31 research outputs found

    Cipiko Castle in KaŔtel Stari

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    Zbog turskih nasrtaja posjednici zemljiÅ”ta između Splita i Trogira grade svoje utvrde na obali mora kako bi zaÅ”titili stanovniÅ”tvo i osigurali poljodjelsku proizvodnju. Trogirski plemić Koriolan Cipiko sagradio je svoj kaÅ”tel 1481. godine. Na temelju povijesnih izvora, arhitektonske snimke, rezultata istraživanja i usporedbe sa sličnim građevinama izrađena je studija prostornog razvoja kaÅ”tela Cipiko.Due to Ottoman advances land owners in the area between Split and Trogir built forts on the coast in order to protect people and agricultural production. A Trogir-based nobleman, Koriolan Cipiko, built a castle in 1481. Historical sources, architectural survey and comparative analysis with similar structures formed the basis for the creation of a document which shows a spatial development of Cipiko Castle


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    Na temelju tragova kamenih tribina koje je joÅ” 1966. otkrio Cvito Fisković, autorica rekonstruira izgled srednjovjekovne sudnice koja se nalazila u obrambenom dvoriÅ”tu zapadnih vrata Palače. U istom dvoriÅ”tu na sjevernom zidu vide se ostaci zazidane niÅ”e u kojoj je vjerojatno stajao kip splitskog patrona sv. Duje. Na temelju vidljivih ostataka, bez istražnih radova, autorica daje skicu pretpostavljenog izvornog izgleda tog arhitektonskog elementa.During the restoration works on the historical core of Split, after the Second World War, many stores in the defensive courtyard of the western gate of Diocletian\u27s palace were demolished. Cvito Fisković, who headed the restoration effort, observed traces of large steps on the bare walls, i.e. stone stands on the northern and southern sides. These traces, which were made in the rock by centuries of rain, are clearly visible today. There were five large steps on each side, 36 cm tall and 60 cm wide, which spanned the 9 m long space. There were probably smaller steps running up the middle of each side for easier access. According to Cvito Fisković, the defensive courtyard of the western gates of the Palace, along with its stone stands, was used as a courtroom, a fact confirmed by historic sources. The stands were removed in the middle of the 17th century, and stores were built in their place. Above the stands, near the middle of the northern wall of the defensive courtyard, the remains of niches, whose stone elements were largely carved when the aforementioned stores were built, can be seen. However, careful study and some additional photo editing have revealed decorations on nearly every stone element, which is sufficient to create a reasonable sketch of their original appearance. This architectural element consisted of a niche in its upper portion, which likely contained the statue of St. Domnius (Split\u27s patron saint, colloquially Saint Duje), and a plate in its lower one, which had either an inscription or a relief on it. According to its stylistic characteristics, it can be ascribed to Mannerism, or more specifically, the end of the 16th century. Upcoming restoration works, which are being planned by the Service for the Old City Core in the western defensive courtyard of the Palace, represent an opportunity for more detailed research on the elements described in this work, as well as finding a better way to present them. It is an opportunity to consider the idea of erecting a statue of St. Domnius in the niche, where it likely used to stand, because Split lacks even a single statue of its patron saint

    Venetian Castle in Split; Construction and Transformations

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    Nakon Å”to su početkom 15. stoljeća Mlečani zavladali Dalmacijom u većim su gradovima sagradili kaÅ”tele. Splitski je kaÅ”tel sagrađen 1441. godine i do danas se sačuvao samo djelomično. Na temelju znanstvene obrade dosad objavljenih radova, povijesnih izvora i rezultata arheoloÅ”kih istraživanja autorica iznosi nove spoznaje o izgradnji i preobrazbi te građevine i daje prostorne rekonstrukcije kaÅ”tela u pet karakterističnih povijesnih faza.After conquering Dalmatia in the 15th century, Venetians used to put up castles in large towns. The Split castle was built in 1441 and has been only partially preserved. This paper presents a research on the construction and transformation of this structure including its spatial reconstruction in five distinct stages of its history. The research is based on the already existing papers on this topic, the historical sources and archaeological research

    The Roman staircases next to the mainland gates of Diocletianā€™s palace

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    Istraživači Dioklecijanove palače su joÅ” davno uočili da su s obje strane kopnenih vrata postojala antička stubiÅ”ta kojima se penjalo na gornji kat građevina položenih uz perimetralne zidove. Međutim, svatko od njih je imao različitu predodžbu njihova izgleda. U ovom će se radu, po prvi put, na temelju novih nalaza, rekonstruirati kako su izvorno izgledala ta antička stubiÅ”ta.Researchers into Diocletianā€™s Palace have long observed that Roman staircases existed on both sides of the mainland gates. They led to the upper floor of the buildings located along the perimeter walls of the Palace. However, those researchers had a different notions of their appearance. In this paper, the original appearance of the Roman staircases shall be reconstructed for the first time on the basis of new finds

