151 research outputs found

    Increased PXR and Suppressed T-Cell Signaling Are Associated With Malignant Degeneration of Barrett's Esophagus

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    Background and Aims: Barrett's esophagus (BE) is the precursor lesion for esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC). To detect EAC in early stage, patients with BE undergo endoscopic surveillance. Surveillance cohorts largely consist of nondysplastic BE (NDBE) patients with a low annual progression risk (&lt;0.5%). Predictive biomarkers for malignant progression of NDBE could improve efficacy of surveillance. Biomarker research has mostly focused on aberrant protein expression on BE epithelial cells. Moreover, insight in cell signaling driving malignant transformation is unknown. This study uses a data-driven approach to analyze tumor-stroma interaction in NDBE which progressed to high-grade dysplasia or EAC. Methods: In this case-control study, we performed RNA sequencing analysis on index NDBE biopsies from 6 patients who, during long-term follow-up, progressed and 7 who did not progress to high-grade dysplasia/EAC. For control samples, squamous and duodenum tissues from BE patients were analyzed. For validation, we used quantitative PCR. Results: Significant differences in BE transcriptomic profiles between progressors and nonprogressors were found by principal component and differential expression analyses. Ingenuity pathway analysis indicated that 8 cell signaling pathways were significantly upregulated in the progressors, and 14 pathways were significantly downregulated. The most interesting finding was the upregulation of the xenobiotic metabolism pregnane X receptor signaling pathway in the progressor cohort, while of the downregulated pathways in progressors, several were related to the immune system. Conclusion: These novel transcriptomic insights are fundamental for developing (chemo-)preventive therapies. These could be therapies, which protect against toxins, including biles, responsible for pregnane X receptor activation or which enhance protective immune mechanisms. The identified RNA markers are promising biomarkers for improving risk stratification in surveillance programs.</p

    A pSMAD/CDX2 Complex Is Essential for the Intestinalization of Epithelial Metaplasia

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    The molecular mechanisms leading to epithelial metaplasias are poorly understood. Barrett's esophagus is a premalignant metaplastic change of the esophageal epithelium into columnar epithelium, occurring in patients suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease. Mechanisms behind the development of the intestinal subtype, which is associated with the highest cancer risk, are unclear. In humans, it has been suggested that a nonspecialized columnar metaplasia precedes the development of intestinal metaplasia. Here, we propose that a complex made up of at least two factors needs to be activated simultaneously to drive the expression of intestinal type of genes. Using unique animal models and robust in vitro assays, we show that the nonspecialized columnar metaplasia is a precursor of intestinal metaplasia and that pSMAD/CDX2 interaction is essential for the switch toward an intestinal phenotype

    Ethnic disparities in tuberculosis incidence and related factors among indigenous and other communities in ethnically diverse Suriname

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    Background: In Suriname, a country home to many ethnic groups, a high incidence of tuberculosis (TB) has been found among Indigenous Trio Amerindians. However, whether wider ethnic disparities in TB incidence and its associated risk factors (e.g., diabetes mellitus and HIV) exist in Suriname, is not known. We sought to investigate disparities in TB incidence and its risk factors on ethnicity in Suriname, as this could give way to targeted TB intervention programs. Methods: Anonymized patient data from 2011 to 2015 was extracted from the National TB Registry and analyzed. Differences in the five-year incidence rates of TB for the six largest ethnic groups-Creole, Hindustani, Indigenous, Javanese, Maroon, and Mixed-were assessed using a chi-square goodness-of-fit test, and TB patient differences regarding ethnicity were evaluated for selected factors using a multinomial logistic regression with Creole patients as reference. Results: 662 Patients were eligible for analyses with the following ethnic makeup: Creole (36.4%), Hindustani (15.6%), Indigenous (8.6%), Javanese (10.6%), Maroon (15.1%), and Mixed ethnicity (13.7%). Differences in five-year incidence rates for TB were significant, chi(2)(5, N = 662) = 244.42, p Conclusions: Our study has demonstrated that ethnic disparities in tuberculosis incidence exist in Suriname and that they are associated with specific, known risk factors such as HIV (especially for Creole people). For Indigenous people, risk factors may include diminished access to health care facilities and low socioeconomic status. However, direct data on these factors was unavailable. These findings call for targeted national intervention programs-with special attention given to the vulnerabilities of susceptible ethnic groups-and improved data collection

