45 research outputs found

    Artificial intelligence and education: An overview

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    The main purpose of this research is to present a comparative perspective to everyone who is interested in education in terms of the advantages and disadvantages of the use of artificial intelligence in education. When the literature on this issue is examined, it is clearly seen that there are both positive and negative opinions about the use of artificial intelligence in education. This situation leads to instability in the education systems of the world countries. As a result of this instability, on the one hand, while education systems look at the use of artificial intelligence positively in order to keep up with technology and benefit from the advantages that it can provide, on the other hand, they hesitate when they consider the disadvantages that this situation may cause. For this reason, in this study, comparative information was given in order to conclude this indecision and hesitation experienced by education systems, and the idea of using artificial intelligence as an assistant teacher in education and seeing it as an opportunity rather than a danger was advocated

    Investigation of students’ career choices in stem fields

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    The main purpose of this research is to present a comparative perspective to everyone who is interested in education in terms of the advantages and disadvantages of the use of artificial intelligence in education. When the literature on this issue is examined, it is clearly seen that there are both positive and negative opinions about the use of artificial intelligence in education. This situation leads to instability in the education systems of the world countries. As a result of this instability, on the one hand, while education systems look at the use of artificial intelligence positively in order to keep up with technology and benefit from the advantages that it can provide, on the other hand, they hesitate when they consider the disadvantages that this situation may cause. For this reason, in this study, comparative information was given in order to conclude this indecision and hesitation experienced by education systems, and the idea of using artificial intelligence as an assistant teacher in education and seeing it as an opportunity rather than a danger was advocated. The main purpose of this study is to reveal the reason that although STEM professions are very important for the development of countries, why the rate of students choosing these professions is low compared to other professions. Therefore, in the scope of this research, many articles on the factors that affect students’ career choices in STEM fields have been reviewed. As a result of the literature review, it was found that factors such as gender, race, socio-economic status, family, interest, attitude, and self-efficacy affect students’ career choices in STEM fields. Moreover, within the scope of the study, considerations that prevent and support students from choosing a career in STEM were mentioned and some suggestions were presented for increasing the number of students who choose a profession in STEM

    Rationale, design, and methodology of the MORCOR-TURK trial: predictors of in-hospital MORtality in CORonary care patients in Turkey

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    Background: Coronary care units are sophisticated clinics established to reduce deaths due to acute cardiovascular events. Current data on coronary care unit mortality rates and predictors of mortality in Turkey are very limited. The MORtality predictors in CORonary care units in TURKey (MORCOR-TURK) trial was designed to provide information on the mortality rates and predictors in patients followed in coronary care units in Turkey. Methods: The MORCOR-TURK trial will be a national, observational, multicenter, and noninterventional study conducted in Turkey. The study population will include coronary care unit patients from 50 centers selected from all regions in Turkey. All consecutive patients admitted to coronary care units with cardiovascular diagnoses between 1 and 30 September 2022 will be prospectively enrolled. All data will be collected at one point in time, and the current clinical practice will be evaluated (ClinicalTrials.gov number NCT05296694). In the first step of the study, admission diagnoses, demographic characteristics, basic clinical and laboratory data, and in-hospital management will be assessed. At the end of the first step, the predictors and rates of in-hospital mortality will be documented. The second step will be in cohort design, and discharged patients will be followed up till 1 year. Predictors of short- and long-term mortality will be assessed. Moreover, a new coronary care unit mortality score will be generated with data acquired from this cohort. Results: The short-term outcomes of the study are planned to be shared by early 2023. Conclusion: The MORCOR-TURK trial will be the largest and most comprehensive study in Turkey evaluating the rates and predictors of in-hospital mortality of patients admitted to coronary care units

    Design, Performance, and Calibration of the CMS Hadron-Outer Calorimeter

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    The CMS hadron calorimeter is a sampling calorimeter with brass absorber and plastic scintillator tiles with wavelength shifting fibres for carrying the light to the readout device. The barrel hadron calorimeter is complemented with an outer calorimeter to ensure high energy shower containment in the calorimeter. Fabrication, testing and calibration of the outer hadron calorimeter are carried out keeping in mind its importance in the energy measurement of jets in view of linearity and resolution. It will provide a net improvement in missing \et measurements at LHC energies. The outer hadron calorimeter will also be used for the muon trigger in coincidence with other muon chambers in CMS

