106 research outputs found

    Land tenure dynamics and integrated watershed management

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    The thesis investigates land tenure dynamics and integrated watershed management. We consider integrated watershed management as a process and act of holistically managing the environment in a given delineated spatial unit, considering both upstream and downstream systems connectivity for social and ecological systems sustainability. Integrated watershed management incorporates several implementation approaches, including integrated water resources management. In the research's first primary objective, we survey the state of integrated watershed management in dynamic land tenure contexts. The second main objective, we examine the relationship between land tenure and integrated watershed management. Proactively, the third objective assesses the relevant land and related resources legislation responsiveness to integrated watershed management and the land tenure dynamic and conceptualises for reforms. Analysing and acquiring data involves qualitative and quantitative methods. The methods include primary data collection through catchment surveys, questionnaires administration, focus group discussions, interviews, and catchment reconnaissance observation. Complimentary data consists of systematic literature reviews, secondary satellite imagery and other Geographical Information System (GIS) data. The methods applied produced both unit and spatial data, with unit data mostly from households as the primary units of analysis and interaction. The data is managed and analysed using GIS tools like ArcMap, QGIS and statistical tools in Ms Excel, SPSS, and R. The study mainly draws case studies from the global south, targeting catchments in the Victoria and Albert basin lakes in Eastern Africa. The main findings and tentative conclusions include (a) integrated watershed management approaches improve water resources governance and resource management amidst land tenure dynamics. The evidence shows a significant difference in the performance of water resources governance markedly better in the catchment with integrated water resources management practices than in the base catchment unaffected by these practices. The finding contributes to the aspirations for promoting integrated watershed management approaches for improved resource governance and the concept that resource management measures depend on governance effectiveness. However, the potential of integrated watershed management encounters limiting social factors such as land tenure. According to the comprehensive literature review (b), land tenure relates to various aspects of integrated watershed management, including driving land use and cover changes. As such, we confirm a relationship between land use and cover changes proportional areas losses ranging between 80% - 95% of woodland and indigenous forests in the case study area in the Lake Victoria basin. This degree of land use and land cover change, the functionality of other change driving factors perceived and the degree of adopting sustainable practices depends on the prevailing land tenure. Achieving integrated watershed management, conversant of the land tenure role, requires an enabling legal and institutional environment. However, the research findings for main objective (c) show the prevailing legislation needs to be more responsive to allow effective integrated watershed management. As such, we suggest reforms and provide model legislation provisional suggestions. We recommend several areas for future research, including assessing the legal feasibility of integrated watershed management and land tenure responsive legislation and the needed land administrative reforms to deliver on ensuring sustainability and sustainable development. The research