22 research outputs found

    The pedagogical support for preschool children with deviant behavior

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    © 2016 by iSER, International Society of Educational Research.The relevance of the research problems of pedagogical support of preschool children with behavioral problems is explained by changes due and of taking place in modern Russia in various spheres of life: ecological and economic disadvantage, social instability, the growing influence of pseudo -culture, unfavorable climate in family, too busy parents, etc. affect especially painful on the major part of the younger generation, determining the deformation of institutions of socialization. In these circumstances, there are serious prerequisites for the emergence of children's deviant behavior, the causes of which are a variety of factors, from the social to the psychobiological. The purpose of the article is to describe the experience in the development and implementation of methods of pedagogical support of preschool children with behavioral problems. The leading method in the research is the modeling method, allows developing a methodology of pedagogical support of preschool children with behavioral problems. Methodology presented in the article includes target, organizational, substantive, procedural and efficient components, the totality of which is aimed at the prevention of behavioral response and stable behavior, promoting the exclusion situations complicating the process of socialization of children. The article may be useful in practical terms, for professionals and managers of pre-school educational institutions; additional education for professionals; for centers of training and retraining in the selection and training of the structuring of the content of pre­school educational institutions

    The experience of interdepartmental interaction for doctors of preventive medicine

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    The article describes the possibility of effective interdepartmental cooperation in doctors trainingВ статье рассматриваются организационно-педагогические аспекты эффективного межкафедрального взаимодействия при подготовке специалистов с высшим медицинским образование

    The use of the task method in civic education of students

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    © 2016 by iSER, International Society of Educational Research.At the present stage of the development of the educational system, great emphasis is placed on transition from knowledge paradigm toward consolidation-oriented content of education. One of the most forward-looking methods, in this process, to simulate any situation and find an adequate solution, is knowledge method. The purpose of the article is to present work experience in the use of the task method in the educational system. The leading method in the study this problem was task method, which allows the most effectively, taking into account the trends in development of the education system, to address the problems of nature, namely development of civil position of the individual learning youth. The article submitted by the use of different types of tasks, in particular multicultural and civil, civil and axiological, participative and civil dealing with the challenges of education young students in educational organizations. The optimum system of tasks is developed, aimed at solving the problems of nature and their use of technology in the educational system. This article can be useful for teachers of general secondary and higher education, in the working out of the educational disciplines, as well as professionals working in the sphere of additional education

    Creativity indicators: comparison of medical students and art students

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    The purpose of the study is to identify differences between the indicators of creativity among students, depending on the specifics of the universities in which they study.Цель исследования – выявить различия между показателями креативности у студентов в зависимости от специфики вузов, в которых они обучаются

    Relevance of Students' Civil Identity Formation: Major Trends and Challenges

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    В статье предпринята попытка подчеркнуть актуальность проблемы формирования гражданской идентичности и гражданской позиции среди студенческой молодежи. Рассматривается уровень исследования этой проблемы в научной литературе. На основе проведенного анализа уточняются определения «гражданская идентичность» и «гражданская позиция» в отношении студенческой молодежи. Выделяются противоречия, которые существуют в социально-педагогической практике, педагогической науке и деятельности преподавателей вузов на социально-педагогическом, научно-педагогическом и научно-методическом уровнях.This article attempts to emphasize the relevance of the problem of the formation of civic identity and civic position among students. The level of research of this problem in the scientific literature is considered. On the basis of the analysis, the definitions of "civil identity" and "civil position" in relation to student youth are specified. The contradictions that exist in socio-pedagogical practice, pedagogical science and the activities of university teachers at the socio-pedagogical, scientific-pedagogical and scientific-methodological levels are highlighted

    The Role of Pedagogical Reflection in Increasing the Efficiency of the Control and Evaluation Activities of the Teacher