    Türkiye'de çalışan yoksulluğu : politikalar ve öneriler

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    Çalışmanın temel bakış açısı; çalışan yoksul kişi ve haneler üzerinde yapılan analizleri ve sorunları hedef alan politikaların irdelenmesi ile Türkiye'de çalışan yoksulluğu konusunda durum değerlendirilmesi yapılmasını içermektedir. Bu amaçla öncelikle çalışan yoksulluğu kavramının açıklanabilmesi amacıyla, kavramın teorik olarak hangi konularla bağlantılı olduğu konusu araştırılmıştır. Akabinde, dünyada ve Türkiye'de çalışan yoksulluğu sorununu tetikleyici niteliğe sahip olabileceği düşünülen faktörler incelenerek; günümüzde sorunun ne derece önemli olduğu konusuna değinilmiştir. Çalışmanın son bölümünde ise, Türkiye'de çalışan yoksulluğunu hafifletme ya da azaltma amacı taşıyan uygulamalar ele alınmıştır. Ekonomik büyüme kapsamında uygulanan makro ekonomi politikalarının, ekonomik büyüme dışındaki amaçlarına ulaşamadığı ve sonucunda işgücü piyasası ve gelir arttırıcı politikalar ile desteklendiği görülmüştür. İşgücü piyasası kapsamında uygulanan politikalar ile çalışan yoksulluğunu hafifletme ya da azaltma amaçlarına ulaşılamadığı sonucuna varılmıştır. Gelir arttırıcı niteliğe sahip asgari ücretin, mevcut düzeyi ile kişilerin ve ailelerinin yoksullaşmasını engelleyemediği; bir diğer gelir arttırıcı nitelikteki sosyal yardımların ise çalışan yoksulluğunu hafifletme amacını gerçekleştiremediği tespit edilmiştir. -------------------- The main perspective of study includes to investigate policies aim to the analyzes and problems on impoverished person who works and families and to assess the situation on working poverty in Turkey. For this purpose, in order to explain the concept of working poverty, the subject that the concept is related with theoretically was investigated. Subsequently, the factors which is thought to may trigger working poverty in world and Turkey were examined and how important the problem is today is discussed. In the final chapter of the study, implementations which aim alleviate or reduce poverty in Turkey or were discussed. It was seen that macroeconomic policies applied in terms of economic growth could not achieve the goals except economic growth and as a result, they are supported by labor market and income-increasing policies. It was concluded that the policies implemented within the scope of the labor market could not achieve the goals of alleviating or reducing working poverty. It has been found that the minimum wage with income-increasing qualification cannot prevent the impoverishment of individuals and their families with their current level, while another income-increasing social welfare cannot achieve the aim of alleviating working poverty

