84 research outputs found

    Retention of Capsule Endoscopy at the Site of NSAIDs-induced Intestinal Ulcer ―Lessons to Learn―

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    A 77-year-old man with a history of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) use was admitted to our hospital due to anemia and hypoalbuminemia. Radioisotope scintigraphy indicated protein loss from the small intestine. The patient underwent capsule endoscopy, which was later found to be retained in the ileum. Double-balloon endoscopy showed multiple strictures with ulcers in the small intestine. The capsule was found in proximal to one of the stenosis, and was removed by doubleballoon enteroscopy. Based on endoscopic findings, NSAID-induced enteritis was diagnosed. Although anemia and hypoalbuminemia improved after discontinuing NSAID, the patient developed ileus and underwent partial resection of the ileum. Multiple diaphragm-like strictures were present in the resected intestine. The current case highlights the importance of screening for intestinal strictures when NSAID ulcer is suspected

    Impact of half-day clinical training in outpatient psychiatry on perception of mental illness by postgraduate interns

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    Aim: Lack of contact with patients with mental illness may contribute to mental health stigma. We conducted a half-day training program in the outpatient psychiatry clinic of a rural general hospital for postgraduate interns in Nagasaki University Hospital. Our study investigated the effectiveness of this program in reducing stigma toward mental illness. It also examined the association between an intern’s perception of mental illness and their consideration of psychiatry as a career.Methods: Participants were 12 interns at Nagasaki University Hospital who competed a pre- and post- training questionnaire. The questionnaire assessed perceptions of mental illness using a semantic differential scale and measured consideration of psychiatry as a career on a 7 point Likert scale. Paired t-tests were used to compare mean pre- and post-training scores on the semantic differential scale. Pearson’s correlation was used to examine associations between semantic differential scores and consideration of psychiatry as a career.Results: Post-training scores were higher than pre-training scores on the items “warm” (P = 0.003), “clean” (P = 0.009), “bright” (P = 0.001), and “calm” (P = 0.003) as associated with mental illness. Consideration of psychiatry as a career significantly correlated with post-training score on “warm” (r = 0.587, P = 0.045).Conclusion: Interns can develop positive perceptions of mental illness after a half-day training program in a psychiatry outpatient clinic. Perceptions of mental illness as “warm” after training correlated with consideration of psychiatry as a career

    Polyglycolic Acid Felt Sealing Method for Prevention of Bleeding Related to Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection in Patients Taking Antithrombotic Agents

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    Background and Study Aims. When performing endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) for patients on antithrombotic agents, the frequency of delayed bleeding is expected to increase. The endoscopic polyglycolic acid (PGA) felt and fibrin glue sealing method could be a new method for prevention of delayed bleeding. Patients and Methods. The safety and efficacy of the endoscopic tissue sealing method with PGA sheets and fibrin glue for the prevention of post-ESD bleeding were examined in 104 patients taking antithrombotic agents. During the study period, 70 patients taking antithrombotic agents did not undergo the sealing method, 36 patients discontinued antithrombotic agents, and 724 patients had not received antithrombotic therapy. Results. Delayed bleeding rates were 3.8% (4/104) in the sealing group, 12.9% (9/70) in the nonsealing group, 8.3% (3/36) in the discontinuation group, and 4.6% (33/724) in the nonantithrombotic therapy group. Thus, the delayed bleeding rate was significantly lower in the sealing group than in the nonsealing group and comparable to that in the nonantithrombotic therapy group. Conclusions. This PGA felt and fibrin glue sealing method might become a promising post-ESD bleeding prevention method in patients taking antithrombotic agents (UMIN000013990, UMIN000013993)

    Subjective achievement from psychiatry rotation in the Japanese postgraduate residency system: a longitudinal questionnaire study

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    Background: Psychiatry rotation has been mandatory in the Japanese postgraduate residency system since 2020. Some psychiatry-related competency items are stipulated as mandatory for residents. The current study aimed to clarify whether psychiatry rotation affected residents’ subjective achievement of these competency items.Methods: This longitudinal study was conducted among postgraduate residents who completed a rotation in the psychiatry department at Nagasaki University Hospital across two academic years (2020–2021). The survey was administered at the start and at the end of the psychiatry rotation. Residents evaluated their subjective understanding and confidence regarding initiating treatment for these competency items using a six-point Likert scale. The average scores for each item were compared between pre-rotation and post-rotation.Results: In total, 99 residents (91.7%) responded to this survey. Residents had significantly higher scores at postrotation compared with pre-rotation in all psychiatry-related competency items in both subjective understanding and confidence in initiating treatment. Additionally, strong effect sizes were found for many items.Conclusion: Residents improved learning about psychiatry-related competency items through psychiatry rotation. This finding suggests that it is reasonable for psychiatry rotation to be mandatory in the current Japanese postgraduate residency system. The importance of psychiatry is likely to increase in both undergraduate and postgraduate medical education in the future. It is necessary to continuously update educational strategies to meet changing social needs over time. As this study was conducted at a single institution, a multi-center study is needed to expand the current findings

    MiRNA-205 modulates cellular invasion and migration via regulating zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 2 expression in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cells