enhances our understanding of the potential and possibilities of land tenure during integrated watershed management. The study also furnishes scholars, resource managers, policymakers, and program evaluators with more information for decisions.Untersucht wird die Dynamik zwischen Landbesitz und integriertem Management von Flusseinzugsgebieten vergleichend am Beispiel von drei Flusseinzugsgebieten im Gebiet des Lake Victoria/Uganda. Das integrierte Management von Flusseinzugsgebieten ist ein Prozess des ganzheitlichen Managements der Umwelt in einer abgegrenzten rĂ€umlichen Einheit, wobei sowohl die vorgelagerte als auch die nachgelagerte SystemkonnektivitĂ€t berĂŒcksichtigt werden, um die Nachhaltigkeit sozialer und ökologischer Systeme zu gewĂ€hrleisten. Das integrierte Flusseinzugsgebietsmanagement umfasst mehrere AnsĂ€tze zur Umsetzung, einschließlich des integrierten Wasserressourcenmanagements. In einem ersten Schritt wird der Stand der Forschung zu Themen des integrierten Flusseinzugsgebietsmanagements in dynamischen Landbesitzkontexten erarbeitet. In einem zweiten Schritt wird die Beziehung zwischen Landbesitz und integriertem Management von Flusseinzugsgebieten betrachtet. In einem dritten Schritt wird die ReaktionsfĂ€higkeit der relevanten Gesetze in Ugandabewertet sowie die damit verbundenen Ressourcen in Bezug auf integriertes Flusseinzugsgebietsmanagement, Landbesitzdynamik und auf die Konzipierung von Reformen. Die zur Anwendung gekommenen Methoden umfassen die Erhebung von PrimĂ€rdaten im Flusseinzugsgebiet, Fokusgruppendiskussionen, Interviews und Erkundungsbeobachtungen im Einzugsgebiet. Die ergĂ€nzenden Daten umfassen Satellitenbilder und flĂ€chendifferenzierte Daten zu den lokalen Umweltbedingungen. Die Verarbeitung der flĂ€chendifferenzierten Daten erfolgte mit Hilfe Geographischer Informationssysteme, die statistische Datenanalyse erfolgte mit Hilfe von Ms Excel, SPSS und R. Die Studie stĂŒtzt sich hauptsĂ€chlich auf drei Fallstudien aus den Einzugsgebieten von Lake Victoria und Lake Albert, Ostafrika. Zu den wichtigsten Ergebnissen gehört, dass integrierte ManagementansĂ€tze fĂŒr Flusseinzugsgebiete die regionale Ressourcenmanagement verbessern. Die Befunde zeigen einen signifikanten Unterschied in der Leistung der Wasserressourcenbewirtschaftung, die deutlich besser in Einzugsgebieten mit integrierten Wasserressourcenmanagementpraktiken sind als in Einzugsgebieten, die von diesen Praktiken unbeeinflusst sind. Die Ergebnisse tragen dazu bei eine verbesserte Ressourcenverwaltung fĂŒr integrierte FlusseinzugsgebietsmanagementansĂ€tze anzustreben und konzeptionell zu berĂŒcksichtigen. Das Potenzial eines integrierten Flusseinzugsgebietsmanagements stĂ¶ĂŸt jedoch auf einschrĂ€nkende soziale Faktoren wie Landbesitz. Entsprechend den Ergebnissen der Literaturrecherche bezieht sich Landbesitz auf verschiedene Aspekte des integrierten Managements von Flusseinzugsgebieten, einschließlich von Landnutzungs und Landbewirtschaftung. In den Fallstudien deuten LandnutzungsĂ€nderungen auf proportionale FlĂ€chenverluste hin, die zwischen 80% und 95% der von einheimischen WĂ€ldern bewachsenen FlĂ€chen betreffen. Dieser Grad der LandnutzungsĂ€nderung, die FunktionalitĂ€t der steuernden Faktoren und der Grad der Übernahme nachhaltiger Landnutzungspraktiken hĂ€ngen im Wesentlichen von den vorherrschenden LandbesitzverhĂ€ltnissen ab. Um ein integriertes Flusseinzugsgebietsmanagement zu erreichen das auch die Rolle des Landbesitzes berĂŒcksichtigt, ist ein entsprechendes rechtliches und institutionelles Umfeld erforderlich. Die Analyse der bestehenden Gesetzeslage zeigt, dass die geltende Gesetzgebung fĂŒr die BerĂŒcksichtigung von LandbesitzverhĂ€ltnissen bei der Umnweltplanung im weiteren Sinne offener gestaltet sein muss, um ein effektives integriertes Flusseinzugsgebietsmanagement zu ermöglichen