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    Статья затрагивает вопросы, связанные с контрольно-оценочной деятельностью преподавателя и ее улучшением путем использования рефлексии. В процессе анализа было выявлено, что развитие педагогического потенциала научно-педагогических работников образовательных учреждений имеет важное значение, особенно учитывая текущие проблемы профессионального образования. Была подчеркнута актуальность рефлексивного осмысления собственной педагогической деятельности, рассмотрены механизмы рефлексии и обратной связи. В заключении автором выделены ключевые моменты, которые указывают на важную роль рефлексии в контрольно-оценочной деятельности преподавателя.The article touches upon issues related to the teacher's control and evaluation activities and its improvement through the use of reflection. In the process of analysis, it was revealed that the development of the pedagogical potential of scientific and pedagogical workers of educational institutions is important, especially given the current problems of vocational education. The relevance of reflective comprehension of one's own pedagogical activity was emphasized, the mechanisms of reflection and feedback were considered. In conclusion, the author highlights the key points that indicate the important role of reflection in the control and evaluation activities of the teacher

    Art-therapy techniques: psycho-pedagogical innovations in education of future healthcare specialists

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    The article describes psycho-pedagogical innovations in education of future healthcare specialists at the Chair of psychology and pedagogy at the Ural State Medical University (Yekaterinburg). The article shows the practice of integration of innovational and interactive technologies with elements of art-therapy techniques during practical classes of «Psychology and pedagogy». The technologies are focused on developing students', who study enforced group of «Healthcare» specialties, general cultural and professional competence.В статье охарактеризованы психолого-педагогические инновации в обучении будущих специалистов здравоохранения на кафедре психологии и педагогики Уральского государственного медицинского университета (г. Екатеринбург). Представлена практика внедрения в учебные занятия дисциплины «Психология и педагогика» инновационных и интерактивных технологий с элементами арт-терапевтических техник, направленных на формирование общекультурных и профессиональных компетенций обучающихся по укрепленной группе специальностей «Здравоохранение»

    The specificity of psychological protection in the period of remission in patients with cancer

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    The article defines the concept of psychological protection, describes the specificity of the manifestation of each of the 8 types of protection. The authors gave answers to the following questions - What kind of psychological defense is dominant in people with cancer in remission and in people who do not have this disease? What features have data protection and how manifest in human life?В статье дано развёрнутое определение понятию психологической защиты, описана специфика проявления каждой из 8 типов защит. Авторы дают ответы на следующие вопросы: Какая психологическая защита является доминирующей у людей с онкологическими заболеваниями в стадии ремиссии и у людей, не имеющих данное заболевание? Какие особенности имеют данные защиты и как проявляются в жизни человека

    Innovative pedagogical forms of medical education of students of a medical university: the experience of the department of psychology and pedagogy

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    An experiment of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of Ural State Medical University on realization of innovative pedagogical forms of education of students of a medical school is exposed in this article. Such innovative pedagogical forms as story-role modelling of situations, art-therapeutic classes, mediation techniques of conflict management and project activities are presented and described. These pedagogical forms are relevant in the conditions of medical education and are focused on formation of common cultural and professional competences.В статье показан опыт кафедры психологии и педагогики УГМУ по реализации инновационных педагогических форм обучения студентов медицинского вуза. Представлено краткое описание таких форм практических занятий как сюжетно-ролевое моделирование ситуаций, арт-терапевтические занятия, медиативные формы управления конфликтами, проектная деятельность. Эти педагогические формы доказали эффективность при реализации концепции практико-ориентированного медицинского образования и нацелены на формирование как общекультурных, так и общепрофессиональных компетенций будущих медицинских работников

    The use of the task method in civic education of students

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    © 2016 by iSER, International Society of Educational Research.At the present stage of the development of the educational system, great emphasis is placed on transition from knowledge paradigm toward consolidation-oriented content of education. One of the most forward-looking methods, in this process, to simulate any situation and find an adequate solution, is knowledge method. The purpose of the article is to present work experience in the use of the task method in the educational system. The leading method in the study this problem was task method, which allows the most effectively, taking into account the trends in development of the education system, to address the problems of nature, namely development of civil position of the individual learning youth. The article submitted by the use of different types of tasks, in particular multicultural and civil, civil and axiological, participative and civil dealing with the challenges of education young students in educational organizations. The optimum system of tasks is developed, aimed at solving the problems of nature and their use of technology in the educational system. This article can be useful for teachers of general secondary and higher education, in the working out of the educational disciplines, as well as professionals working in the sphere of additional education