48 research outputs found

    Englisches im Gegenwartsdeutschen der Touristikbranche

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    The influence of English on German has grown in the last decades and is likely to continue. The aim of this paper is to investigate the occurrence of Anglicisms in the travel magazine Lonely Planet Traveller Deutschland (October, 2014). The particular focus is on the parts of speech and word formation types they represent. First we make an attempt to define the terms loanword and Anglicism. In the second part we present and discuss the results of our corpus linguistic study. The findings of the study show the dominance of nouns in the analysed Anglicisms (especially hybrid nominal compounds). The research can be of significance for further studies on the language of tourism industry

    Effect of Leptin Gene Polymorphism on Fattening and Slaughter Value of Line 990 Gilts

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    The study was aimed at defining leptin gene polymorphism and its potential association with values of particular features of fattening and slaughter value of gilts of Line 990. The study included a total of 208 gilts. The polymorphic locus in LEP gene was identified by the restriction enzyme HinfI in 3469 position, by using the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment-length polymorphism (PCR–RFLP) method. Two alleles of LEP gene were identified: T (0.94) and C (0.06), resulting in two genotypes: TC (0.12) and TT (0.88). We did not observe any gilts of CC genotype. The analysis of values of fattening and slaughter features, depending on LEP genotype did not reveal significant differences in body mass increase, daily gain from day 63 to 180, and daily gain from birth to day 180, feed conversion per 1 kg body mass and the loin-eye thickness. Significant differences between the LEP genotypes were present for such features as the backfat thickness at points P2 (p ⪬ 0.05) and P4 (p ⪬ 0.01) and average backfat thickness (p ⪬ 0.01) in favour of TT genotype. We noted higher average values of lean meat content in carcass in favour of TT homozygotes, compared to the heterozygotes (p ⪬ 0.05). The investigation contributes additonal information regarding LEP gene polymorphism in gilts of Line 990. Knowledge of LEP genotypes may be useful to improve the slaughter value in gilts primarily due to less fatness. Due to the lack of individuals representing CC genotype in our results, research should continue on a larger population

    Effects of birth weight and standardized litter size on growth performance of boars and subsequent reproductive performance

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of birth weight and rearing litter size on growth and reproductive performance of boars. One hundred and forty male piglets were allotted to two groups, based on litter size: a smaller litter (SL) (8 piglets/litter, 70 boars) and a larger litter (LL) (12 piglets/litter, 70 boars). The boars in these litters were separated into two birth weight subgroups: lower birth weight (LBW) (mean: 1.15 kg, 70 boars) and greater birth weight (GBW) (mean: 1.59 kg, 70 boars). Testes volume, sexual activity and semen quality of boars at 180 days old were evaluated. The males in the GBW group, when compared with the LBW group, had greater bodyweight at 21, 28, and 63 days old (P <0.01) and 180 days old (P <0.05), greater testes volume and semen volume (P <0.05), greater sperm concentration and total number of sperm in the semen (P <0.01) and a longer ejaculation time (P <0.05). The boars in the SL group had greater (P <0.01) bodyweight at 21 and 28 days old, greater (P <0.05) sperm concentration and total number of sperm in the semen than boars in the LL group. These results indicate that birth weight is a good predictor of sperm production in adult boars and suggest the possibility of increasing sperm production in adult boars by reducing the litter size in which they are reared.Keywords: Boars, bodyweight, piglets, reproduction, seme


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    In order to identify the volatile compounds in Polish Carpathian goat meat, baked leg muscle samples from two groups aged 12 and 9 months were subjected to a headspace solid phase microextraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (HS–SPME–GC/MS). The multivariate statistics was done, which included the Fisher\u27s ratio method for variables pre-selection, and principal component analysis together with linear discriminant analysis. 93 volatile compounds were found, out of which 49 were confirmed on two columns: non-polar ZB-5MSi and polar ZB-Wax, whereas 5 were verified by using of authentic standards. HS-SPME-GC/MS analysis together with chemometrics occurs to be the effective tool for the discrimination of the meat from the Carpathian goats aged 12 and 9 months. The first two principal components accounted for 88.8% of the total variance. These values for the first three principal components were 94.6% and the classification accuracy values for both groups were 100%.Radi utvrđivanja hlapljivih sastojaka u mesu poljske karpatske koze uzorci pečenog mišića noge u dvije skupine u dobi od 9 i 12 mjeseci podvrgnuti su plinskoj kromatografiji/masenoj spektrometriji (HS-SPM-GC/MS) mikroekstrakcije čvrste faze prostora glave. Obavljena je raznovrsna statistika uključujući metodu Fisherovog omjera za predselekciju varijabla i analiza glavnog sastojka zajedno s linearnom diskriminantnom analizom. Pronađena su 93 hlapljiva sastojka od kojih je 49 potvrđeno u dva stupca: nepolarni ZB-5MSi i polarni ZB-Wax, dok ih je 5 potvrđeno primjenom autentičnih standarda. HS-SPME-GC/MS analiza zajedno s kemometrijom čini se da je djelotvorno sredstvo za razlikovanje mesa karpatskih koza u dobi 12 i 9 mjeseci. Prva dva glavna sastojka iznosila su 88,8% ukupnog neslaganja. Te su vrijednosti za prva tri glavna sastojka bile 94,6%, a vrijednosti točnosti klasifikacije za obje skupine bile su 100%