    Designing a Multimedia Intervention for Illiterate and Semi-Illiterate Pregnant Women in Developing Countries: A Case of Uganda

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    Die hohe MĂŒttersterblichkeit in EntwicklungslĂ€ndern ist zum Teil auf indirekte Faktoren wie Analphabetismus und eingeschrĂ€nkten Zugang zu Gesundheitsinformationen fĂŒr MĂŒtter zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren. WĂ€hrend gebildete Frauen auf Gesundheitsinformationen ĂŒber Online-Plattformen und mHealth-Apps zugreifen können, mĂŒssen Analphabetinnen diese in Gesundheitseinrichtungen abrufen, was aufgrund der Transportkosten oft nicht möglich ist. Mobilfunktechnologie hat in der Gesundheitsversorgung Chancen fĂŒr ressourcenarme Gemeinschaften eröffnet, die sonst nicht von den digitalen Technologien profitiert hĂ€tten. Obwohl Mobilfunktechnologie in der MĂŒttergesundheit eingesetzt wird, können die meisten Maßnahmen nicht von Analphabeten genutzt werden, verwenden Sicherheitsmodelle die nicht auf den Kontext von EntwicklungslĂ€ndern zugeschnitten sind, und wurden nicht auf ihre Auswirkungen auf die MĂŒttergesundheit hin evaluiert. In dieser Arbeit wurden zwei (Web und Mobile) Apps entwickelt, die die Übermittlung von multimedialen Nachrichten zur MĂŒttergesundheit, Terminerinnerungen und Anrufe/Chats erleichtern. Um die Anforderungen der Nutzer zu erfassen, wurde eine Feldstudie mit halbstrukturierten Interviews und Fokusgruppendiskussionen mit schwangeren Analphabetinnen, Gesundheitsexperten und Entwicklern durchgefĂŒhrt. Es folgte die Entwicklung eines Sicherheitsmodells (T2RoL) zur Sicherung der Gesundheitsinformationen in den Apps, die dann nach einem nutzerzentrierten Designansatz entwickelt wurden. Eine zweite Feldstudie in Form von halbstrukturierten Interviews und Umfragen wurde durchgefĂŒhrt, um die mobile App in einer randomisierten kontrollierten Studie mit 80 schwangeren Analphabetinnen ĂŒber 9 Monate zu evaluieren. Die Auswertung zeigte, dass die App akzeptiert wurde sowie einfach zu erlernen und zu benutzen war. Das Wissen ĂŒber MĂŒttergesundheit in der Interventionsgruppe verbesserte sich, was sich positiv auf gesundheitsbezogene Entscheidungen und Gesundheitsmaßnahmen auswirkte.Maternal mortality is high in developing countries partly due to indirect factors such as illiteracy and limited access to maternal health information. While literate women can access health information from online platforms, and mHealth apps, illiterate women must get it from health facilities which is often not possible due to lack of transport fees. Mobile technology has opened opportunities in maternal health care for low resource communities that would otherwise not have benefited from digital technologies. Although used in maternal health, most interventions are not usable by the illiterate, use security models that are not tailored to the developing countries’ context, and have not been evaluated to assess their impact on maternal health care. In this thesis, two (web and mobile) apps that facilitate delivery of multimedia-based maternal health messages, appointment reminders, and calls/ chats were developed. To gather user requirements, a field study in form of semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions was conducted with illiterate pregnant women, health practitioners and developers. Development of a security model (T2RoL) to secure the health information in the apps followed. The apps were then developed following a user-centered design approach. A second field study in form of semi-structured interviews and surveys was conducted to evaluate the mobile app through a randomized controlled trial with 80 illiterate pregnant women that were followed for 9 months. Overall, results show that the app was acceptable, easy to learn and use. There was improved maternal health knowledge among the intervention group which positively influenced health related decision making and health practices

    Towards Legislation Responsive to Integrated Watershed Management Approaches and Land Tenure

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    Land tenure affects integrated watershed management approaches in various ways, such as influencing land use and investment in sustainability practices and decisions. However, some land tenure and integrated watershed management relations need more examination, including how the prevailing relevant legislation responds and the needed course of action. In this paper, we provide relevant evidence to support a shift to responsive actions and legislation through (a) examining land tenure scenarios affecting integrated watershed management, including the public–private land tenure co-existence from a watershed perspective; (b) the responsiveness of the prevailing relevant legislation to integrated watershed management and the land tenure scenarios and (c) identifying legislative remedies recommendable for responsiveness. We use qualitative methods to review secondary data sources, including four legislations, and complement them with field survey data. Field experiences are from three sub-catchments in the Lake Victoria basin, each representing a different land tenure system, as case studies. Land tenure links with integrated watershed management in various ways, such as influencing land use decisions. However, underscoring the relationship from the private and public land tenure perspective also indicates a complex and tense spatial relationship. As such, it likely limits adopting sustainable land use and management practices in watersheds as a case. Regardless, the perceptions from the study area indicate the land tenure systems and forms enabling sustainable choices and decisions, despite limitations such as tenure insecurity. The disconnect between integrated watershed management aspirations of ensuring sustainability, the land tenure abilities and the subsequent human practices is mainly institutional, with the relevant legislation indicating a low to moderate level of responsiveness to integrated watershed management approaches and land tenure, thus, abating effectiveness. Therefore, we suggest a shift towards responsive programming and legislation and the adoption of model legislation to support responsiveness replication. We also recommend further studies to assess the legal gaps and feasibility thereof

    Linking Land Tenure and Integrated Watershed Management - A Review

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    Land tenure is given attention in the general discussions on conservation and management of natural resources, but the necessary holistic approach to understand the linkages is less considered. Thus, we considered a watershed as a unit of reference and Integrated Watershed Management as a holistic land and water resources management approach with various roles and touchpoints with land tenure issues. To examine the role of land tenure on the management of natural resources in watersheds, we reviewed and compiled literature that captures watershed issues, integrating aspects of land tenure, and aiming to identify the key land tenure roles, dynamics, and its influences on integrated watershed management. Land tenure is observed playing various roles in watersheds and, thus, also on integrated watershed management as an approach—as a driver of change, influence for investment decisions, an incentive for adoption of practices, and leading to sustainability. Land tenure dynamics range from land tenure security, land tenure forms, land access and acquisition modalities, and how these aspects of land tenure relate with integrated watershed management

