128 research outputs found

    Development And Physico-Chemical Characterization Of Granular Cold Water-Soluble Sago (Metroxylon Sagu Rottb.) Starch.

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    Analisis permukaan sambutan (RSM) telah dilakukan untuk mengkaji kesan interaksi antara alkohol, alkali dan suhu terhadap kebolehlarutan air sejuk (CWS), kejernihan dan viskositi kanji sagu. A Response Surface analysis was carried out to study the interaction of alcohol and alkali with temperature to the response on the cold water-solubility (CWS), clarity and viscosity of sago starch

    Development of BCI Based Wheelchair Using Steady State Visual Evoked Potential

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    This paper shows a Steady State Visual Evoked Potential (SSVEP) based Brain Computer Interface (BCI) framework to control a wheelchair in forward, in reverse, left, right and in stop positions. Four diverse glinting frequencies in low recurrence area were utilized to evoke the SSVEPs and were shown on a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) screen utilizing LabVIEW. The Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals recorded from the occipital district were initially fragmented into 1 second window and elements were removed by utilizing Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Three distinct classifiers, two in light of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and one taking into account Support Vector Machine (SVM) were planned and contrasted with yield better exactness. Ten subjects were taken part in the analysis and the precision was figured by considering the quantity of right location delivered while performing a predefined development succession. One-Against-All (OAA) based multiclass SVM classifier indicated preferred exactness over the ANN classifiers

    Investigation of reasons which lead engineering professionals in India to switch their occupation from engineering positions to business administration

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate and understand why engineering professionals discontinue programming as a profession. What are the reasons that force engineering professionals to switch even after being paid fairly? Research under this topic will be concluded on a sample of 20 people. This includes the engineering professionals with 2-3 years of engineering experience before switching to business administrative positions. These are the graduates with working experience in top 10 software companies of north India. This study will help us to understand the significance of programming for graduates not only in professional life but also in everyday life. People can face several difficulties because coding is all about problem-solving and making algorithms. Time and energy, both are invested in the regular practice of algorithms which make our minds sharp, while programming we counter a lot of small problems. Debugging and decoding complex programs consume a lot of time. It can be overcome with a lot of practice and learning lively examples. Practice and experience develop a sense of confidence in an individual that he can solve problems. Also, the study will highlight the need for enough industrial experience. Most essentially, the practice on live projects before graduation so that the graduates opting for programming-related jobs already have an exact idea of what they are getting into and how to tackle it

    Excessive folate synthesis in Escherichia coli and its influence on Caenorhabditis elegans ageing

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    A previous discovery showed that a spontaneous mutant in the aroD gene of the RNAi bacteria HT115(DE3), caused a significant increase in C. elegans longevity. In this thesis, I aimed to confirm this finding and attempt to determine whether chemical inhibition of folate synthesis in other E. coli strains would also increase C. elegans lifespan, and uncover the mechanism via which inhibited folate synthesis increases animal lifespan. In order to confirm that the aroD mutant E. coli increase lifespan I investigated effects of using different media types. Data show that the aroD mutant E. coli shows variable effects on C. elegans lifespan with different media types due to the varying folate content of media used. I found that the aroD mutant E. coli effect on lifespan was maximal using a high purity agar with peptone. I then attempted to mimic the effect on other E. coli bacterial strains, such as OP50 commonly used as the E. coli food source for C. elegans, by using sulfamethoxazole as a chemical intervention to inhibit folate synthesis. Sulfamethoxazole increased C. elegans lifespan in a dose dependent manner. Interestingly, even though SMX is used as an antibiotic, the highest concentration used did not appear to decrease growth of the E. coli lawn substantially. Liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry was used to measure and confirm the folate levels in both E. coli and C. elegans. In order to uncover the specific mechanism by which inhibition of folate synthesis increases C. elegans lifespan, I needed to distinguish whether folate status of E. coli itself, folate status of C. elegans, or an interaction of folate status in both organisms was responsible for the increase in lifespan. The drug methotrexate (MTX) and the C. elegans gcp-2.1 mutant were used to investigate the effect of inhibiting the worm folate cycle, and impeding animal folate uptake. Results suggest that animal folate status does not play a role in the extended longevity. SMX and kanamycin have similar but not additive effects on lifespan, suggesting a common mechanism for both drugs. This is surprising as kanamycin prevents bacterial proliferation, whilst SMX does not. Bacterial accumulation assays suggested that bacterial accumulation may be a marker of ageing not a cause in this system. Together the data presented here show that it may be possible to use chemical interventions to treat the mammalian gut flora, inhibiting excessive microbial folate synthesis and potentially slow ageing, without disrupting microbial ecology