    MicroRNA Expression can be a Promising Strategy for the Detection of Barrett's Esophagus: A Pilot Study

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    Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology is an open-access journal published by Nature Publishing Group.Patient outcomes for esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) have not improved despite huge advances in endoscopic therapy because cancers are being diagnosed late. Barrett's esophagus (BE) is the primary precursor lesion for EAC, and thus the non-endoscopic molecular diagnosis of BE can be an important approach to improve EAC outcomes if robust biomarkers for timely diagnosis are identified. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are tissue-specific novel biomarkers that regulate gene expression and may satisfy this requirement.The current work was supported by a pilot grant from the American Cancer Society (A.B. and L.K.C.), the American College of Gastroenterology Junior Faculty Development Award (A.B.) and grants from Hall Family Foundation (L.K.C.) and Kansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (A.B., L.K.C.). None of the funding bodies had any role in design, in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; and in the decision to submit the manuscript for publication

    TP53 is not a prognostic markerâ clinical consequences of a generally disregarded fact

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    Technological progress within the last 15â 20 years has significantly increased our knowledge about the molecular basis of cancer development, tumor progression, and treatment response. As a consequence, a vast number of biomarkers have been proposed, but only a small fraction of them have found their way into clinical use. The aim of this paper is to describe the specific demands a clinically relevant biomarker should meet and how biomarkers can be tested stepwise. We name this procedure the â tripleâ R principleâ : robustness, reproducibility, and relevance. The usefulness of this principle is illustrated with the marker TP53. Since it is mutated in a broad spectrum of cancer entities, TP53 can be considered a very promising marker. Thus, TP53 has been studied in detail but there is still no explicit consensus about its clinical value. By considering our own experience and reviewing the literature, we demonstrate that a major problem of current biomarker research is disregard of whether the biomarker is prognostic or predictive. As an example, it is demonstrated that TP53 is not a prognostic marker, but rather a purely predictive marker, and that disregard of this fact has made this otherwise strong biomarker appear as not being clinically useful so far.Many biomarkers have been proposed for cancer, but only a small fraction of them are clinically useful. This paper describes the specific demands a clinically relevant biomarker should meet and how biomarkers can be tested stepwise. This is illustrated with the marker TP53, which has been studied in detail but for which there is still no explicit consensus about its clinical value.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146810/1/nyas13947.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146810/2/nyas13947_am.pd

    Correlations between Molecular Alterations, Histopathological Characteristics, and Poor Prognosis in Esophageal Adenocarcinoma

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    Esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) is a severe malignancy with increasing incidence, poorly understood pathogenesis, and low survival rates. We sequenced 164 EAC samples of naĂŻve patients (without chemo-radiotherapy) with high coverage using next-generation sequencing technologies. A total of 337 variants were identified across the whole cohort, with TP53 as the most frequently altered gene (67.27%). Missense mutations in TP53 correlated with worse cancer-specific survival (log-rank p = 0.001). In seven cases, we found disruptive mutations in HNF1alpha associated with other gene alterations. Moreover, we detected gene fusions through massive parallel sequencing of RNA, indicating that it is not a rare event in EAC. In conclusion, we report that a specific type of TP53 mutation (missense changes) negatively affected cancer-specific survival in EAC. HNF1alpha was identified as a new EAC-mutated gen

    Trastuzumab Mediated T-Cell Response against HER-2/Neu Overexpressing Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Depends on Intact Antigen Processing Machinery

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    BACKGROUND: Esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) is a highly aggressive disease with poor prognosis, which frequently exhibits HER-2 gene amplification. Trastuzumab, the humanized antibody against HER-2, has potent growth inhibitory effects on HER-2 overexpressing cancers. One effect of trastuzumab is that it causes HER-2 receptor internalization and degradation, enhancing presentation of HER-2 epitopes on MHC-Class I molecules. This enhances the ability of HER-2 specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) to recognize and kill cancer cells. Novel strategies targeting the HER-2 receptor either directly by trastuzumab and/or indirectly by inducing a CTL response against HER-2 epitopes with, for instance, DC immunotherapy and consequently combining these strategies might prove to be very effective. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study we report that trastuzumab has potent growth inhibitory effects on two HER-2 overexpressing EAC cell lines OE33 and OE19. However, we found that trastuzumab and HER-2 specific CTLs act synergistically in inducing tumor lysis in OE33 but not in OE19. We discovered that in OE19 this deficient response is due to a down-regulation of the Transporter Associated with Antigen Processing-2 (TAP-2). TAP-2 is an important member of the Antigen Processing Machinery (APM), and is one of the essential elements for loading antigens on MHC class I molecules. Importantly, we demonstrated that by inducing re-expression of TAP-2 in OE19 with INF-Îł treatment or by incubating the cells with INF-Îł producing CTLs, the specific anti HER-2 CTL tumor lysis response and synergistic effect with trastuzumab can be restored. CONCLUSION: An inefficient response of HER-2 overexpressing EAC to trastuzumab and/or DC immunotherapy can be due to a down-regulated TAP-2 expression and thus a deficient APM. Future studies combining trastuzumab with IFN-Îł and/or immune-therapies inducing potent anti HER-2 CTL responses could lead to an effective combinatorial strategy for successful treatment of HER-2 overexpressing but APM defective cancer