    A hoard of late antique coins from Dugopolje

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    U radu je obrađena ostava kasnoantičkog novca iz 4. stoljeća. Ostava je pronađena 1905. godine u blizini crkve sv. Mihovila u Dugopolju. Sastoji se od 38 komada brončanog novca koji je kataloÅ”ki obrađen prema carevima u čije su ime kovani. Zastupljena su tri cara: Konstans (Flavius Julius Constans), Konstancije II. (Flavius Julius Constantius) i Vetranion. S obzirom na stupanj očuvanosti 26 komada novca bilo je moguće preciznije determinirati, dok kod preostalih, zbog loÅ”e očuvanosti, istroÅ”enosti te oÅ”tećenja korozijom to nije bilo moguće.The paper presents a hoard of late antique coins from the 4th century. The hoard was discovered in 1905 near the church of St. Michael in Dugopolje. It consists of 38 pieces of bronze coins, catalogued by the emperors they were struck under. Three emperors are represented: Constans (Flavius Julius Constans), Constantius II (Flavius Julius Constantius), and Vetranio. Given the degree of preservation of 26 coin pieces, it was possible to identify them more precisely, unlike the rest, due to poor preservation, wear and corrosion damage

    Spatial Development of the Southeast Part of Diocletianā€™s Palace*

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    Jugoistočni dio Dioklecijanove palače razvijao se drugačije od ostalih njezinih dijelova te je stoga drugačije tretiran u radovima očuvanja i obnove. Srednjovjekovni nadbiskupski posjed koristio se antičkim prostorijama koje su se većim dijelom očuvale sve do početka XVI. stoljeća. RuÅ”enjem nadbiskupske palače nad zasutim je podrumima nastao slobodan prostor koji se od druge polovice XVI. stoljeća nadalje postupno izgrađuje. Ta novija izgradnja nije vezana za antički raster podruma. Temeljenje dijelom na nasipu, a dijelom na antičkim supstrukcijama utjecalo je na stabilnost građevina koje su u XX. stoljeću u ruÅ”evnom stanju.The southeast part of Diocletian\u27s Palace developed in a different way from the other parts, and it was thus treated differently in conservation and restoration. The medieval archbishopric used the Roman halls and they were mostly preserved until the early 16th century. When the archbishop\u27s palace, that stood above the filled-in basements, was pulled down the ensuing empty space was gradually built up after the second half of the 16th century. This newer construction ignored the classical grid of the basements. The buildings were partly founded on the rubble of the fill, and partly on the Roman substructures, which affected their stability so that were in a ruinous state in the 20th century

    The Cement Factory and the Workersā€™ Housing Development in Ravnice near OmiÅ”

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    Članak prikazuje stoljetnu povijest cementne industrije u okolici OmiÅ”a, smjeÅ”tajući ju u regionalni kontekst. Godine 1908. domaći poduzetnici grade tvornicu u Ravnicama. ViÅ”e puta mijenjajući vlasnike, tvornica je proizvodila cement do 1983. godine, a 2006. je sruÅ”ena radi izgradnje turističkog naselja. Nakon ruÅ”enja ostali su tragovi u Å”irem krajoliku - stambeno tvorničko naselje, operativna obala te tupinolomi.This paper presents a hundred-year old history of a cement factory from the surroundings of OmiÅ” in its regional context. It was built in Ravnice in 1908 by the local entrepreneurs. The factory changed hands several times until it finally closed down in 1983. In 2006 it was demolished and replaced by a tourist apartment development but its traces have remained in its wider surroundings - the workersā€™ housing development, operational quay and clay pits

    Mramorne obloge Dioklecijanove palače u Splitu

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    Interijeri reprezentativnih građevina unutar Dioklecijanove palače bili su bogato ukraÅ”eni mozaicima, freskama i mramornim oblogama. Od mramornih obloga do danas su se sačuvali samo manji ulomci i to uglavnom u arheoloÅ”kim slojevima u južnoj polovini Palače: u carevom stanu i u kupatilima. Jedina obloga koja se velikim dijelom sačuvala in situ jest pod careva mauzoleja. Prema vizualnim analizama materijala od kojih su obloge izrađene, može se prepoznati nekoliko vrsta bijelog mramora i viÅ”e od 20 različitih vrsta obojenih mramora. Prema obliku razlikujemo vijence, profilirane ploče, razdjelne ploče i ploče raznih debljina u obliku trokuta, kvadrata, romba, trapeza, deltoida i složenih formi