54 research outputs found

    Digital-native news media : Reach in 46 countries, top brands and user profiles in Spain

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    This is a result of the Diginativemedia research project, grant PID2021-122534OB-C22, funded by IN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the ERDF, "A way of making Europe".Digital-pure news publications have become competitive players in many countries, populating audience rankings in the context of a high-choice media environment. With the aim of gaining insight into the performance of digital-native news brands around the world and into how their audiences are similar or different to those of media with traditional roots in Spain, we draw on survey data for 2021 and 2022, respectively. First, we examine what proportion of online adults use any of the most popular digital-pure news brands in 24 mostly European countries and in 22 markets in America, Africa and the Asia-Pacific region, and we highlight how the main digital-native brands rank among online news sources, based on their weekly audience reach. Then we compare the user profiles of the five most-used online-only news organizations in Spain, against the audiences of the top five legacy brands (N = 2028), looking at reader loyalty, gender, age, income and education levels, and political leaning. With this media-centric approach to audiences, we find that digital-native news media brands either lead (in 15 out of 46 countries) or occupy some of the top positions by weekly reach in most markets, with Nordic countries standing out as an exception. In Spain, audiences of the top digital-native brands check them slightly less frequently than the users of news sites with traditional roots. News sites in our study are slightly more popular among males, older people, and more affluent and formally educated users who can define their political stance. Nevertheless, the diversity of editorial approaches found among sites in an externally pluralistic news media market inevitably results in brands with user profiles that show exceptions to these trends.Les publicacions de notícies purament digitals han esdevingut actors competitius en molts països i ocupen llocs destacats en les classificacions d'audiència en el context d'un entorn mediàtic d'alta capacitat d'elecció. Amb l'objectiu d'obtenir informació sobre el rendiment de les marques de notícies digitals a tot el món i de saber si les seves audiències són similars o diferents a les dels mitjans amb arrels tradicionals a Espanya, ens basem en dades d'una enquesta de 2021 i 2022, respectivament. Primer, examinem quina proporció d'adults connectats a internet fa servir alguna de les marques de notícies purament digitals més populars en 24 països majoritàriament europeus i en 22 mercats d'Amèrica, Àfrica i la regió Àsia-Pacífic, i destaquem com es classifiquen les principals marques nadiues digitals en funció de l'audiència setmanal que aconsegueixin. Després comparem els perfils dels usuaris de les cinc organitzacions de notícies exclusivament digitals més utilitzades a Espanya, amb les audiències de les cinc principals marques tradicionals (N = 2028), i analitzem la lleialtat dels lectors, el gènere, l'edat, els nivells d'educació i ingressos, i la inclinació política. Amb aquest enfocament centrat en les audiències dels mitjans, trobem que les marques de mitjans de notícies nadius digitals són líders (en 15 de 46 països) o ocupen algunes de les primeres posicions per abast setmanal en la majoria dels mercats, amb els països nòrdics com a excepció. A Espanya, les audiències de les principals marques nadiues digitals les consulten amb una freqüència lleugerament menor que els usuaris de llocs de notícies amb arrels tradicionals. Els llocs de notícies en el nostre estudi són una mica més populars entre els homes, les persones grans i els usuaris més benestants i amb educació formal, capaços de definir la seva postura política. No obstant això, la diversitat d'enfocaments editorials que es troben entre els llocs, en un mercat de mitjans de notícies pluralista, inevitablement dona com a resultat marques amb perfils d'usuari que mostren excepcions a aquestes tendències.Las publicaciones de noticias puramente digitales se han convertido en actores competitivos en muchos países y ocupan puestos destacados en las clasificaciones de audiencia en el contexto de un entorno mediático de alta capacidad de elección. Con el objetivo de obtener información sobre el rendimiento de las marcas de noticias digitales en todo el mundo y de saber si sus audiencias son similares o diferentes a las de los medios con raíces tradicionales en España, nos basamos en datos de una encuesta de 2021 y 2022, respectivamente. Primero, examinamos qué proporción de adultos conectados a internet usa alguna de las marcas de noticias puramente digitales más populares en 24 países mayoritariamente europeos y en 22 mercados de América, África y la región Asia-Pacífico, y destacamos cómo se clasifican las principales marcas nativas digitales en función de la audiencia semanal que alcancen. Luego comparamos los perfiles de los usuarios de las cinco organizaciones de noticias exclusivamente digitales más utilizadas en España, con las audiencias de las cinco principales marcas tradicionales (N = 2028), y analizamos la lealtad de los lectores, el género, la edad, los niveles de educación e ingresos, y la inclinación política. Con este enfoque centrado en las audiencias de los medios, encontramos que las marcas de medios de noticias nativos digitales son líderes (en 15 de 46 países) u ocupan algunas de las primeras posiciones por alcance semanal en la mayoría de los mercados, con los países nórdicos como excepción. En España, las audiencias de las principales marcas nativas digitales las consultan con una frecuencia ligeramente menor que los usuarios de sitios de noticias con raíces tradicionales. Los sitios de noticias en nuestro estudio son un poco más populares entre los hombres, las personas mayores y los usuarios más pudientes y con educación formal, capaces de definir su postura política. Sin embargo, la diversidad de enfoques editoriales que se encuentran entre los sitios, en un mercado de medios de noticias pluralista, inevitablemente da como resultado marcas con perfiles de usuario que muestran excepciones a estas tendencias

