596 research outputs found

    COVID-19 Pandemic, Sports, Athlete’s Triangle: Interactions and Recommendations

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    COVID-19 her yaş ve kesimden kişiyi etkilemekle birlikte, sporcular daha az komorbiditeye sahip olmalarına rağmen pandeminin yavaşlatılması açısından spor camiasında COVID-19’un yayılmasını önlemek önemlidir. Bu çalışmayla, COVID-19 sürecinde, sporcuların pandemi sürecinden etkilenimlerinin özetlenmesi ve spora yönelik önerilerde bulunulması amaçlanmıştır. Pandemi sürecinde liglerin ve turnuvaların seyircisiz oynanması ve ileri bir tarihe erteleme/iptal etme kararlarının alınmasına kadar oynanan maçlar birer “biyolojik bomba” olarak adlandırılmış ve pandemi yayılımında önemli rol oynamışlardır. Sporcularda COVID-19 sadece antrenman/müsabaka programlarının bozulmasına neden olmakla kalmamış aynı zamanda hastalığa yakalanmayan sporcular da müsabakaların iptali ve gelir kaybı yoluyla da salgın hastalıktan etkilenmişlerdir. COVID-19 pandemi sürecinde ve sonrasında salgının negatif etkilerini en aza indirebilmek, sportif faaliyetlerin tekrar başlayabilmesi için en uygun zamanı belirleyebilmek, spor camiasının ve seyircilerin sağlıklarını koruyabilmek, spor organizasyonlarına güven oluşturabilmek ve her düzeyde spor katılımını sağlayabilmek açısından ulusal halk sağlığı kurumları, epidemiyologlar, spor organizasyonları/federasyonları, spor kulüpleri ve sporcu sağlığı alanında çalışan tüm araştırmacılar ve uygulayıcılar işbirliği yapmalıdır. Although COVID-19 affects people of all ages and athletes have less comorbiditys, it is important to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the sports community to slow down the pandemic. It was aimed to summarize the effects of athletes from the pandemic process in COVID-19 process and make suggestions for sports. The matches played until the decisions to play without spectator and to postpone/cancel were called “biobombs” and played an important role in the spread of the pandemic. In athletes, COVID-19 not only caused disruption of training/competition programs, buT athletes who did not catch the disease were also affected by epidemic disease through cancellation and loss of income. National public health institutions, epidemiologists, sports organizations/federations, clubs, athletes/health researchers and practitioners should collaborate to cope with the epidemic during the COVID-19 pandemic, to determine the best restart time, to establish confidence in sports organizations, to protect all groups and sports participation

    I Think Then I Will: The Function of the Cortex in the Process of Decision Making and Initiating Action

