7 research outputs found

    Re: Sluka KA, Bjordal JM, Marchand S, Rakel BA. What makes transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation work? Making sense of the mixed results in the clinical literature

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    Abstract : We read the article recently published by Sluka and colleagues1 in PTJ with great interest. The elements raised by the authors shed important light on the mixed results obtained in the literature concerning the analgesic effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). In their article, Sluka and colleagues identified many factors that can affect TENS efficacy. We would like to take this opportunity to highlight 3 other important elements that can affect the analgesic effect of TENS and to remind physical therapists of the importance of considering these elements in their day-to-day practice

    High- and low-frequency transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation does not reduce experimental pain in elderly individuals

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    Abstract : Despite its widespread clinical use, the efficacy of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) remains poorly documented in elderly individuals. In this randomized, double-blind crossover study, we compared the efficacy of high-frequency (HF), lowfrequency (LF), and placebo (P) TENS in a group of 15 elderly adults (mean age: 67 6 5 years). The effect of HF-, LF-, and P-TENS was also evaluated in a group of 15 young individuals (26 6 5 years; same study design) to validate the effectiveness of the TENS protocols that were used in the elderly group. Each participant came to the laboratory on 3 separate occasions to receive, in random order, HF-, LF-, and P-TENS. Pain intensity and pain perception thresholds were assessed before, during, and after TENS, using an experimental heat pain paradigm. For the young group, there was a significant decrease in pain intensity during and after HF- and LF-TENS when compared with baseline, with both HF- and LF-TENS being superior to P-TENS. In the older group, HF- and LF-TENS did not reduce pain when compared with baseline and no difference was observed between the 2 active TENS sessions and P-TENS. High-frequency, LF-, and P-TENS all increased pain thresholds in young individuals, whereas in older individuals, only LF-TENS increased pain thresholds. Taken together, these results suggest that TENS is effective in young, but not in older, individuals. Future studies should be conducted to confirm these results in pain populations and to identify strategies that could enhance the effect of TENS in the elderly

    Can we improve pain and sleep in elderly individuals with transcranial direct current stimulation? : results from a randomized controlled pilot study

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    Abstract : Background: The prevalence of chronic pain and sleep disturbances substantially increases with age. Pharmacotherapy remains the primary treatment option for these health issues. However, side effects and drug interactions are difficult to control in elderly individuals. Aims: The objective of this study was to assess the feasibility of conducting a randomized sham-controlled trial and to collect preliminary data on the efficacy of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) to reduce pain and improve sleep in older adults suffering from chronic pain. Methods: Fourteen elderly individuals (mean age 71±7 years) suffering from chronic pain and sleep complaints were randomized to receive either anodal tDCS, applied over the primary motor cortex (2 mA, 20 minutes), or sham tDCS, for 5 consecutive days. Pain was measured with visual analog scales, pain logbooks and questionnaires, while sleep was assessed with actigraphy, sleep diaries and questionnaires. Results: There were no missing data for pain and sleep measures, except for actigraphy, that generated several missing data. Blinding was maintained throughout the study, for both the evaluator and participants. Active but not sham tDCS significantly reduced pain (P or =0.18). Conclusion: The present study provides guidelines for the implementation of future tDCS studies in larger populations of elderly individuals. M1 anodal tDCS in this population appears to be effective to reduce pain, but not to improve sleep

    Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and placebo analgesia: is the effect the same for young and older individuals?

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    Abstract: Purpose: Placebo analgesia refers to a perceived reduction in pain intensity following the administration of a simulated or otherwise medically ineffective treatment. Previous studies have shown that many factors can influence the magnitude of placebo analgesia. However, few investigations have examined the effect of age on placebo analgesia, and none have done it in the context of electrotherapeutic interventions. The objective of this study is to compare the placebo response induced by sham transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) between young and older individuals, using an experimental heat-pain paradigm. Patients and methods: Twenty-two young (21–39 years) and 22 older (58–76 years) healthy adults participated in this comparative study. Experimental heat pain was evoked with a thermode (2-min stimulation at a constant individually adjusted temperature) applied on the lumbar region. Participants were asked to evaluate the intensity of their pain using a computerized visual analog scale. Experimental pain was induced before and after an unconditioned placebo intervention (placebo TENS) applied for 25 min. Results: In young individuals, no significant pain reductions were noted, whereas in older individuals, a statistically significant pain reduction was observed after the placebo stimulation (P,0.01). Between-group analyses revealed that placebo analgesia was greater in older individuals (40% pain reduction) compared with young individuals (15% pain reduction) (P,0.05). However, sham TENS increased heat-pain thresholds in the young group (P,0.01), but not in the older group (P=0.43). Conclusion: Our results indicate that placebo analgesia is influenced by age, with older individuals showing larger placebo analgesia than young adults. Although these results should be confirmed in clinical pain populations, the current observations bear potentially important consequences for the design of future placebo-controlled trials and for healthcare professionals working with elderly patients

    Can we quickly and thoroughly assess pain with the PACSLAC-II? : a convergent validity study in long-term care residents suffering from dementia.

