277 research outputs found

    Nuclear Power Generation as a Reasonable Option for Energy Strategies

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    A paksi atomerőmű üzemidő-hosszabbítása

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    The Paks Nuclear Power Plant: scientific inventions - practical applications

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    A fair question may be what lessons and messages a presentation of a nuclear power plant that was conceptualized in the sixties-seventies and commissioned in the eighties tan provide. Energy consumption by populations causes global problems so the development and safety of nuclear energy has a high priority in our global world. Modern civilization and development cannot be imagined without electric power and from this point of view Paks Nuclear Power Plant is a positive example, because it is one of the most successfully operated nuclear power plants in the world. In our opinion, solving global environmental and climatic problems is inconceivable without using nuclear energy. But our main reason is to present Paks Nuclear Power Plant due to scientific invention and technical development, as not a technical acquisition of a declined atomic age, but as a clean source of electric power that meets current modern requirements and that tan be operated safely for many years to come. The main parameters and operating characteristics of Paks Nuclear Power Plant (figures on p. 189) clearly demonstrate the outstanding technical level of the plant. We analyse why and how this technical level has been reached, what preparations preceded the domestic usage of nuclear energy, what innovation process was initiated from the very start until now in order to increase safety and availability of the nuclear power plant. This presentation is a technicalhistorical overview that also provides lessons for future and other technical-scientific areas

    A nukleáris energia szerepe a fenntartható fejlődésben

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    A hosszú távú energiaellátási stratégia, amely a fenntartható fejlődés stratégiájának egyik alapvető eleme, megköveteli a kiegyensúlyozott energiaforrás-struktúra kialakítását, ami a nemzetgazdaság versenyképességét és az ellátás biztonságát egyaránt szolgálja. Az elmúlt két évtizedben, az energiapolitikák fejlődésében a környezetvédelmi, klímavédelmi szempontok erősödtek fel, míg a reálfolyamatokban a fosszilis energia-fogyasztás, és ezzel együtt a környezetterhelés globális növekedése a jellemző, emellett egész régiók, mint az EU ellátás-biztonsága is romlott. Ezek ráirányítják a figyelmet arra, hogy a politikai preferenciák alapját képező hatásvizsgálatok túlértékelik a regionális akciók, mint az EU energiapolitikai akciói hatásának globális jelentőségét, nem tartalmazzák a konkurens energetikai technológiák tudományos igényű és elfogulatlan összehasonlítását, szemet hunynak a befektetői érdekek által vezérelt reálfolyamatok felett. Jelen dolgozatban e három kérdéskört vizsgáljuk meg. Szisztematikus összehasonlító elemzésben bemutatjuk, hogy a nukleáris energia felhasználása és a nukleáris energetikai technológiák alkalmazása célszerű választás, s az energiatakarékosság és a megújuló energiaforrások fokozott ütemű bevonása mellett az atomenergia felhasználása lehet a fenntartható gazdasági fejlődés megvalósításának egyik eszköze

    A Paksi Atomerőmű Rt. jövőképe - élettartam-gazdálkodás, élettartam-növelés

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    Hazánk atomeromuvének élettartamát körültekintő vizsgálatok és jó előkészítések alapján úgy hosszabbítják meg, hogy a további biztonságos működés mellett a teljesítőképessége is nagyobb legyen. A Paksi Atomerőmű várható jövőjét vázolja ez az írás

    Issues of the Seismic Safety of Nuclear Power Plants

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    Seismic safety of nuclear power plants became an eminent importance after the Great Tohoku earthquake on 11th of March, 2011 and subsequent disaster of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant. Intensive works are in progress all over the world that include review of the site seismic hazard assessment, revision of the design bases, evaluation of vulnerability, and development of accident management capabilities of the plants. The lessons learned from the Fukushima-accident changed the paradigm of the design. Preparedness to the impossible, i.e. the development of means and procedures for ensuring the plant safety in extreme improbable situations became great importance. Main objective of the Chapter is to provide brief insight into the actual issues of seismic safety of nuclear power plants, provide interpretation of these issues, and show the possible solutions and scientific challenges. The “specific-to-nuclear” aspects of the characterisation of seismic hazard, including fault displacement are discussed. The actual design requirements, safety analysis procedures are briefly presented with main focus on the design extension situations. Operation aspects and problems for restart after earthquake are also discussed. The Chapter is more focusing on seismic safety of the inland plants, located on soil sites, in low-to-moderate (diffuse) seismicity regions

    Natural Hazards and Nuclear Power Plant Safety

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    The safety of nuclear power plants with respect of natural hazards can be ensured by adequate characterization of hazards and proven design solutions to cope with natural hazard effects. Design and severe accident management require characterization of very rare event. The events identified for the design basis and for the safety analysis are with annual probability 10−4–10−5 and 10−7, respectively. In this chapter, a brief insight into the actual issues of natural hazard safety of nuclear power plants and related scientific challenges is provided. The state of the art of ensuring safety of nuclear power plants with respect to natural hazard is briefly presented with focus on the preparedness to the accident sequences caused by rare natural phenomena. The safety relevance of different hazards and vulnerability of NPPs to different hazards are discussed. Specific attention is made to the non-predictable phenomena with sudden devastating effects like earthquakes and fault ruptures. Post-event conditions that affect the on-site and off-site accident management activities are also considered. The “specific-to-nuclear” aspects of the characterization of hazards are discussed. This is a great challenge for the sciences dealing with hazard characterization. The possibility for ensuring nuclear safety is demonstrated presenting cases when the nuclear power plants survived severe natural phenomena