    Assessing the Knowledge Regarding Breast Self Examination Among Nursing Students in Rayat Bahra University

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    In India, the incidence of breast cancer is increasing at an alarming rate and Breast Self Examination is an important method to identify it its earliest stage. Therefore, a study to assess the knowledge of Nursing students regarding Breast Self- Examination was conducted in Rayat Bahra University, Mohali, Punjab. Quantitative research approach was used in the study and using purposive sampling technique, data was collected from the sample of 95 students using structured multiple choice questionnaire. The present study exhibited that most of the students had inadequate knowledge and do not perform Breast Self Examination as a routine. Therefore, there is need to encourage the students to practice it as a routine so that the breast cancer can be detected at an early stage

    an analysis of security vulnerabilities in container images for scientific data analysis

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    Software containers greatly facilitate the deployment and reproducibility of scientific data analyses on high-performance computing clusters (HPC). However, container images often contain outdated or unnecessary software packages, which increases the number of security vulnerabilities in the images and widens the attack surface of the infrastructure. This thesis presents a vulnerability analysis of container images for scientific data analysis. We compare results obtained with four vulnerability scanners, focusing on the use case of neuroscience data analysis, and quantifying the effect of image update and minification on the number of vulnerabilities. We find that container images used for neuroscience data analysis contain hundreds of vulnerabilities, that software updates remove about two thirds of these vulnerabilities, and that removing unused packages is also effective. We conclude with recommendations on how to build container images with a reduced amount of vulnerabilities

    A study to assess the psychological impact of fetal loss among the postnatal mothers admitted in selected hospitals of district Faridkot, Punjab, India

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    Background: Miscarriage, spontaneous abortion of a fetus and the loss of an infant through stillbirth, or neonatal death is recognized as a traumatic life event before the expected point of viability. Women’s response ranges from relief to devastation. Predictors of development of complicated grief after prenatal loss include lack of social support, pre-existing relationship difficulties, or absence of surviving children, as well as ambivalent attitudes or heightened perception of the reality of the pregnancy. The study aimed to assess the psychological impact of fetal loss among the postnatal mothers. Methods: The research design selected for the study was non-experimental descriptive design. Study was conducted from Dec 2014 to Jan 2015 in obstetrics and gynaecology unit of G.G.S medical hospital, Faridkot, Punjab, India. 60 postnatal women were selected by convenience sampling. The perinatal grief scale (standardized tool) was used to assess fetal loss. Results: The majority of women i.e. 76.7% had more psychological impact, 23.3% women had less psychological impact of fetal loss. The range of score varies from 62-129 with mean score 102.82 ,SD 15.21 ,standard error mean 1.963, and median 103.50 and a statistically significant relation was found between psychological impact of fetal loss and gravida, Number of fetal loss, Number of live births and period of gestation at p<0.05. Conclusion:  Hence it can be concluded that majority of women had more psychological impact of fetal loss and association of psychological impact of fetal loss was found between number of previous loss, number of live births, gravida and period of gestation