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    Abstract : A previous study found that the modified version of the Pain Assessment Checklist for Seniors with Limited Ability to Communicate (PACSLAC-II) is a valid tool to assess pain in elderly individuals suffering from dementia and who are unable to communicate verbally. The primary objective of this study was to confirm the convergent validity of the PACSLAC-II using direct evaluation of long-term care residents in real-life situations, using two other well-validated pain assessment scales (i.e., PACSLAC and Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia [PAINAD]). A secondary objective was to document and compare the time required to complete and score each assessment scale. During two potentially painful procedures (i.e., transfer/mobilization), 46 long-term care residents (mean age = 83 ± 10 years) suffering from dementia were observed by three independent evaluators, each using one of the assessment scales (randomly assigned). Correlational analyses and analysis of variance were used to evaluate the association between each scale and to compare scoring time. The PACSLAC (r = 0.61) and the PAINAD (r = 0.65) were both moderately associated with the PACSLAC-II (all p values < .001). The PAINAD's average scoring time (63 ± 19 seconds) was lower than the PACSLAC-II's (96 ± 2 seconds), which was lower than the PACSLAC's (135 ± 53 seconds) (all p values < .001). These results suggest that the PACSLAC-II is a valid tool for assessing pain in individuals with dementia. The time required to complete and score the PACSLAC-II was reasonable, supporting its usefulness in clinical settings

    Analgesic efficacy of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) in the elderly

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    La neurostimulation périphérique (en anglais transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation ou TENS) est une modalité thérapeutique fréquemment utilisée en réadaptation pour diminuer la douleur. À ce jour, cependant, l’efficacité analgésique du TENS chez les aînés demeure peu documentée. La majorité des études effectuées jusqu’à présent ont été réalisées chez les jeunes adultes ou chez des populations d’âge hétérogènes. La présente étude, un essai croisé randomisé à double insu, avait pour objectif de documenter l’efficacité analgésique du TENS conventionnel et du TENS acupuncture chez les aînés et d’observer si la réponse analgésique de ces deux modalités de TENS entre les aînés et les jeunes adultes est différente. Quinze aînés et quinze jeunes adultes ont participé à l’étude. Les participants étaient évalués à trois occasions distinctes pour recevoir en alternance un TENS conventionnel, un TENS acupuncture et un TENS placebo. Une douleur expérimentale était créée à l’aide d’une thermode de type Peltier, appliquée au niveau de la colonne lombaire pendant deux minutes, période durant laquelle les participants devaient évaluer l’intensité de leur douleur avec une échelle visuelle analogue reliée à un ordinateur (CoVAS). Les mesures de douleur ont été prises avant, pendant et après l’application de chaque type de TENS. Chez les jeunes adultes, lorsque comparée au niveau de douleur initiale, une diminution significative de la douleur a été observée pendant et après l’application du TENS conventionnel et acupuncture. Le TENS conventionnel et acupuncture étaient supérieurs au traitement placebo (toutes les valeurs de p 0,05). Bien que le TENS conventionnel et le TENS acupuncture soient efficaces chez les jeunes adultes, les présents résultats suggèrent que le TENS n’est pas la meilleure option de traitement pour diminuer la douleur chez les aînés, du moins lorsqu’il est utilisé seul (monothérapie). Des études futures, visant à déterminer des façons de bonifier l’effet du TENS chez les aînés, sont nécessaires

    Analgesic efficacy of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) in the elderly

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    La neurostimulation périphérique (en anglais transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation ou TENS) est une modalité thérapeutique fréquemment utilisée en réadaptation pour diminuer la douleur. À ce jour, cependant, l’efficacité analgésique du TENS chez les aînés demeure peu documentée. La majorité des études effectuées jusqu’à présent ont été réalisées chez les jeunes adultes ou chez des populations d’âge hétérogènes. La présente étude, un essai croisé randomisé à double insu, avait pour objectif de documenter l’efficacité analgésique du TENS conventionnel et du TENS acupuncture chez les aînés et d’observer si la réponse analgésique de ces deux modalités de TENS entre les aînés et les jeunes adultes est différente. Quinze aînés et quinze jeunes adultes ont participé à l’étude. Les participants étaient évalués à trois occasions distinctes pour recevoir en alternance un TENS conventionnel, un TENS acupuncture et un TENS placebo. Une douleur expérimentale était créée à l’aide d’une thermode de type Peltier, appliquée au niveau de la colonne lombaire pendant deux minutes, période durant laquelle les participants devaient évaluer l’intensité de leur douleur avec une échelle visuelle analogue reliée à un ordinateur (CoVAS). Les mesures de douleur ont été prises avant, pendant et après l’application de chaque type de TENS. Chez les jeunes adultes, lorsque comparée au niveau de douleur initiale, une diminution significative de la douleur a été observée pendant et après l’application du TENS conventionnel et acupuncture. Le TENS conventionnel et acupuncture étaient supérieurs au traitement placebo (toutes les valeurs de p 0,05). Bien que le TENS conventionnel et le TENS acupuncture soient efficaces chez les jeunes adultes, les présents résultats suggèrent que le TENS n’est pas la meilleure option de traitement pour diminuer la douleur chez les aînés, du moins lorsqu’il est utilisé seul (monothérapie). Des études futures, visant à déterminer des façons de bonifier l’effet du TENS chez les aînés, sont nécessaires