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    Özet Karar verme, mevcut problemi çözüme kavuşturmaya odaklı bir yöneliş, karar verme eylemi ise mevcut seçenekleri değerlendirme, analiz etme ve sonuçlarını takip etme gibi spesifik etkinliklerden oluşan karmaşık bir işlevdir. Karar alabilme kabiliyeti zihinsel analiz, planlama, üst düzey düşünme (koşullardaki değişikliklere uygun olarak cevabı değiştirebilme yetisi gibi), eylemi başlatma ve yürütme gibi bilişsel süreçleri içermektedir. Bu süreç eylem seçimi kapsamında ilişkisel öğrenme, duygusal ve sosyal yönler dâhil olmak üzere çeşitli bileşenlere ayrılmaktadır. Karar vermenin bu farklı yönleri, bilişsel sinirbilim alanındaki araştırmaların odak noktası haline gelmiştir. Özellikle son yıllarda ventromedial prefrontal korteks ve ilgili yapıların karar vermede anahtar bir role sahip olmasının bilişin oldukça karmaşık yönü olduğu düşünülen korteks temelini anlamamızda yol katedildiğini göstermektedir. Bu çalışma ile orbitofrontal korteks ve ventral striatum gibi karar verme süreçlerinde etkin rol alan beyin bölgeleri hakkında yeni perspektifler kazandırmak amaçlanmaktadır. Özellikle, karar verme sürecinin bellek ve öğrenme ile sıkı bir şekilde bağlantılı olduğu giderek daha açık hale gelmektedir. Özünde karar verme, geçmişin ve gelecekteki eylemlerin hafızası arasındaki bağlantı olarak görülebilmektedir. Bu çalışma, karar verme ve eylemi başlatma sürecinde özellikle öğrenme ve hafıza bağlantılarına odaklanarak ve prefrontal korteks içindeki bölgelere özel bir vurgu yaparak bu yapıları gözden geçirmektedir.Decision-making is a complex orientation that is focused on solving the current problem, and act of decision-making is a complex function that consists of specific activities such as evaluating available options, analyzing and tracking their results. The ability to make decisions includes cognitive processes such as mental analysis, planning, higher-order thinking (such as the ability to change the response to changes in circumstances), initiating and executing action. This process is divided into various components, including associative learning, emotional and social aspects, within the scope of action selection. These different aspects of decision-making have been the focus of investigation in recent studies. Especially in recent years, the fact that the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and related structures have a key role in decision making has led to progress in our understanding of the cortex basis, which is thought to be a very complex aspect of cognition. This work has provided fresh perspectives on poorly understood brain regions, such as orbitofrontal cortex and ventral striatum. In particular, it is increasingly clear that decision-making is tightly interlinked with learning and memory. Indeed, decision-making can be seen as the link between memory of the past and future actions. This study reviews these structures in the decision-making process, with a particular focus on learning and memory connections and with a special emphasis on regions within the prefrontal corte

    Effect of COVID-19 on Musculoskeletal System

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    SARS-CoV-2 virüsünün neden olduğu COVID-19 hastalığı, kas-iskelet sistemini olumsuz etkilemektedir. Kas iskelet sistemindeki patolojik değişiklikler kas dokusu, sinovyum ve kortikal kemikte bulunan transmembran proteaz, serin 2 ve anjiyotensin dönüştürücü enzim 2 (ACE2) reseptörüyle bu hücrelerin doğrudan viral enfeksiyona maruz kalmasıyla ya da sitokinler ve proenflamatuar moleküller nedeniyle meydana gelmektedir. Ayrıca hastalığın tedavi sürecinde kullanılan kortikosteroidler de kas iskelet sistemindeki harabiyeti arttırmaktadır. Şiddetli miyalji ve artralji, yüksek kreatin kinaz seviyesi ve kemik yoğunluğunun azalması görülen başlıca semptomlardır. SARS-CoV-1 ile SARSCoV- 2 arasındaki yüksek genetik ve patolojik benzerlikler, COVID-19 hastalığını şiddetli düzeyde geçiren hastaların kısa ve uzun vadeli kas-iskelet sistemi komplikasyonlarının öngörülebilmesini sağlamaktadır. Aerobik ve kuvvetlendirme egzersizleri COVID-19’un neden olduğu kas iskelet sistemi harabiyetine karşı etkin olarak kullanılabilir.COVID-19 disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus adversely affects the musculoskeletal system. Pathological changes in the musculoskeletal system occur due to the direct viral exposure of muscle tissue, synovium and cortical bone cells via the transmembrane protease, serine 2 and angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor, or due to cytokines and proinflammatory molecules. In addition, corticosteroids used in the treatment of the disease increase the disruption in the musculoskeletal system. Severe myalgia and arthralgia, high creatine kinase level and decreased bone density are the main symptoms. Highly genetic and pathological similarities between SARSCoV- 1 – SARS-CoV-2 enable the prediction of short and long-term musculoskeletal complications for patients with severe COVID-19 disease. Aerobic and strengthening exercises can be used efficiently against the disruption of the musculoskeletal system caused by COVID-19

    Evaluation of Students’ Feedbacks on Web-Based Distance Education in the COVID-19 Process

