138 research outputs found

    Propuesta comunicativa para la creación de un período comunitario alternativo en la ciudadela México, zona Eloy Alfaro en el Sur de Quito.

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    La Ciudadela México es uno de los barrios importantes que forma parte del sector sur de Quito, pertenece a la parroquia Eloy Alfaro. Surgió luego de la creación del barrio Chimbacalle. Fue fundada por trabajadores del Seguro Social, los trabajadores del ferrocarril y de las fábricas textiles; actualmente la ciudadela cuenta con cuatro mil a cinco mil habitantes aproximadamente. A través de la investigación realizada y de diferentes consultas a autoridades de la administración Eloy Alfaro del sur de Quito, periodistas del diario El Comercio como los licenciados: Klever Paredes, -editor de los periódicos Correos de los Valles de Tumbaco y los Chillos-, Marco Araúz, -subdirector del diario mencionado- y la licenciada Gabriela Paz y Miño, -representante de la sección Ciudad de dicho diarioy de conversaciones informales con varios moradores/as de este sector de la ciudad, se pudo establecer que en la zona existe la necesidad de contar con un producto comunicativo impreso, que facilite a los pobladores conocer aspectos concretos de la zona, como son: las problemáticas, necesidades, logros y aspectos socio-culturales que rescaten su identidad. En el sector sur, como en otros puntos de la ciudad, se han llevado a cabo diversos proyectos de periódicos locales cuyos objetivos han sido los de difundir las actividades y los adelantos que se producen en esos espacios

    Insights into Transgenerational Epigenetics from Studies of Ciliates

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    Epigenetics, a term with many meanings, can be broadly defined as the study of dynamic states of the genome. Ciliates, a clade of unicellular eukaryotes, can teach us about the intersection of epigenetics and evolution due to the advantages of working with cultivable ciliate lineages, plus their tendency to express extreme phenotypes such as heritable doublet morphology. Moreover, ciliates provide a powerful model for studying epigenetics given the presence of dimorphic nuclei – a somatic macronucleus and germline micronucleus – within each cell. Here, we exemplify the power of studying ciliates to learn about epigenetic phenomena. We highlight “classical” examples from morphology and physiology including cortical inheritance, mating type determination, and serotype expression. In addition, we detail molecular studies of epigenetic phenomena, including: DNA elimination; alternative processing and unscrambling; and copy number determination. Based on the implications of these studies, we discuss epigenetics as a possible functional mechanism for rapid speciation in ciliates

    Twisted Tales: Insights into Genome Diversity of Ciliates Using Single-Cell ‘Omics

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    The emergence of robust single-cell ‘omics techniques enables studies of uncultivable species, allowing for the (re)discovery of diverse genomic features. In this study, we combine single-cell genomics and transcriptomics to explore genome evolution in ciliates (a \u3e 1 Gy old clade). Analysis of the data resulting from these single-cell ‘omics approaches show: 1) the description of the ciliates in the class Karyorelictea as “primitive”is inaccurate because their somatic macronuclei contain loci of varying copy number (i.e., they have been processed by genome rearrangements from the zygotic nucleus); 2) gene-sized somatic chromosomes exist in the class Litostomatea, consistent with Balbiani’s (1890) observation of giant chromosomes in this lineage; and 3) gene scrambling exists in the underexplored Postciliodesmatophora (the classes Heterotrichea and Karyorelictea, abbreviated here as the Po-clade), one of two major clades of ciliates. Together these data highlight the complex evolutionary patterns underlying germline genome architectures in ciliates and provide a basis for further exploration of principles of genome evolution in diverse microbial lineages

    Comparative cost of illness analysis and assessment of health care burden of Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies in Germany.

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    Our study aimed to determine the burden of illness in dystrophinopathy type Duchenne (DMD) and Becker (BMD), both leading to progressive disability, reduced working capacity and high health care utilization

    Global FKRP Registry: observations in more than 300 patients with Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy R9

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    Objective The Global FKRP Registry is a database for individuals with conditions caused by mutations in the Fukutin‐Related Protein (FKRP) gene: limb girdle muscular dystrophy R9 (LGMDR9, formerly LGMD2I) and congenital muscular dystrophies MDC1C, Muscle–Eye–Brain Disease and Walker–Warburg Syndrome. The registry seeks to further understand the natural history and prevalence of FKRP‐related conditions; aid the rapid identification of eligible patients for clinical studies; and provide a source of information to clinical and academic communities. Methods Registration is patient‐initiated through a secure online portal. Data, reported by both patients and their clinicians, include: age of onset, presenting symptoms, family history, motor function and muscle strength, respiratory and cardiac function, medication, quality of life and pain. Results Of 663 registered participants, 305 were genetically confirmed LGMDR9 patients from 23 countries. A majority of LGMDR9 patients carried the common mutation c.826C > A on one or both alleles; 67.9% were homozygous and 28.5% were compound heterozygous for this mutation. The mean ages of symptom onset and disease diagnosis were higher in individuals homozygous for c.826C > A compared with individuals heterozygous for c.826C > A. This divergence was replicated in ages of loss of running ability, wheelchair‐dependence and ventilation assistance; consistent with the milder phenotype associated with individuals homozygous for c.826C > A. In LGMDR9 patients, 75.1% were currently ambulant and 24.6%, nonambulant (unreported in 0.3%). Cardiac impairment was reported in 23.2% (30/129). Interpretation The Global FKRP Registry enables the collection of patient natural history data, which informs academics, healthcare professionals and industry. It represents a trial‐ready cohort of individuals and is centrally placed to facilitate recruitment to clinical studies.publishedVersio

    Treatment expectations and perception of therapy in adult patients with spinal muscular atrophy receiving nusinersen

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    Background and purpose: This was an investigation of treatment expectations and of the perception of therapy in adult patients with 5q-associated spinal muscular atrophy (5q-SMA) receiving nusinersen. Methods: A prospective, non-interventional observational study of nusinersen treatment in adult 5q-SMA patients was conducted at nine SMA centers in Germany. The functional status, treatment expectations and perceived outcomes were assessed using the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale-extended (ALS-FRS-ex), the Measure Yourself Medical Outcome Profile (MYMOP2), the Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire for Medication (TSQM-9) and the Net Promoter Score (NPS). Results: In all, 151 patients were included with a median age of 36 years (15-69 years). SMA type 3 (n = 90, 59.6%) prevailed, followed by type 2 (33.8%) and type 1 (6.6%). In SMA types 1-3, median ALS-FRS-ex scores were 25, 33 and 46 (of 60 scale points), respectively. MYMOP2 identified distinct treatment expectations: head verticalization (n = 13), bulbar function (n = 16), arm function (n = 65), respiration (n = 15), trunk function (n = 34), leg function (n = 76) and generalized symptoms (n = 77). Median symptom severity decreased during nusinersen treatment (median observational period 6.1 months, 0.5-16 months) from 3.7 to 3.3 MYMOP2 score points (p < 0.001). The convenience of drug administration was critical (49.7 of 100 TSQM-9 points, SD 22); however, the overall treatment satisfaction was high (74.3, SD 18) and the recommendation rating very positive (NPS +66). Conclusions: Nusinersen was administered across a broad range of ages, disease durations and motor function deficits. Treatment expectations were highly differentiated and related to SMA type and functional status. Patient-reported outcomes demonstrated a positive perception of nusinersen therapy in adult patients with 5q-SMA