744 research outputs found

    Does having a baby affect tenants’ renting opportunities? Experimental evidence from NYC

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    Access to reliable and stable housing is critical for the general population in urban areas and large cities. This paper tests for differential treatment in the rental housing market using an experiment conducted via e-mail for rental units advertised on-line. There are two emails with the same content, except for one shows the family status as childless and the other shows the family status as having an 18-month-old child. These emails were then sent to the landlords with an equal distribution. Apart from family status, there is no mention of socioeconomic status or any other identifying factors of the tenant. This study was conducted in the borough of Queens, New York. The findings of the study indicated a ten percentage point increase in responses when there were no children in the correspondence for both one bedroom and two bedroom apartments

    Trafficking and localization studies of recombinant α1,3-fucosyltransferase VI stably expressed in CHO cells

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    Peripheral α1,3-fucosylation of glycans occurs by the action of either one of five different α1,3-fucosyltransferases (Fuc-Ts) cloned to date. Fuc-TVI is one of the α1,3-fucosyltransferases which is capable to synthesize selectin ligands. The major α1,3-fucosyltransferase activity in human plasma is encoded by the gene for fucosyltransferase VI, which presumably originates from liver cells. While the sequence, chromosomal localization, and kinetic properties of Fuc-TVI are known, immunocytochemical localization and trafficking studies have been impossible because of the lack of specific antibodies. Here we report on the development and characterization of a peptide-specific polyclonal antiserum mono-specific to Fuc-TVI and an antiserum to purified soluble recombinant Fuc-TVI crossreactive with Fuc-TIII and Fuc-TV. Both antisera were applied for immunodetection in stably transfected CHO cells expressing the full-length form of this enzyme (CHO clone 61/11). Fuc-TVI was found to be a resident protein of the Golgi apparatus. In addition, more than 30% of cell-associated and released enzyme activity was found in the medium. Maturation and release of Fuc-TVI was analyzed in metabolically labeled CHO 61/11 cells followed by immunoprecipitation. Fuc-TVI occurred in two forms of 47 kDa and 43 kDa bands, while the secreted form was detected as a 43 kDa. These two different intracellular forms arose by posttranslational modification, as shown by pulse-chase experiments. Fuc-TVI was released to the supernatant by proteolytic cleavage as a partially endo-H resistant glycofor

    Ecological Characteristics of Streams in the Barrenlands near Lac de Gras, N.W.T., Canada

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    We examined spatiotemporal variation in the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of pristine streams that represent a range of conditions near Lac de Gras in the Barrenlands region of the Northwest Territories, Canada. Principal component analysis organized streams into four groups on the basis of seven physical characteristics. Despite broad differences among groups in physical characteristics, variation in chemical and biological characteristics was generally not large, with only pH and coarse particulate organic matter differing among the four groups. Nevertheless, several chemical and biological variables were correlated with physical characteristics, particularly measures of stream size (bankfull width and depth, drainage area, and stream discharge). Annual variability in climate affected stream temperature and discharge and influenced several biotic characteristics, particularly the growth of young-of-the-year arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus). Barrenland streams share basic characteristics of Alaskan tundra streams, as a result of similar climatic regimes. Key differences between the two areas, however, appear related to the lake-outlet nature of the Barrenland streams, which may contribute to higher growth of young-of-the-year arctic grayling than would be expected from regional climate.On a étudié la variation spatio-temporelle dans les caractéristiques physiques, chimiques et biologiques de cours d'eau vierges qui témoignent d'une gamme de conditions près du lac de Gras dans la région des Barrenlands, dans les Territoires du Nord-Ouest, au Canada. L'analyse des composantes principales a divisé les cours d'eau en quatre groupes, d'après sept caractéristiques physiques. En dépit de différences marquées dans ces dernières entre les groupes, la variation dans les attributs chimiques et biologiques n'était généralement pas très grande, avec seulement le pH et les grosses particules organiques qui montraient des différences entre les quatre groupes. Plusieurs variables chimiques et biologiques étaient néanmoins corrélées avec les attributs physiques, en particulier les mesures de la taille des cours d'eau (largeur et profondeur du débordement, aire de drainage et débit). La variabilité annuelle du climat avait une incidence sur la température et le débit des cours d'eau et elle influençait plusieurs caractéristiques biotiques, en particulier la croissance des jeunes de l'année chez l'ombre arctique. Les cours d'eau des Barrenlands ont en commun les caractéristiques fondamentales des cours d'eau de la toundra alaskienne, vu qu'ils sont soumis à des régimes climatiques similaires. Les différences majeures entre les deux régions semblent cependant liées au fait que la décharge des cours d'eau des Barrenlands se fait dans un lac, ce qui pourrait contribuer à une croissance des jeunes de l'année chez l'ombre arctique plus forte que le climat régional ne le laisserait croire