The pedagogical support for preschool children with deviant behavior


© 2016 by iSER, International Society of Educational Research.The relevance of the research problems of pedagogical support of preschool children with behavioral problems is explained by changes due and of taking place in modern Russia in various spheres of life: ecological and economic disadvantage, social instability, the growing influence of pseudo -culture, unfavorable climate in family, too busy parents, etc. affect especially painful on the major part of the younger generation, determining the deformation of institutions of socialization. In these circumstances, there are serious prerequisites for the emergence of children's deviant behavior, the causes of which are a variety of factors, from the social to the psychobiological. The purpose of the article is to describe the experience in the development and implementation of methods of pedagogical support of preschool children with behavioral problems. The leading method in the research is the modeling method, allows developing a methodology of pedagogical support of preschool children with behavioral problems. Methodology presented in the article includes target, organizational, substantive, procedural and efficient components, the totality of which is aimed at the prevention of behavioral response and stable behavior, promoting the exclusion situations complicating the process of socialization of children. The article may be useful in practical terms, for professionals and managers of pre-school educational institutions; additional education for professionals; for centers of training and retraining in the selection and training of the structuring of the content of pre­school educational institutions

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