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    Amaç: Bu araştırma, COVID-19 pandemisi sürecinde eğitimlerine uzaktan devam eden öğrencilerin acil yapılandırılmış web tabanlı eğitim hakkındaki geri bildirimlerinin değerlendirilmesi amacıyla yapıldı. Yöntem: Çalışmamıza 2019-2020 bahar döneminde pandemi nedeniyle lisans/lisansüstü eğitimine web tabanlı olarak uzaktan devam eden ve internet ortamından gönderilen ankete erişim sağlayan toplam 652 üniversite öğrencisi dâhil edildi. Genel sosyo-demografik özellikler, medya araçlarını kullanım bilgileri, web tabanlı eğitimin bilgi düzeyine etkisi ve uzaktan eğitime ilişkin geribildirimleri yapılandırılmış bir anket ile değerlendirildi. Web tabanlı eğitimin, öğrencilerin teorik bilgi düzeylerine, genel kültür düzeylerine ve mesleki uygulama becerilerine katkısını değerlendirmek amacıyla 0 ile 10 arasında puanlanan Sayısal Oranlama Skalası kullanıldı. Bulgular: Öğrencilerin yaş ortalaması 21.07±2.37 yıl olup, %79.1’i kadındı. Öğrencilerin bilgi almak amacıyla en çok kullandığı medya aracının Twitter (%39.9) olduğu saptandı. Pandemi sürecinde öğrencilerin sosyal medya ve televizyon başında geçirdikleri sürelerin yaklaşık iki kat arttığı bulundu (p<.001). Web tabanlı uzaktan eğitimin teorik bilgi düzeyine katkısı 10 üzerinden 4.07±2.42, genel kültüre katkısı 3.46±2.38, mesleki uygulama becerilerine katkısı 2.48±1.98 olarak belirlendi. Öğrencilerin %84.4’ü web tabanlı uzaktan eğitimin yüz yüze eğitim kadar etkili olmadığını, %45.7’si bunun yüzyüze eğitime alternatif olduğunu belirtti. Öğrenciler öğretim elemanlarıyla rahatça iletişim kuramadıklarını (%49.9), web tabanlı eğitimin kendi hızlarında öğrenmelerine olanak sağladığını (%60.7), ancak öğrenilenin çabuk unutulduğunu (%74.6) ve eğitimler sırasında teknik sorunlar yaşadığını (%53.9) bildirdi. Sonuç: Pandemi sürecinde, yüz yüze eğitime ara verilmesi nedeniyle yüz yüze eğitime alternatif bir çözüm olarak kullanılan ve acil olarak yapılandırılan web tabanlı uzaktan eğitimin öğrencilerin geribildirimlerine göre avantaj ve dezavantajlarının değerlendirilmesi, sürecin yansımalarını görme ve bu tip eğitimlerin uygun yapılandırılması için önemli olabilir. Objective: This research was conducted to assess the feedback of students who continue their education during the COVID-19 pandemic period, which was structured as emergency webbased education. Material and Methods: In our study, a total of 652 university students attending undergraduate/postgraduate education remotely on a web-basis due to the pandemic in the spring semester of 2019-2020 and accessing the questionnaire sent online were included. The general socio-demographic characteristics, information on the use of media, the effect of webbased education on the level of knowledge, and distance education feedback were evaluated with a structured questionnaire. The Numeric Rating Scale, scored between 0 and 10, was used to evaluate the contribution of web-based education to students’ theoretical knowledge levels, general culture levels, and professional practice skills. Findings: The average age of students was 21.07 ± 2.37 years, and 79.1% were female. It was determined that the media most used by students for information was Twitter (39.9%). It was found that the time spent by the students on social media and television during the pandemic period increased approximately twice (p<.001). The contribution of web-based distance education to the theoretical knowledge level was determined as 4.07±2.42, the contribution to general culture was 3.46 ± 2.38, and the contribution to professional practice skills was 2.48±1.98 out of 10. 84.4% of students stated that web-based distance education is not as effective as face-to-face education, 45.7% stated that this is an alternative. The students reported that they could not communicate comfortably with the instructors (49.9%), that web-based education allowed them to learn at their own pace (60.7%), but what was learned was quickly forgotten (74.6%), and that they experienced technical problems during the trainings (53.9%). Conclusion: In the pandemic period, assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of emergency structured web-based distance education, which is used as an alternative solution to face-to-face education due to the interruption of face-to-face education, can be important for seeing the reflections of the period and proper configuration of such trainings