    Effect of sow age on the apparent total tract digestibility of nutrients in the diet

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    Abstract The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of sow age on apparent total tract digestibility of nutrients and the concentration of metabolizable energy in the diet. The experiment was carried out on 20 gestating sows, divided into two groups: Group I -10 sows in first pregnancy (131 ± 4.5 kg) and Group II -10 sows in fourth pregnancy (225 ± 8.2 kg). Sows in the two groups were fed identical diets for sows during early pregnancy. The total collection of faeces began on day 30 of pregnancy and lasted eight days. Sows in the fourth pregnancy had greater digestibility coefficients of dry matter (4.1 percentage units), organic matter (3.4 percentage units), crude protein (5.5 percentage units) and crude fibre (6.2 percentage units) than sows in the first pregnancy. The total tract digestibility of ether extract, starch and sugars was not affected by pig age. The metabolizable energy, determined according to the content of digestible nutrients, in the sow diet in fourth pregnancy was 0.7 MJ/kg higher than in the diet of sows in their first pregnancy. Results of this research indicate that sow age should be considered when formulating diets during early pregnancy

    Collective dynamics in relativistic nuclear collisions studied with ALICE at the LHC

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    ALICE is a detector designed to study strongly interacting matter at extreme temperatures and energy densities, where the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) is formed, but it also allows one to perform unique measurements in proton– proton and proton–lead collisions. In these proceedings, we present a selected set of correlation measurements done by ALICE, in both heavy-ion collisions and in small collision systems. The results indicate that long-range correlations are present in pp and p–Pb collisions.The analysis of the collective behaviour in small and large collision systems could shed some light on the formation and evolution of the QGP

    Performative experience and participation in natural history museums

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    Praca podejmuje zagadnienie doświadczenia zwiedzającego w muzeach historii naturalnej w drugiej połowie XX w. oraz jego potencjał do zwiększania świadomości ekologicznej. Punktem wyjścia jest analiza przemian jakim uległy te instytucje w ciągu ostatnich stu pięćdziesięciu lat, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem podjęcia przez nie społecznych zobowiązań. Wykorzystując dorobek muzeologii, performatyki, teorii edukacji i zarządzania próbuje okreslić czym powinno charakteryzować się takie doświadczenie aby skutecznie przekazywać nie tylko wiedzę na tematy ekologiczne ale również skłaniać odbiorców do podjęcia działania i aktywnego uczestnictwa w ochronie środowiska. Wypracowana definicja doświadczenia performatywnego służy do analizy trzech wystaw stałych: La Grand Galerie de l’Evolution (Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle w Paryżu), Darwin Centre (Natural History Museum w Londynie) oraz Living Worlds (The Manchester Museum). W końcowej części wprowadzone zostaje pojęcie partycypacji zobrazowane na przykładzie projektu Old Weather (The National Maritime Museum). Kontekst dla tych rozważań stanowi również rozwój relacji muzeum-zwiedzający, która odzwierciedla przeformułowanie roli muzeum we współczesnym świecie.The thesis discusses the issue of visitor experience in natural history museums in the second half of 20th century and its potential to raise environmental awareness. An analysis of changes which theses institutions have undergone in the past 150 years (with particular focus on taking up social responsibilities) serves as a starting point. The thesis draws on museology, performance studies, theory of education and management to define features of an experience that would be effective in not only transmitting ecological knowledge, but mainly in encouraging a change of attitude and behaviour of the visitors towards environemnt. The concept of performative experience is then applied to an analysis of three permanent exhibitions: La Grand Galerie de l’Evolution (Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle in Paris), Darwin Centre (Natural History Museum in London) oraz Living Worlds (The Manchester Museum). In the last part, the idea of participation is introduced with the project Old Weather (The National Maritime Museum) as an example. The development of audience-visitor relationship - which reflects the redefinition of the role of museum in contemporary world - is an important reference point throughout the argument