    Phase II Feasibility and Biomarker Study of Neoadjuvant Trastuzumab and Pertuzumab With Chemoradiotherapy for Resectable Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2-Positive Esophageal Adenocarcinoma:TRAP Study

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    PURPOSE: Approximately 15% to 43% of esophageal adenocarcinomas (EACs) are human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) positive. Because dual-agent HER2 blockade demonstrated a survival benefit in breast cancer, we conducted a phase II feasibility study of trastuzumab and pertuzumab added to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (nCRT) in patients with EAC. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients with resectable HER2-positive EAC received standard nCRT with carboplatin and paclitaxel and 41.4 Gy of radiotherapy, with 4 mg/kg of trastuzumab on day 1, 2 mg/kg per week during weeks 2 to 6, and 6 mg/kg per week during weeks 7, 10, and 13 and 840 mg of pertuzumab every 3 weeks. The primary end point was feasibility, defined as ≥ 80% completion of treatment with both trastuzumab and pertuzumab. An exploratory comparison of survival with a propensity score-matched cohort receiving standard nCRT was performed, as were exploratory pharmacokinetic and biomarker analyses. RESULTS: Of the 40 enrolled patients (78% men; median age, 63 years), 33 (83%) completed treatment with trastuzumab and pertuzumab. No unexpected safety events were observed. R0 resection was achieved in all patients undergoing surgery, with pathologic complete response in 13 patients (34%). Three-year progression-free and overall survival (OS) were 57% and 71%, respectively (median follow-up, 32.1 months). Compared with the propensity score-matched cohort, a significantly longer OS was observed with HER2 blockade (hazard ratio, 0.58; 95% CI, 0.34 to 0.97). Results of pharmacokinetic analysis and activity on [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography scans did not correlate with survival or pathologic response. Patients with HER2 3+ overexpression or growth factor receptor-bound protein 7 (Grb7) -positive tumors at baseline demonstrated significantly better survival (P = .007) or treatment response (P = .016), respectively. CONCLUSION: Addition of trastuzumab and pertuzumab to nCRT in patients with HER2-positive EAC is feasible and demonstrates potentially promising activity compared with historical controls. HER2 3+ overexpression and Grb7 positivity are potentially predictive for survival and treatment response, respectively

    Novel findings in the pathogenesis of esophageal columnar metaplasia or Barrett's esophagus

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: In esophageal metaplasia the transdifferentiation of the epithelium is the result of longstanding gastroesophageal reflux disease that causes inflammation of the esophageal squamous mucosa, and occasionally is followed by replacement of the squamous epithelium by a columnar type of mucosa. For a long time, the molecular mechanisms involved in metaplasia were poorly understood. This review focuses on several recent findings on the molecular mechanisms involved in esophageal columnar metaplasia. RECENT FINDINGS: Our recent findings on bone morphogenetic protein 4 and other recent discoveries in the field of cell signaling that take place during the sequence of inflammation and epithelial transdifferentiation are highlighted. In this process, several embryonic pathways that were silenced in the adult esophagus, and factors that are normally involved in the homeostasis of the large intestine, seem to be induced. These factors may mediate transdifferentiation of the esophageal epithelium. SUMMARY: Although there are many aspects that need further investigation, it seems that in columnar metaplasia of the esophagus inductive morphogenes such as bone morphogenetic protein 4 are important for development and differentiation. Development of specialized intestinal type of metaplasia is the result of a succession of events, in which the effect of stromal factors is followed by expression of intestine-specific factor
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