    Investigation of the effects of linear alkyl benzene sulphonic acid modification on the temperature susceptibility and viscoelastic behaviour of bitumen

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    Alkil benzen’den türetilmiş amfifillerin, asfalten çökelmesini geciktirici özellikleri sebebiyle, asfalt endüstrisinde kullanıldığı bilinmektedir, ancak bu konuda yapılmış çalışmalar kısıtlıdır. Çalışma kapsamında, deterjan endüstrisinde kullanılan lineer alkil benzen sülfonik asit (LABSA) sürfaktanının bitüm ile kullanımı, penetrasyon ve yumuşama noktası deneyi ile dinamik kayma reometresi kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Farklı LABSA içerikleri ile üretilmiş numunelerin penetrasyon indeksi ve kompleks kayma modül değerleri göz önünde bulundurularak sıcaklık hassasiyeti ve viskoelastik davranışları araştırılmıştır. Ayrıca, numunelerin kısa dönem ve uzun dönem yaşlanma sonrasındaki performansları da incelenerek LABSA içeriğinin yaşlanmaya karşı etkileri irdelenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, LABSA kullanımının sıcaklık hassasiyetini belirgin özellikte azalttığı ve bitüme elastik davranış kazandırdığı görülmektedir. Bitüm ağırlığının %2’si oranında LABSA kullanımı, sıcaklık hassasiyeti ve elastik performans açısından en uygun sonuçları vermektedir. Bununla birlikte, LABSA modifikasyonunun bitümün yaşlanmaya karşı direncini arttırmaktadır.It is known that, alkyl benzene derived amphiphiles are used in the asphalt industry due to their retarding properties of asphaltene precipitation, but studies on this subject are limited. Within the scope of this study, the utilization of linear alkyl benzene sulfonic acid (LABSA) surfactant with bitumen was evaluated by penetration and softening point tests together with dynamic shear rheometer investigations. Considering the penetration index and complex shear modulus values of the samples produced with different LABSA contents, temperature sensitivity and viscoelastic behaviours were investigated. In addition, the performance of the samples after short-term and long-term aging was also examined, so that the effects of LABSA content against aging were studied. According to the results, it is seen that the use of LABSA significantly reduces the temperature susceptibility and improves the bitumen's elastic behaviour. Additionally, LABSA modification increased the aging resistance of the bitumen. Utilization of LABSA at the rate of 2% of bitumen weight provided the best results in terms of temperature sensitivity and elastic performance among the samples

    Sicherheit einer 2-Tage ultrarush Hyposensibilisierung bei Hymenopterenstichallergie

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    Das 2-Tage-ultrarush Einleitungsschema bei Hymenopterastichallergie wurde zwischen 1998 und 2004 in der Hautklinik Münster insgesamt 851-mal durchgeführt. Stärkere lokale Reaktionen an den Injektionsstellen wurden bei nahezu allen Patienten beobachtet, aber nicht in die Auswertung miteinbezogen. In nur 77 Fällen (9%) kam es zu unerwünschten Nebenwirkungen. Der Großteil dieser waren generalisierte Hautreaktionen. Bei gerade 24 Patienten (2,8%) kam es zu systemischen Reaktionen. 28 Fälle mussten medikamentös behandelt werden, wobei es zu keinen lebensbedrohlichen Zwischenfällen kam. Mit dem heutigen Wissensstand kann man behaupten, dass die Wirksamkeit der SIT von der Höhe der Erhaltungsdosis abhängt, nicht von der Anzahl der Injektionen oder der Zeitdauer der Einleitungstherapie. Die 2-Tage-ultrarush SIT mit einer kumulativen Dosis von 351,11µg gut vertragen wurde und ist ein sicheres, wirksames, sowie zeit- und kostensparendes Verfahren zur Behandlung von Hymenopterenstichallergie