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    Objective: This study's goals were to develop a minimally invasive array of biocompatible polymeric solid microneedles and formulate a transdermal patch of drug Ɣ-Oryzanol as per poke and patch technology. Methods: Scanning electron microscopy was used to analyse the morphology of the solid microneedle arrays, which were created using a stereolithography (SLA) printer with high-resolution capabilities (25 and 140 microns for the z and x axes, respectively). Transdermal Patches of Ɣ-Oryzanol were formulated and evaluated for various characterization parameters. Further, the produced microneedle-transdermal drug delivery system of Ɣ-Oryzanol was examined for microneedle insertion skin and permeation of the drug across the porcine skin. Results: Solid microneedle arrays were manufactured using biocompatible Class I Dental SG resin having dimensions of 600 µm height and 300 µm width with tip diameters of 30 µm and 1.85 mm interspacing (Distance from tip to tip) and they were strong enough to penetrate porcine skin to a depth of 381.356 µm crossing the stratum corneum layer without causing any structural changes. Transdermal patches containing Ɣ-Oryzanol were formulated using different ratios of HPMC: Eudragit E-100. Good, consistent, and transparent films were formulated when the thickness of the film ranges between 0.516±0.25-0.628±0.21 mm, average weights ranged from 168.23±2.61to171.22±1.25(10/cm2), folding endurance ranged in between 10 folds to 12 folds for all the formulations with tensile strength lie between the 0.365 kg/mm2 to 0.465 kg/mm2. All the formulations showed good drug content between 99.3±0.06%-90.4±1.64% with 100% flat surfaces. Moisture content was found in the range of 2.012±0.013 to 4.213±0.031. Drug permeation studies reveal that compound Ɣ-Oryzanol transdermal patches didn’t show significant permeation across porcine skin (4.802.25 g/cm2) without piercing with microneedles while after poking skin using microneedles (74.502.35 g/cm2) drug showed good penetration properties. It was found that the amount of drug delivered increased to 44.251.57 g/cm2 at 2 min, which was 14.502.35 g/cm2 at 1 min to 4 min 74.502.35 g/cm2. Conclusion: Successful preparation of the Microneedle-Transdermal drug delivery system of Ɣ-Oryzanol and their evaluation indicated that the quality and consistency of the formulated preparation were excellent. With advantages in terms of lowered dose frequency, better patient compliance, and bioavailability, this may find use in the therapeutic field

    Postpartum IUCD: its acceptance and complications

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    Background: Intra Uterine Contraceptive Device is the most commonly used reversible method of contraception worldwide. Immediate PPIUCD insertion is labelled when intra uterine device is inserted within 10 minutes to 48 hours of expulsion of placenta. The objective of the study was to determine the proportion of women accepting PPIUCD, factors influencing its acceptance, to look for side effects like bleeding disturbances, expulsion, lost strings, pain abdomen and pelvic infection etc. and the drop-out rates for follow up after PPIUCD.Methods: This was an open prospective, and longitudinal study to assess the safety and acceptance of the Multi-load when inserted within 10 minutes to 48 hours of placental expulsion.Results: During the period of January 2015 to November 2015 there were total 1624 deliveries in the said period in the department of Obstetrics and gynaecology of GGS Medical College and Hospital Faridkot. Out of these 714 delivered by LSCS and 910 delivered Vaginally. After excluding 470 patients were counselled, only 97 (20.64%) accepted PPIUCD. Out of these 67 (69%) patients had post placental insertion. 15.4% underwent immediate postpartum insertion. 15.4% got PPIUCD with cesarean section. (25.77%) patients had missing threads/strings, 12 (12.37%) patients had mild pain and 9 women (9.27%) had excessive discharge.Conclusions: PPIUCD is cost effective and a very safe means of contraception. Postpartum period is the period when patient is highly motivated for contraception and can be easily counselled. PPIUCD has a huge potentiality and abundant scope in India and if widely used it will have a strong impact on population control and will prevent unplanned pregnancy and its sequelae