18 research outputs found

    Studies on resources of genetic diversity in conservative flocks of geese using microsatellite DNA polymorphic markers

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    The studies conducted aimed at evaluating the genetic diversity within and between varieties of conservative flocks of geese, using the polymorphism of 14 microsatellite sequences. The experimental material included conservative flocks of geese the following indigenous breeds and varieties kept in Poland: Kielecka (Ki), Kartuska (Ka), Lubelska (Lu), Suvalska (Su), Rypinska (Ry), Sub-Carpathian (SC), Hunched Beak (HB) and Pomeranian (Po). Among the 14 microsatellite sequences a total of 97 microsatellite alleles were identified. The number of alleles at one locus ranged from 3 to 19. In the overall pool of 97 alleles, 26 (26.8%) were specific for individual breeds and varieties of geese. The values of the expected heterozygosity (He) for individual geese ranged from 0.38 (Sub-Carpathian) to 0.51 (HB). Similarly, the mean values for the observed heterozygosity (Ho) ranged from 0.45 (Po) to 0.55 (Ki and Su). The polymorphic information content reached the highest value of 0.80 at loci CKW21 (Ki) and TTUCG5 (Po and Su). The greatest genetic distance was observed between the HB and Ry (0.44) and between the HB and Po (0.39) varieties, while the smallest–between the Lu and Po as well as Lu and Ki (0.028) varieties. The phylogenetic tree, elaborated on the basis of the genetic distances, clearly confirms the specificity of the HB goose as compared to the remaining breeds and varieties

    Detection and molecular analysis of Hop latent virus and Hop latent viroid in hop samples from Poland

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    Die Überwachung von Viruskrankheiten bei Pflanzen ist wichtig für die Durchführung frühzeitiger Kontrollmaßnahmen und die Verhinderung der weiteren Ausbreitung der Erreger. In Polen wurde im Jahr 2004 ein Programm zur Eliminierung von Viren und Viroiden im Hopfen gestartet. In den Jahren 2012/13 wurden in vitro Pflanzen, Proben aus der IUNG-PIB Versuchsstation und aus kommerziellen polnischen Hopfengärten auf das Hop latent virus, Hop latent viroid und Hop stunt viroid getestet. Für die Virus­testung wurden RT-PCR und ELISA eingesetzt. Die Viroide wurden mittels RT-PCR nachgewiesen. Insgesamt war die Nachweishäufigkeit für Viren und Viroide geringer als vor dem Start des Programms. Klonierung und Sequenzierung lassen den Schluss zu, dass das Hop latent virus und das Hop latent viroid aus den polnischen Proben den „type“ Sequenzen und den tschechischen Viren/Viroiden sehr ähnlich sind. DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2014.07.04, https://doi.org/10.5073/JfK.2014.07.04Monitoring the occurrence of virus diseases in plants is important for the implementation of early control measures and prevention of further disease spread. In Poland, in 2004 a health programme for hop was started to eliminate viruses and viroids. In 2012/13, in vitro plants, samples from the IUNG-PIB experimental station and commercial hop gardens in Poland were tested for Hop latent virus (HpLV), and Hop latent and Hop stunt viroids (HpLVd and HpSVd). For virus testing, RT-PCR and ELISA methods were used. In order to detect hop viroids, RT-PCR was employed. The overall incidence of HpLV and hop viroids was lower than reported before the start of the programme. Cloning and sequencing revealed that the HpLV and the HpLVd from Polish sources are very similar to the type sequences and the Czech sources. DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2014.07.04, https://doi.org/10.5073/JfK.2014.07.0

    Transmedial and multimodal narratives and discourses in the face of civilizational threats : radicalisation of the language and attitudes of Poles in the 21st century

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    Tematyka książki obejmuje opis, analizę i diagnozę współczesnych transmedialnych i multimodalnych narracji i dyskursów w mediach, polityce, literaturze i sztuce dotyczących współczesnych zagrożeń cywilizacyjnych, takich jak choćby pandemie (COVID 19), wojny czy terroryzm oraz towarzyszące im domniemane lub realne wynaturzenia postaw i idei


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    Cytogenetic and genetic study of a Y-linked microsatellite polymorphism in Polish Black-and-White cattle breed

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    The aim of the current study was to characterize Polish Black-and-White cattle by morphological study of the Y chromosome. A total of 14 Y-linked microsatellites from UMN and INRA group were genotyped and assessed for polymorphism in a total 22 bulls. Cytogenetic studies in Polish Black-and-White bulls showed the existence of two morphological forms of Y chromosome. Among the 22 karyotypic analyzed bulls, 12 had submetacentric and 10 metacentric Y chromosome. The centromeric index of Y chromosome measured as percentage length of the p arm to total length ratio in the first case was 28 ± 3.97% and in the second 47 ± 7.28%, whereas the relative size of these chromosomes remained within the same range. Morphology and G- and C-banding patterns of both forms of Y chromosome were typical for other cattle breeds originating from Bos taurus. Out of a total of 14 microsatellite loci examined, 13 showed specific alleles for two forms of Y chromosome. In a pool of 62 alleles, 43 (69.3%) were common in the two groups of cattle, 19 (30.7%) can be considered as specific for the group; among them 8 were typical for metacentric group of Y chromosome and 11 for submetacentric. Keywords: Y chromosome, Microsatellite markers, Polymorphism, Polish Black-and-White cattl

    Possibility of Using Surgical Pleth Index in Predicting Postoperative Pain in Patients after Vitrectomy Performed under General Anesthesia

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    Adequacy of anesthesia concept (AoA) in the guidance of general anesthesia (GA) is based on entropy, and it also reflects the actual depth of anesthesia and the surgical pleth index (SPI). Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the potential existence of relationships between SPI values at certain stages of the AoA-guided GA for vitreoretinal surgeries (VRS) and the incidence of intolerable postoperative pain perception (IPPP). A total of 175 patients were each assigned to one of five groups. In the first, the VRS procedure was performed under GA without premedication; in the second group, patients received metamizole before GA; in the third, patients received acetaminophen before GA; in the fourth group, patients received Alcaine before GA; and, in the peribulbar block group, the patients received a peribulbar block with a mix of the solutions of lignocaine and bupivacaine. Between the patients declaring mild and statistically significant differences in the IPPP in terms of SPI values before induction (52.3 ± 18.8 vs. 63.9 ± 18.1, p p < 0.001), it was observed that the patients postoperatively correlated with heart rate variations despite the group allocation. The current study proves the feasibility that preoperative SPI values help with predicting IPPP immediately after VRS under AoA guidance and discrimination (between mild diagnoses and IPPP when based on postoperative SPI values) as they correlate with heart rate variations. Specifically, this applies when the countermeasures of IPPP and hemodynamic fluctuations are understood to be of importance in reducing unwelcome adverse events