190 research outputs found

    Purification of biomimetic apatite-based hybrid colloids intended for biomedical applications: a dialysis study

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    The field of nanobiotechnology has lately attracted much attention both from therapeutic and diagnosis viewpoints. Of particular relevance is the development of colloidal formulations of biocompatible nanoparticles capable of interacting with selected cells or tissues. In this context, the purification of such nanoparticle suspensions appears as a critical step as residues of unreacted species may jeopardize biological and medical outcomes, and sample purity is thus increasingly taken into account by regulatory committees. In the present work, we have investigated from a physico-chemical point of view the purification by dialysis of recently developed hybrid colloids based on biomimetic nanocrystalline apatites intended for interacting with cells. Both Eu-doped (2 mol.% relative to Ca) and Eu-free suspensions were studied. The follow-up of the dialysis process was carried out by way of FTIR, TEM, XRD, pH and conductivity measurements. Mathematical modelling of conductivity data was reported. The effects of a change in temperature (25 and 45 ◦C), dialysis medium, and starting colloid composition were evaluated and discussed. We show that the dialysis method is a well-adapted and cheap technique to purify such mineral–organic hybrid suspensions in view of biomedical applications, and we point out some of the characterization techniques that may prove helpful for following the evolution of the purification process with time

    A Study and Estimation a Lost Person Behavior in Crowded Areas Using Accelerometer Data from Smartphones

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    As smartphones become more popular, applications are being developed with new and innovative ways to solve problems in the day-to-day lives of users. One area of smartphone technology that has been developed in recent years is human activity recognition (HAR). This technology uses various sensors that are built into the smartphone to sense a person\u27s activity in real time. Applications that incorporate HAR can be used to track a person\u27s movements and are very useful in areas such as health care. We use this type of motion sensing technology, specifically, using data collected from the accelerometer sensor. The purpose of this study is to study and estimate the person who may become lost in a crowded area. The application is capable of estimating the movements of people in a crowded area, and whether or not the person is lost in a crowded area based on his/her movements as detected by the smartphone. This will be a great benefit to anyone interested in crowd management strategies. In this paper, we review related literature and research that has given us the basis for our own research. We also detail research on lost person behavior. We looked at the typical movements a person will likely make when he/she is lost and used these movements to indicate lost person behavior. We then evaluate and describe the creation of the application, all of its components, and the testing process

    Study on the stability of suspensions based on biomimetic apatites aimed at biomedical applications

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    Nanobiotechnologies have lately attracted much attention, both from therapeutic and diagnosis perspectives. In this view, the development of colloidal formulations of biocompatible nanoparticles capable of interacting with selected cells or tissues raises a particular interest, especially in linkwith cell-based pathologies such as cancer. In this context, the follow-up of colloidal stability and other physico-chemical features is of foremost relevance. In this contribution, we have focused our study on hybrid colloids based on biomimetic nanocrystalline apatites (analogous to those found in bone mineral) stabilized by adsorption of 2 aminoethylphosphate (AEP) molecules; these nanoparticles being intended to interact with cancer cells either for medical imaging (by conferring luminescence features to the apatite phase) or for therapeutic purposes. We show that various physico-chemical characteristics of the suspensions vary with time, including viscosity and mean particle size, suggesting a progressive structuration of the suspensions. Similar modifications were also noticed during the purification by dialysis. Finally,we report on preliminary experiments aimed at drying the colloids while retaining their capacity to recover their initial state after re-immersion in aqueous medium; so as to enable extended storage periods for the nanoparticles in their dry state while allowing their re-suspension at the time of use. On this matter, the addition of glucose prior to freeze-drying was found to be an effective way to avoid the formation of aggregates during drying. This contribution thus confers additional information relative to the stability of AEP-stabilized biomimetic

    Développement de nano-systèmes hybrides à base d'apatites biomimétiques en vue d'applications biomédicales en cancérologie.