    Razvoj katastra nekretnina u Srbiji

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    This paper provides an overview development and the real estate cadastre maintenance in the Republic of Serbia. The State has recognized that an effective national property rights system is prerequisite for economic growth and broadening economic prosperity through the land and housing development, wise stewardship of national resources, increased use of property, increased property tax collection and efficient land markets. The State and International Development Association concluded the Development Credit for the Real Estate Cadastre and Registration Project in Serbia signing it in 2004. This paper also provides an overview of the existing records of real estates. It points out the advantages of the Real Estate Cadastre as the unified records of real estates and presents the current situation in the creation of the Real Estate Cadastre in Serbia.U ovom radu dan je pregled izrade i vođenja katastra nekretnina u Republici Srbiji. Država je prepoznala da je učinkoviti nacionalni sustav uknjižbe vlasničkih prava preduvjet za ekonomski rast i širenje gospodarskog prosperiteta kroz razvoj zemljišta i stanovanja, mudro upravljanje nacionalnim resursima, veće korištenje nekretnina, veće prikupljanje poreza na nekretnine te učinkovitije tržište nekretnina. Država i Međunarodna udruga za razvoj su 2004. godine potpisale ugovor o kreditu za Projekt izrade katastra nekretnina i uknjižbe u Srbiji. Ovaj rad također daje pregled postojećeg registra nekretnina, u kojem se ističu prednosti katastra nekretnina kao objedinjenog registra nekretnina te se opisuje postojeća situacija u procesu izrade katastra nekretnina u Srbiji

    Digital-native news media: Reach in 46 countries, top brands and user profiles in Spain

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    Digital-pure news publications have become competitive players in many countries, populating audience rankings in the context of a high-choice media environment. With the aim of gaining insight into the performance of digital-native news brands around the world and into how their audiences are similar or different to those of media with traditional roots in Spain, we draw on survey data for 2021 and 2022, respectively. First, we examine what proportion of online adults use any of the most popular digital-pure news brands in 24 mostly European countries and in 22 markets in America, Africa and the Asia-Pacific region, and we highlight how the main digital-native brands rank among online news sources, based on their weekly audience reach. Then we compare the user profiles of the five most-used online-only news organizations in Spain, against the audiences of the top five legacy brands (N = 2028), looking at reader loyalty, gender, age, income and education levels, and political leaning. With this media-centric approach to audiences, we find that digital-native news media brands either lead (in 15 out of 46 countries) or occupy some of the top positions by weekly reach in most markets, with Nordic countries standing out as an exception. In Spain, audiences of the top digital-native brands check them slightly less frequently than the users of news sites with traditional roots. News sites in our study are slightly more popular among males, older people, and more affluent and formally educated users who can define their political stance. Nevertheless, the diversity of editorial approaches found among sites in an externally pluralistic news media market inevitably results in brands with user profiles that show exceptions to these trends

    Assessment of coronary sinus anatomy between normal and insufficient mitral valves by multi-slice computertomography for mitral annuloplasty device implantation