    Assessment of Asphalt Binders and Hot Mix Asphalt Modified with Nanomaterials

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    In the recent times, asphalt binder modification has emerged an inevitable alternative in the paving industry to ensure better performing pavements against the distresses caused by common factors such as; moisture susceptibility and high-temperature sensitivity of asphalt binders. Nanomaterials, as asphalt-modifiers, have proved to be the most promising materials in the industry owing to their higher active surface area and small particle size. This study was devoted to assessing the modification influence of three different types of nanomaterials, including nano-Bentonite, nano-CaCO3, and ZycoTherm, on the properties of asphalt binder and HMA. Conventional and rheological tests on asphalt binders, as well as, Marshall mix design and modified Lottman test on laboratory-prepared HMA specimens were conducted in order to signify the influence of nanomodification. The research findings suggested that nanomaterials can potentially enhance the high-temperature susceptibility resistance, storage stability, and rheological properties of asphalt binder samples. Mix design results revealed that the optimum binder contents decreased and Marshall stabilities were slightly improved with nanomodification. Moreover, the modified Lottman test results indicated that 0.1 % of ZycoTherm increased the TSR by 22 % as compared to the control mixture that infers its efficiency in terms of improving the HMA resistance against the moisture-induced damages

    An investigation of postpartum mothers’ readiness for hospital discharge and the affecting factors

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    Introduction: Postpartum period which contains important changes in the woman’s and newborn’s life, WHO recommends monitoring the mother and newborn in health care system, encouraging breastfeeding, monitoring the newborn’s development, and supporting and empowering parents about newborn care.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify postpartum mothers’ readiness for hospital discharge and the affecting factors. Method and material: The study was conducted with 190 mothers who gave birth between May and July, 2014 in a Maternity and Children Hospital located in Mersin. The data were collected through the Identification Form developed by the researcher in line with the related literature and Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale-Postpartum Mother Form (RHDS-PMF).Results: Of all the participants, 84.7% were ready for discharge, 69.4% received information from midwives or nurses about their own care, and 68.7% received information about the baby’s care. Mean scores for the participants’ Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale was found 50.47±12.16 for Personal State, 45.08±12.33 for Knowledge, 21.0±75.68 for Ability, 28.13± 8.91 for Expected Support and 144.76±30.15 for total score. The scores were found to be significantly higher for mothers who reported to be ready for discharge, who stated to have received information about their own care and the baby’s care, who were multiparous, and who would receive support for their care and the baby’s care after hospital discharge (p&lt;0.05).Conclusion: Majority of the participants in this study were found to be ready for hospital discharge and factors affecting readiness for hospital discharge were identifed as informing mothers about their care and the baby’s care after delivery, mothers’ being multiparous, and receiving support about their care and the baby’s care after hospital discarge

    Investigation of Different Laboratory Aging Methods of Bituminous Mixtures

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    The predicted performance and service life of the pavement depend largely on the properties of bitumen used in the mixtures. The&nbsp;most important feature of bitumen, which has profound effect on the performance of the road is durability. The durability of bitumen is expressed as the resistance to aging. In this study, the bituminous mixture aging was performed instead of bitumen aging in order to represent the aging in the field in the best possible way. The aim of this paper is to evaluate different proposed laboratory aging methods (NCHRP 09-52, NCHRP 09-54 and RILEM) in relation with the current Standard AASHTO R30 (Standard Practice For Mixture Conditioning of Hot Mix Asphalt standard) and to make comparison with the samples performance taken from the field in terms of Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS). The level of aging has also been compared with the samples taken from recently constructed pavement surface and from the five years old pavement surface. Results depicted that, laboratory aging methods revealed the field aging properties on the unaged bitumen. Based on the results, 2 hours forced draft oven aging at 135°C is recommended as short term aging condition because, 2 hours or 4 hours short term forced draft oven aging did not yield significant variation in terms of ITS values. Additionally, 120 hours (5 days) oven aging of compacted samples at 85°C can be recommended as long term aging condition