    Türkiye'de çalışan yoksulluğu : politikalar ve öneriler

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    Çalışmanın temel bakış açısı; çalışan yoksul kişi ve haneler üzerinde yapılan analizleri ve sorunları hedef alan politikaların irdelenmesi ile Türkiye'de çalışan yoksulluğu konusunda durum değerlendirilmesi yapılmasını içermektedir. Bu amaçla öncelikle çalışan yoksulluğu kavramının açıklanabilmesi amacıyla, kavramın teorik olarak hangi konularla bağlantılı olduğu konusu araştırılmıştır. Akabinde, dünyada ve Türkiye'de çalışan yoksulluğu sorununu tetikleyici niteliğe sahip olabileceği düşünülen faktörler incelenerek; günümüzde sorunun ne derece önemli olduğu konusuna değinilmiştir. Çalışmanın son bölümünde ise, Türkiye'de çalışan yoksulluğunu hafifletme ya da azaltma amacı taşıyan uygulamalar ele alınmıştır. Ekonomik büyüme kapsamında uygulanan makro ekonomi politikalarının, ekonomik büyüme dışındaki amaçlarına ulaşamadığı ve sonucunda işgücü piyasası ve gelir arttırıcı politikalar ile desteklendiği görülmüştür. İşgücü piyasası kapsamında uygulanan politikalar ile çalışan yoksulluğunu hafifletme ya da azaltma amaçlarına ulaşılamadığı sonucuna varılmıştır. Gelir arttırıcı niteliğe sahip asgari ücretin, mevcut düzeyi ile kişilerin ve ailelerinin yoksullaşmasını engelleyemediği; bir diğer gelir arttırıcı nitelikteki sosyal yardımların ise çalışan yoksulluğunu hafifletme amacını gerçekleştiremediği tespit edilmiştir.--------------------The main perspective of study includes to investigate policies aim to the analyzes and problems on impoverished person who works and families and to assess the situation on working poverty in Turkey. For this purpose, in order to explain the concept of working poverty, the subject that the concept is related with theoretically was investigated. Subsequently, the factors which is thought to may trigger working poverty in world and Turkey were examined and how important the problem is today is discussed. In the final chapter of the study, implementations which aim alleviate or reduce poverty in Turkey or were discussed. It was seen that macroeconomic policies applied in terms of economic growth could not achieve the goals except economic growth and as a result, they are supported by labor market and income-increasing policies. It was concluded that the policies implemented within the scope of the labor market could not achieve the goals of alleviating or reducing working poverty. It has been found that the minimum wage with income-increasing qualification cannot prevent the impoverishment of individuals and their families with their current level, while another income-increasing social welfare cannot achieve the aim of alleviating working poverty

    Apple Cultivation and Mechanization Problems of Igdir

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    Production and mechanization properties, encountered problems and solution of these problems of apple agriculture, which has an important place in fruit production in Iğdır, have been investigated in this study. For this purpose, production process, quantity and quality properties of equipment and machinery used and problems encountered have been attempted to determine in the conducted surveys oriented towards the businesses which are occupied in apple production in the province, then solution recommendations related to those problems have been emphasized. In accordance with this purpose, 208 businesses whose greatness range from 0.05 ha to 10 ha have been evaluated. It has been observed that 60.5 percent of the businesses own tractors, tractors composing this rate have Fiat, Massey Ferguson and New Holland marks when the results are to be appraised. It has been appointed that the businesses have decided considering only advices without researching deeply and have preferred effort oriented production instead of taking advantage of mechanization during production. The greatest problems while raising period have been observed to encounter during pruning, disinfestation and irrigation. To enhance productivity per unit area overall the province, it has been concluded that the producers ought to be passed through essential education program and optimally utilize the agricultural mechanization instead of labor-intensive production

    Abusive behaviours in relationships, need satisfaction, conflict styles and relationship satisfaction: mediation and moderation roles

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    Abstract Background The current study focuses on the mediator role of abusive behaviour in romantic relationships (ABRR) in the relationship between subordination, retreat, and relationship satisfaction and the moderation role of relatedness and autonomy in the relationships between ABRR and relationship satisfaction. Methods 333 (91 men, 242 women) Turkish emerging adults in relationships participated in this research. These participants completed a measure of abusive behaviour in romantic relationship, conflict resolution styles, relationship satisfaction and need satisfaction in romantic relationship. Models 1 and 4 of Process Hayes were used in SPSS 22 to investigate moderation and mediation roles. Results According to the results, ABRR has a full mediator role in the relationship between subordination and relationship satisfaction and has a partial mediator role in the relationship between retreat and relationship satisfaction. Another result of the study showed that ABRR negatively affected relationship satisfaction and that relatedness and autonomy moderated this relationship. Moderator roles are strong when the level of relatedness and autonomy are high. Conclusions In conclusion, subordination and retreat as well as ABRR are risk factors for relationship satisfaction for individuals in romantic relationships. Our results suggest that relatedness and autonomy present an adaptive approach and protection method associated with improved relationship satisfaction. Therefore, subordination, withdrawal, ABRR, autonomy, and relatedness should be considered in relationship satisfaction assessment and couple therapies