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    Introduction: Latest techniques enable positioning of devices into the coronary sinus (CS) for mitral valve (MV) annuloplasty. We evaluate the feasibility of non-invasive assessment to determine CS anatomy and its relation to MV annulus and coronary arteries by multi-slice CT (MSCT) in normal and insufficient MV. Methods: Fifty patients (33 males, 17 females, age 67±11 years) were studied retrospectively by 64-MSCT scans for anatomical criteria regarding CS and its relation to MV annulus and circumflex artery (CX). We included 24 patients with severe mitral insufficiency and 26 with no MV disease. Diameter of MV, of proximal and distal ostium of CS, length and volume of CS, angle between anterior interventricular vein (AIV) and CS, caliber change of CX before, under/over and after CS were analysed. Different anatomical correlations were demonstrated: distance of MV annulus to CS, CX to CS. Results: Diameter of proximal CS ostium was significantly larger in insufficient MV compared to normal MV (11±2.8mm vs 9.9±2.5mm; p<0.024). CS was significantly longer in patients with insufficient MV (125.4±17mm vs 108.9±18mm; p<0.003) with also significant differences in volume of CS (p<0.039). Significant difference in annulus diameter, 46.1±6mm (insufficient MV) versus 39.5±7.5mm, p<0.004 was observed. Angle CS-AIV was 103.5±29° (range 52°-144°) in insufficient valves versus 118.2±24.5° (range 73°-166°) in normal valves with a tendency to higher angles in normal valves (p=0.06). Distance of MV annulus to CS measured 16±4.1/14.2±3.6mm (insufficient/normal MV) without significant difference between groups. In 15 patients CX ran under CS. Eighty-four percent of these patients (13/15) show a decrease in CS caliber in the area of intersection. In 14 patients CS ran over and in one patient the diameter of the CS at intersecting region was smaller. In 16 patients no direct point of contact was visible, in five patients CX to CS positioning was not evaluable. Conclusion: There is a significant anatomic difference between normal and insufficient MV, which might be the basis for any interventional approaches through the CS. Exact measurements of all structures and its anatomic correlations are possible with MSCT, which allows pre-interventional plannin

    Revisión teórica de la agencia publicitaria en la cultura digital

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    Tim Bourne (2014) advierte de una serie de cambios en el mercado publicitario como el surgimiento de nuevos competidores, nuevas oportunidades y prioridades de comunicación y cambios en las ventas y en la distribución. En este panorama, la tecnología juega un papel omnipresente y es el motor capaz de inspirar hacia nuevas innovaciones y evoluciones. El objetivo del presente artículo es resaltar los aspectos fundamentales en la transformación de la industria publicitaria y de la agencia de publicidad como consecuencia de los efectos de la digitalización. Para ello, y tras una revisión de los trabajos publicados en revistas científicas españolas y extranjeras, en el presente trabajo se describen las características principales de la comunicación publicitaria en la cultura digital y, cómo en este nuevo entorno mediático, han surgido nuevas formas de entender la comunicación y la creatividad publicitaria. A continuación se resaltarán las principales transformaciones que las agencias de publicidad deben realizar para seguir cumpliendo con su función dentro del entorno digital. Por último, y aunque existen pocos estudios que investiguen los cambios que se han producido en los procesos de trabajo creativos dentro de las agencias (Sasser, Scott y Kilgour, 2013), se esbozan algunas características de la agencias del futuro

    Regional myocardial ischemia in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: Impact of myectomy

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    AbstractObjectiveChest pain is a common finding in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and can be observed in 40% to 50% of all patients. However, the pathogenesis of these ischemia-like symptoms is still unclear.MethodsTwenty-two patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and 15 controls underwent positron emission tomography for evaluation of regional myocardial perfusion and coronary flow reserve (hyperemic/baseline myocardial blood flow). Myocardial perfusion (mL/min/g) was measured using [13N]ammonia at rest and during hyperemia with dipyridamole (0.56 mg/kg intravenously). Regional coronary flow reserve was assessed in 3 planes (apical, midventricular, basal) in 4 regions (septal, anterior, lateral, inferior). Patients were divided into 2 groups: group 1 consisted of 11 patients treated with surgical myectomy (age 56 ± 10 years) and group 2 consisted of 11 patients treated medically (age 53 ± 13 years).ResultsMean global coronary flow reserve was 3.87 ± 0.92 in controls but 2.31 ± 0.40 in operated (P < .001 vs controls) and 1.76 ± 0.58 in medically treated patients (P < .001 vs controls, P < .05 vs operated). Similarly, septal coronary flow reserve was 4.19 ± 1.22 in controls but significantly reduced in operated patients (2.26 ± 0.48, P < .001 vs controls) and in medically treated patients (1.76 ± 0.58; P < .001 vs controls). However, septal flow reserve was significantly higher in operated patients than in patients with medically treated hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (+37%, P < .05), mainly due to a reduced resting myocardial perfusion.ConclusionsGlobal and regional myocardial perfusion is reduced in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. However, myectomy may have a beneficial effect on septal perfusion and flow reserve. Thus, ischemia seems to play an important role in the symptomatology and pathophysiology of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

