429 research outputs found

    Human Resource Management Systems: A Structured Review of Research Contributions and Open Questions

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    "Against the backdrop of a long standing research tradition on the topic of HRM systems, several prominent lines of research have been developed that offer central contributions to different aspects, questions and levels of HRM systems. Due to the fact that the established conceptual and empirical approaches to HRM systems differ with respect to their levels of analysis, questions posed and methods used, the field is characterized by more or less heterogeneous contributions and no clear overall structure. However, two central perspectives in the field of HRM systems research can be identified: A content-oriented approach and a process- oriented approach. In order to connect these perspectives, we develop a set of criteria to analyze and compare systematically content-oriented research contributions in HRM systems research in terms of content-oriented as well as process-oriented aspects. On the one hand, we contribute a structured overview and systematic comparison of many different theoretical and conceptual approaches to HRM systems research, thus making it easier to access this dynamic field of research for scholars, practitioners and students. On the other hand, we derive implications for the better foundation and design of empirical studies, and thus we contribute to the fostering of empirical research about HRM systems." (author's abstract)"Vor dem Hintergrund einer langen Forschungstradition zum Thema „Betriebliche BeschĂ€ftigungssysteme“ bzw. „HRM systems“ haben sich zahlreiche ForschungsansĂ€tze entwickelt, die ErklĂ€rungsbeitrĂ€ge zu verschiedenen Aspekten, Fragen und Ebenen von betrieblichen BeschĂ€ftigungssystemen leisten. Da sich die konzeptionellen AnsĂ€tze jedoch hinsichtlich der gestellten Forschungsfragen, der angewendeten Methoden sowie der Analyseebenen erheblich unterscheiden, weist das Forschungsfeld einen sehr heterogenen Charakter auf. Dabei können zwei zentrale ForschungsstrĂ€nge identifiziert werden: Ein inhaltsorientierter und ein prozess-orientierter Ansatz. Der zentrale Beitrag dieses Artikels liegt in einem systematischen Überblick und Vergleich der verschiedenen theoretischen AnsĂ€tze zu HRM Systemen, der sowohl Forschern und Praktikern als auch Studenten den Zugang zu diesem dynamischen Forschungsgebiet erleichtern soll. Zu diesem Zweck werden auf Basis eines systematisch entwickelten Kriteriensets zentrale AnsĂ€tze sowohl anhand von inhalts- als auch von prozess-orientierten Aspekten analysiert und verglichen. Ferner werden zentrale Implikationen als Ausgangspunkt fĂŒr eine bessere theoretische Fundierung und Gestaltung zukĂŒnftiger empirischer Studien zu HRM Systemen abgeleitet." (Autorenreferat

    On the nature of amorphous polymorphism of water

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    We report elastic and inelastic neutron scattering experiments on different amorphous ice modifications. It is shown that an amorphous structure (HDA') indiscernible from the high-density phase (HDA), obtained by compression of crystalline ice, can be formed from the very high-density phase (vHDA) as an intermediate stage of the transition of vHDA into its low-density modification (LDA'). Both, HDA and HDA' exhibit comparable small angle scattering signals characterizing them as structures heterogeneous on a length scale of a few nano-meters. The homogeneous structures are the initial and final transition stages vHDA and LDA', respectively. Despite, their apparent structural identity on a local scale HDA and HDA' differ in their transition kinetics explored by in situ experiments. The activation energy of the vHDA-to-LDA' transition is at least 20 kJ/mol higher than the activation energy of the HDA-to-LDA transition

    Under utvikling

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    Studentarbeid i musikkformidling (bachelorgrad) - Universitetet i Nordland, 201

    Willingness to Pay for Organic Foods: A Comparison between Survey Data and Panel Data from Denmark

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    We present a project aiming at estimating the willingness to pay for organic foods through panel data and a survey. The panel data is based on weekly reporting of household purchases by 2000 Danish households with information on their demographic and socio-economic characteristics. Detailed information on organic foods exist from 1997. A questionnaire asking consumers to distinguish and rank various food attributes will be sent out to all households in the sample in June 2002. For survey purposes, organic foods are defined as products carrying the Danish state label guaranteeing public control and certification of organic production. The food product attributes include environmental concerns, animal welfare, and food safety (health concerns). Here we present the results from the pilot study sent out in 2001 to 400 randomly chosen households, representatively distributed on geographical regions however. Among the results we note that the order of valued attributes do not differ across organic product types and that avoidance of chemicals is the highest valued attribute. We also present some preliminary estimations on purchase data in order to compare the contingent valuation results with observed willingness to pay. Both valuation methods entail uncertainty, and a comparison may indicate the magnitude of this

    Willingness to Pay for Organic Foods: A Comparison between Survey Data and Panel Data from Denmark

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    We present a project aiming at estimating the willingness to pay for organic foods through panel data and a survey. The panel data is based on weekly reporting of household purchases by 2000 Danish households with information on their demographic and socio-economic characteristics. Detailed information on organic foods exist from 1997. A questionnaire asking consumers to distinguish and rank various food attributes will be sent out to all households in the sample in June 2002. For survey purposes, organic foods are defined as products carrying the Danish state label guaranteeing public control and certification of organic production. The food product attributes include environmental concerns, animal welfare, and food safety (health concerns). Here we present the results from the pilot study sent out in 2001 to 400 randomly chosen households, representatively distributed on geographical regions however. Among the results we note that the order of valued attributes do not differ across organic product types and that avoidance of chemicals is the highest valued attribute. We also present some preliminary estimations on purchase data in order to compare the contingent valuation results with observed willingness to pay. Both valuation methods entail uncertainty, and a comparison may indicate the magnitude of this

