Spatial Development of the Southeast Part of Diocletian’s Palace*


Jugoistočni dio Dioklecijanove palače razvijao se drugačije od ostalih njezinih dijelova te je stoga drugačije tretiran u radovima očuvanja i obnove. Srednjovjekovni nadbiskupski posjed koristio se antičkim prostorijama koje su se većim dijelom očuvale sve do početka XVI. stoljeća. Rušenjem nadbiskupske palače nad zasutim je podrumima nastao slobodan prostor koji se od druge polovice XVI. stoljeća nadalje postupno izgrađuje. Ta novija izgradnja nije vezana za antički raster podruma. Temeljenje dijelom na nasipu, a dijelom na antičkim supstrukcijama utjecalo je na stabilnost građevina koje su u XX. stoljeću u ruševnom stanju.The southeast part of Diocletian\u27s Palace developed in a different way from the other parts, and it was thus treated differently in conservation and restoration. The medieval archbishopric used the Roman halls and they were mostly preserved until the early 16th century. When the archbishop\u27s palace, that stood above the filled-in basements, was pulled down the ensuing empty space was gradually built up after the second half of the 16th century. This newer construction ignored the classical grid of the basements. The buildings were partly founded on the rubble of the fill, and partly on the Roman substructures, which affected their stability so that were in a ruinous state in the 20th century

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