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    Background: Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is often diagnosed at later stages until they are incurable. MicroRNA (miR) is a small, non-coding RNA that negatively regulates gene expression mainly via translational repression. Accumulating evidence indicates that deregulation of miR is associated with human malignancies including ESCC. The aim of this study was to identify miR that could be specifically expressed and exert distinct biological actions in ESCC. Methods: Total RNA was extracted from ESCC cell lines, OE21 and TE10, and a non-malignant human esophageal squamous cell line, Het-1A, and subjected to microarray analysis. Expression levels of miR that showed significant differences between the 2 ESCC and Het-1A cells based on the comprehensive analysis were analyzed by the quantitative reverse transcriptase (RT)-PCR method. Then, functional analyses, including cellular proliferation, apoptosis and Matrigel invasion and the wound healing assay, for the specific miR were conducted. Using ESCC tumor samples and paired surrounding non-cancerous tissue obtained endoscopically, the association with histopathological differentiation was examined with quantitative RT-PCR. Results: Based on the miR microarray analysis, there were 14 miRs that showed significant differences (more than 2-fold) in expression between the 2 ESCC cells and non-malignant Het-1A. Among the significantly altered miRs, miR-205 expression levels were exclusively higher in 5 ESCC cell lines examined than any other types of malignant cell lines and Het-1A. Thus, miR-205 could be a specific miR in ESCC. Modulation of miR-205 expression by transfection with its precursor or anti-miR-205 inhibitor did not affect ESCC cell proliferation and apoptosis, but miR-205 was found to be involved in cell invasion and migration. Western blot revealed that knockdown of miR-205 expression in ESCC cells substantially enhanced expression of zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 2, accompanied by reduction of E-cadherin, a regulator of epithelial mesenchymal transition. The miR-205 expression levels were not associated with histological differentiation of human ESCC. Conclusions: These results imply that miR-205 is an ESCC-specific miR that exerts tumor-suppressive activities with EMT inhibition by targeting ZEB2.Kayoko Matsushima... Gregory J Goodall... et al

    Nurturing a gender-responsive approach to climate-smart agriculture in Guinayangan, Quezon

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    Coconut-based farming systems in Guinayangan, Quezon offer special opportunities for achieving multiple objectives, including carbon sequestration, economic empowerment of women and reduction of risks from variable and extreme weather. This info note discusses the gender-based role inequalities within coconut-based farming systems that can be addressed through agroforestry-based, climate-smart agriculture that features small livestock, fruit trees and root and tuber crops as understory crops. Numerous Climate-Smart Villages, spread across the municipality of Guinayangan, now serve as proof of concept, providing evidence that climate-smart agriculture based on agroforestry interventions are gender sensitive

    Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Contributes to Helicobacter Pylori VacA-Induced Apoptosis

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    Vacuolating cytotoxin A (VacA) is one of the important virulence factors produced by H. pylori. VacA induces apoptotic cell death, which is potentiated by ammonia. VacA also causes cell death by mitochondrial damage, via signaling pathways that are not fully defined. Our aim was to determine whether endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress is associated with VacA-induced mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis. We found that C/EBP homologous protein (CHOP), a key signaling protein of ER stress-induced apoptosis, was transcriptionally up-regulated following incubation of gastric epithelial cells with VacA. The effect of VacA on CHOP induction was significantly enhanced by co-incubation with ammonium chloride. Phosphorylation of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2)-alpha, which is known to occur downstream of the ER stress sensor PKR-like ERlocalized eIF2-alpha kinase (PERK) and to regulate CHOP expression, was also observed following incubation with VacA in the presence of ammonium chloride. Knockdown of CHOP by siRNA resulted in inhibition of VacA-induced apoptosis. Further studies showed that silencing of the PERK gene with siRNA attenuated VacA-mediated phosphorylation of eIF2-alpha, CHOP induction, expression of BH3-only protein Bim and Bax activation, and cell death induced by VacA with ammonium chloride, indicating that ER stress may lead to mitochondrial dysfunction during VacA-induced toxicity. Activation of ER stress and up-regulation of BH3-only proteins were also observed in human H. pylori-infected gastric mucosa. Collectively, this study reveals a possible association between VacA-induced apoptosis in gastric epithelial cells, and activation of ER stress in H. pylori-positive gastric mucosa

    Use of vonoprazan for management of systemic sclerosis‑related gastroesophageal reflux disease

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    Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in systemic sclerosis (SSc) can significantly reduce a patient\u27s quality of life. GERD in SSc is occasionally resistant to conventional anti-acid treatment. Vonoprazan is an H+/K+-ATPase blocker that is approved in Japan for treatment of GERD. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of vonoprazan in SSc-related GERD. The frequency scale for symptoms of GERD (FSSG) scores were collected before and after vono-prazan treatment in 15 SSc patients with GERD. Additionally, endoscopic esophagogastroduodenoscopy was performed in select patients. Conventional proton pump inhibitors or hista-mine-2 receptor antagonists had been previously administered in 93% (14/15) of the patients. Although the baseline esophago-gastroduodenoscopy examination did not show severe erosion in the majority of patients,the mean total FSSG score before vonoprazan treatment was notably high (25.2±10.7) compared to a normal score of <8. After vonoprazan treatment, the FSSG score decreased to 9.6±7.0. The mean improvement rate of the total FSSG, acid reflux and dysmotility scores were 60.8±21.2% (P=0.0004), 67.3±24.8% (P<0.0001) and 55.4±26.0% (P=0.0022), respectively.These results suggest that vonoprazan may be a potentially effective treatment for GERD in patients with SSc