the Egocentric Reference. This was performed before, immediately, and one day after a second task intended to 'modulate' perception of spatial direction. The 'modulating' task lasted 5 minutes and consisted of asking participants to point with the right finger to targets that appeared only in one (right or left) half of a computer screen. Estimates of the 'straight-ahead' during pre-test were accurate (inferior to 0.3 degrees deviation). Significantly, up to one day after performing the modulating task, the subjective 'straight-ahead' was deviated (by approximately 3.2 degrees) to the same side to which subjects had pointed to targets.These results reveal that the perception of directional axes for behaviour is readily influenced by interactions with the environment that involve no artificial distortion of normal sensori-motor-spatial relationships and does not necessarily conform to the cardinal directions as defined by the anatomy of orthostatic posture. We thus suggest that perceived space is a dynamic construction directly dependent upon our past experience about the direction and/or the localisation of our sensori-motor spatial interaction with environment

    Machine-learning guided Venom Induced Dermonecrosis Analysis tooL: VIDAL

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    Snakebite envenoming is a global public health issue that causes significant morbidity and mortality, particularly in low-income regions of the world. The clinical manifestations of envenomings vary depending on the snake's venom, with paralysis, haemorrhage, and necrosis being the most common and medically relevant effects. To assess the efficacy of antivenoms against dermonecrosis, a preclinical testing approach involves in vivo mouse models that mimic local tissue effects of cytotoxic snakebites in humans. However, current methods for assessing necrosis severity are time-consuming and susceptible to human error. To address this, we present the Venom Induced Dermonecrosis Analysis tooL (VIDAL), a machine-learning-guided image-based solution that can automatically identify dermonecrotic lesions in mice, adjust for lighting biases, scale the image, extract lesion area and discolouration, and calculate the severity of dermonecrosis. We also introduce a new unit, the dermonecrotic unit (DnU), to better capture the complexity of dermonecrosis severity. Our tool is comparable to the performance of state-of-the-art histopathological analysis, making it an accessible, accurate, and reproducible method for assessing dermonecrosis in mice. Given the urgent need to address the neglected tropical disease that is snakebite, high-throughput technologies such as VIDAL are crucial in developing and validating new and existing therapeutics for this debilitating disease

    Minimal residual disease in Myeloma: Application for clinical care and new drug registration

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    The development of novel agents has transformed the treatment paradigm for multiple myeloma, with minimal residual disease (MRD) negativity now achievable across the entire disease spectrum. Bone marrow–based technologies to assess MRD, including approaches using next-generation flow and next-generation sequencing, have provided real-time clinical tools for the sensitive detection and monitoring of MRD in patients with multiple myeloma. Complementary liquid biopsy–based assays are now quickly progressing with some, such as mass spectrometry methods, being very close to clinical use, while others utilizing nucleic acid–based technologies are still developing and will prove important to further our understanding of the biology of MRD. On the regulatory front, multiple retrospective individual patient and clinical trial level meta-analyses have already shown and will continue to assess the potential of MRD as a surrogate for patient outcome. Given all this progress, it is not surprising that a number of clinicians are now considering using MRD to inform real-world clinical care of patients across the spectrum from smoldering myeloma to relapsed refractory multiple myeloma, with each disease setting presenting key challenges and questions that will need to be addressed through clinical trials. The pace of advances in targeted and immune therapies in multiple myeloma is unprecedented, and novel MRD-driven biomarker strategies are essential to accelerate innovative clinical trials leading to regulatory approval of novel treatments and continued improvement in patient outcomes

    Minimal residual disease in Myeloma: Application for clinical care and new drug registration

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    The development of novel agents has transformed the treatment paradigm for multiple myeloma, with minimal residual disease (MRD) negativity now achievable across the entire disease spectrum. Bone marrow–based technologies to assess MRD, including approaches using next-generation flow and next-generation sequencing, have provided real-time clinical tools for the sensitive detection and monitoring of MRD in patients with multiple myeloma. Complementary liquid biopsy–based assays are now quickly progressing with some, such as mass spectrometry methods, being very close to clinical use, while others utilizing nucleic acid–based technologies are still developing and will prove important to further our understanding of the biology of MRD. On the regulatory front, multiple retrospective individual patient and clinical trial level meta-analyses have already shown and will continue to assess the potential of MRD as a surrogate for patient outcome. Given all this progress, it is not surprising that a number of clinicians are now considering using MRD to inform real-world clinical care of patients across the spectrum from smoldering myeloma to relapsed refractory multiple myeloma, with each disease setting presenting key challenges and questions that will need to be addressed through clinical trials. The pace of advances in targeted and immune therapies in multiple myeloma is unprecedented, and novel MRD-driven biomarker strategies are essential to accelerate innovative clinical trials leading to regulatory approval of novel treatments and continued improvement in patient outcomes

