2,294 research outputs found

    Nonlinear wave propagation through cold plasma

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    Electromagnetic wave propagation through cold collision free plasma is studied using the nonlinear perturbation method. It is found that the equations can be reduced to the modified Kortweg-de Vries equation

    Stable periodic waves in coupled Kuramoto-Sivashinsky - Korteweg-de Vries equations

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    Periodic waves are investigated in a system composed of a Kuramoto-Sivashinsky - Korteweg-de Vries (KS-KdV) equation, which is linearly coupled to an extra linear dissipative equation. The model describes, e.g., a two-layer liquid film flowing down an inclined plane. It has been recently shown that the system supports stable solitary pulses. We demonstrate that a perturbation analysis, based on the balance equation for the field momentum, predicts the existence of stable cnoidal waves (CnWs) in the same system. It is found that the mean value U of the wave field u in the main subsystem, but not the mean value of the extra field, affects the stability of the periodic waves. Three different areas can be distinguished inside the stability region in the parameter plane (L,U), where L is the wave's period. In these areas, stable are, respectively, CnWs with positive velocity, constant solutions, and CnWs with negative velocity. Multistability, i.e., the coexistence of several attractors, including the waves with several maxima per period, appears at large value of L. The analytical predictions are completely confirmed by direct simulations. Stable waves are also found numerically in the limit of vanishing dispersion, when the KS-KdV equation goes over into the KS one.Comment: a latex text file and 16 eps files with figures. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, in pres

    Phylogeny of the Hawkmoth tribe Ambulycini: mitogenomes from museum specimens resolve major relationships

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    Ambulycini are a cosmopolitan tribe of the moth family Sphingidae, comprised of ten genera, three of which are found in tropical Asia, four in the Neotropics, one in Africa, one in the Middle East and one restricted to the islands of New Caledonia. Recent phylogenetic analyses of the tribe have yielded conflicting results, and some have suggested a close relationship of the monobasic New Caledonian genus Compsulyx Holloway, 1979 to the Neotropical ones, despite being found on opposite sides of the Pacific Ocean. Here we investigate relationships within the tribe using full mitochondrial genomes, mainly derived from dry-pinned museum collections material. Mitogenomic data were obtained for 19 species representing nine of the ten Ambulycini genera. Phylogenetic trees are in agreement with a tropical Asian origin for the tribe. Furthermore, results indicate that the Neotropical genus Adhemarius Oiticica Filho, 1939 is paraphyletic and support the notion that Orecta Rothschild & Jordan 1903 and Trogolegnum Rothschild & Jordan, 1903 may need to be synonymized. Finally, in our analysis the Neotropical genera do not collectively form a monophyletic group, due to a clade comprising the New Caledonian genus Compsulyx and the African genus Batocnema Rothschild & Jordan, 1903 being placed as sister to the Neotropical genus Protambulyx Rothschild & Jordan, 1903. This finding implies a complex biogeographic history and suggests the evolution of the tribe involved at least two long-distance dispersal events

    Extracting Multidimensional Phase Space Topology from Periodic Orbits

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    We establish a hierarchical ordering of periodic orbits in a strongly coupled multidimensional Hamiltonian system. Phase space structures can be reconstructed quantitatively from the knowledge of periodic orbits alone. We illustrate our findings for the hydrogen atom in crossed electric and magnetic fields.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Radial velocity eclipse mapping of exoplanets

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    Planetary rotation rates and obliquities provide information regarding the history of planet formation, but have not yet been measured for evolved extrasolar planets. Here we investigate the theoretical and observational perspective of the Rossiter-McLauglin effect during secondary eclipse (RMse) ingress and egress for transiting exoplanets. Near secondary eclipse, when the planet passes behind the parent star, the star sequentially obscures light from the approaching and receding parts of the rotating planetary surface. The temporal block of light emerging from the approaching (blue-shifted) or receding (red-shifted) parts of the planet causes a temporal distortion in the planet's spectral line profiles resulting in an anomaly in the planet's radial velocity curve. We demonstrate that the shape and the ratio of the ingress-to-egress radial velocity amplitudes depends on the planetary rotational rate, axial tilt and impact factor (i.e. sky-projected planet spin-orbital alignment). In addition, line asymmetries originating from different layers in the atmosphere of the planet could provide information regarding zonal atmospheric winds and constraints on the hot spot shape for giant irradiated exoplanets. The effect is expected to be most-pronounced at near-infrared wavelengths, where the planet-to-star contrasts are large. We create synthetic near-infrared, high-dispersion spectroscopic data and demonstrate how the sky-projected spin axis orientation and equatorial velocity of the planet can be estimated. We conclude that the RMse effect could be a powerful method to measure exoplanet spins.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in ApJ on 2015 June 1