    Real-world disease-modifying therapy usage in persons with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: Cross-sectional data from the Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Registry.

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    INTRODUCTION Several disease-modifying therapies (DMTs), covering a broad spectrum of mechanisms of action, have been approved by regulatory agencies for the treatment of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). However, only little is known about the current real-world treatment situation in Switzerland. Based on data from a diverse population of 668 persons with RRMS from the Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Registry (SMSR), the present study aims to fill this gap with a descriptive, cross-sectional approach. METHODS Data originated from the SMSR baseline questionnaire and follow-up surveys. Data on current health status and life situation in the last 6 months were extracted from the survey distributed throughout 2020 and 2021, while data on disease-modifying therapy (DMT) histories were included from preceding surveys. Initially, data was stratified into three DMT groups according to the current DMT status (NO (No DMT), CONTINUED (DMT started more than 6 months ago), and NEW (DMT started less than 6 months ago)). In a subsequent analysis, the sample was stratified into groups corresponding to the five most frequently prescribed DMTs. Self-reported outcomes including therapy discontinuation or interruption, relapses and side-effects in the last 6 months were analyzed per group. Life and health situation parameters were also determined and analyzed. RESULTS The study population consisted of 445 (66.6%) individuals belonging to the CONTINUED, 84 (12.6%) to the NEW, and 139 (20.8%) to the NO group. Within the NO group, 24 (17.3%) reported relapses. Furthermore, self-reported relapses (28 (33.3%)), side-effects (39 (46.4%)), and treatment discontinuations or interruptions (30 (35.7%)) occurred more frequently in the NEW compared to the CONTINUED group (37 (8.3%), 125 (28.1%), 8 (1.8%), respectively). The three groups also differed with respect to age, time since diagnosis, number of symptoms, DMT history, and health-related quality of life. The five most frequently prescribed DMTs included fingolimod (33.4%), dimethyl fumarate (25.0%), ocrelizumab (23.6%), natalizumab (10.6%) and teriflunomide (7.5%). The frequency of self-reported relapses ranged from 9.7% to 13.6%. Notable differences were found in the number of self-reported side-effects, ranging from 9.1% with natalizumab to 56.7% with dimethyl fumarate. DISCUSSION This cross-sectional analysis suggested that the majority of individuals with RRMS in Switzerland continuously receive tolerable DMT. However, groups not receiving DMT or struggling with side-effects or continued disease worsening while on DMT still persist. It is conceivable that the number of self-reported symptoms indicates the need for more detailed clarification of the DMT characteristics and expectations of treatment outcomes. Injectable DMTs no longer play a major role in the treatment of RRMS in Switzerland and a trend toward an early use of potent drugs is emerging

    Accuracy of dual-source CT coronary angiography: first experience in a high pre-test probability population without heart rate control