    Impact of a hospital improvement initiative in Bangladesh on patient experiences and satisfaction with services: two cross-sectional studies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Bangladesh government implemented a pilot Hospital Improvement Initiative (HII) in five hospitals in Sylhet division between 1998 and 2003. This included management and behaviour change training for staff, waste disposal and procurement, and referral arrangements. Two linked cross-sectional surveys in 2000 and 2003 assessed the impact of the HII, assessing both patients' experience and satisfaction and public views and use of the hospitals.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In each survey we asked 300 consecutive outpatients and a stratified random sample of 300 inpatients in the five hospitals about waiting and consultation time, use of an agent for admission, and satisfaction with privacy, cleanliness, and staff behaviour. The field teams observed cleanliness and privacy arrangements, and visited a sample of households in communities near the hospitals to ask about their opinions and use of the hospital services. Analysis examined changes over time in patients' experience and views. Multivariate analysis took account of other variables potentially associated with the outcomes. Survey managers discussed the survey findings with gender stratified focus groups in each sample community.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Compared with 2000, an outpatient in three of the hospitals in 2003 was more likely to be seen within 10 minutes and for at least five minutes by the doctor, but outpatients were less likely to report receiving all the prescribed medicines from the hospital. In 2003, inpatients were more likely to have secured admission without using an agent. Although patients’ satisfaction with several aspects of care improved, most changes were not statistically significant. Households in 2003 were significantly more likely to rate the hospitals as good than in 2000. Use of the hospitals did not change, except that more households used the medical college hospital for inpatient care in 2003. Focus groups confirmed criticisms of services and suggested improvements.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Improvements in some aspects of patients' experience may have been due to the programme, but the decreased availability of medicines in government facilities across the country over the period also occurred in these hospitals. Monitoring patients’ experience and satisfaction as well as public views and use of hospital services is feasible and useful for assessing service interventions.</p

    Convergent Evolution of Pain-Inducing Defensive Venom Components in Spitting Cobras

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    Preprint 20 pĂĄginas. The molecular data associated with species tree generation have been deposited to the nucleotide database of NCBI and the accession numbers are displayed in Table S7. The transcriptome data have been deposited in the SRA and TSA databases of NCBI and are associated with the BioProject accession number PRJA506018. Mass spectrometry data and database search results for top-down and bottom-up proteomic experiments are publicly available in the MassIVE repository under accession number MSV000081885 and in proteomXchange with accession number PXD008597.Convergent evolution provides unparalleled insights into the selective drivers underlying evolutionary change. While snakes use venom primarily for predation, and venom composition often reflects diet specificity, three lineages of spitting cobras have independently evolved the ability to use venom as a defensive projectile. Using gene, protein and functional analyses, we show that the three spitting lineages possess venom characterized by an upregulation of PLA2 toxins, which potentiate the action of venom cytotoxins to activate mammalian sensory neurons and cause enhanced pain. These repeated independent changes provide a fascinating example of convergent evolution across multiple phenotypic levels driven by exaptations. Notably, the timing of their origins suggests that defensive venom spitting may have evolved in response to the emergence of bipedal hominids in Africa and Asia.This work was funded from a studentship supported by Elizabeth Artin Kazandjian to T.D.K., grant PE 2600/1 from the German Research Foundation (DFG) to D.P., grant OPUS 1354156 from the US National Science Foundation to H.W.G., grants FAPESP 2017/18922-2 and 2019/05026-4 from the SĂŁo Paulo Research Foundation to R.R.d.S, grants RPG-2012-627 and RFG-10193 from the Leverhulme Trust to R.A.H. and W.W., grant MR/L01839X/1 from the UK Medical Research Council to J.M.G., R.A.H., J.J.C. and N.R.C., fellowship DE160101142 from the Australian Research Council, and fellowship FRIPRO-YRT #287462 and grant DP160104025 from the Research Council of Norway to E.A.B.U., and a Sir Henry Dale Fellowship (200517/Z/16/Z) jointly funded by the Wellcome Trust and Royal Society to N.R.C.N
