81 research outputs found

    Ein Notenschrank wandert ins Internet: DFG-Projekt zur Instrumentalmusik der Dresdner Hofkapelle an der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (SLUB)

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    Das Notenmaterial der Dresdner Hofkapelle aus dem 18. Jahrhundert zählt zu den musikhistorischen Kostbarkeiten im Besitz der SLUB Dresden. Die 1896 an die damalige Königliche öffentliche Bibliothek gelangten 1 750 Manuskripte werden in einem DFG-geförderten Projekt „Die Instrumentalmusik der Dresdner Hofkapelle zur Zeit der sächsisch-polnischen Union“ seit 2008 wissenschaftlich erfasst und digitalisiert. Bisher stehen 895 Digitalisate frei zur Verfügung

    Protozoans as a food source for Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba: complementary insights from stomach content, fatty acids, and stable isotopes

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    We studied the diet of Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, at five stations across the southwest Atlantic sector in summer 2003 by analyzing stomach content, fatty acids, and stable isotopes on the same individuals. Our aim was to examine what each method could contribute to our understanding of krill nutrition and whether differences seen in growth rates were linked to their food. All three methods indicated clear regional differences in diet, but small ontogenetic and sex-related differences. Overall, diatoms were the most abundant item in the stomach, but at three of the stations, tintinnids, large dinoflagellates, and other armored flagellates dominated the identifiable biomass. Copepod remains were rare. Fatty acids profiles gave additional information about feeding on weakly silicified diatoms and athecate heterotrophic dinoflagellates, with the latter being the main food source at one of the stations. Two independent indices of carnivory, d15N and the fatty acid ratio 18:1(n-9)/18:1(n-7), were correlated among krill from the same swarm, suggesting consistent differences in diet between individuals. An internal index of trophic position, (i.e., d15Nglutamic acid-d15Nphenylalanine) underlined the importance of heterotrophic food for the nutrition of krill, even in summer. Highest growth rates of krill were found during a diatom bloom and coincided with a mixed diet, large digestive gland, and fast stomach passage. However, even in a nonbloom, flagellate-dominated system, krill were able to sustain medium growth rates when feeding on heterotrophic dinoflagellates. Each method supplied specific information on krill nutrition, and the true picture is only revealed when the various methods are used together

    Mental health and well-being from childhood to adulthood: design, methods and results of the 11-year follow-up of the BELLA study

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    Mental health and well-being are of great interest in health policy and research. Longitudinal surveys are needed to provide solid population-based data. We describe the design and methods of an 11-year follow-up of the German BELLA study in children, adolescents and young adults, and we report on age- and gender-specific courses of general health and well-being, long-term health-related outcomes of mental health problems, and mental health care use. The BELLA study is the module on mental health and well-being within the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS). Standardised measures were used at each of the five measurement points of the BELLA study. In the 11-year follow-up, young people aged 7–31 years participated (n = 3492). Individual growth modelling, linear regression and descriptive analyses were conducted. Self-reported general health and well-being were both better in younger (vs. older) and in male (vs. female) participants according to the data from all five measurement points. Mental health problems in childhood and adolescence (measured at baseline) predicted impaired health outcomes at 6-year and 11-year follow-ups. Approximately one out of four children with a diagnosed mental disorder was not undergoing mental health treatment. With its 11-year follow-up, the prospective longitudinal BELLA study provides new and solid data on mental health and well-being from childhood to adulthood in Germany, and these data are important for health promotion and prevention practices. These results are consistent with previous findings. Promising future analyses are planned.Peer Reviewe

    Amoeboid-mesenchymal migration plasticity promotes invasion only in complex heterogeneous microenvironments

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    During tissue invasion individual tumor cells exhibit two interconvertible migration modes, namely mesenchymal and amoeboid migration. The cellular microenvironment triggers the switch between both modes, thereby allowing adaptation to dynamic conditions. It is, however, unclear if this amoeboid-mesenchymal migration plasticity contributes to a more effective tumor invasion. We address this question with a mathematical model, where the amoeboid-mesenchymal migration plasticity is regulated in response to local extracellular matrix resistance. Our numerical analysis reveals that extracellular matrix structure and presence of a chemotactic gradient are key determinants of the model behavior. Only in complex microenvironments, if the extracellular matrix is highly heterogeneous and a chemotactic gradient directs migration, the amoeboid-mesenchymal migration plasticity allows a more widespread invasion compared to the non-switching amoeboid and mesenchymal modes. Importantly, these specific conditions are characteristic for in vivo tumor invasion. Thus, our study suggests that in vitro systems aiming at unraveling the underlying molecular mechanisms of tumor invasion should take into account the complexity of the microenvironment by considering the combined effects of structural heterogeneities and chemical gradients on cell migration

    Survival analysis for AdVerse events with VarYing follow-up times (SAVVY) -- estimation of adverse event risks

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    The SAVVY project aims to improve the analyses of adverse event (AE) data in clinical trials through the use of survival techniques appropriately dealing with varying follow-up times and competing events (CEs). Although statistical methodologies have advanced, in AE analyses often the incidence proportion, the incidence density, or a non-parametric Kaplan-Meier estimator (KME) are used, which either ignore censoring or CEs. In an empirical study including randomized clinical trials from several sponsor organisations, these potential sources of bias are investigated. The main aim is to compare the estimators that are typically used in AE analysis to the Aalen-Johansen estimator (AJE) as the gold-standard. Here, one-sample findings are reported, while a companion paper considers consequences when comparing treatment groups. Estimators are compared with descriptive statistics, graphical displays and with a random effects meta-analysis. The influence of different factors on the size of the bias is investigated in a meta-regression. Comparisons are conducted at the maximum follow-up time and at earlier evaluation time points. CEs definition does not only include death before AE but also end of follow-up for AEs due to events possibly related to the disease course or the treatment. Ten sponsor organisations provided 17 trials including 186 types of AEs. The one minus KME was on average about 1.2-fold larger than the AJE. Leading forces influencing bias were the amount of censoring and of CEs. As a consequence, the average bias using the incidence proportion was less than 5%. Assuming constant hazards using incidence densities was hardly an issue provided that CEs were accounted for. There is a need to improve the guidelines of reporting risks of AEs so that the KME and the incidence proportion are replaced by the AJE with an appropriate definition of CEs

    A GWAS sequence variant for platelet volume marks an alternative DNM3 promoter in megakaryocytes near a MEIS1 binding site

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    We recently identified 68 genomic loci where common sequence variants are associated with platelet count and volume. Platelets are formed in the bone marrow by megakaryocytes, which are derived from hematopoietic stem cells by a process mainly controlled by transcription factors. The homeobox transcription factor MEIS1 is uniquely transcribed in megakaryocytes and not in the other lineage-committed blood cells. By ChIP-seq, we show that 5 of the 68 loci pinpoint a MEIS1 binding event within a group of 252 MK-overexpressed genes. In one such locus in DNM3, regulating platelet volume, the MEIS1 binding site falls within a region acting as an alternative promoter that is solely used in megakaryocytes, where allelic variation dictates different levels of a shorter transcript. The importance of dynamin activity to the latter stages of thrombopoiesis was confirmed by the observation that the inhibitor Dynasore reduced murine proplatelet for-mation in vitro