    Die Erosion des Normalunternehmertums als Chance fĂŒr eine notwendige Entrepreneurial Diversity

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    Die Autorinnen stellen erste Ergebnisse aus ihrem Forschungsprojekt 'Vielfalt in der Unternehmerschaft: Facetten des Unternehmerinnenbildes in Deutschland' vor, in welchem u.a. folgende Fragen untersucht werden: Welches Selbstbild entwickeln Frauen zwischen dem Entschluss, unternehmerisch tĂ€tig zu werden, bis zur GrĂŒndung, Übernahme oder WeiterfĂŒhrung eines Unternehmens? Welche Rolle spielen hierbei staatliche Programme, aber auch Leitbilder aus der Personalentwicklung oder von beratenden Institutionen, Organisationen sowie Expertinnen bzw. Experten? Ab welchem Zeitpunkt verstehen Frauen sich selbst als erfolgreiche Unternehmerinnen und wie werden sie von anderen an diesen Prozessen beteiligten Akteuren gesehen? Es wurde folgende Arbeitshypothese zugrunde gelegt: Ein hegemoniales und einseitig mĂ€nnlich geprĂ€gtes Unternehmerbild verhindert, dass Frauen im gleichen Ausmaße wie MĂ€nner Unternehmen grĂŒnden, weiterfĂŒhren und in wachsenden Unternehmen Arbeitgeber- und FĂŒhrungsfunktionen ĂŒbernehmen und damit ArbeitsplĂ€tze schaffen. Die Autorinnen stellen zur ÜberprĂŒfung dieser Hypothese einige AuszĂŒge aus den narrativen, problemzentrierten Interviews mit Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmern vor und erlĂ€utern ihre Typologie des Unternehmertums, welche die Typen 'Normalunternehmer', 'Step-by-Step', 'Crisis' und 'Bricoleur' umfasst. Angesichts der beobachteten Vielfalt des Unternehmertums plĂ€dieren sie fĂŒr eine VerflĂŒssigung des hegemonialen unternehmerischen Leitbildes und die Schaffung einer 'Entrepreneurial Diversity'. (ICI2

    Effects of the Commercial Flame Retardant Mixture DE-71 on Cytokine Production by Human Immune Cells

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    INTRODUCTION:Although production of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) is now banned, release from existing products will continue for many years. The PBDEs are assumed to be neurotoxic and toxic to endocrine organs at low concentrations. Their effect on the immune system has not been investigated thoroughly. We aimed to investigate the influence of DE-71 on cytokine production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) stimulated with Escherichia Coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or phytohaemagglutinin-L (PHA-L). MATERIAL AND METHODS:PBMCs isolated from healthy donors were pre-incubated with DE-71 at various concentrations and subsequently incubated with the monocyte stimulator LPS, or the T-cell activator PHA-L. Interferon (IFN)-Îł, interleukin (IL)-1ÎČ, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, IL-17A, and IL-17F were quantified in the supernatants by Luminex kits. RESULTS:At non-cytotoxic concentrations (0.01-10 ÎŒg/mL), DE-71 significantly enhanced secretion of IL-1ÎČ, IL-6, CXCL8, IL-10, and TNF-α (p<0.001-0.019; n = 6) from LPS-stimulated PBMCs. IFN-Îł, TNF-α, IL-17A, and IL-17F (p = <0.001-0.043; n = 6) secretion were enhanced from PHA-L-stimulated PBMCs as well. Secretion of IL-1ÎČ, IL-2, IL-10, IL-8 and IL-6 was not significantly affected by DE-71. CONCLUSIONS:We demonstrate an enhancing effect of DE-71 on cytokine production by normal human PBMCs stimulated with LPS or PHA-L ex vivo

    How the Intestinal Peptide Transporter PEPT-1 Contributes to an Obesity Phenotype in Caenorhabditits elegans

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    Background: Amino acid absorption in the form of di- and tripeptides is mediated by the intestinal proton-coupled peptide transporter PEPT-1 (formally OPT-2) in Caenorhabditits elegans. Transporter-deficient animals (pept-1(lg601)) show impaired growth, slowed postembryonal development and major changes in amino acid status. Principal Findings: Here we demonstrate that abolished intestinal peptide transport also leads to major metabolic alterations that culminate in a two fold increase in total body fat content. Feeding of C. elegans with [U- 13 C]-labelled E. coli revealed a decreased de novo synthesis of long-chain fatty acids in pept-1(lg601) and reduced levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids. mRNA profiling revealed increased transcript levels of enzymes/transporters needed for peroxisomal b-oxidation and decreased levels for those required for fatty acid synthesis, elongation and desaturation. As a prime and most fundamental process that may account for the increased fat content in pept-1(lg601) we identified a highly accelerated absorption of free fatty acids from the bacterial food in the intestine. Conclusions: The influx of free fatty acids into intestinal epithelial cells is strongly dependent on alterations in intracellular pH which is regulated by the interplay of PEPT-1 and the sodium-proton exchanger NHX-2. We here provide evidence for a central mechanism by which the PEPT-1/NHX-2 system strongly influences the in vivo fat content of C. elegans. Loss of PEPT-1 decreases intestinal proton influx leading to a higher uptake of free fatty acids with fat accumulation whereas loss of NHX