    Mutually Penetrating Motion of Self-Organized 2D Patterns of Soliton-Like Structures

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    Results of numerical simulations of a recently derived most general dissipative-dispersive PDE describing evolution of a film flowing down an inclined plane are presented. They indicate that a novel complex type of spatiotemporal patterns can exist for strange attractors of nonequilibrium systems. It is suggested that real-life experiments satisfying the validity conditions of the theory are possible: the required sufficiently viscous liquids are readily available.Comment: minor corrections, 4 pages, LaTeX, 6 figures, mpeg simulations available upon or reques

    Phylogenomics resolves major relationships and reveals significant diversification rate shifts in the evolution of silk moths and relatives

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    Background: Silkmoths and their relatives constitute the ecologically and taxonomically diverse superfamily Bombycoidea,which includes some of the most charismatic species of Lepidoptera. Despite displaying spectacular forms and diverse ecological traits, relatively little attention has been given to understanding their evolution and drivers of their diversity. To begin to address this problem, we created a new Bombycoidea-specific Anchored Hybrid Enrichment (AHE) probe set and sampled up to 571 loci for 117 taxa across all major lineages of the Bombycoidea, with a newly developed DNA extraction protocol that allows Lepidoptera specimens to be readily sequenced from pinned natural history collections. Results: The well-supported tree was overall consistent with prior morphological and molecular studies, although some taxa were misplaced. The bombycid Arotros Schaus was formally transferred to Apatelodidae. We identified important evolutionary patterns (e.g., morphology, biogeography, and differences in speciation and extinction), and our analysis of diversification rates highlights the stark increases that exist within the Sphingidae (hawkmoths) and Saturniidae (wild silkmoths). Conclusions: Our study establishes a backbone for future evolutionary, comparative, and taxonomic studies of Bombycoidea. We postulate that the rate shifts identified are due to the well-documented bat-moth“arms race”.Our research highlights the flexibility of AHE to generate genomic data from a wide range of museum specimens, both age and preservation method, and will allow researchers to tap into the wealth of biological data residing in natural history collections around the globe

    A global checklist of the Bombycoidea (Insecta: Lepidoptera)

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. The attached file is the published pdf plus supplementary data file.NHM Repositor

    Phylogenomics resolves major relationships and reveals significant diversification rate shifts in the evolution of silk moths and relatives

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    Background: Silkmoths and their relatives constitute the ecologically and taxonomically diverse superfamily Bombycoidea, which includes some of the most charismatic species of Lepidoptera. Despite displaying spectacular forms and diverse ecological traits, relatively little attention has been given to understanding their evolution and drivers of their diversity. To begin to address this problem, we created a new Bombycoidea-specific Anchored Hybrid Enrichment (AHE) probe set and sampled up to 571 loci for 117 taxa across all major lineages of the Bombycoidea, with a newly developed DNA extraction protocol that allows Lepidoptera specimens to be readily sequenced from pinned natural history collections. Results: The well-supported tree was overall consistent with prior morphological and molecular studies, although some taxa were misplaced. The bombycid Arotros Schaus was formally transferred to Apatelodidae. We identified important evolutionary patterns (e.g., morphology, biogeography, and differences in speciation and extinction), and our analysis of diversification rates highlights the stark increases that exist within the Sphingidae (hawkmoths) and Saturniidae (wild silkmoths). Conclusions: Our study establishes a backbone for future evolutionary, comparative, and taxonomic studies of Bombycoidea. We postulate that the rate shifts identified are due to the well-documented bat-moth “arms race”. Our research highlights the flexibility of AHE to generate genomic data from a wide range of museum specimens, both age and preservation method, and will allow researchers to tap into the wealth of biological data residing in natural history collections around the globe.Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.NHM Repositor

    Mapping Exoplanets

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    The varied surfaces and atmospheres of planets make them interesting places to live, explore, and study from afar. Unfortunately, the great distance to exoplanets makes it impossible to resolve their disk with current or near-term technology. It is still possible, however, to deduce spatial inhomogeneities in exoplanets provided that different regions are visible at different times---this can be due to rotation, orbital motion, and occultations by a star, planet, or moon. Astronomers have so far constructed maps of thermal emission and albedo for short period giant planets. These maps constrain atmospheric dynamics and cloud patterns in exotic atmospheres. In the future, exo-cartography could yield surface maps of terrestrial planets, hinting at the geophysical and geochemical processes that shape them.Comment: Updated chapter for Handbook of Exoplanets, eds. Deeg & Belmonte. 17 pages, including 6 figures and 4 pages of reference