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    Ce travail porte sur l’élaboration et la caractérisation physico-chimique de nanoparticules hybrides à base d’apatites phosphocalciques biomimétiques proches du minéral osseux, en vue d’applications dans le domaine du diagnostic de cancers voire de thérapeutique. Dans cette étude, une formulation colloïdale a été développée en milieu aqueux à partir de sels aisément manipulables et en présence d’un dérivé phospholipidique (2-aminoéthylphosphate, AEP) jouant le rôle d’agent dispersant et permettant de contrôler la taille moyenne des nanoparticules (dans la gamme 30-100 nm). L’effet de paramètres expérimentaux majeurs (pH, concentrations, température) a été déterminé. La complémentarité des données analytiques (analyses chimiques, spectroscopie FTIR, diffraction des rayons X, diffusion de la lumière, MET, mesures de potentiel zêta) nous a permis de proposer un modèle descriptif des nanoparticules colloïdales mettant en jeu la présence de complexes entre Ca2+ et AEP- en surface de nanocristaux d’apatite. La possibilité de conférer des propriétés de luminescence a été démontrée, par substitution d’ions Ca2+ par des ions europium Eu3+, et une durée de vie de luminescence de l’ordre de la milliseconde permet d’envisager l’étude de matériel biologique. Plus ponctuellement, l’adsorption additionnelle d’acide folique a été étudiée, avec pour objectif final le ciblage de cellules cancéreuses. Divers aspects liés à une potentielle utilisation dans le domaine biomédical ont également été abordés, tels que la purification de telles suspensions par dialyse, la possibilité d’une remise en suspension après lyophilisation, l’évaluation de leur cytotoxicité, l’étude de leur potentiel proinflammatoire par interaction avec des macrophages humains, et une étude préliminaire de l’internalisation de ces nanoparticules par des cellules cancéreuses. Ce travail a permis de développer une « preuve de concept » permettant d’envisager l’utilisation future de tels nano-systèmes colloïdaux dans le domaine biomédical, et en particulier en oncologie. ABSTRACT : This work deals with the synthesis and physico-chemical characterization of hybrid nanoparticles based on biomimetic calcium phosphate apatites close to bone mineral, in view of applications in the field of cancer diagnosis, or therapeutics. In this study, a colloidal formulation has been developed in aqueous medium, from easily-handled salts and in the presence of a phospholipid moiety (2-aminoethylphosphate, AEP) acting as dispersing agent and allowing the control of the mean nanoparticle size (in the range 30-100 nm). The effect of major experimental parameters (pH, concentrations, temperature) has been determined. Complementary analytical data (chemical analyses, FTIR spectroscopy, XRD, dynamic light scattering, TEM, zeta potential measurements) enabled us to propose a descriptive model for the colloidal nanoparticles, involving the presence of complexes between Ca2+ and AEP- on the surface of apatite nanocrystals. The possibility to confer luminescence properties was demonstrated by way of ionic substitutions of some Ca2+ ions by europium Eu3+ ions, allowed us to envision the study of biological material. The additional adsorption of folic acid was also addressed, with the final aim to target cancer cell. Other aspects linked to a potential future use of these nano-systems in the biomedical field were also examined, such as the purification of these suspensions by dialysis, the possibility to resuspend the nanoparticles after freeze-drying, the evaluation of their cytotoxicity, the study of the pro-inflammatory potential by following interactions with human macrophages, and a preliminary study of their internalization by cancer cells. This work enabled us to develop a « proof of concept » allowing one to envision the future use of such colloidal nano-systems in the biomedical field, and in particular in oncology

    Geometric generalisation of surrogate model-based optimisation to combinatorial and program spaces