    Integrated Water Resources Management Approaches to Improve Water Resources Governance

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    The water crisis can alternatively be called a governance crisis. Thus, the demand for good water governance to ensure effective water resources management and to attain specific water goals is growing. Many countries subscribe to the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) approach to achieve this goal. The Integrated Water Resources Management approach aims to ensure a process that promotes the coordinated development and management of water, land, and related resources in a drainage basin to maximise economic and social welfare equitably without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems. The design of the Integrated Water Resources Management approach, including its pillars and principles, aspires to good water governance and effective resource management. However, empirical studies examining this hypothesis and analysing the impact of the Integrated Water Resources Management approach on water resources governance are limited, especially in developing countries. Therefore, we characterised and compared the water resources governance aspects of two catchments in Uganda’s Lake Albert basin. One of the catchments was exposed to integrated water resources management projects, while the other had no exposure to integrated water resources management projects. Some of the factors that supported the comparability of the two sites included spatial proximity linking into a related hydrological and social-economic setup, common water needs and belonging to the same water administration zone. Comparing both areas led us to analyse whether there was a difference in water resources governance actions, as well as in the quality of water resources governance, under the same overall water management and administrative zone. The data were based on field surveys using questionnaires and information guides in both catchments. The results show that the performance of water resources governance is markedly better in the catchment with Integrated Water Resources Management practices than the base catchment unaffected by these practices. Key themes examined include water resources governance styles, water resources governance systems presence, functionality, the performance of good governance principles, and water resources management effectiveness. The findings contribute to the aspirations for the promotion of integrated water management approaches for improved water resources governance, and the concept that the effectiveness of water resources management measures depends on governance effectiveness. Water governance is significant, as it spells out the power, rights, decisions, and priorities relating to given water resources and communities

    A review of privacy and usability issues in mobile health systems: Role of external factors

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    The increased penetration of mobile devices has created opportunities in the health sector and led to emerging of mobile health systems. As much as the mobile health systems have registered tremendous progress, they have been faced with privacy and usability issues. Due to the sensitivity of health information, there is an ethical need to equip mobile health systems with adequate privacy measures. However, these systems should also be useable by the intended users. Even though many researchers are working on solutions, the issues still persist. External factors such as cultural differences have also contributed to the issues, yet they have been under researched. In this article, we conduct a systematic literature review of 22 articles, categorize and present privacy and usability issues and possible solutions. We then discuss the relevance and implications of external factors to the findings on privacy and usability. We end with recommendations to address these external factors.Peer Reviewe

    Chronic genital ulcer disease with subsequent development of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA ) urethritis and bacteraemia in an HIV-seropositive person – A case observation

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    HIV-seropositive persons are at increased risk of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Genital ulcerative disease and sexually transmitted infection with subsequent MRSA infection in HIV-seropositive persons have been documented only once. We report a case of a 44-year-old man who presented to the Infectious Diseases Institute, Kampala, Uganda, with chronic genital ulcer disease and who subsequently developed MRSA urethritis and bacteraemia. This case also demonstrates that persistent genital ulcer disease in HIV-seropositive persons may be as a result of concurrent MRSA infection

    Intractable Chronic Vulval Ulceration Presenting as Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome in a Treatment-Failure Patient: A Case Observation

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    HIV-1 treatment-failure patients are increasingly being initiated on second-line antiretroviral therapy. The case we describe is of a treatment-failure patient who developed intractable chronic vulval ulceration presenting as immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS), following complete viral suppression with second-line highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of intractable vulval ulceration IRIS in an HIV-1 treatment-failure patient

    Immune reconsitution inflammatory syndrome among adolescents: a report of cases in a resource-limited setting (Uganda)

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    We report immune reconstitution inflammatory syndromes in a cohort of adolescents/young adults over a period of 1 year at the Infectious Diseases Institute, Kampala, Uganda

    Basis of selection of first and second line highly active antiretroviral therapy for hiv/aids on genetic barrier to resistance: a literature review.

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    The effectiveness of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) continues to improve as treatment choices expand with the development of new antiretroviral agents and regimens. However, the successful long-term treatment of HIV/AIDS is under threat from the emergence of drug-resistant strains to multiple agents and entire drug classes.Key words: genetic barrier, highly active antiretroviral therapy, HIV resistanc
