3 research outputs found

    L-shell spectroscopy of neon and fluorine like copper ions from laser produced plasma

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    Ne, F, and O-like Rydberg resonance lines along with some of the inner shell satellite lines of Copper plasma, in the wavelength range of 7.9-9.5 Å, are experimentally observed using a thallium acid phthalate crystal spectrometer. The plasma is produced by the irradiation of a Cu target with a 15 J, 500 ps Nd: Glass laser with a focusable intensity up to 5 × 10 14 W/cm 2 . The observed lines result from the transitions among 2p-nd, 2p-ns, and 2s-nd (n = 4-6) levels. Transition wavelengths, transition probabilities, and oscillator strengths of these lines are calculated using the Multi-Configuration Dirac-Fock method. In this computation, the contribution of relativistic corrections such as two-body Breit corrections and QED corrections due to vacuum polarization and self-energy has also been considered. FLYCHK simulations are used to analyze the distribution of the various charge states of the Copper ions and to find the temperature and density of plasma. Moreover, the effect of self-absorption of the plasma (opacity), as well as of suprathermal electrons on charge state distribution of ions, is also studied. The synthetic spectrum provides a best-match with the experimental spectrum at a laser intensity of 1.3 × 10 14 W/cm 2 for T c = 150 eV, T h = 1000 eV, f = 0.008, and density 4.5 × 10 20 cm −3 .The temperature and density ranges are also calculated using a radiative hydrodynamic code. The calculated temperature and density range are in agreement with the experimentally determined values. The effect of the change in laser intensity on the L-shell spectrum of Cu is studied which indicates the switching between lower (Cu XX) and higher charge states (Cu XXI and Cu XXII) at higher laser intensities

    Enhancement of keV X-rays from low-density cellulose triacetate (TAC) foam targets

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    The interaction of a high-power laser with a low-density foam target can in some instances result in a significant enhancement in x-ray generation relative to that when the same laser is incident upon a homogenous solid. In this paper, we present x-ray emission studies from foam targets where the density is varied from under-dense to over-dense. The targets are irradiated with the first harmonic of Nd:Glass laser. The laser intensity on the target was approximately 2 × 1014 W/cm2 with the pulse duration of 500 ps. Mass-matched cellulose triacetate foam targets with densities of 2 mg/cc, 4 mg/cc, 7 mg/cc, and 20 mg/cc were used. The areal density presented by the targets on the laser beam axis was held constant at 0.2 mg/cm2 by varying the target thickness in inverse proportion to the density. The x-ray yield in the spectral range (5-8 keV) and (4.5-16 keV) was found to be enhanced by approximately 2.3 times in foam targets with the density of 2 mg/cc (under-dense) compared with foam targets with the density of 20 mg/cc (over-dense)

    K-shell X-ray spectroscopy of laser produced aluminum plasma

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    Optimization of a laser produced plasma (LPP) X-ray source has been performed by analyzing K-shell emission spectra of Al plasma at a laser intensity of 1013-1014 W/cm2. The effect of varying the laser intensity on the emissivity of the K-shell resonance lines is studied and found to follow a power law, E α I α with α=2.2, 2.3, 2.4 for Heβ, Heγ, Heδ respectively. The emission of these resonance lines has been found to be heavily anisotropic. A Python language based code has been developed to generate an intensity profile of K-shell spectral lines from the raw data. In theoretical calculations, the temperature is estimated by taking the ratio of the Li-like satellite (1s2 2p-1s2p3p) and the Heβ (1s2 -1s3p) resonance line and the ratio of the He-like satellite (1s2p-2p2 ) and the Lyα (1s-2p) resonance line. To determine the plasma density, stark broadening of the Lyβ spectral line is used. Simulation was carried out using the FLYCHK code to generate a synthetic emission spectrum. The results obtained by FLYCHK are Te=160 eV, Th=1 keV, f=0.008, ne=5 x 1020 cm-3 and the analytical model resulted Te=260-419 eV and ne=3x1020 cm-3