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    Open access journalSurrogate models (SMs) can profitably be employed, often in conjunction with evolutionary algorithms, in optimisation in which it is expensive to test candidate solutions. The spatial intuition behind SMs makes them naturally suited to continuous problems, and the only combinatorial problems that have been previously addressed are those with solutions that can be encoded as integer vectors. We show how radial basis functions can provide a generalised SM for combinatorial problems which have a geometric solution representation, through the conversion of that representation to a different metric space. This approach allows an SM to be cast in a natural way for the problem at hand, without ad hoc adaptation to a specific representation. We test this adaptation process on problems involving binary strings, permutations, and tree-based genetic programs. © 2014 Yong-Hyuk Kim et al

    Better Physical Activity Classification using Smartphone Acceleration Sensor

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    Obesity is becoming one of the serious problems for the health of worldwide population. Social interactions on mobile phones and computers via internet through social e-networks are one of the major causes of lack of physical activities. For the health specialist, it is important to track the record of physical activities of the obese or overweight patients to supervise weight loss control. In this study, acceleration sensor present in the smartphone is used to monitor the physical activity of the user. Physical activities including Walking, Jogging, Sitting, Standing, Walking upstairs and Walking downstairs are classified. Time domain features are extracted from the acceleration data recorded by smartphone during different physical activities. Time and space complexity of the whole framework is done by optimal feature subset selection and pruning of instances. Classification results of six physical activities are reported in this paper. Using simple time domain features, 99 % classification accuracy is achieved. Furthermore, attributes subset selection is used to remove the redundant features and to minimize the time complexity of the algorithm. A subset of 30 features produced more than 98 % classification accuracy for the six physical activities

    Genetic Programming Lifelong Multitasking Evolution: LLGP-Tasking

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    We present a Lifelong Multi-Tasking learning algorithm based on Genetic Programming referred to as “LLGPTasking”. This paper extends previously published work ”GPTasking” kattanSSCI2020GPTASKING, evolving a population of GP trees using a multifaceted strategy. In GP-Tasking, each individual is trained with multiple fitness functions (where each function represents one task and has different training/testing sets). Empirical evidence demonstrated that the quality of evolved solutions is comparable to standard GP achieving significantly faster computational time while maintaining smaller evolved population sizes. In this work, we improved GP-Tasking and introduced a new crossover mechanism to transfer useful knowledge across different tasks. Further, we introduced new population initialisation approach to accumulate knowledge across different domains. The new LLGP-Tasking can solve multiple problems simultaneously and receive sequentially new batches of problems, Experimental results of the new LLGPTasking demonstrate superiority of evolved solutions over standard GP and it maintained same search speed produced by its predecessor (i.e., GP-Tasking)

    Energetics of lanthanide-doped calcium phosphate apatite

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    Lanthanides “Ln” (rare earths) are critical elements found in natural minerals such as calcium phosphate apatites, in sedimentary and igneous settings as well as in skeletal diagenesis. From a medical point of view, nanoparticles of lanthanide-doped apatites can be produced for conferring luminescence properties of interest in cancer cells detection. However, the impact of the substitution of Ln for Ca on the stability and solubility of related apatite phases is still essentially unknown. To investigate the thermochemical effects of such lanthanide substitution for calcium in apatite, we prepared and analyzed four series of apatites with up to 10% lanthanide substitution for calcium. After thorough physicochemical characterization via complementary techniques (XRD, FTIR, TG/DSC, and IPC-AES), high-temperature oxide melt solution calorimetry in molten sodium molybdate at 973 K was performed to determine their enthalpies of formation from constituent oxides and from the elements, at 298 K. Our results indicate that although enthalpies of formation are strongly exothermic in all cases, Ln-doping has a destabilizing effect, which increases with dopant concentration and with the size of the incorporated Ln3+ ion. After estimating standard entropies, Gibbs free energies of formation and equilibrium constants for Ca2+/Ln3+ exchange reactions in apatite were then evaluated, for the first time allowing access to quantitative thermodynamic data that may be used in various fields for stability calculations or partitioning estimates between fluids and solids
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