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    The aim of this study was to assess the diagnostic accuracy of dual-source computed tomography (DSCT) for evaluation of coronary artery disease (CAD) in a population with extensive coronary calcifications without heart rate control. Thirty patients (24 male, 6 female, mean age 63.1±11.3years) with a high pre-test probability of CAD underwent DSCT coronary angiography and invasive coronary angiography (ICA) within 14±9days. No beta-blockers were administered prior to the scan. Two readers independently assessed image quality of all coronary segments with a diameter ≥1.5mm using a four-point score (1: excellent to 4: not assessable) and qualitatively assessed significant stenoses as narrowing of the luminal diameter >50%. Causes of false-positive (FP) and false-negative (FN) ratings were assigned to calcifications or motion artifacts. ICA was considered the standard of reference. Mean body mass index was 28.3±3.9kg/m2 (range 22.4-36.3kg/m2), mean heart rate during CT was 70.3±14.2bpm (range 47-102bpm), and mean Agatston score was 821±904 (range 0-3,110). Image quality was diagnostic (scores 1-3) in 98.6% (414/420) of segments (mean image quality score 1.68±0.75); six segments in three patients were considered not assessable (1.4%). DSCT correctly identified 54 of 56 significant coronary stenoses. Severe calcifications accounted for false ratings in nine segments (eight FP/one FN) and motion artifacts in two segments (one FP/one FN). Overall sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value for evaluating CAD were 96.4, 97.5, 85.7, and 99.4%, respectively. First experience indicates that DSCT coronary angiography provides high diagnostic accuracy for assessment of CAD in a high pre-test probability population with extensive coronary calcifications and without heart rate contro

    Orbiting Circum-galactic Gas as a Signature of Cosmological Accretion

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    We use cosmological SPH simulations to study the kinematic signatures of cool gas accretion onto a pair of well-resolved galaxy halos. Cold-flow streams and gas-rich mergers produce a circum-galactic component of cool gas that generally orbits with high angular momentum about the galaxy halo before falling in to build the disk. This signature of cosmological accretion should be observable using background-object absorption line studies as features that are offset from the galaxy's systemic velocity by ~100 km/s. Accreted gas typically co-rotates with the central disk in the form of a warped, extended cold flow disk, such that the observed velocity offset is in the same direction as galaxy rotation, appearing in sight lines that avoid the galactic poles. This prediction provides a means to observationally distinguish accreted gas from outflow gas: the accreted gas will show large one-sided velocity offsets in absorption line studies while radial/bi-conical outflows will not (except possibly in special polar projections). This rotation signature has already been seen in studies of intermediate redshift galaxy-absorber pairs; we suggest that these observations may be among the first to provide indirect observational evidence for cold accretion onto galactic halos. Cold mode halo gas typically has ~3-5 times more specific angular momentum than the dark matter. The associated cold mode disk configurations are likely related to extended HI/XUV disks seen around galaxies in the local universe. The fraction of galaxies with extended cold flow disks and associated offset absorption-line gas should decrease around bright galaxies at low redshift, as cold mode accretion dies out.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, edited to match published version. Includes expanded discussion, with primary results unchange

    Major depressive disorder subtypes and depression symptoms in multiple sclerosis: What is different compared to the general population?

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    OBJECTIVE To compare and characterize major depressive disorder (MDD) subtypes (i.e., pure atypical, pure melancholic and mixed atypical-melancholic) and depression symptoms in persons with multiple sclerosis (PwMS) with persons without MS (Pw/oMS) fulfilling the DSM-5 criteria for a past 12-month MDD. METHODS MDD in PwMS (n = 92) from the Swiss Multiple Sclerosis Registry was compared with Pw/oMS (n = 277) from a Swiss community-based study. Epidemiological MDD diagnoses were based on the Mini-SPIKE (shortened form of the Structured Psychopathological Interview and Rating of the Social Consequences for Epidemiology). Logistic and multinomial regression analyses (adjusted for sex, age, civil status, depression and severity) were computed for comparisons and characterization. Latent class analysis (LCA) was conducted to empirically identify depression subtypes in PwMS. RESULTS PwMS had a higher risk for the mixed atypical-melancholic MDD subtype (OR = 2.22, 95% CI = 1.03-4.80) compared to Pw/oMS. MDD in PwMS was specifically characterized by a higher risk of the two somatic atypical depression symptoms 'weight gain' (OR = 6.91, 95% CI = 2.20-21.70) and 'leaden paralysis' (OR = 3.03, 95% CI = 1.35-6.82) and the symptom 'irritable/angry' (OR = 3.18, 95% CI = 1.08-9.39). CONCLUSIONS MDD in PwMS was characterized by a higher risk for specific somatic atypical depression symptoms and the mixed atypical-melancholic MDD subtype. The pure atypical MDD subtype, however, did not differentiate between PwMS and Pw/oMS. Given the high phenomenological overlap with MS symptoms, the mixed atypical-melancholic MDD subtype represents a particular diagnostic challenge